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October 24, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-24

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Second Front Page
October 24, 1959 Page 3

Williams Return
Inter-PrtyI Tax



Steel Union,
Industry Set
New Meeting
Both Sides Answer
U.S. Court Request 'h.. \.

Board Gives
New Picture
To Governor

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RADICAL CHANGE-The American steel industry, which has long enjoyed a favorable position on
the world trade market has taken a drastic setback since 1958, while foreign steel makers are getting
a bigger share of the American domestic market. This is due to the modern cost structure, especially
wages In the United, States. Foreign prices are lower in general
U.S. Los'ing World Steel. Trade

PITTSBURGH () - The Unit-
ed Steelworkers and the steel in-
dustry's f o u r - m a n negotiating
team agreed last night to resume
contract talks today in efforts to
end the 101-day nationwide steel
The new round of talks were
scheduled in rapid fire develop-
ments that saw both sides re-
questing meetings.
The union asked the industry to
meet Monday. The industry re-
plied it would like to get started
Both parties are under directive
from the United States Third Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals to. resume
bargaining quickly.
While the negotiations were be-
ing scheduled, Secretary of Labor
James P. Mitchell urged negotia-
tions "around the clock until an
agreement is reached."
To Bring Together
US5W President David J. Mac-
Donald sent invitations to 96 steel
companies to meet with the union
in Pittsburgh Monday. All were
named as defendants in a govern-
ment request for a Taft-Hartley
The union's invitation yesterday
called for separate meetings with
each of the 96 companies closed
by the strike. McDonald said he
still hopes to hold individual
hopes to hold individual meetings
with each firm Monday.
Neither the industry nor the
Union had any comment on a
possible new proposal being sub-
mitted today.
Directs Bargaining
The United States Third Circuit
Court in Philadelphia directed
that bargaining be resumed at the
same time it stayed enforcement
of a Taft-Hartley 80-day injunc-
tion. The injunction was issued in
Pittsburgh last Wednesday.
The federal government re-
quested the injunction, claiming
the strike is threatening the na-
tion's economic health and safety.
The appellate court issued the
directive in delaying enforcement
of the injunction ordering the
steelworkers back to the mills.
A ruling on the union's appeal
seeking to overthrow the injunc-
tion is expected sometime early
next week.



CASTRO DENOUNCES FORMER COMRADE-Crowd cheers as Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro,
speaking from balcony in left background, attacked former comrade Maj. Hubert Matos as a traitor.
Matos, the provincial commander, and 30 of his officers had resigned with a challege to the leftist
swing of the revolution. The officer was arrested and charged with plotting a coup d'etat.

Castro Makes Appeal for Help

HAVANA (A) - Prime Minister
Fidel Castro appealed to the Cu-
ban people yesterday to help him
t h r o u g h his regime's darkest
In the wake of the first blood-
shed in Havana since the bearded
revolutionary leader took over in
January and the shakeup of the
army in Camaguey, Castro called
for a mass demonstration Mon-
day by the people to show support
of the revolution.
Castro made his appeal in a
marathon TV appearance which
drove another wedge in the wid-
ening gap of Cuban-United States
relations. He made an impas-
sioned accusation that the U. S.
allowed planes to fly from its ter-
ritory to bomb Cuba.
Confusion on many fronts cloud-
ed the situation.
Attempts Assassination
1) In the supercharged atmos-
phere of Thursday was the first
actual attempt made on Castro's
Roberto Salas Hernandez, 44-
year-old upholstered accused by
three witnesses of attempting to
approach Castro with a knife in
his hand is being held for a 72-
hour investigation.


Police seized him yesterday
after two youths said he ap-
proached Castro with a long knife
hidden under his arm. Salas, who
was intoxicated at the time, in-
sisted he was a supporter of the
Prime Minister's regime.
Takes Lightly
Castro, who appeared to take
the incident lightly, recommend-
ed Salas be sent to a hospital for
a drunkenness cure.
On TV Thursday night, how-
ever, he warned any enemies who
might think of assassinating him:
"They will really tremble when
there is no one to come on tele-
vision to tell the people not to
take the law in their own hands."
2) Did bombs actually fall from
planes which. showered the capi-
tal with anti-government leaflets
Wednesday as Castro charges?
The Cuban Air Force at first
said no. Numerous witnesses de-
nied any shooting or bombing
from intruder planes, and the be-
lief is growing that many of some
50 victims, including two dead,
were hit by falling bullets fired by
Castro's own forces.
3) Did Commandante Hubert
Matos, one of the 'B a r b u d o s'

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer'
The American steel industry has
long enjoyed a favorable world
trade position, with exports gen-
erously surpassing imports.
But there was a radical change
in 1958. Industry statistics show
that two things have occurred:
1) The United States share of
the world market has dropped-
and is dropping.
2) At the same' time, foreign
steel makers are getting a bigger
share of the American domestic
The industry contention is that
the modern cost structure-par-
ticularly in terms of wages-puts
it at. a competitive disadvantage.
Foreign prices are generally lower.
This argument plays a role in
the stalemated steel strike, which
began July 1.
Steelmakers Complain
The steelmakers complained be-
fore the strike that high wages
were causing American products to
be priced out of foreign markets.
The United Steelworkers argued
that increased wages do not auto-
matically call for price increases
and that the industry can afford
to raise wages without hiking
DIAL NO 5-6290

International concern over
American steel-and the outcome
of the strike-was reflected re-
cently at Washington sessions of
the World Bank and International
Monetary Fund. It was one of the
chief topics engrossing economists
from many countries. They talked
in terms of a new upsurge in the
inflationary spiral should a wage-
price hike develop.
United States steelmakers have
watched the rise of foreign steel
imports with growing concern.
They got a bit of a shock when
export statistics showed that ton-
nage dropped from 5,175,448 tons
in 1957 to 2,687,415 tons in 1958.
That set off the cry that high
wages were pricing United States
steel out of foreign markets.
Not Significant
But this argument has been dis-
counted in some quarters. For in-
stance, M. S. Scymczak, a mem-
ber of the Federal Reserve Board,
said American industrial prices
have not risen significantly more
than in other major countries. He
also said American exports had ex-
panded far more than normally
and the 1958 decline was a natural
and probably temporary conse-
quence of many factors.
However, Steelways, a publica-
tion of the American Iron and
Steel Institute, insists that the
experience of 1958 cannot be dis-,
missed as abnormal.
"The first six months of this
year (1959) continued to follow
the same discouraging tfend,"
Steelways says. "In that period im-

ports exceeded exports by about
two to one, in sharp contrast with
the years 1953-57, when the in-
dustry's exports exceeded imports
three to one. Thus, we have not
only lost sales abroad, but we have
lost some of our sales right here at
Condition Improved
A contributing factor placing
foreign steel producers in an im-
proved condition was the American
aid given foreign nations follow-
ing the World War II period. As a
result, such nations as West Ger-
many and Japan have been able
to rebuild their industries. Says
"European and Japanese steel
mills in 1958 made substantial in-
roads into American export mar-
kets and deep penetration into our
own domestic market for some
steel products through extending
liberal credit and sizable price con-
cessions. These actions were un-
dertaken to satisfy a national de-
sire to maintain employment levels
at home by improving their posi-
tion in export markets and there-
by maximize their production
The accompanying map and
chart shows the recent rise in
United States imports of foreign
steel and the declining United
States exports which has been
under way with only periodic in-
terruption since World War II.
Bars on the map show the decline
United States share of the world
steel export market and fluctua-
tions in other countries.


Hallucinations Caused by 'Hunger'

humans have an odd hunger that
quietly feeds on sight, sound, taste
and even pain.
Without these sensations the
hunger will cause the mind to soar
off into an eerie dream world of
That's the theory of Dr. Jay T.
Shurley, a psychiatrist who is
making the first systematic study
into the effects of extreme isola-
tion at the Veterans Administra-
tion hospital here.
Shurley says hallucinations are
common in persons mentally ill
with schizophrenia and are known
to occur to persons confined in
iron lungs and to those paralyzed
over large portions of their body.
Makes Dreams
To learn more about schizo-
phrenia and the nature of normal
persons, Shurley is conducting ex-
periments which result in hallu-
a 01

His subjects, medical research-
ers, are immersed in a plastic tank'
of water inside an underground
room engineered to eliminate
sound or vibration.
Water in the tank is at body
temperature. The subject breaths
filtered air through a soft rubber
mask that fits copfortably over
his head.
"The subject is in a near vacuum
of sensation," says Shurley. "He
feels, sees, tastes nothing. There
is no word in our language to de-
scribe such a situation."
Stripped of its ordinary stimu-
lations, the brain takes a turn for
the bizarre.
The brain begins to light up like
a pinball machine with geometric
figures in the first 15 minutes.
In an hour the subject has a full
production of hallucinations, no
matter how hard he tries to avoid
them. No one has stayed in the
tank more than three hours.
Like normal dreams during
sleep, Shurley says these hallu-
cinations can be pleasant or hor-
But here the similarity ends. For
most people dreams are like old
movies, one dimensional and in
black and white.
By contrast, hallucinations are
a homemade cinerama. They have
three dimensions, sound and vivid
color, says Shurley.
A Difference
Condition of the subject in the
experiment is akin to schizophre-
nia, with one significant difference,
Shurley explains:

"The subject steps outside the
tank and in a few minutes, the
hallucinations vanish. The men-
tally ill schizophrenic never knows
where reality ends and the fantasy
Why do hallucinations occur in
normal persons?
"In the brain there is a law of
diminishing returns," the psychia-
trist explains. "We have known for
some time that too much stimula-
tion can cause a temporary or per-
manent loss of reality.
"Brainwashing and.combat fa-
tigue among soldiers are grim ex-
amples of this.
"Now we find that the absence
of these ordinary feelings which
we've always taken for granted
can also break down the mind.
Deprived of stimulations from the,
outside, the brain will make its
What He Has Proved
Shurley insists his work is pure
research with little practical ap-
plication. But ,he bristles with
ideas that have resulted from the
"First we have proved that nor-
mal persons-not just schizophre-
nics - can have hallucinations.
We've done away with the idea
that sleep occurs in the absence
of stimulations. One the contrary,
the brain is extra alert."
The experiments, he feels, sug-
gest the cure for combat fatigue
may be isolation, and the remedy
for hallucinations suffered by per-
sons paralyzed or in iron lungs
may be extra stimulation.

(bearded ones) who fought in the1
hills against Fulgencio Batista,
betray his country?1
Lashes Outt
Castro lashed into his formerF
Chief of Camaguey Military ForcesE
with a full denunciation treatment
in two television appearances.
But the provincial military
leader who ran Castro's army was
well-liked and respected through-
out the province, and even in Ha-{
vana eyebrows were raised at1
Matos' arrest and the treasonl
charges brought against him.
Rteds Insist
On Meeting
At Summit
MOSCOW () - The Soviet Un-
ion insisted yesterday the job of
easing world tensions is one for
the heads of government, and an-
nounced it wants a summit meet-
ig quickly - the sooner the bet-
The Kremlin position was made
plain in a statement issued by the
official news agency TASS. It
came at a moment when interna-
tional developments in the West
indicated a summit meeting might
be delayed until spring.
The timing of the TASS an-
nouncement left the impression
that Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev urgently wants a summit=
meeting, but that'if he cannot get
it this year he will take it later on.
TASS mentioned no proposed
date for the gathering of the gov-
ernment chiefs of the U.S. the
USSR, Great Britain and France.
The TASS statement followed
by 16 hours another dispatch of
the agency distributed here and
then canceled, with the explana-
tion only that it had been distrib-
uted by mistake. That earlier
statement had said Khrushchev
told Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower
in the U.S. last month the Soviet
government "deems it necessary
that a summit conference be con-
vened before the end of the year.
The new statement put the So-
viet position this way:
"Conflicting reports have ap-
peared in the foreign press con-
cerning the Soviet government's
position as tothe time of the con-
vocation of a meeting of the heads
of government to consider urgent
problems with a view of relaxing
the international situation and
strengthening world peace.
"In this connection, TASS has
been authorized to state that the
Soviet government's repeatedly
stated position on this matter re-
mains unchanged. The govern-
ment of the USSR regards a
meeting of the heads of govern-
ment as necessary and is ready
for such a meeting. x.

To Recommend Use
Of Veteran's Fund
To Bail Out State
LANSING (l - Gov. G. Men-.
nen Williams yesterday summoned
legislative leaders to a bipartisan
huddle Tuesday to formulate a
tax program.
The governor acted within two
hours of his return to Lansing
from a month's vacation trip
During the brief interval, he
was closeted with members of the
State. Administrative Board.
He was briefed among other
things on the supreme court de-
cision wiping out most of the reve-
nues provided by a one per cent
increase in the state use (sales)
tax seven weeks ago.
"The worst thing that could
happen to the state is to have an-
other prolonged tax battle," Wil-
liams said.
"I am determined that if I can
prevent it there shall be no furth-
er delay in enacting some kind of
tax program which will provide
the money we need."
Recognizes Majority
He recognized that the Repub-
lican Senate majority has the
votes to block any Democratic tax
proposal and to force Democrats
to accept anything the GOP
agrees on "or face complete dis-
Wires asking attendance at the
2:30 'p.m. Tuesday meeting went
out to Lt. Gov. John B. Swainson,
Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair),
Sen. Charles T. Prescott (R-Pres-
cott), Sen. Philip Rahoi (D-Iron,
Mountain, Rep. Alilson Green (M..
Kingston), Speaker Don R. Pears:
(R-Buchanan), Rep. Joseph J.
Kowalski (D-Detroit) and Rep. Al
Horrigan (D-Flint), all party
leaders and to all members of the
House and Senate taxation comi-
The governor said he was get-
ting ready a message to present ts
lawmakers when they return next
Thursday but had not decided on
its content.
To Recommend Fund Use
He said he would again recom-
mend use of the Veterans Trust
Fund to help bail the state out of
the financial swamp.
He said Republicans need have
no fear of House Democrats block-
ing any suggested tax plan but
denied that this was a "surren-
der," as suggested by one news-
Lt. Gov. John B. Swainson anl-
nounced these tentative decisions
of the State Administrative Board,
all subject to confirmation next
Defer Openings
1) Deferral of opening of the
new Boys Vocational School cus-
todial unitnear completion at
Whitmore Lake. First buildings
are due for completion about Jan.
1. They would provide housing for
100 state wards.
2) Postponement of the opening
of Plymouth State Home and
Training School facilities due for
completion in February.hAn order
for 100 cribs for use there was
held up.
3) Postponement of a State Po
lice recruit training school, ex"
pected to graduate 40 to 50 andi.
dates for the force in November.
Demands Substitute
From Sen. Carlton H. Morris
(R-Kalamazoo), who spearheaded
the use tax drive, came a demand
that the governor produce a sub-
stitute tax blueprint.
Williams and Democratic, legis-
lators, joined by a scattering of
House Republicans, urged passage
of a personal and corporate in-
come tax package which would
have yielded about 140 million
dollars. It squeezed through the
House but met quick defeat in the

The income "tax route still lies
open but no one thought the
GOP-controlled Legislature would
take it --except in utter despera-
tion, even Rep. Rollo G. Conln
(R-Tipton,) a staunch advocate.
A bill to slap a one per cent tax
on wholesalers was waiting on the
sidelines in the Senate. Sen.
Charles 0. Fenstra (R-Grand
Rapids) the sponsor, estimated it
would produce about 70 million
dollars a year.

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