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November 04, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-04

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


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t VOU LLIX, INo. 38



Vaasa a cau a

Student Believes Russia.
To Outdo U.S. in Future





Pavel Chalenko, Grad., the Uni-
versity's first exchange student
from the Soviet Union, is "firmy
convinced" that his country' wi
surpass the United States fn al
areas of human endeavor in fu-
ture years.
Reading in halting English at a
press conference yesterday, he an-
swered questions submitted to hin
in advance. He explained that the
USSR would progress more rap-
idly because "the socialist system
goes forward faster than the cap-
italist one," as shown by statistics
Chalenko continued that the
American people have a miscon-
ception of life in the Soviet Union
and consider it' a "b a e k w a r d
power" with a "low standard of
living." He explained he had re-
ceived many inquiries about his
opinion of such things as Ameri-
can food and whether white bread
was available in Russia.
Lacks 'Milk of Birds
"I want to say that the Soviet
Union is the biggest country yin
the world, with .highly developed
industry and agriculture which
provides the high living standard
for its people; that there is every-
thing in our country except maybe
the milk of the birds," he said
smiling. "Our country produces so
much wheat that we can feed two
such states as the Soviet Union."
Asked what aspect of American
life had 'impressed him the most,
he said he was familiar with our
customs from Soviet newspapers,
but was surprised at the abun-
dance of advertising and sexual
Comparing the University with
the University of, Kiev which he
attended for five years, he noted
that this studies here were more
difficult than at Kiev, because of
his ignorance of English, but
Hits Group
' For Actions
Charges that residents of the
former urban renewal area who
are associated with the Citizens'
Committee on Voluntary Rehabili-
tation have been inspecting homes,
issuing instructions for building
repair and giving the impression
they have authority from the city
were made by Councilman Lloyd
M. Ives at Monday night's Council
He named Virgil Huey, 609 N.
Fifth Ave.; Paul McCoy, 607 N.
Main; 'and Walter Wickliffe, for-
mer president of the North Central
Property Owners' Association, 305
Beakes as among those involved
in the situation.
Ives cited two cases on N. Fifth
in which new porches were built
by homeowners on the basis of
instructions by people whom they
assumed to be city building in-
'Has No Authority"
"The point I was trying to make'
was that this committee has no
authority at all to make inspec-
tions, nor would a Council com-
mittee," Ives said last night. "The
only one in then city who does is
John Ryan, head of the Building
and Safety Engineering Depart-
The Citizens' Committee was
proposed by Mayor Cecil O. Creal
as an alternative to the urban
renewal program he vetoed in
Creal said that Ives "probably
got a lot of misinformation.
Ivesr offered a resoluiton calling
for. a statement from the city ad-
ministrator and the Department of
Building' and Safety Engineering
saying that the city is not making
general inspections in the area at
Calls for Information

The resolution would also have
rrovided for the issuance of inf or-
mation that the group is operating
without city authority and that
homeowners should consult with
the building department on re-
quirements for building and re-
modeling permits.
The motion was defeated 6-3
Voting In favor of the resolution
were Ives, Councilman Richard
Dennard and Councilman A. Nel-
son" Dingle,
The. Council did pass, however,
motions' directing City Administra-
tor Guy, Larcom to investigate






SOVIET STUDENT-Pavel Chalenko, the shy, blonde son of a
'Ukrainian collective farmer, is at the University studying mathe-
matical theory. At a press conference yesterday, he answered
questions about Soviet and American problems.

thought curricula, in the two in-
stitutions of similar difficulty.
Universal Characters
He also noted that "students of
the whole world have , approxi-
mately equal exceptionally-im-
portant features of their charac-
ter: inquisitiveness, aspiration to
knowledge, diligence and friend-
. With special thanks to Prof.
Robert C. Bartels of the mathe-
matics department for his assist-
ance, Chalenko said he had been
greeted hospitably by University
students and many had volun-
teered to assist him with English.
"But there is no rose without a
thorn," he continued. "I met .
few men who tried to talk non-
sense about the Soviet Union
without knowing the real life in
our country."
Cites High Cost
He admitted that Universitl liv-
ing conditions are "rather good,"
but commented that the yearly
cost of $1,500 was "a big burden
on the shoulders of students' par-
ents." He contrasted this with
Kiev University which students
attend without charge, receiving a
government stipend for living ex-
penses that enables them to be
free from further financial aid.
Asked if Russian university stu-
dents have freedom of speech,
Chalenko referred to the civil
rights listed in the Soviet consti-
tution, adding that "our students
have no ideas hostile to our state
and they have no reason to ex-
press their ideas secretly, unfree-
. y.''
No Computer Work
Discussing electric computers in
the Soviet Union and at the Uni-
versity, he said he did not work
with such machines in Russia and
did not intend to work with them
here, since his field is mathemati-
cal theory. Although the newspa-
pers reported that he would work
in the field, he said they had not
confirmed the story with him and
were in error.
He added, however, that any
knowledge he gets at the Univer-
sity will be used "for the welfare
of my Motherland."

Asked about student reAction to
USSR jamming of the Voice of
America broadcasts, Chalenko said
Soviet students "under the guid-
ance of the Communist Party al-
ways struggled against the pene-
tration of the hostile bourgeois
Students Favor Jamming
Since the Voice of America
"tries to force to our people bour-
geois ideology," according to the
Russian student, Soviet young
people favor the jamming.
Chalenko also advocated more
student exchanges between the
United States and Russia to pro-
mote a better understanding of
"the peaceful aims, of the life in
our countries.
Group Asks
A iterations
The Student Loan Committee
has recommended two changes in
University direct loan policy.
First, the Committee suggested
that the amount which the Dean's
offices are allowed to lend to a
student without approval 'of the
Committee itself be increased to
Previously the largest sum the
Dean's .offices could loan without
Committee consideration was $300.
The other recommendation was
to increase the amount of time al-
lowed for repayment of loans. In-
stead of requiring payment by the
beginning of the next University
year, the student would now be
allowed to extend his time until
one year from the actual date of
thp loanm.
According to Vice-President for+
Student Affairs James A. Lewis,
"This was done in order to liberal-
ize the loan conditions and make
it easier for the students to bor-]
He added that the increased]
number of students who are bor-J
rowing from the University pres-1
ently makes these changes desir-i

Man's World Gives
oman Her Place
Women in general have been forced to occupy second place toj
men, Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English department declared at a
review of Simone de Beauvoir's book "The Second Sex."
This discussion' was sponsored by the League as a part of its
program of Women's Week. Therole women have assumed is through
no special consequence of theirown, but because of the treatment of
them by men in a man-dominated world, he remarked.-
Mademoiselle de Beauvoir talks about the concept of women as
the "other being," he said. When man first referred to himself as
self, he placed women in the role4>
of "other."
Basic biological discrepancies
account for the inferior position
into which women are placed, he
continued. Male sexual develop-
ment and orientation is simple
compared to that of women.
Inequality of Expression
While the male can naturally>
use sex to assert his individuality,}
the woman uses it to reproduce.
the species. She cannot assert her
individuality through this means,
because then it becomes an ab-
normal form of activity for her,
Prof. Felheim explained.
A man can do almost anything
he pleases, creatively and aggres-
sively. He can create new life and )k "
at the same time can transcend
life, Mademoiselle de Beauvoir de-:
clares in her book."
Lack Capacity
But women don't have this PROF. MARVIN FELHEIM
capacity. They want to create, in- ... on woman's inferiority
vent, and shape the world as men
can, but their fortune is destined
by their role as the producer of DEMOCRATS:
the species.
Women who have escaped from nasa in
this function are not known asV
women, but human beings who
have become queens or saints,
Prof. Felheim remarked.'
The establishing of the idea of G O P
property is the force which abso-
lutely enslaves women, the book By The Associated Press
stated. Men are the owners of Democrats overwhelmed their
property and women are its serv- Republican opponents and re-
ants. A woman, as a piece of prop- tained the Kentucky governorship
erty, loses her attraction. and Philadelphia mayoralty in the
Women through history have main contests in yesterday's off-
never occupied any positions equal year elections.
with men. Democrat Bert T. Combs won

Student Vote
This Election
Down 1,200
2,000 Votes Cast
During Opening Day;
Polls Close Today
A drop in voters of over 35 per
cent from the first day of the Stu-
dent Government Council elections
last fall marked yesterday's bal-
Approximately 2,000 students
voted yesterday, Roger Season-
wein, '61, election director re-
ported. This makes a decrease of
over 1,200 from the elections of
last fall.
He predicts, however,. that the
total for both days will run at least
4,000 for this election.
Many Write-ins
Polls workers have reported that
there seems to be a large number
of write - in votes. Seasonwein
commented that this was fine but
that if any votes were cast for
mythical candidates, the next
registered University students on
the ballot would receive the vote.
Of the candidates running for
election only two, Ron Basse3,
'60, and Al Haber, '60, are incum-
bents. Besides the incumbents,
Nancy Adams, '61; Lynn Bartlett,
'63; Charles Franzblau, '61; John
Garland, '60; Jeff Jenks, '61;
Charles Kline, '61; Babs Miller,
'60; M. A. Hyder Shah, Grad.; El-
liot Tepper. '62, and Bill Warnock,
"61BAd., are running.
Change Hours
The hours at the polling booths
have been changed to a certain ex-
tent. The booth at the. Under-
grad Library will not be open to-
night, but only in the afternoon
from 1 to 4:30. At the Engineering
IArch and on the Diag the polls,
will be open from 8 a.m. to 4:30
At the Union 'the booth will be
open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
and the Business Administration
Bldg. booth will be open from 8
a.m. until noon. The special booth
at Couzens Hall' will be open in
the morning.
This year Cunt Night will be
held starting about 7 p.m. in Club
600 of South Quad. It will last un-
til all seats are filled. Count Night
was moved to Club 600 from the
Union Ballroom, because the ball-
room is being used for a rehearsal.
Due to the new identification
cards, the procedure concerning
punching of cards has been"
Since the new cards do not have
numbers, the lower right - hand
corner of all identification cards
will be punched. On the old cards
this will be number 15, and on the
new ones it will be punched right
under the student's name.
In case of rain all exposed
booths will be moved under the
nearest cover and the balloting

Woman 'Passive'
Language, the key to attitudes
towards - this situation, indicates
the basic problem, Prof. Felheim
remarked. For example, we speak
of "A man marries," but "a woman
is married." Women are always
referred to passively.
Although men are responsible
for this problem, women have ac-
cepted their condition. They might
achieve emancipation in a new
social order, where they will be
accepted, not as women, but as
human beings, he said.
Both the United States and
Russia present better opportunities
for this emancipation of women
than France, he concluded, agree-
ing with Mademoiselle de Beau-

easily over Republican John M.
Rosion in the Kentucky governor-
ship race, despite strong campaign
attacks from Democratic Gov. A.
B. Chandler, who was ineligible to
succeed himself.
"In Philadelphia, Democratic
Mayor Richardson Dilworth won
a second term by swamping Re-
publican Harold E. Stassen, trying
for a comeback, by around 200,000
votes. Stassen said he will con-
tinue in politics but he didn't say
The Democrats also scored heav-
in municipal elections in Indiana
and Connecticut. Republicans
made their best showing in up-
state New York where they ousted
nine Democrats from city halls
while losing four to the Democrats.

Debate kips from SGC to DrinkingLaws
Yesterday's Diag dissertation, Hyde Park, touched on everything
"o wr-wide capitalism to the seal on the Diag but settled mainly
on the current campus elections.
Student Government Council candidates, members, and numerous
{" other students with something on their mind got up and spoke their
An SGC candidate, speaking on social organizations with dis-
criminatory clauses, said there is no valid reason for legislation
against such organizations Just because their national constitution
has a bias clause.
. "We don't know what the local groups themselves feel about the
clauses," he declared. "We only know what their national constitu-
tions hold."
"Therefore, we cannot logically throw such groups off campus."
Lists Ways To Handle Bias Clauses
Another SGC candidate began by enumerating various ways that


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