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October 28, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-28

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Partly cloudy with north winds

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom /4


X No 32




as in




fects Student







Sorority Leadier First Encourages
then Discourages -Negros Rushing
Although originally encouraged to rush sororities at the Univer-
sity of Toronto, a Negro student was later dissuaded from rushing
by one of the girls who had encouraged her.
Barbara Arrington, an honors psychology student, had been con-
vinced to rush by three sorority presidents who crowded around her
at a pre-rush meeting telling her how anxious theywere for her to
rush their sorority, Toronto's student newspaper, The Varsity said.
One president specifically asked her to come to a rushing tea, the
first activity of rush, it reported. However, on the first day of rush,
'before ,the teas had begun, Mary
Jose Baker, president of Kappa
r , .... .. ....Kappa Gamma, who had foriierly
encouraged her at the pre-rush
meeting and dissuaded her from
rushing, because she was told, she
could not be pledged by any sor-
01. .. rity.
Upset by this, Miss Arrington
went to The Varsity office and
Easked what could be done. While
Q.. not wishing to force herself upon
any sorority, she wished they
would stop pretending not to be
discriminatory and stop rushing
girls they would not bid.
Indicates Discrepancy
The Varsity editor, Sam Ajzen-
stat wrote afront page editorial
describing the incident. In the
,editorial he brought out that Miss
Arrington had been told that
s there were 'no discriminatory
clauses in the constitution of any
sorority on the campus."
BERNARD BOLITER This, plus the fact that Barbara
..discusses liberalism was told she wouldn't be bid, in-
dicated a definite discrepancy, ac-
cording to Ajzenstat. . '
L lUrA is nei His editorial and subsequent
articles, leters and editorials by
rtbe Varsity and professional
Stands Still newspapers prompted Toronto',
Students' Administrative Council
By ARNOLD SAMEROFF to take action.'
This group which is Toronto's
"Liberalism bas not failed .... student government moved "to
it never had the strength to sue- oppose in practice, racial discrim-
ee"d, Bernard Boltzer, national ination in student organizations."
secretary of the Young People's Severs Connections
Socialist League, said in an ad- The paper said the Council "in
dress to the Democratic Socialist effect: severed its' connections
Club last night. with any discriminatory student
Speaking on "The. Failure of organization took steps to initiate
Liberalism Today," Bolitzer dis- a campaign to educate Toronto
cussed the current form of the students against racial discrimin-
liberal movement in the United ation, and offered to split the cost
States,.and the possible forms it for establishing a lectureship in
could take in the future. race relations with the university
He said that there had not administration. w
been any basic liberal legislation In addition,. in a motion that
in this country since 1938. All so- failed to pass, it was recommend-
eial legislation since then has only ed that students who insist on
been small reforms on what was, participating in organizations
already in existence. which the university president
Describes Liberals deems discriminatory, should be
Describing the liberal group in expelledfrom the university.
terms of its stand on important At present the most concrete
issues, Bolitzer felt that the privilege that is denied ,to these
group was united in only one of discriminatory organizations'is in
the four fields of liberal concern, connection with the university's
This was in the field of labor yearbook and student handbook.
legislation where liberalism re- The Varsity discussed the cir-
ceived its most recent significant cumstances which brought this
defeat in the passage of the Land- chain of events.
rum-Griffith labor reform bill. It gives part of the answer by
In the areas of civil rights, civil relating what seems to have hap-
liberties and peace, and 'the ban- pened after that first 'pre-rush
ning of nuclear weapons; the lib- meeting.
erals ae divided into different Ater the meeting where Miss
-factions, he continued Baker had encouraged Miss Ar-
Bolltzer explained that he felt rington, a meeting of Kappa Kap-
the only point at which it is per- pa Gamma was held primarily,
missable to limit individual free-
A.i- See TORONTO, Page 2

TaX Groups
Cite Issues
At iscussion
Special to The Daily
LANSING-Seri. Carlton Morris
(R-Kalamazoo) held his political
ground against Gov. G. Mennen
Williams and Democratic lawmak-
ers at yesterday's special tax dis-
cussion here.
Morris, leader of GOP Senate
conservatives, , said later he
thought it would be perhaps three
weeks before any new' tax action
is taken by the Legislature.
He indicated the Veteran's Trust
Fund might be liquidated at the
same time, but said "I don't want
to release it,"
During most of the 90-min'ute
session held in the Governor's of-
fice, Morris balked at any inter-
party action that would precede
the Legislature's session Thursday.
Urges -Legislature
"Can't we assume they'll realize
the sense of urgency, if there is an
urgency?" he asked. "Let the Leg-
islature go ahead, and let's have
faith in them."
Williams, hoping either for im-
mediate examination of proposed
tax plans or for party caucuses
before the full session Thursday,
"But look at the past. It took
us eight months to set up the use
tax program that broke down last
Morris retorted, "We shouldn't
try to set up super-machinery on
top of the Legislature. We don't
need to go further today, and we
don't really need a caucus before
Thursday.. I agree there is some
urgency, but that urgency will be
better met if we let the Legisla-
ture meet without telling them
what to do."
Ready To Agree
Rep. Joseph Kowalski (D-Det.),
House Democratic leader, told
Morris "we're ready to wait on the
Senate. We're certainly willing to
work with you. Let's try to agree."
Morris asked, "Is this going to
be' a mutually responsible pro-
When Kowalski answered affirm-
atively, Morris said, "Well, now
we're getting somewhere."
Both' sides finally agreed to
caucus Thursday morning before
either house convenes.
speed, and interest in the state's
"This is an.expression of some
needs," the Governor said.
"I'm all for speed, but how fast
can you go in something like
this?" Morris questioned.
"I'd say we ought to go very
fast," Sen. Lynn O. Francis (R.-
Midland) declared.
"Let's quit on that high note,"
concluded the Governor.






Calls Settlement Too Costly

Legislature Receives

Financial Problen
Board Releases $26.1 Million


NEW YORK (M-Roger Blough,"
chairman of United States Steel
Corp., yesterday turned down the
possibility of other steel companies
settling with the union on the1
saine terms as the Kaiser Steel Co.
At a news conference . Blough
said the cost to United State Steel'
'of the Kaiser settlement: terms
would be 32 /2 cents an hour. Het
added: "We think that is a pro-
hibitively high cost!"
Blough made his statement afterj
reporting United States Steel Corp.
had lost more money in the three
months ended Sept. 30 than in
any three - month period in its
history. Directors declared the1
California 'U
Pro scribes
Student Body
The president of the multi-cam-
pus University of California has
issued a directive which "virtually
puts student government under
the control of the chancellor" of
each campus, the "Daily Califor-
nian" of the Berkeley campus1
Last Thursday President Clark1
Kerr issued three unprecedented
policy statements. The Regula-
tion on Student .Government
aroused the most controversy.
Finances and student govern-
ment board faculty representation
were placed under the control of
the President and the Regents. A
change in the student government
constitution's preamble subjected'
its actions to the approval of the
Student governments were for-
bidden to deal with off-campus
issues,. and chief campus officers
were given the right of approval
on proposed amendments to stu-
dent government constitutions.
Dave Armor, president of the
student government at Berkeley,
considered portions of the Presi-
dent's directive to be "a direct
blow to student self-government."
Another directive restricted stu-
dent organization memberships
and required them to have adult
The third regulation restricted
use of university facilities to regu-
larly scheduled meetings, special
events if approved and non-politi-
cal and non-religious organiza-
Kerr also announced a forth-
coming directive on the "establish-
ment of statewide intercollegiate
athletic policies."

regularly quarterly dividend, how-
Blough added he did not think
the withdrawal of Kaiser from the
united front of the steel companies
would impair the position of the
remaining companies.
"The fact he (Kaiser) has been
willing to make this concession
for the past week or 10 days has
hindered our united efforts for a
negotiated settlement. His absence
from our side should permit us to
go on our way toward a negotiated
settlement unhindered."
Blough said the steel industry
has been trying for a negotiated
settlement and added he thought
that eventually they would get it
whether or not the Taft-Hartley
Act was invoked. -
Plants Lose Money
Plants.. of the nation's biggest
steel producer-it can pour out
28.4 per, cent of all the nation's
steel-were shut tight by the steel
strike for all but two weeks during
the three month period.
The net loss for the third quar-
ter of the year totaled $31,135,136.
That compared with a net income
of $74,922,924, equal to $1.27 a
share, in the third quarter last
Not even in the grim days of the
great depression did United States
Steel lose as much money as in
the quarter just completed. Its
previous record loss came in the
third quarter of 1932, when it
dipped into the, red by $20,871,709.
Statement Shows Difference
One factor of difference between
Kaiser and the bulk of the in-
dustry was pointed out in a state-
ment from the steel companies'
coordinating committee Sunday
night announcing Kaiser's pull-
That is the fact that Kaiser
operates in aluminum as well as
steel, and deals with the United
CatT rap
Three intrepid coeds have'
discovered what seems to be.
the least likely intruder Jordan
Hall has had in years.
Apparently the girls on the
fourth fDoor had been hearing
strange noises for a couple of
weeks. "We thought we were
going crazy," one of them said.
Not ones to fall prey to their.
fears, the girls ventured to take
off the trap door above the
elevator, borrow a ladder from
the janitor, and investigate.
There was a large tomcat,,
carefully lodged inside the grill.
The janitor removed the an!-

Steelworkers'in that phase of its
business too.
The big companies' statement,
using Kaiser's figure 'of 10 cents
per man hour for the application
of the settlement formula to that
firm, estimated the cost of the
same. formula at least 17 cents for
the rest of the industry.
Another item is that throughout
the negotiations Kaiser has laid
less stress than the rest of the
negotiators on their demand for
changes in the work rules to give
management more leeway in the
assignment of labor.
SGC Plans,
To D iscuss
A motion to set up the Reading
and Discussion Program as a per-
manent committee will be one of
the major topics brought before
Student Government Council at
its meeting tonight.
"The success of the Summer
Reading Programs sponsored in
1958-59 warrants expansion of
this program to include other
projects whose primary purpose is
to encourage the extension of in-
tellectual curiosity beyond the
confines of the classroom into a
student's active life," said Roger
Seasonwein, '61, chairman of the
He will propose that a commit-
tee consisting of five members be
appointed by SGC to direct and
administer the Summer Reading
and Discussion program and ini-
tiate other such programs to pro-
vide intellectual stimulation out-
side the classroom.
Coordinated with this program,
Bart Burkhalter, '60E, chairman
of the Education Committee will
bring up a motion which will con-
sider the possibility of extending'
independent study outside of the
A motion to ask the Board of
Regents ,to revise their laws to
permit the expansion of the Stu.-
dent Book Exchange will be.
brought before the Council. Such
a change will make it possible for
the Book Exchange to sell more
books and operate as a bookstore..
A discussion will also be held
'concerning the possibility of al-
tering the quality of diplomas to
make them more distinctive.
Appointments will be made to
the Human Relations Board and
to the positidn of personnel direc-

To Again Deplete General Fund


Special to The Daily
LANSING - Gov. G. Mennen Williams' bipartisan t
study group took no action yesterday, leaving the initiati
to the Legislature when it meets tomorrow.
The State Administrative Board also met yesterday to p
out the total balance through the end of this month .of t
general fund. The University will receive $3 million of t
$26.:. million earmarked for payment to state agencies.
Michigan State University and Wayne State Univers
will receive a total of $3.5 million while $2.2 million will
for direct relief including fos-T

ter care and hospitalization.
Sales tax distribution to local
units of government will
claim $13' million and $4.4
million will go for the Nov. 5
state payroll.
The meeting lasted one min-
ute. The Board met, spent what
it had and adjourned until next
The tax study meeting was
longer and less productive. While
both sides repeatedly backed a tx
program based on "mutual re-
sponsibility," little attempt was
made to select a program to en-
Favors Income Tax
Only one new plan was submit-
ted. Rep. George W. Sallade, R-
Ann Arbor) offered a one per cent
adjusted gross receipts tax. This
would tax only individuals and
would be based on federal income
tax returns. This, according to
Sallade, would bring $139 million
a year to the state. He based his
figures on the 1958 tax returns.
Williams opened the tax study
meeting by calling for a "mora-
torium on politics until we get the
state back on its financial feet."
He added that unless the tax
crisis were resolved soon, the state
would "be in worse trouble than
anything we have seen thus far."
Williams also announced that
although he had .favored a per-
sonal and corporate income tax,
he would not insist on it, and
would support any r e a s o n a b 1 e
measure presented to him by the
Legislatur.e He tspecifically men-
tioned the Conlin bills, a whole-.
salers' tax, an increase in the nui-
sance taxes such as the tobacco,
liquor and beer taxes, and an in-
creased property tax.
Expect Fund Use
Williams pointed out several
times that' all these taxes were
contrary to his own views, and
called the flat rate income, tax
"the only program which. would
really accomplish the job of pro-
viding adequate revenue, effecting
a-'reasonably permanent solution,
and making the tax structure
more equitable, particularly for
large segments of Michigan busi-
Sen. Carlton Morris,. (R-ala-
mazoo), a state Republican lead-
re, said he did not expect any
legislation to be passed for per-
haps three weeks.'
It is expected, however, that the
Veterans Trust Fund will be liqui-
dated within the next two weeks
to provide the state's general fund
with some $40 million.
Rep. Alilson Green, (R-Kings-
ton), said Republican members of
the House would probably ask the
question of raising the sales tax
limit from three to four per cent
be placed on the ballots in Nov-'
ember, 1980.
Flag Thief
Returns Prize
The flag thief turned out to be
a souvenier hunter.
In response to an angry letter
from a group of ,Hungarian stu-
dents in yesterday's Daily, an
arnvmou prso-n signing himself




dom is wnen . t reace e uor-
der of violence. Up to that point
t free discussion is a healthy phe-
nomenon that can only lead to the
awakening of the public tosigni-
ficant issues.
More Appear
t ~"When people are. thinking,
there are more Socialists, Com-
munists, and even , anarchists.
When people aren't thinking, ev-
eryone agrees that they live in the
best of' all possible worlds," he
In~ his concluding remarks, Bo-
litzer described the probable basis
for a new liberal alignment in the
future. It would include the lib-
eral wing of the Democratic par-
ty and the liberal segment of the
Republican. It would contain the
newly desegregated Southern Ne-
gro and support of the labor
, These groups would mold a new
labor party which would be the
standardbearer of the liberalism
}_ of the future.
United Fund
Reports Gain
The Ann Arbor area United
Fund camnaign has reached 58

.". . morale good
Hannah Says
MSU Calm
Special to The Daily
State University morale is good
despite threats to its financial
security, President John A. Han-
nah reported yesterday.
"But- if this tax crisis continues,
it will be harder and harder to
hire young faculty prospects inter-
ested in oar university,' he warned.
"The publicity given to Michi-
gan's .financial situation must be
regretted by those who have ad-
ministrative responsibilities in the
More Unrest
Such developments will send a
wave of unrest through faculties
and result in perhaps lasting dam-
age to the institution, he claimed.
"Our faculty is calmer than last
spring," he said, referring to the
months when the state's universi-
ties were first threatened with
payless paydays.
He explained that. salary in-
creases received during the sum-
mer relieved some of the fears of
faculty' members.,
'Only Temporary'
"Most are convinced this is only
a temporary thing," Hannah said.
"The state has taken care of
higher education before, and the
faculty generally feels they will
again as soon as the tax problems
are settled."
Hannah said MSU lost a few
good teachers in the troubles last
spring, "but we also gained a num-
ber with uinusual ability."
Teachers are concerned not only
about salaries, he pointed out, but
with the whole atmosphere of a
university. "If a university doesn't
have money it can't purchase
equipment, stack its libraries, and
becomes a less pleasant place to
MSU received its payroll check
for October from the State Ad-
ministrative Board yesterday. If
the Board falls to meet its pay-
ment next month, Hannah said,
MSU willprobably have to tap its
student fee collections for the
present semester.
New Directory

'Horse Eats Hat'

Sets Opening Tonight

"The story is obviously ridiculous, but a lot of fun to see and4
perform," Prof. Jean Carduner of the romance languages department
said of "Iorse Eats Hat."
The French farce, written by Eugene LaBiche and Marc-Michel,
translated by Lynn and Theodore Hoffman and directed by Prof. Wil-
liam B. Halstead of the speech department, opens at 8 p.m. tonight
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
This is the first major production of the current Speech Depart-
ment Playbill will run through Saturday evening.
The ',complicated and comical plot involves a spirited search
through Paris for -an unusual Italian straw hat (the period play's ori-
ginal title).
Horse Swallows Hat
On his wedding day, a groom riding in a wood, somehow allows
his horse to swallow a woman'A hat; the woman insists on its re-
'placement to convince her husband of her fidelity. He tries to locate
a copy, learnsthat the hat is apparently irreplaceable and is pursued
throughout the day by the woman and her lover who threaten to pre-,
vent his marriage.
Eventually and fortuitously a duplicate creation is discovered
among his fiancee's wedding gifts, but now he is chased by the hus-
band of the original owner and by a soldier. The various factions

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