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November 01, 1959 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-01

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Hare Method'
To Be Used
In Election
Under the Hare electoral system
that is being used in next Tuesday
and Wednesday's election, students
can rank the candidates from one
to twelve on their ballot.
At count night on Wednesday,
all votes will be sorted into piles
for each candidate. Candidates re-
ceive all ballots on which they
were first choice. Then using a
preset system a quota is set for
the election. Any candidate receiv-
ing at least this quota is elected.
The quota is obtained by first
eliminating all invalid ballots.
Then the remaining ballots are
counted. The total is divided by
the number of seats plus one. The
quota is then obtained by adding
one to this quotient.
If all seats are filled on the first
ballot the election is over. How-
ever, if not all seats are filled the
candidate with the' lowest total is
dropped and his. ballots thrown
out. His ballots are then sub-
tracted from the total and a ;new
quota is arrived at in the same
manner as before.
When any candidate goes over
the quota all of his votes over the
quota are distributed among the
candidates marked second on the
winning candidate's ballot.

Newly Adopted SGC Election Regulation
Used for First Time in Fall Campaign

ACTION-After hours of debate last year, Student Government Council voted to withdraw Sigma
Kappa's rpecognition. The action in the case dated back to 1956 when they were first found to be in
violation of University rules. Three months later in February the Council gave the sorority until
September of last year to conform to the rules concerning discrimination. SGC's action was later
reversed by the Board in Review.

COUNT NIGHT-The end of all the campaigning for election to Student Government Council is the
final counting on Wednesday night. Here The Daily and WCBN have representatives taking notes as
the; counting progresses until all'the seats have been filed. This is one of the few times of the year
that the student body comes out in such numbers to watch SGC in action.






K AIlaber.
SGC; Political Issues Club,
president; iInternational Stu-
dents Association; Independent
Student Forum, vice-president;'
Student League for Industrial
Democracy, vice-president; Na-
tional Student Forum, vice-
When I joined the Council a
Year ago, I thought I knew 'what
it was all about. I had student
government down pat. That was
a year ago. I'm now older, and I
now realize that there is no for-
mula to student government, by
which it can ipake the University
an e ducational utopia. High
sounding words are only as valu-
able as the potential to put them
into p3ractice.
Much as I might prefer it other-
wise (and I am no longer sure I
do) things happen slowly. in a
university. Good ideas must be
carefully nurtured. The better the
idea, the more committees it must
survive. The probability of an idea
survival often seems inversely pro-
A . HI. Shah
ISA, president; Pakistan Stu-
dents Association, secretary,
Through Student Government
Council I propose to:
1) To integrate foreign students
into the culture of the campus and
community, through participation,
and to help them reach an under-
standing, of the American way of
) 2) To help increase American
students' understanding of inter-
national affairs, stressing the im-
portance of developing a broad
world outlook among themselves.
3) To increase the awareness on
the part of American students in
sharing their educational resources
with students from other lands.
) 4 To foster and extend an ef-
fective communication among
American students and students
from all nations of the world.
5) To seek further SGC spon-
sorship for the foreign students'
programs and activities in order
to encourage American student
participation in these events.
The social and economic needs
of many countries, especially the

portional to the number of com-
mittees which consider it.
I believe that I have initiated
my share of sound ideas. Some of
these have expired in the effort
to overcome bureaucratic, ineria;
others are still in the works; and
a. number of them have reached
fruition. The more important of
these I outline in my platform.
On the continuation of this record,
I stand.
As for the questions:
1) 'My vote has represented, and
will continue to represent, my
opinion of the best interest of the
sincere student who wants the
most out of his university experi-
ence. I believe that I have been
honest and forthright in dealing
Nith.all "segments" of the campus.
2) The central point of my cam-
paign is, of course, that I am de-
erving of reelection. Student gov-
ernment is as good as the people
on it. It must be aggressive and
outspoken in promoting what it
feels to be right, but more im-
portant, it must be constructive
and realistic in translating its
ideals into practice. Through this,
however, student government must
remain the spokesman of the stu-
dent. For student government to
take on real meaning and sig-
nificance it must have the respect
and confidence of the students.
It must be a group to which you
look for services and constructive
programs, to which you express
your ideas and interests, in whose
decisions you have respect even if
you disagree.
3) The extent of the Council's
impact on University policy and
planning depends on the soundness.
of its ideas and its ability to trans-
late these ideas into workable
practice. Students do. not run the
University but can influence those
who do. And, they may have as
much influence as their ideas have
worth. You may judge the worth
of my ideas from my platform.

BIll Warnock
Lambda Chi Alpha frater-
nity, social chairman, pledge
trainer; Wolverine Club, chair-
man of pep rally committee.
1) In regard to voting on speci-
fic issues, I maintain that the po-
sition one takes is generally a
combined synthesis of the feel-
ings of his group, of his personal
attitudes, and of the aims and ob-
jectives of the University. How-
ever, in matters in which there is
a conflict between these interests,
I believe that his primary respon-
sibility is to the student body,
which is the essence of the Uni-
versity. Thus, as a student repre-
sentative he must vote on issues
in such a manner so, as to satisfy;
the best interests and welfare of
;he greatest of those involved.
2) It seems that the chronic
weakness of SGC is simply its lack
of prestige and popular support
from the student body. The rea-
sons for this deficiency are sever-
al. First of all, the bounds and;
limits of SGC with regard to pow-1

er and authority have never been
clearly defined. Thus situations
have arisen in which the SGC has
advocated and declared courses of
action which were later overruled
as inconsistent with University
policy. Problems such as these
tend to show a lack of power and
importance for the Council which
is certainly a detriment to' pres-
tige. The outlook for this year,
however, appears to be significant-
ly better ;because the new Council
Plan which has been submitted to
the Regents for approval specifi-
cally defines the role and limits of
SGC jurisdiction. Thus with pru-
dence and care, a skillful Council
should be able to avoid such pit-
falls as Sigma Kappa.
The second contributing factor
to insufficient Council prestige is'
that its purposes 'and functions
are not clearly visible to the stu-
dents. The difficulty arises from
two factors. First, there is not
enough emphasis on student rela-
tions, and second, the projects
that the Council sponsors (i.e.,
SBX, Willopolitan, and the Stu-
dent Bicycle Exchange) aren't
given sufficient stress.
As a member of SGC, I would
be quite interested in investigating
the possibilities of increasing the
scope and efficiency of Student
Government Council projects. I
feel that this year with the new
Council plan and the substantial-
ly new membership, significant
steps can be made to improve the
Council's standing and prestige.
3) I feel the role of the Student
Government Council in matters of
University policy and planning
should be subordinate and in a
consulting capacity when sucht
matters have direct or . indirect
bearing on student interests. Thus'
the administration should care-
fully consider and weigh the views1
expressed by SGC because this
group is a representative cross-
section of the many and varying
attitudes and interests 'of student
groups. In order for any policy to
work effectively, it is necessary
that all interests involved be able
to express their attitudes and take2
some part in its formation. When
such procedures are followed, the
result is a uniform, well under-i
stood, and respected policy. c

Ron Bassey
Tau Delta Phi treasurer;
Beta Alpha Psi accounting hon-
orary; Phi Eta Sigma; SGC,
member, public relations com-
mittee, driving regulations re-
vision committee, driving regu-
lations administrative board,
education and student welfare
committee, publicity director,
elections committee; National
Federation of Temple Youth,
treasurer." .m

opinion, but conscientiousness and to do its best, but more responsi-
proper representation dictate that bility will be seen if we carry our
he must be willing to go out of his complaints about SGC to the polls
way to be sure he is aware of and to vote for those we think will best
recognizing properly all minority handle the responsibility of work-
points of view. That an SGC ing in a representative student
member may come from one seg- government. In other words, .if
ment on campus means that he we want a responsible student
must go further out of his way to government, the only way to do it
recognize other points of view for is vote!
the sake of fairness rather than 3) SGC is not a central plan-
that he should stand up for his ning agency for the University,
own personal view and be blind to nor is it even crucial in many
all others. matters, but when it has acted re-
The reason for SGC elections sponsibly, it has been effective in
being general rather than by areas getting more -student participation
of campus or housing groups lies in University policy making and
in the hope that members will not planning. SGC can get and has
feel bound to vote a certain way gotten a student voice in Univer-
without giving thought and con- sity planning boards such as the
sideration to all points of view. Lecture Committee, Admissions
The whole area necessitates good Committee, Housing Committee,
communication between SGC and Development Council, and' many
the student body, and in essence, others. In matters directly eon-
more effective public relations, cerning students, (driving regu-
such as through the Speakers' Bu- lations, library hours, etc.) SGC
reau, which brings SGC members has been and can continue to be
into direct contact with student very effective in fulfilling student
groups,. . . and is presently rela- desires. At the very least, SGC
tively weak. should and often does effectively
2) My most important point is express student opinion, particu-
primarily the above commentary. larly where there is no more di-
Student Government Council tries rectly related student group.

1) No good SGC member can as'-
sume he knows enough and is wise
enough to arbitrarily try to run
other's lives by his own thinking.
The SGC member has, in my
opinion, two main responsibilities;
1) to recognize and express stu-
dent opinion, and 2) to use stu-,
dent opinion to its fullest advan-
tage in furthering the goals of the
University. When both do not ap-
pear to be the same, a compromise
is necessary. To accomplish this
compromise, the SGC member
must make himself fully aware of
all issues, no matter how small,
and of all sides of an issue, no
matter how small a segment of
campus represents them.
From the student body as a
whole the SGC member must seek
out and recognize the majority

utes to the cross-fertilization of
knowledge and ideas across na-
tional boundaries and to American
understanding of foreign ways of
life. When he returns home, his
American experience has a lasting
influence on his career, his out-
look on life, on the long-range
social and economic progress of
his nation. Equally important, the
foreign student comes to know
Americans from first-hand experi-
ence, and can interpret what he
has seen to his fellow countrymen.
Finally, his presence on the cam-
pus as part of a two-day exchange
helps to insure mutual under-
The SGC on the campus should
provide an atmosphere conducive
to expression of and exchange of
ideas on all subjects, political,
social, educational and otherwise.
It should also provide the total
educational experience which is
more than academic. The council
member should be a whole person
with ideas and principles. It is the
member who makes SGC an active
and continual expression of ideals
of higher education, and respon-
sible, voice for an ideal such as
good government for the good of'
the students.
I stand for a virtually "Good.
-F^" nramm n -^"G+hood_ .f I

Adams House, floor represen-
tative, assistant social chair-
man, chairman of " honorary
selection committee, honorary
drafting committee, social rep-
resentative, 'Spring Weekend
chairman, Michigan Union in-
ternational relations committee,
WCBN, Hillel.
More than a new plan, more
than clarification committees, new
rules and endless debates, more
than any other factor, Student
Government Council needs new
life. As helpful as all of these
results of intense introspection
may be, they will not supply what
is most lacking on SGC today-
fresh impetus.
For authority isn't lacking. The
SGC Plan ("Constitution") granted
wide areas of jurisdiction to the
Council. The new plan gives essen-
tially the same powers.
And certainly problems aren't
lacking. With wide areas open to
it, SGC has more than adequate
room in which it can work effec-
tively. A few that I'm particularly
interested in are:
1) Off-campus housing - SGC
has made a fine start in this area.
I would like to see this work con-
tinued and expanded, in both dis-
crimination and sanitation areas.
2) Parking - one area where
SGC could perform a valuable
service to the campus. Funds have
been accumulating for the expan-
sion of parking lots. Let's expand
them. This goes for bike facilities
3) Academic-student represen-
tation on administrative boards
should be increased. Also, the com-
mittee on academic freedom sug-
gested by SGC in the past should
be set up.
4) Discrimination-I'd like to
a~ th faG 49 ri n4rginn ripuwiTt

JohnGarla nd
LloydeHouse, vice-president,
president; Michigan House,
counselor; Political Issues Club,
acting vice-president
Student Government Council
can be of interest and importance
to' students by providing a focal
point for their ideas and opinions.
Student Government Council can
stimulate, encourage, and evaluate
student opinion. The Council can
and should provide a line of com-
munication with the Administra-
tion. To date, this line of com-
munication has been blurred by
the dual concerns of the Council,
trying to legislate and state stu-
dent opinion. To make the line of
communication more effective,
there needs to be a clear respon-
sible statement by the Council of
what they believe the student
opinion to be. Once this line of
communication is effectively es-

160 students from 80-odd nations
of the world. As a result the
University of Michigan has be-
come, educationally, a "most fa-
vored campus," surpassing other
American universities in sheer size
of foreign student population.
As a "most favored campus," the
objectives of the University of
Michigan provide the student with
an opportunity through SGC for
furthering people-to-people con-
tacts, and development of mutual

that power as it probably should.
Once this is realized and the Stu-
dent Government Council does not
try to legislate, the members will
be freed from "fighting" with the

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