Seventieth Year
When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Candidates, Voters Fail
To Realize Value of Petitioning
"WOULD you sign my SGC petition, please?"
A sheet of blue paper with some twenty-,
five signatures appeared under a student's nose
obliterating' from view the passage in French
she was translating.
"What is your platform?" she asked prompt-
ly, in light of the emphasis on informed voting
in the newly revised SGC election rules.
"Why to tell you my platform would take
twenty minutes," the petitioner said. I have to.
get 350 signatures, and I hardly have time to
tell each person what my entire platform is.
Anyway it will be published in The Daily and
printed on posters later with the rest of the
candidates' platforms."
"But how then can I sign your.petition now
without knowing what you think?" she queried.
He had no reply to this.
THE PURPOSE of requiring 350 signatures for
nonincumbent candidates is both to test
the seriousness of .their desire to run and to
bring them in contact with some portion of the
student electorate. But the mere signing of a
piece of paper does not make the contact be-
tween petitioner and electorate very construc-
It is true that while in the midst of revising
the election rules, the SGOC Elections Committee
did decide it would be more valuable to reduce
the signature requirement to 250 and stamp,
FOR" on the petition form. This, the committee
thought, would make candidate-voter contact
more effective, even though the candidate
would speak to fewer voters
But this proposed change could not be
accepted since SGC is still operating under the
old SGC Plan which requires 350 signatures
from new candidates' petitions.
SCo THE OLD RULE of 350 signatures had to
stand, but SGC did everything else in re-'
vising their election rules to encourage thought-
ful voting. In the attempt to discourage election
via personality alone, no campaign money may I
be spent except that given to Council for the
election fee to be spent for the printing of
platforms. This means, of course, no more
flashy posters that advertise the person rather
than his platform.
But in having to comply with the old 350
signatures measure, SGC certainly passed no
additional ruling that candidates were not to
discuss their platforms with those who sign
their petitions. In fact, SGC would no doubt
be delighted to have them do so, since the prin-
cipal idea behind the new election rules is an
attempt to increase informed voting and com-
munication between the candidate and elector-
And as the student pointed out to the peti-
tioner who asked her signature, all 350 from
whom signatures are obtained are not likely,
to ask about his platform. Many students just
don't have time to listen. This isn't nice, but
it's true.
YET- EVEN if they did ask, it seems that a
candidate might have in mind a brief out-
line of his stand on several major issues-such
as spring versus fall rush-something he could
deliver in only a few minutes, but which would
be informative nonetheless.
For a petitioner, in asking for one's signature,
is asking for a personal endorsement to run
for office. He should be able and willing to give
a good reason for doing so.
And it seems that SGC candidates, wh6 have
the first chance to operate under the revised
rules, ought to be making every effort to make
informed voting a working reality.
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r~[HE Inter-Fraternity Council
assuredly made money last
night, but the goods - 'Stan Ken-
ton plus June Christy plus the
Four Freshmen - for the most
part were below par.
The band began the show with
various permutations of Kenton's
private warhorse, Artistry in -
(the record company traditionally
fills in the blank).
Kenton's prime virtue has al-
ways been that of utilizing his
band to play father-mentor to
potentially fine but currently out-
of -work young west coast musi-
Tonight, playing their stock ar-
rangements, the band yielded only
mediocre soloists, save for a lone
alto sax player, never allowed a
solo during the band's time, but
who joined June Christy for what
may have been the only really
swinging few minutes of the entire
JUNE CHRISTY, of course, is
always delightful. The band played
through some of her recorded
(Pete Ruggulo) arrangements, but
for the most part she was backed
by a particularly curious piano ac-
companist who ostensibly did the
He took great delight in rolling
broken chords a-la Debussy and
somehow managed to obfuscate
every tonic and dominant chord
with a screen of minor-sixth-plus
clusters which rapidly (after
about two of them) became less'
reminiscent of "Afternoon of a
Faun" and more merely embar-
In addition, he demonstrated
an iron-clad cuticle by repeatedly
indulgin gin such extra-musical
oddities as full length keyboard
slides up and down the black keys
whenever any g-flat based chord
came around.
All this was not only annoying,
but distracted almost unbearably
from Miss Christy.
The Four Freshmen appeared in
vaudeville form, complete with
snappy stories, imitations, and al-
most-cleverly iisguised version of
Kenton's Artistry, which they
called Candy, as Kenton stood be-
side and over-directed the band
while feigning surprise at the sim-
Summing =up: a glossy package,
and June Christy was good.
-Richard Pollinger
Jazz Goes To Sleep
At Kenton Concert
Herblock is away due to illness
copvwrn , ThSPOO P RngsIagcoo
P. T. Barnum Hit the Nail on the Head
Crisis or No Crisis?
A FINANCIAL crisis for the University may
be imminent; but, again, it may not.
The State Administrative Board met Tuesday
and deferred payment of state funds to the
state's universities, including The University of
Michigan. At the same time, several millions
were allotted for today's state payroll and other
fees. The state treasury was emptied.
But this does not mean that more money will
not be coming in, or that there will not be
enough come November when the universities
will absolutely need cash to meet their payrolls.
BOTH STATE officials and University admin.
istrators have made assurances that the'
payrolls will be met, and there is no reason yet
to doubt these opinions. Indeed, the Adminis-
trative Board showed itself cognizant of the
immense financial difficulties of the state, but
still promised probable payment. "As long; as
other state payrolls are being met, so will the
University's," State Treasurer Sanford A..
Brown said.,
The state will have definite difficulties in
meeting all its obligations, principally interest
on its $96 million debt. But Brown has made a
promise and it is up to the universities to make
him redeem it.
IN THIS CONTEXT, pessimism and an atmos-
phere of insecurity are major contributors to
present University faculty difficulties. Obvious-
ly, professors will not come to or want to stay
at a place where regular pay checks are a.
matter of doubt. Overemphasizing financial
difficulties cannot but compound the already
serious faculty personnel problem. And to say
that the University will probably not receive its
October payment in time is overemphasis.
The state still has time to meet the October
payments; use tax money is coming in; and
any Supreme Court decision cannot effect this
month's receipts; other payrolls are being met.
Cautious optimism, even against the back-
ground of the total financial picture is not an
unsuitable attitude for those concerned with
the University.
Generation Co-Editor
RECEIVED a catalog from Ob-
livion Records, informing me
of their new fall and winter re-
leases. In the past, it has been the
company's policy to produce "qua-
lity recordings forthe many."
By way of example, their big-
gest seller last year was "Chuck
Berry and the Four Freshmen sing
Favorites from 'The Messiah,' ac-
companied by the Melachrino
Strings." Second best was "I Re-
member Bird-The Compositions
of Charlie Parker played by the
Sammy Kaye Orchestra."
As a follow-up to this, Oblivion
may offer for spring release a re-
cording that has been held in the
files for some years, "Leadbelly
Meets Bird."
* * *
THE PRESIDENT of the com-
pany was recently heard to say,
"What the recording business
needs is imaginative thinking. The
people want something new, some-
thing exciting. Oblivion is out to
give the people what they want.
The big companies laughed at us
years ago when we released our
first album - "Frankie Laine
Croons Arias from Puccini" but it
caught on and went big.
"And we plan to continue in the
same vein. Personally, I think this
year's set of releases might very
well start an LP revolution or,
* * *
INCLUDED on Oblivion's fall
release schedule are the long-
playing albums:
"Mario Lanza Sings/Count Ba-
sie Swings."
"Fabian Sings Favorites from
'My Fair Lady'."
"Chet Baker & Edith Piaf Sing
'The Bell Song' (Lakme) & other
operatic favorites."
"Favorites from 'The Student
Prince' sung by Elvis Presley and
Richard Tucker."
"The Original Score of 'Up in
Dodo's Room' performed by the
Minneapolis Symphony."
"The Budapest String Quartet:
Riffs, Blues & Cha-Cha-Cha."
CONTINUING in their effort to
"put jazz before the public, and
make it acceptable," Oblivion is
offering the following new record-
"The Jazz Saul of 'Wendy War-
ren & the News' as played by
Shelly Manne and his Men."
"Blues for Superman: A Jazz
Dirge by Shelly Manne and his
"I Got a Right to Sing the
Blues: Charles Van Doren and
Shelly Manne and his Men."
"Jazz Goes to Nursery School:
Dave Brubeck and Shelly Manne
and his Men."
"Jazz Goes to Pot" (Artists'
names withheld by request).
"Scherezade Jazz: Leonard
Bernstein conducting Shelly.
Manne and his Men."
"Porgy & Bess Jazz: Sam Porgy,
Bess Meyerson and You-Know-
* C *
OBLIVION is paying particular
attention to its "specialty" or
"esoteric" series this year. The
company feels that it will have
enough "popular" or "selling"
items to be able to take chances
on "slow moving" releases. High-
lighting this year's specialty list
are the following recordings:
"A Week at Birdland" - 27 12"
LP's, comes complete with three
cartons of cigarettes, a case of-
beer, and a dozen noisy spectators.
"The State of the Union Ad-
dress read to the music of the
Chamber Jazz Sextet."
"Charlie Weaver reads the
poetry of e. e. cummings."
"Songs of the Australian Abor-
igines: Johnny Mathis."
"Dylan Thomas reads the Best
of 'Pogo' to the Music of Borah
Minnevitch's' Harmonicats."
And the capper that is sure to
cause comment, "The "Michigan
Marching Band Blows the Compo-
sitions of Thelonious Monk."
AN A R C H Y, lad, anarchy!
Though when you think of it, Ob-
livion hasn't such a bad idea after
Look at it this way - If some
people like Myra Hess and others
like Duke Ellington and others
like Ray Charles, why not put the
three together and come up with
something pleasing to everyone?
Let Hillel and Aviva sing and let
Josh White pick guitar and even
harmonize with them for a few
choruses. This has nothing to do
with saleability -- Just plain, old,
unadulterated American know-
Amazingly enough, this appears
to be the same kind of reasoning
or "know-how" that ;floods the
market with two thousand .new
LP's each week;'the same kind of
"know-how" that clinched the
Academy Award for "Gigi."
The term "ballyhoo" has been
supplanted by "public relations,'f
but P. T. Barnum sure hit the nail
on the head. Long live American
culture and its well-meaning im-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 27
General Notices
International Center Tea: Thurs., Oct.
22, 4:30-6:00 p.m., at the International
Center. All students welcome.
University of Michigan Non-Academ-
Ic Employees Local Union No. 1583,
AFSCME, AFL-CIO will hold a regular
meeting Thurs., Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. In
Rm. C204 of the Ann Arbor High School.
Besides regular business including se-
lecting permanent stewards and offi
cers to fill vacancies, ,representative,
Douglas Cook will report on the Michi-
gan State Employees Union' Conven-
tion at Traverse City.
To All Political Science Graduate
Students and Faculty: Prof. Carl B.
Swisher of the Johne Hopkins Univer-
sity, president of the American, Politi-
cal Science Association, will speak at
the Oct. session of the Political Science.
Graduate Roundtable. His subject will
be: "The Traditional Roots of Supreme
Court Behavior." Thurs., Oct. 22 at
8:00 p.m. ini Rackham Amphitheatre.
College of Engineering Faculty Meet-
ing on Thurs., Oct. 22 at 4:15 p.m. in
Rm. 317, Undergraduate Library (Multi-
purpose Room).
Flu Shot clinics for students, staff
and employes will be held in Rm. 58
(basement of the Health Service)
Thurs., Oct. 22, and Thurs., Oct. 29.
Hours are 8-11:30 am. and 1-4:30 p.m.
Proceed directly to basement, fill out
forms, pay fee ($1.00 for students and
$1.50 for staff And employees)' and re-
ceive injection. It is recommended'that
each person receive two injections, 2-3
weeks apart. The,clinics will be open
for both first and second shots.
(Continued on Page 5)
Goodbye My Children
he Senior Column
By .Jim Bow
A fter Taft-Hartley
THE ATTEMPTS to settle the steel strike by
mediation have failed and the President will
now have to seek an injunction under the Taft-
Tartley Act. This is the only course open to him
under existing law, given the fact that he fol-
lowed the advice of those who told him early
last summer to stand aside, to do nothing, and
to let the strike run its course as a demonstra-
tion of "free bar'gaining."
This advice came to him, no doubt indirectly,
from the leaders of the 'steel industry who
thought, mistakenly as it turned out, that they
had the union at a disadvantage, that they
could defeat the strike and impose a settlement
upon the union. Having decided not to inter-
vene, the Administration did nothing to eluci-
date and define the issues. It did nothing to
rally public opinion in favor of a good settle-
ment. Now with winter approaching we are at
a dead end.
NOBODY, not the companies or the unions
or the Administration, wishes to see the
raft-Hartley Act invoked. The Act provides
that for eighty days the strike shall be sus-
pended, and that before seventy-five days have
>assed the workers shall vote on the latest offer
from management. If they reject this offer,
hey can go on strike again on the eightieth
This will take us into the first weeks' of Jan-
aary. As things stand now, in all probability
here will be no settlement by that time unless
neanwhile there has been built up a body of
ublic opinion demanding a settlement which
vill find expression in the next session of
At the mnment then it i siusfu1 tn okur
shall make a statement which "shall' not con-
tain any recommendation." At the end, then, of
the eighty-day intermission the strike can be
resumed without any impartial and responsible
judgment as to how it ought to be settled.
SENATOR TAFT recognized that this was a
serious limitation, and after the Act had
been passed he did in fact attempt to have it
amended to permit the Board of Inquiry to
recommend a settlement. He was not able. to
induce the Congress to amend the law. But
what he really counted on, as Mr. Joseph A.
Loftus of the New York Times reminds us, is
this. If a strikes goes on and on and there is a
national emergency-as there is in steel-then
Sen. Taft expected Congress to intervene and
to pass an emergency act to deal with the
particular situation.
This is what the country should now prepare
for. During the coming weeks, while the strike
is suspended by injunction but is not settled,
the President and the leaders of Congress
should confer on special legislation to be en-
acted by the Congress. In one way or another
this legislation would compel a satisfactory
IT IS INTERESTING and one hopes it is
significant of a change in Administration
policy that the Secretary of Labor, Mr. Mit-
chell, has in the past few days proposed that
there should be statutory authority to set up
fact-finding boards independent of the Taft-
Hartley Act procedure. This is a marked ad-
vance from the President's position of last
July. But it does not go far enough. The statu-
+Mv hn.a ,.mild ho-yraav+1t -4+ ,_ -1 +
FRATERNITY rushing moved
fast in the days when grand-
father got his pledge pin.
There was little time lost be-
tween his arrival at the Ann Arbor
depot and pledging. He was prob-
ably welcomed by anxious groups
of affiliates, escorted to the chap-
ter house of the highest bidder and
given his pin.
Grandfather's less fortunate
classmates, those without connec-
tions, had to wait for bids.
Today's fraternity rushing is
better organized, more democratic,
but perhaps just as confusing to
the rushees as the old system. The
rushee may not only have trouble
deciding which house to pledge but
may wonder whether to pledge at
* * *
AND THIS confusion is not lim-
ited to rushees; affiliates find it
difficult to explain to freshmen
exactly why they joined. They
can't call a fraternity merely a
social club or a brotherhood. A
fraternity must be an educational
influence, preparing individuals
for a world which demands well-
rounded people.
In grandfather's day a fraternity
was a social club or brotherhood.
Today these definitions appear too
naive. A brotherhood may be a
single group or a collection of
diverse factions.
But the old definition is still the
most accurate. Education is a pos-
sible attribute, not a description of
a fraternity. But fraternities would
be wise to ally themselves more
closely with a university's educa-
tional opportunities.
* * *
A COLLEGE campus contains
as many competing groups as a
circus midway. The price the stu-
dents pay is time. The basic com-
today's competition. It's a sad ex-
ample of an overly complex cam-
pus life; it also may be an optimis-
tic sign that there is more em-
phasis on education, less unjusti-
flied interest in the embellishments.
* * *
FRATERNITIES at the Univer-
sity could capitalize on their place
in a student's education. For most
undergraduates, even upperclass-
men, the University is too large
for personal contact with profes-
few chances to meet with profes-
sors from different fields for in-
formal discussions. Some houses,
have programs for faculty discus-
sions; all fraternities 'could take.
advantage of this opportunity.
A seminar, fraternity-style,
would offer undergraduates a
bridge between a large university
and their relatively small housing
groups. Today's freshman may
want a pledge pin, but he may also
be determined to get an education.
WCBN Objects to Football Policy
To the Editor:
WE AT WCBN would like to
compliment Jim Benagh on
his straight-forward column in
Tuesday's Michigan Daily. We
agree the "Crisler myth" is not all
some would have it. And, in the
past Mr. Crisler has usually taken
a very poor attitude towards the
University student body in general.
One such incident which directly
concerns WCBN occurred this fall
when we requested space-even a
small corner-in Michigan Stadi-
um's spacious press box from
where we could do play-by-play
broadcasts of Michigan home foot-
ball games. As a recognized stu-
dent organization, we expected,
and we believe rightly so, a certain
amount of cooperation from Mr.
But, in spite of our explanation
that WCBN is a non-profit, stu-
dent radio station with a rather
limited audience and not a com-
mercial station in business to make
a profit, we were bluntly informed
greatly benefit the Athletic De-
partment, and apparently, that is
the reason he refused to review
our plea for special consideration
concerning fees for a radio booth.
We feel that such a closed mind
on non-athletic student activities
certainly does not become a man
of Mr. Crisler's position.
'61, News Director, WCBN
'60, Business Manager
Squirrels .. .
To the Editor:
IN REFERENCE to the front-
page article in The Michigan
Daily of October 17 concerning the
tailless squirrel residing at present
across from Haven Hall I have
some new information which may
be of use.
Where I come from, in Ken-
tucky, there are a lot of squirrels
which are tailless, but it's caused
by prenatal accidents. The fact
of some importance
dua and Miss Allen.
-Ronald W.
to Prof. Bor-
Dark ..
To the Editor:
ABOUT a week and a half ago,
a letter was written to The
Daily concerning a problem re-
cently created by the University
... bicycles. It seems that the stu-
dents are no longer permitted to
leave bikes in front of the Under-
grad Library for fear of impound-
ing by the University. Instead, the
racks that have always been there
and often are about fifty paces
too far in winter, are more and
more in use.
This, in itself, is a problem that
warrants some investigation. More
bikes, more racks.
My primary concern, however, is
what one might call the inability
to see late at night. By this I
mean that the lighting that has
been provided is so poor that stu-
dents can't even see their lock
combinations. I do not think it