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October 24, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-24

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Seventieth Year

Mhen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevai"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY. OCTOBER 24. 1959


University Suffers from Red Tape,
Lack of Information

'HE UNIVERSITY of Michigan is bound up
in endless miles of unnecessary red tape
ad lack of knowledge.
Any student who wants to process an a'ppli-
tion to attend another school, ask a question
' even see a counselor frequently has to go
Trough many different channels before he
rally gets the information he is looking for.
secretary in one office sends hn to another
ae, and from there he is quite likely to be sent
a a third. Even for the simple matter of having
school seal affixed to a document, one stu-
nt had to go to three different offices before
cating the correct one.
Today, students waste valuable time knocking
4 office doors, behind which usually lie no
irther solution to his problem or clear answer
his question.
NE OF THE causes of this unnecessary dis-
organization is that secretaries lack the
-oper information themselves, or the simple
towledge as to where to go to find it. If and
hen the student finally arrives at the right
ace, the people there either don't know what
e is talking about,'or they give him conflicting
One student interested in an honors course
ent:to inquire about it and was sent from one
partmental secretary to another. Finally she
arned that such a course wasn't being offered.
few days later the chairman of the depart-
I AYBE IT'S a good thing the University
nurses its students as though they're hot-
)use flowers. But must its educational policy
consistent to the point where classrooms are
aintained at hothouse temperatures? Stu-
nts might be able to learn by themselves if
esh air kept them awake in classes.
"AN A MACHINE teach?
This variation on an old rhetorical question
quired new significance recently with the
:monstration of automation's newest fruit, the
eaching machine."
The "Tutor" simultaneously grades a stu-
et's work, times his performance and ad-
nces him at a rate determined by his demon-
rated ability to absorb the information pre-
The term "student" and "teacher," examined
the light of this magical device, take on
ought-provoking connotations - particularly
consideration of the operative phrase, "ab-
rb the information."
rIS QUESTIONABLE to what extent the
teacher's role should be; merely to present
formation, or the student's to absorb it. The
striction inherent in this definition of a
acher's function imposes a limitation on the
nge of values which instruction can offer the
The quality in a teacher that inspires stu-
nts to sign up for any course he teaches for
.e sheer educational experience he provides is
most Indefiniable. It's hard to imagine one
edi advising another to "get Tutor EM-704-

ment asked her why she wasn't enrolled in the
very course she was told didn't exist.
Counselors, upon whom students depend for
guidance in planning their programs, lack
adequate knowledge about course sequences and
majoring requirements. This is especially true
in the case of those who counsel undergradu-
ates who have not yet begun their field of con-
IN MOST FIELDS there are prerequisite
courses that one must complete before one
can begin concentration. It is important, there-
fore, that one learn about these requirements
as a freshman and sophomore. But the coun-
selors for these students simply don't know
enough to adequately advice them.
How many hours of language do I need? Is
one year of physics necessary for majoring in
chemistry? Do you advise that I take two
semesters or more of English?
Questions such as these have been placed
before counselors only to receive no results.
Even questions about filling out summer school
forms couldn't be answered by some counselors.
PERHAPS it would be advisable to assign a
freshman a counselor in his field or in a
related field of the one in which he is inter-
ested. The entire problem of counseling is pres-
ently under study-and it needs it.
Possibly a fairly complete and accurate direc-
tory could be published, listing the offices and
services of the University. This would also
mean less work for secretaries and members of
the faculty, and would provide for more effi-
cient administrative services in the University.
It is true that for a university of this size there
are numerous offices and countless pieces of
information with many people in positions to
know, but excessive disorganization and lack
of information is unnecessary. The size of'the
University provides a more urgent reason why
some attempt should be made to provide better
praised the Tutor for "making possible inter-
action between a teaching machine and the.
trainee; that is, to completely adapt itself to
the student's pace."
THE DISTINCTION between interaction
through adaptation and interaction through
communication, however, is of grave impor-
tance. The intellectual stimulation transferred
between a good teacher and good students is
inconceivable in the case of. mechanical in-
struction-one cannot use the word education
in such a mechanical case.
The informational material covered in any
given course only provides a convenient area
for provocative communication between teach-
ers and students; mechanized instruction could
only serve to reduce instances of the inter-
action of minds which is necessary to educa-
tional experience.
Finally, the manufacturer declared that the
Tutor is not designed nor intended to fill the
shoes of the creative teacher, but will "free
the teacher for his real creative role."
Where is this role to be enacted if not
through the instructor's presentation of mater-
ial on a subject which interests him vitally to
a responsive student audience?

Day, Hudson Sparkle
Through 'Pillow Talk'
"PILLOW TALK" is good weekend entertainment. It is also good week-
day entertainment. In fact. it is good entertainment any time. One
of those refreshing movies which comes along occasionally in this day
of the "problem film," "Talk" offers no message, but it does offer
brightness, color, and an extra effervescent quality provided largely by
Doris Day, Our Heroine.
Rock Hudson, Our Hero, does a reasonably competent job of frus-
trating Our Heroine and shows a surprisingly deft touch for comedy in
a number of scenes.
The plot will tax only the simplest of minds: Doris Day, as a bright
young career woman, shares a party line with Rock Hudson, bachelor-
about-town and (surprisingly) affluent songwriter. The trouble -and
the movie - begins when Miss Day tries to put through a few business
calls, only to be thwarted by a succession of Hudson's girlfriends who
monopolize the phone day and night.
After complaining to her party-line sharer, Miss Day turns to the
telephone company with her complaints. Unfortunately, she is soon left
to solve the problem herself.
THE PLOT has been running fairly smoothly up till now, and the
audience has a pretty good idea that Hudson and Day will triumph over
the inefficiencies of the Telephone Company eventually, but there has
to be an additional little stumbling-block along the way. His name hap-
. pens to be Tony Randall, who turns in a marvelous portrayal of "a
member of a minority group - millionaires."
Miss Day, who has won his heart with her clever decorating
schemes, will have none of him because she is waiting for Mr- Right.
Little does she know that Mr. Right is a friend of Randall's and is shar-
ing her party line at this very moment!
Summing up: take advantage of a game-less afternoon today and
see a happy movie.
--..----~------- .. .e Selma Sawaya
UN Celebrates 1t nnvray Tdy


Daily Staff Writer
AMONG THE most scholarly
manuscripts ever -prepared are
the charters for an effective world
government which have been
drawn up by specialists in inter-
national law.
Several of these documents are
true masterpieces, combining cre-
ative genius with legal precision
and accurate knowledge. In their
final form they stand as tributes
to human intelligence and as
blueprints for the day when all

men will live in one united world.
Where are these brilliant char-
ters? They lie buried in the pages
of low-circulation texts with such
prefacing remarks as "Dedicated
to future generations." Their little
reknowned authors look on sadly
as modern nations court disaster
by flirting with "brink of war"
But mankind does not seem
ready for their counsel. In fact,
one well known pressure group in
our country chose as its annual
slogan, "World government means

world Communism." They did
this, without bothering to notice
that the documents they de-
nounced aimed at offering the en-
tire world those same principles of
federation and democracy that
the founding fathers gave to the
United States.
* * *
IN AN EFFORT to bring these
glittering scraps of paper to life
thousands and perhaps millions
of persons have joined, the cause
of the world federalists. They
have received resolutions of ap-

proval from a number of United
States state legislatures and from
many international leaders, in-
cluding the President. But world
government has always lacked the
margin of support necessary to
come into being. The documents
are still museum masterpieces.
But documents are not deeds.
TheI present United Nations was
not constructed as a world gov-
ernment. It was built with realis-
tic recognition of the power strug-
gles between nations. In its de-
sign ;to "save future generations


'Utopia in Residence Halls' Described,

The president of the manufacturing firm


To the Editor:
FOR THOSE students who are
looking for Utopia, U.S.A., you
can find it right here in our fair
city of Ann Arbor; in fact, right
on our own campus. Of course, it
goes under the name of Jordan
Hall, but nevertheless it should
be called Utopia. I can't under-
stand why so many women try
every year to melt Miss Bacon's
heart with reasons for leaving the
dormitory system. After all, rents
haven't been raised that high.
And just think, for the extra
money you're paying they have
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 29
The Boston Symphony Orchestra will
be heard in two concerts this weekend
-Sat., Oct. 24, at 8:30 (second concert
in the Choral Union Series); and on
Sun., Oct. 25, at 2:30 (first concert in
the Extra Series), in Hill Aud. The
Saturday evening program: Brandeno-
burg Concerto No. 6 (Bach); "Schelo-
mo" for cello and orchestra (Bloch)
with Samuel Mayes, soloist; and the
Brahms Symphony No. 2. The Sunday
evening program: Mozart Symphony
No. 38 in D major (Prague); Party
Scene and Finale from "The Tender
Land" (Copland) and the Beethoven
Symphony No. 5.
Lecture: Llewelyn Williams, Econom-
ic Botanist will speak on "Forests of
the Amazon Valley and its Natural Re-
sources" on Mon., Oct. 26eat 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater.
Engineering Mechanics S e mi n a r,
Mon., Oct. 26 at 4:00 p.m. in Em. 218,
W. Engrg. Bldg. Hadley Smith, Assoc.
Prof. of Engineering Mechanics, will
speak. The title of his talk will be "Im-
plications of Similar Boundary Layers."
Coffee will be served at 3:30 p.m.
Placement Notices
Announcement for professional ex-
aminations for the Buff'alo Public
Schools to be held Sat., Oct. 31, 1959,
for positions available Sept. 1960. Ap-
plications must be filed with the Super-
intendent of Schools, Attention Coor-
dinator of Personnel, 722 City Hall,
Buffalo 2, N. Y.
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the 1959-60

been so kind as to cut down maid
service to a fast once-over every
two weeks and a promise of tele-
phones in each room by the year
2000 A.F. (After Ford). Our heat-
ing system is, to say the least, un-
usual. For example, where else can
you turn onyour radiator on one
of the coldest days of the season
and then find that you are as-
sured of heat for the rest of the
year because, try as you may, it
won't turn off. Of course, the logi-
cal way of balancing this is to
open your windows. Thendyou find
that your head is cold and your
feet are hot. A wonderful way of
encouraging c r e a t i v e thought.
After experimenting you find that
the answer is to wear a hat but no
AS MOST OF YOU are aware,
Jordan was closed last year for
plumbing repairs. These repairs
made our paradise complete. The
workmen removed our hot water
drinking fountains and replaced
them with water coolers. There
are no longer damp and crumbly
walls in the rooms next to the
bathrooms. But best of all, we
have variety when we take show-
ers. No longer do we have dull,
well regulated water temperature.
The water now goes from warm to
icy cold, to boiling hot and when
there is more than one person
showering, the bathroom resounds
with lovely ensemble singing. You
might say that we are serenaded
with constant mudleys.
You see, ladies, dorm living can
be gracious? So don't run for hte
dean's office when your twenty-
first birthday comes around. Join
the merry thousands who endure
dorm living every year and exper-
ience not only these wonders but
many others like them.
-Susan Wolf
Solution. . .
To the Editor:
YOU AND I are being gypped
regularly - overcharged for a
public service. Every time we mail
first-class or airmail letters, we
are required to pay more than it
costs the Post Office Department
to handle and deliver them. This
was true even before the last rate
increase, and unless we do some-
thing about it, there will soon be
another increase - it will cost 5c
to mail an ordinary letter, in spite
of the fact that 3c was more than
The worst part of the situation
is that while you and I are re-
quired to pay too much for this
public service, certain profit-mak-
ing businesses get by (and have
gotten by for years) with paying

million dollars. None of these ten
gets less than one million dollars
per year. The heavyweights, Life,
and Saturday Evening Post, get
more than nine million dollars
and six million dollars per year,
THESE FIGURES are based on
United States Post Office Depart-
ment estimates, which are re-
quired by law. You have probably
noticed many comments in maga-
zines to the effect that they are
"only" estimates; and the hint is
that they are bad estimates-that
the magazines aren't really getting
all that free service. But I have
yet to see a magazine editorial de-
manding more accurate figures.
They know they're getting some-
thing for nothing, and they don't
want the applecart upset.
The point of this letter is as fol-
lows. There are three bills before
Congress, that would put an end
to this abuse of the subsidy. These
bills would not abandon the small
publications and non-profit or-
ganizations that need subsidizing

in the public interest. Such or-
ganizations woul dstill get the
assistance originally intended by
Congress in arranging the postal
subsidy. But the bills would bring
a halt to the huge drains of our
postage money (and a lot of tax
money) into the bankrolls of
large, profit-making firms that
have been taking advantage of us
for years.
Naturally these favored busi-
nesses are not going to give up
without a fight. They have been
fighting attempted fair revisions
of the postal rate structure for
years--and winning, because they
can put a lot of pressure on Con-
gressmen. Now it is time for us
to exert some pressure of our own.
We can do this by letting our Con-
gressmen know that we are aware
of the situation, and that we de-
mand fair play. A lot of letters, to
a lot of legislators, from their own
states and districts, and all at the
same time, would give Congress
the public support it needs to pass
these bills.
-R. L. 'Calhoun

from the scourge of war" it has
fully recognized the necessity of
Big Five cooperation and in dis-
putes among the major powers it
can do no more than offer a con-
ference table.
Considering such built-in limi-
tations the UN should be celebrat-
ing its fourteenth anniversary to-
day with well deserved pride in
its accomplishments.
The thousands of children in-
noculated by the World Health
Organization, the technical aid
given to underdeveloped areas by
the Economic and Social Council
-these deeds are legion. The
number of Arab and Israeli citi-
zens who owe their lives to the
presence of a truce-protecting
United Nations Police Force pro-
vides evidence of action to pre-
serve peace.
THE RECORD of the United
Nations in the all-important lest-
West conflict has led to its repu-
tation as a debating society. The
documents which would empower
the UN to go beyond debate in
this area are not in effect. While
one must remember that the UN
has no more power than its mem-
bers have been willing'to give it-
one must also admit that debating
is a highly respectable activity
and a far safer one than flinging
While diplomats talk, a possi-
bility of progress remains. Nations
which once refused to take part in
the League of Nations are now ac-
tive participants in the UN. Na-
tions which now refuse to make
any sacrifices in their sovereign-
ty may soon sacrifice to the UN
their rights to produce, test, or
stockpile nuclear weapons.
As long as the UN continues its
growth in membership and acti-
vity - in fact, as long as the UN
continues - it remains mankind's
hope for a better world.

De Gaulle and Khrushchev

Associated Press News Analyst
'HARLES DE GAULLE is seeking parity with
his allies on all counts before any round
able conferences with them and Nikita
President Eisenhower and Prime Minister
[arold Macmillan have both had preliminary
onferences with Khruschchev. Now de Gaulle
i preparing to do the same. It is apparent that
e does not want to have to listen quietly while
hey say "now we think Khrushchev - -."
The United States feels that, with continua-
on of the Berlin stalemate likely, any small
rospocts of concrete progress during the nego-
ations will center around disarmament. The
dist likely beginning on disarmament, if a
eginning is made at all, seems to be in the
eld of banning nuclear bomb tests. France has
een excluded from preliminary skirmishing on
hat topic because she is not a member of the
)E GAULLE is believed to be pushing for
rectification of that through the testing of

a nuclear weapon in the Sahara desert very
De Gaulle has felt downgraded in the coun-
cils handling European defense and approaches
to European settlements, and one reason is
France's inability to make her full defense
contribution because of her preoccupation with
the fighting in Algeria. He has been trying to
do something about that.
So de Gaulle spars for time.
This may not be as damaging to Allied inter-
ests as the disagreement over an early date for
a summit conference might make it appear.
A MAJOR ALLIED objective in the Khrush-
chev-created crisis over Berlin has been to
stave off a showdown, and talk has been the
Indeed, the original Allied policy of contain-
ment itself accepts delay in coming to grips
with the issues.
Even though Khrushchev has withdrawn his
time limit regarding Berlin, the longer the
stalemate lasts the longer danger is postponed.
THERE IS another factor in de Gaulle's

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