~4gAir'w ~U
Seventieth Year
Opinions Are Free
h wil Prevail"
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
OCTOBER 30, 1959
Permanent Solution Needed
TOState's Tax Crisis
:CHIGAN'S LEGISLATURE is meeting to.
solve the state's financial crisis. "Mutual
onsibility" is the keynote of this session,
it looks as if it will be quite a while before
hing is done -for which to be responsible-
,ually or otherwise, for no one is willing to
the responsibility for raising'taxes.
hat seems to be in order for the state is a
e in the nuisance taxes. These will not make
the revenue lost by the Supreme Court's
tax decision, but will allow the state to limp
g until a sales tax referendum can be put
re the voters .in November, 1960. By doing,
the Legislature will not be living up to
r the people, in theory at least, elected
e men to pass laws. If the Legislature in-
on pushing 'through .half-way measures
[ the elections have taken place, they are
fulfilling their duty. If the lawmakers in-
on playing ball, imust it be football?
he Senate Republicans will not allow the
age of any type of income tax. They will -
to the voters as Grand Heroes of the
se strings. But they are not acting wisely
hey force the state into another year of
acial insecurity before a referndum can
e up.
he Democrats, in the meanwhile, will charge
the Republicans have victimized the state
Lelaying a permanent solution to the crisis
will ignore the fact that in the past they
have been as unwilling to compromise as their
opponents. And while all this is going on, the
state will have to bumble along somewhow.
NEITHER SIDE is willing to retreat from its
position for fear of losing face 'and both
will go down together with asinking ship of
state. For the results of this financial drought
will be felt for 'some time to come. Any cut-
backs which the state or its branches may
make, will not be restored at a moments notice.
It may be months or years before state hos-
pitals, road projects, schools and the like can
make up for the time that was lost waiting
for funds.
The crisis will also hurt the state business-
wise as new industries will think twice before
moving to a state that is constantly flirting
with bankruptcy.,
The effects on the University will be marked.
It seems sure that we will lose the Institute of
Science antd Technology-what was to havet
been the first new building for the University
in several years. Faculty pay raises have also
been put in some jeopardy, thus making the
University a prime target for faculty raiding.
The state needs a permanent solution for
its financial difliculties- and it needs one soon.
If the legislature would quit playing games and
get to work, perhaps something could be ac-
complished. If not, the state will have to wait
at least a year before it can begin to rebuild.
AIr Defense and Public Relations Problems
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Charles Ko-
zoll spent last week at Tyndall Air
Force Base in Florida as a press
guest of the United States Air
Force. Members of the press were
shown missiles and given demon-
strations of weapons which the Air
Force is now using.)-
Personnel Director
TWO VERBOSE mayors from
microscopic Vermont commu-
nities earned national headlines
last week when they attacked the
Air Force weapons meet as "a gi-
gantic fraud perpetrated on the
The two small-town politicians,
a c c or d i n g to certain reliable
sources, had concentrated too
little on the practical weapons
demonstrations and too much on
liquid refreshment. }When their ig-
norance and alcoholically stimu-
lated anger reached a peak, they,
slammed the military through a
very receptive press representa-
Although the story that came
out of Florida last week has been
largely discredited by more accu-
rate information, one fact re-
mains: a large segment of the
easily affected reading public has
already fordned negative conclu-
To The Editor
India Not Ready\ Yet
EW DELHI-If war should break out be-'
tween China and India over China's frontier
ressions it will be despite .every deep impulse
i inbred instinct of Nehru, which recoil from
r and armed resistance. In his first public
;onse to China's brutal massacre of nine
ian border police at Ladakh in Kashmir, 48
es inside Indian territory, Nehru tried to
i Indian emotions. While the normal feeling
people in India would be to get angry and
sider this unprovoked Chinese attack as
>lerable, India will take no step in anger of.,
I do not say that there will be war with
.na," Nehru told a meeting of Congress Party'
'kers. This seems to imply that war is pos-
te, which is the only hint of sternness Nehru
given. But it was canceled by his speechat
4eerut mass meeting. "The people who talk'
fghting China," he said, "can do it smugly
ause 'they don't have to go themselves to
it in a barren border region where no tree,
even a blade of grass, grows."
What are we to make of this policy? It means
t while China is ready for a military show-
in with India and has made its most cynical
ve to humiliate it, India is not ready for a
itary showdown with China. China moves
Nehru talks and his talk is still ambiguous
vainly talk of peace but with an ever-so-
ht hint of resistance.
What makes the humiliation of India com-
,e is that the Prime Minister sent a stern
er to Chou En-lai just one month ago re-
ing to negotiate until the Chinese withdrew
ir troops. With it went an elaborate white
er showiig that India's historical and legal
ms were overwhelming, its behavior gentle,
anxiety to lean backward plain for everyone
see. The Chinese answer was mortars and
IS NOT for ,Americans to say that India
hould go to war -over territory which the
ne Minister keeps saying is barren, but I
it to point out some implications of the
Aped - up Chinese aggression and India's
idia's defense set-up in Ladakh has been
wn up as inadequate. China had at least an
iy. company entrenched there. India, curi-
ly, had no soldiers, only some police patrols.
Chinese had mortars, the Indians rifles.
e Indian intelligence system w,as caught nap-.
g since no one knew the Chinese army was
ranched there. The Indian communications
;em was also backward since New Delhi had
ely heard of the killings before the Chinese
e' protesting Indian aggression.;
adia's Defense Minister Krishna Menon was
plessly not at his post here but at the UN
rshaling his logic and deploying his eloquence
convince the world that nothing should be
Editorial Staff
orial Director City Editor
LRLES KOZOLL.......... Personnel Director
N KAATZ.............w'....Magazine Editor
TfON HUTrHWAITE... ....... Features Editor
BENAGH.....................Sports Editor
M(A SAWAYA......Associate Personnel Director
ES BOW . ............Associate City Editor
AN HOLTZE .......Associate Editorial Director
ER DAWSON ....,....Contributing Editor
'E LYON ............... Associate Sports Editor
nD KATZ _-_r ------- Arat-+ n r.+- Rdltn.
said about China's destruction of human rights
in Tibet. The very day-October 21-that Me-
non was thus acting as trustee for China's
case in China's absence from the UN was the
day the Chinese war lords chose to rub the,
face of their defender in the mud. No more
dramatic symbol could have been imagined as
proof that appeasement defeats its own pur-
If the Indian parliament were in session the
demands for Menon's transfer to another post
than that of defense would be clamorous. There
has been so much talk of Menon's dismissal
that the weekly magazine Blitz, which man-
ages to combine an anti-West and fellow-trav-
eler approach with a sickening sycophancy
toward Nehru himself, has addressed an open
letter to the Prime Minister imploring him not
to yield to the dismissal demands.
THE COMMUNIST PARTY secretariat had
to issue an immediate statement saying that
the Chinese attack had no justification what-
ever. This means a defeat for the secretary,
Ajoy Ghosh, who came back from Peking and
Moscow with assurances that China is now
friendly. It means the victory of the Indian na-
tionalist faction which knows that the Com-
munists will lose their remaining mass support
and the Kerala elections unless they condemn
the Chinese.
It is now clear that Khrushchev's mission to
Peking was a failure and that he got no com-
mitment from Mao or Chou about stopping
their aggressions. The Russians may have a'
whip hand over China in China's need for Rus-
sian economic help, but if so then the Russians
did not choose to use it. Khrushchev will go to
the summit conference with d i m i n Is h e d
strength because of the knowledge that he can-
not restrain hisChinese partner.
India's final reliance is likely to be on an
effort to isolate China in Asia. One result of
the Chinese aggressions has been the patch-
ing-up of the old feud between India and
Pakistan, The Pakistani army is a good one
and the combined armies of the two countries
might give China a little pause. Even more im-
portant is the moral opinion' of Asia and Africa,
all the way from Indonesia to Egypt, where
Nasser is also fuming against China. If Nehru
can turn the Bandung Pact countries against
China he will have forged a powerful weapon.
FOR A TIME there were mutterings in New
Delhi. about breaking diplomatic ties with
China, but Nehru is not ready for that. He
takes a long 2,000-year view of relations with
China. But if you take a long enough view
everything dissolves in the vapor of dream and
By sayin gthat the Ladakh area is barren
and unlivable Nehru comes close to saying that
it is stupid for the Chinese to want it or for,
the Indians to defend it. Yet, as the editor of
the Hindustan Times put it, the Chinese have
an inexplicable taste for barren territory,
The world may be illusion, as Hindu philoso-
phy teaches, but the Chinese and their ruth-
lessness will be found to be no illusion. And
when Nehru and India awak from their deep
dream of peace they may find it is later than
they thought.
New Books at the Library
I1'G a .w~r + . .S r +'im . a--n '# 'V " 7 w
Dis-Degree ...
To the Editor:
IN A LETTER to the Editor
printed in yesterday's Daily we
read a plea from ,two graduate
students that this university leave
the ranks of "honorary-degree
factories." Our first impulse is to
sympathize with these writers. In-
deed, there seem to be cases of
universities' granting an honorary
degree without requiring proper
achievement of the recipient.
It must be granted also that
gaining a graduate academic de-
gree is a demanding activity. This
being the concern of these two
gentlemen, it is ironical that they,
like too many of us, have indi-
cated greater interest in the sym-
bol of intellectual achievement--
the diploma - than that achieve-
ment itself. This is basically the
same charge they have brought
against the University.
The fundamentalqs uesti on
raised by that letter is, "What are
the proper standards of achieve-
ment upon which a graduate de-
gree should be based?" This the
writers did not attempt to answer
through logical argument. Instead
they virtuously denounced the
ion-academic criterion of grant-
ing as a "general debasement of
higher degrees.. *
YET THEY later admit to have
little knowledge of the actual mer-
its of those r.cipients whom they
call undeserving, "We do not pre-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no ed-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the dayrpreceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 34
General Notices
Physical Education -- Women: Wo-
men students who have not completed
the physical education requirement
should register for the first winter sea-
son on Thurs., Oct. 29 from 6:00 to 9:00
p.m. and Fri., Oct. 30 from 8:00 a.m. to
12 noon, main floor, Barbour Gymna-
sium. Students registering in the even-
ing please use the basement entrance
to the building.
Medical College Admission Test: Can-
didates taking the Medical College Ad-
mission Test on Sat., Oct. 31 are re-
quested to report to Rm. 140 Bus. Ad-
min. Bldg. at 8:00 Sat. morning.
Astronoy Dept. Visitors' Night: Fri.,
Oct. 30, 8:00 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell
Hall. Dr. Martha Liller will speak on
"Galaxies." After the lecture the Stu-
dent Observatory on the fifth floor of
Angell Hal will be open for inspection
and for telescopic observations of Sat-
urn, Double Star, and Andromeda Gal-
axy. Children welcomed, but must be
accompanied by adults.
Tonight: The Dept. of Speech pre-
sents the romantic galloping farce by
Eugene LaBiche and Marc-Michel,
"Horse Eats Hat" ("An Italian Straw
Hat") 8:00 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Tickets at $1.50, $1.10, 75c. Sea-
son tickets for the Playbill Series still
available at $6.00, $4.50, $3.00. Addition-
al productions will include: "Epitaph
for George Dillon; "Don Pasquale (with
the School of Music); "Das Rheingold
(with School of Music): "The Wa of
tend to be able to inquire into the
worthiness of each recipient of an
honorary degree from . this uni-
versity." By implication, they sug-
gest that the number of classes
attended, and the number of pa-
pers written, etc., form a prima
facie case' for the only proper
basis for a graduate degree.
In this assumption, there are a
great many things they have for-
gotten, among them the follow-
1) Honorary degrees bear titles
different from academic degrees.
This indicated the difference in
2) The service honored is often
of great merit. Rather than "un-'
earned," these degrees are earned
in a different way.
3) Requirements for all degrees
are determined by the granting
institution. Pressure brought to
bear here seeks' to curtail aca-
demic freedom.
4) Any degree is only as good
as the institution granting it. It
should be recognized that the va-
lidity of degrees of both kinds has
often been challenged. There is
most certainly no easy answer to
the question of proper degree re-
quirements. Perhaps it is true that
the general public doesn't distin-
guish one type of degree from an-
other. This is, however, but one
more argument against judging
the symbol - the tag - rather
than judging the individual.
* * '*
PERHAPS it indicates a weak-
ness of our system of education
when graduate students such as
yesterday's letter writers seem
more concerned with what the
"general public" thinks about
their degree, than what their in-
tellectual capabilities are as a re-
sult of having gained that degree.
This concern over the "status" of
one's symbol of success is tragic
to the extent that it is common.
Perhaps too many of us act in
keeping with a statement quoted
in yesterday's letter: we would
"much rather receive a degree
from a university than an educa-
Anthony Mulac, '62
sions concerning the capabilities
of our air defenses. And it is quite
likely that many of these un-
grounded opinions will remain.
* * * '
THE "true story" of what are
and must be the measures to'fore-
stall (hopefully) and retaliate
against any possible attack has
been uselessly bogged down in
mazes of technical data and the
military's Inability to communi-
cate effectively .with the civilian-
In place of explanatory in-
formation, the public relations
officers substitute releases and
obviously staged publicity photo-
graphs, both dealing with innocu-
ous incidents. Because of that,
sensationally minded . newspapers
claw for any meaningful stories
that will arouse interest (i.e., the
irrational remarks of the two New '
England politicos).
The "true story" of what must
be done lies midway between the
glories of actual combat and the
trivialities of peacetime public
relations. For the Air Defense
Command and its various com-
ponent divisions are designed to
perform specific protective tasks.'
"Adequate protection" of this
country means long-ranged inter-
ception -- far from the coastline
and densely populated areas. Al-
lowing an attacking force to'
penetrate further would permit
destruction along with the dan-
gerous effects of radioactive fall-
BUT DEFENSE cannot be the
single goal. A powerful retaliatory
force must be mounted to punish
the enemy and prevent him from t
striking again. The offensive thrust
is intimately connected with the
idea of protection and together
they form the only realistic deter-
The long-range shield for this
country, the means of alerting
'both the fighter interceptors and
the S t r a t e g i c Air Command's
bombers plus warning the apa-
thetic populace is the ADC radar
net. It is stretched along the far
northern frontiers of Canada in
the DEW (Distant Early Warn-
ing) Line, ranged in floating
"Texas Towers" placed, in the,
water off the Eastern Coast and
carried aloft by patrol crafts that,
fly far out into the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans.
A radar observer who detectse
possible enemy aircraft can al-
most instantly inform a control
center, which through high speed
electronic computers, can rapidly
direct defense weapons. to a tar-
get. Planes can be ordered into
the air by the control points scat-
tered throughout the country.
* * * ' *
INTERCEPTION and destruc-
tion phases are performed with
weapons that are perhaps. un-
equalled anywhere in the world.
There are all-weather fighters
armed with the conventional wea-
pons, along with air to air mis-
siles, some with nuclear warheads.
The planes are flown by highly
skilled pilots who are quite un-
like their counterparts of World'
War II and even the Korean con-
"In Korea we could miss a Com-
munist fighter one day and have
a chance to shoot him down the
next time," Lt. Col. James Jabara
pointed out in Florida last week.
"But today we have only one
chance to destroy the aggressor
when he comes over." Miscalcula-
tions mean that a bomber would
probably be able to drop its load
on some key Industrial area.
* * *
TO ELIMINATE the possibility
of that one fatal error, ADC works
constantly to perfect its opera-
tional and technical skills. Planes.
are constantly aloft on training,
missions. conducted under condi-
tions authentic up to the point of
actually firing a missile.
Research is going on constantly:
to develop faster aircraft '.and
deadlier missiles,eso this country
can match or better the improved
capability of a potential enemy.
The work is certainly not glam-
orous or hyper-exciting, and for a
peace minded, economy - minded
Congress it may be somewhat ex-
travagant., But it is also essential.
Oral explosions by ambitious
politicians do little to imp'ess at
blas6( public with the importance'
of maintaining a necessary state,
of readiness and do much to de-
stroy public faith in air defense.
THAT greater freedom in lan-
guage and theme does not ne-
cessarily stimulate provocative
film fare was amply demonstrated
in the new arrival at the State
yesterday. Fraudulantly proclaim-
ing itself "The Best of Everything"
this handsomely mounted Jerry
Wald production emerges as a
glittering but obviously superficial
portrait of the New York career
Considering all the double en-
tendres and hearty allusions to
sex in the Edith Sommers-Man-
nie Rubin scenario, this colorful
Cinemascope production has a re-
imarkably sterile quality to it.
jPerhaps that is because director
iVean Negulesco has concerned
#himself with such a great plural-
jity of illicit love affairs that he
ineyer actually has enough time to
6breath life into any specific one
Iof the film's vignette episodes.
S* 4' 4
{was hampered for the most part
iwith a cast that lacked a polished
iprofessional luster. With the ex-
Iceptions of screen veterans Joan
!Crawford, Louis Jourdan and Bri-
Ian Aherne, the 'film is primarily
ipopulated with newcomers whose
(acting abilities range from the
ivery mediocre to the totally inex-
i Although Hope Lange's appear-
ance in "Peyton Place" revealed
!potentialities for her, she is just
Inpt strong enough to overcome
tthe cliche ridden scenario of "The
!Best of Everything."
i* *
I AND SUZY PARKER offers her
(absolutely no support as the reek-
Hess-living highly emotional Greg.
IHer scenes have an extraordinar-
lily unnatural quality to them and
lit is hoped that Miss Parker rush-
les back to acting school before
rentering into another fiasco, Diane
IBaker, as the third girl caught in
[the Madison Avenue whirl dem-
onstrates a contrived and totally
unbelievable naivete which is or-
iginally 'intended to pass as hu-
Itragic pathos.
In short not only the girls in
'r'The Best of Everything" often
Chave to "settle for a whole lot
!less" but also so does the audience.
Only Miss Parker is spared by slip-
Iping off a skyscraper. It is unfor-
tunate that the screen-writers
fdidn't have similar luck,
f-Mare Alan Zagoren
New Council To Face
Decision on Purpose
Daily Staf Writer
S TUDENT Government Council
came close to death Wednes-
fday night.
I Coming right on the heels of
Vdecisions by five Council members,
including two executive; officers,
not to run; Wednesday night's lack
of a quorum almost struck the
final blow., If the future looked.
any brighter'than this last meet-
ing of the fall term, this lack of,
interest might be overlooked. The
future, however, looks even worse.,
- For the eight- seats that are
open on the Council, only 12 stu-
dents are -running. Of these 12,
many are presently seniors and
only one is an incumbent. It ap-
pears that with the increased aca-
demic workload students no'long-
er have the time that is needed to
work on such activities as SGC.
And there is no doubt that the
workload .is going up. As one SOC
member pointed out after the
Stanley Quartet
Personality . .
To theEditor:
IT IS NOT my purpose to evalu-
ate the technical relation of
fraternities and sororities to the
University, which is the important
factor in determining whether said
groups are totally private in na-
ture and thus not subject to out-
side interference with their inter-
nal matters.
But, it is my purpose to ask why
even the most ardent civil liberties
zealots do not question the right
(obligation?) of these organiza-
tions to reject a prospective mem-
ber for "personality" reasons,
while they simultaneously declare
that race and religion are not suf-
ficient grounds for refusal of mem-
bership. Are not race and religion
integral components of the total
personality of an individual? Is
not the color of one's skin or the
nature of one's god an inseppara-
ble part of one's personality? Do
the civil liberties fanatics have
clearly in 'mind what 'they mean
when they O.K. personality mo-
tives and reject racial and reli-
gious motives employed by frater-
nities and sororities in selecting
meeting, the grade point at the
University has only gone up a very
small fraction of a' point in the
last six years.
* * *
IN VIEW OF THE increasingly
higher standards being set by the
University, the only thing that
could have put a lid on higher
grades is a larger workload.
With the work going up, more
time is needed for studying. As an
example of student realization of
this fact, the Undergraduate Li-
brary is being used 40 per cent
more this year than last..Student
activities are being squeezed out.
SGC seems to be feeling the
squeeze first, though they are not
the, only organziation who find.
that it is necessary to do the
same amount of work with a staff
that has been cut by 'a third or
* * *
IN THE CASE of SGC it seems
that many solutions have been
suggested. Meetings every two
weeks, more work by committees
at a level below that of the Coun-
cil, the return of certain powers
to the administration or the hiring
of 'people to handle some of the
programs - all these have been
Of.these suggestions, the only
me that seems to have merit is
the one of more work being done
by committees.
Such things as the discrimina-
tion report, bike auction, and pro-
grams in education have all been
done in committee. Other pro-
grams such as the Reading and
Discussion have been done largely
through the work of a single per-
* * *
IT SEEMS clear that the Coun-
cil as a whole is slowly evolving
into a body of debate and criti-
cism, while the actual work is be-
ing done either by individuals or
This new concept is a good one.
Any student government should
have two functions, one of student
service and the second of active
constructive criticism of the poli-
cies of the University. So far, on
this campus, the Council has
mainly stressed the student serv-
ices while the equally important
function of criticism has been
Concert Rewarding
THE STANLEY QUARTET presented a deeply "rewarding concert
Wednesday, and were in turn rewarded for their efforts by a not-
able display of discourtesy from the audience, which seemed unable to
restrain its eagerness to leave at the conclusion of the concert.
The program opened with "The Quartet, Opus ,74, No. 3," by
Haydn, a work in which great eloquence is sustained by a perilously
"open," economical musical fabric. The Stanley Quartet performed this
work with deceptive ease.'
The absurdity of the theory (still believed by some) that Beetho-
ven in his deafness gradually forgot what music should sound like;
was demonstrated particularly in the slow movement of the "F-major
Quartet," Opus 135, Beethoven's last work. A more beautiful string
sound would be hard to imagine. The quartet as a whole gives a sense
of repose not to be found in the other late quartets of Beethoven.
THIS QUALITY, combined with the relative shortness of the work,
and its superficial appearance of conventionality, have resulted in a
general underestimation of the work. Yet there is an almost unbearable.
compression of musical significance in a very short time span, an im-
pression which could be borne out by any number of technical obser-
If the quartet does give a sense of repose,. it is not without an
underlying intensity which breaks out violently in the Trio of the
second movement and towards the end of the last movement.
* * '4'