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October 15, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-15

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itr ian
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom



SGC Seat-
To Quit at Elections ;
Cutting Term in Halfa
Jo Hardee, '60, executive vice-
president of Student Government
Council, last night announced her.ZUMB
resignation as of the fall elections. Z M
In her letter to the. Council
announcing her decision she saidapesnlnd'cdmirar L1
t t saeaded N a
sons forced her to resign.
Following the meeting, Miss By K
Hardee said her time spent on the
Council was one of the most valu- Delegat
able personal experiences of her gather in
life. . try to de
She said that during her term can claim
on the Council it has matured, and tions ofA
she added a hope that it would sider a p
continue to do so. the cont
Air Complaints poses.
In a discussion continuing from .The ice
last week, many complaints con-.has tradi
cerning the new Regulations Book- pendent o
let were aired. These dealt mostly seven of
with recognition of student organ- now Clai
izations, fraternities,. cooperative and som
housing and general procedure. meats of
The remaining sections of the iAuprop
booklet will be discussed nextclude
eek. rclaims bo
The Regulations Booklet sets up period of
rules to govern the various student
organizations on campus..
Sections of the Booklet fall out-
side of SGC's jurisdiction and in
these' areas they can only recom -T
mend changes. However, parts of N.eT
the Booklet are included in the
general functions of the Council
and charnges man be made.
Limits Activities
Much of the debate on the Book-
let centered around the limitations By p
placed on scheduling student-
sponsoredactivities.n the
The Council decided it would be Quadrang
advisable to delete a sentence that Chalenko,
prohibited student activities on the Russiane
night preceding a University vaca- "good gu
tion. It was pointed out that an Chalen
organization with a large number and is li
m: derson Ho
Belisle, '6
.:< and does















:e Report's





itions Challenge Antarctica 's Status

tes from 12 nations will
n Washington today to
etermine who, if anyone,
m sovereignty over por-
Antarctica and to con-
proposal limiting use of
inent to peaceful pur-I
bound south polar region
tionally remained inde-
of rule by any power, but
the conferring nations
m ownership to various,
etimes overlapping, seg-
Osal by. the United States
recommendation that all
e shelved for a definite
time. But basically, the
ad Meets
v Russian
estimation of his East
gle neighbors, Pavel I.
, Grad., the University's
exchange student, is a
ko arrived here last week
ving in East Quad's An-
xt-door neighbor, John
3, said he is "pretty nice"
a "fair amount of talk-
Talks of Life

bill calls for a ban on military
installations in the region with
an inspection team to enforce it.
May Be Model
Should the conference, which
i n c 1u d e s Russia, approve the
treaty, the State Department said
the agreement may well serve as
a model for future East-West dis-
armament talks, particularly with
regard to the question of inspec-
As for the effectiveness of the
suggested team under severe
polar conditions, Prof. James H.
Zumberge of the geology depart-
ment asserted yesterday that out-
side of the problems faced by ev
eryone in that climate, keeping
tabs on activity would not be too
difficult -- "You can get around
in the Antarctic now without any
trouble," he pointed out.
The professor, who carried out
polar ice movement research in
the Antarctic during the Interna-
tional. Geophysical'" Year, is cur-
rently preparing for another six to
eight week study there beginning
in December.
Estimates Relations
"One-hundred per cent - no
problems" was his estimation of
relations among the scientist from
various -nations studying in the
Antarctic, but he noted some cur-
rent and potential problems in-
volving territorial claims.
The validity of the claims from
A r g e n t i n a, Australia, Chile,
France, New Zealand, Norway and
the United Kingdom, he com-
mented, have not been generally
accepted by the nations support-
ing scientific studies on the con-
tinent, and the United States and
Russia, with no claims of their
own, discount them altogether.
Although "no one has ever
pressed their claims" by trying to
restrict the activities of another
nation's scientists,; there are signs
of friction, he added.
Difficulties Arise
Russia, for example, has been
operating in territory earmarked
by Australia without seeking per-

* . resigns
of members still in Ann Arbor the
night before should be allowed to
hold a meeting.
Defeat Motion
Motions attempting to ease the
present rules restricting dances to
only Friday and Saturday nights
S were defeated.
The first motion, by Phil Zook,
'60. administrative vice-president,
would have eliminated all restric-
It was defeated, following dis-
cussion pointing out the limits to
Friday and Saturday were for
academic reasons, and also be-
cause local residents object to
dances being held in fraternities
and sororities during the week.
A second motion allowing dances
on Sunday as well as Friday and
Saturday was defeated too.
Discuss Report
The Council also discussed a dis-
crimination report submitted by
the SGC Student Activities Com-
mittee. The report, a compiling of
replies to questionnaires sent out
to colleges across the nation, was
praised by members of the Council
as one of the finest ever assembled.
Answers received from college
officials on 63 campuses indicated
sororities and fraternities in over

Belisle said Chalenko will join
in conversations and talks about
whatever is being discussed. Cha-
lenko has also said something
about his life in Russia, he added.
The Russian worked until he
was about 20 and then' went to
the University of Kiev to study
There is no one around East
Quad who can talk mathematics
with him. Chalenko is studying;
"iterative methods of solving in-
tegral equations with computers"
at the University computing cen-
English "Pretty Good"
Both Belisle and IDarwin K.
Marjaniemi, '62, said Chalenko
speaks "pretty good English" but
still practices constantly.
Marjaniemi, who ate dinner with
Chalenko the first night he was
here, said he often writes down
words he does not understand to
memorize later.
Chalenko apparently fits into
his surroundings so well that some
people do not even know he is
'Another Student'
Fred Schambach, '62, said he
thought until two days ago Cha-
lenko was just another student.
Though he had never. met Cha-
lenko, Schambach said he heard
he was very friendly and would do
well during his stay here.
Chalenko has had only one
"brush with the law" since he has
been here. Marjanieri said he
came to dinner without dressing
in jacket and tie, and was sent
back to his room to change.
Brushes With Law
A group of the Anderson men
were sent up to make sure he un-
derstood, Marjanieri continued,
and found that everything was all
Marjanieri said he had heard
no talk of "I don't want to eat
with him; he's a Russian."
He added that Chalenko went
to the movies last weekend with
some.of the East Quad men and

.. expert on Antarctica
mission and "one gets the impres-
sion that the Australians are not
too happy about it," the professor
If such territorial claims were
recognized, or any other restric-
tive agreement initiated, the scope
of scientific operations would
probably suffer, Prof. Zumberge
predicted. Antarctica is currently
the scene of research in glacial-
ogY, meteorology, zoology and geo-
The continent's international
basis, he said, can't last - "coun-
tries just don't operate that way."
Sadler Dies
In California
Professor Emeritus Walter C.
Sadler of the University engineer-
ing school died yesterday morning
at Pacific Palisades, Calif., of a
heart attack.
Prof. Sadler was a member 1 of
the University faculty for 34 years
and a former Ann Arbor mayor,
City Council president and an
alderman. He was 68 years old.
A world-wide authority on civil
engineering and engineering law,
Prof. Sadler began his retirement
furlough Sept. 1.
He served as mayor of Ann
Arbor from 1937 to 1941. In private
practice, Prof. Sadler worked as
designer and consultant on nu-
merous engineering projects, and
during World Wars I and II he
served with the United States
Army Engineering Corps.
He was the author of several,
textbooks and articles, and. was a
member of numerous professional
During his last year on the Uni-
versity faculty he taught courses
in industrial law and civil engi-

State Court
By The Associated Press
LANSING - As the State Su-
preme Court took under advise-
ment yesterday a case contesting
the business activities tax, state
merchants were ordered to stop
collecting the use and sales tax
under the combined bracket sys-
State Revenue Commissioner
Louis Nims insisted that separate
use an dsales tax collections are
required "under penalty of law."
The court's decision on legality
of the use tax is expected any
day ,along with the business acti-
vities tax appraisal.
Costly Decision
A lower court has ruled in the
state's favor on the BAT. If the
decision were to go against the
state, it could cost up to a mil-
lion dollars in revenues.
Armco Steel Corp., contesting
$90,000 in 1954-55 taxes assessed
under the business activities tax,
has challenged constitutionality
of the BAT, the state's biggest
single general revenue producer.
In oral arguments yesterday,
Atty. Robert Dunwoodie of De-
troit, representing ARMCO, said
as applied to his client the BAT
amounts to a direct tax on gross
receipts from sales of goods that
are sold in interstate commerce.
Offends Clause
This offends the due process
clause of the United States Con-
stitution, he told the eight high
court justices.
William D. Dexter, an assistant
attorney general, defended validi-
ty of the tax.
Dexter said the central issue
was whether apportionment of the
tax is reasonable. He asserted
that it is.
Armco has no manufacturing
or warehousing facilities in Mich-
igan. Dunwoodie said it is legally
present in the state only for soli-
citation of orders and sale of its
products in interstate commerce.
Ships Steel
The corporation shipped 37 mil-
lion dollars worth of steel into the.
state from outside plants in 1954
and 54 million dollars worth in
1955, he said in answer to ques-
tions from the bench.
All deliveries were FOB from
points outside Michigan.
Dexter said that if the Supreme
Court reversed a Wayne County
circuit court decision against
Armco and yielded on all points
the result would be to relieve for-
eign corporations now paying 10
million dollars a year from the
burden of the BAT.
A decision is not expected be-
fore November at the earliest.

Board Asks
for Time,
Delay Means Chance
For New Negotiations
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
extended until Monday-from Fri-
day-the deadline for the report
of his board of inquiry on the
92-day steel strike.
Press Secretary James C. Hag-
erty said the President acted at
the request of the three-man fact-
finding board, relayed by Secretary
of Labor James F. Mitchell in a
brief call yesterday afternoon.
Hagerty told reporters that
Mitchell said nothing about the
prospect that the delay might give
a better opportunity for a medi-
ated settlement of the strike of
500,000 members of the. United
"Could Do Better"
Earlier, however, panel chair-
man George W. Taylor had told.
newsmen that he thought the
panel could do "a better over-all
job if we have until Monday."
The panel arranged to meet
separately yesterday afternoon in
secret sessions with top negotiators
of the union and industry.
Meanwhile, in Atlantic City yes-
terday, UAW President -Walter
Reuther proposed a united labor
strike fund for "historic battles
with big business.
He spoke at a UAW convention
devoted primarily to the 91-day
steel strike.
Auto workers are feeling the
strike's pressure.
Feel Pressure
General Motors John F. Gordon
has said GM's United States plants
can continue making cars to "lat-
ter October," but there have been
published reports that Chevrolet
assembly lines might close by
Tuesday, with Corvair production
hanging on to Nov. 1.
GM's reply to questions of speci-
fically how long it will go on is:
as long as we can.
Fisher Body division plants,
which fabricate, trim and assemble
all GM bodies, now are beginning
to close.

U.S. Requests
Police Force
,Study by UN
The United States called yesterday
for a UN study on what kind of
international police force should
preserve peace if the world accepts
Premier Nikita Khrushchev's total
disarmament plan.
U.S. ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge made the proposal in the
82-nation UN political committee
where debate has started on ap-
proaches to disarmament put forth
by Khrushchev and Western lead-


members of an AFL committee'
appointed to select a commission-
er. He was expected back last
night but had not returned at
Denies Reports
The 60-year-old Crisler vehe-
mently denied published reports
that he had already accepted the
"I've talked with these people
but I've made no decision," he
said. "When I have something to
say about it, I'll say it. But I'm a
little sick of people making up my
mind for me, and saying things
that aren't so."
Crisler has met at least three
times with Lamar Hunt, H. P.
Skoglund and Barron Hilton, re-
spective owners of the Dallas,
M i n n e a p o 1 is and Los Angeles
franchises in the AFL.
Meet Here-
Two of -these meetings were held
in Ann Arbor little more than a
week ago.
If Crisler does accept the $50,-
000-a-year job, he most likely will
notify University President Har-
lan Hatcher before making the
decision public.
President Hatcher dismissed re-y
ports of a growing friction be-
tween himself and Crisler as "one
of those rumors." He said that
their relationship has been "very
cordial and harmonious."
Known as a strong supporter of
See CRISLER, Page 6

A rysNike-Zeus Gets',
First Successful Firing
completed the first successful firing of the Nike-Zeus-the nation's
defense against intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Army spokesmen said the firing fell short' of its planned tra-
jectory, but both the first and second stages of the missile performded
successfully and "yielded the desired technical data."
Data on the range of the missile and its capabilities, are classified,
but it has been indicated previously that White Sands is testing only
the flight and propulsion charac-
teristics of the new missile.
Plans Full Tests
II 1 Full scale tests are planned from
It e P hn on es seacoast missile ranges. Yester-
:day's test firing was aimed at
learning flight and propulsion
characteristics,' the Army said.
The firing moved the Pentagon.
. 'nearer a multi-billion dollar deci-
pion-whether to develop the Zeus
as the nation's main defense
against intercontinental ballistic
missiles or .scrap it.

LONDON (JP) - Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan revamped the
British Cabinet yesterday.
He appointed a new Colonial
Secretary and created two new
jobs-Aviation Minister and Sci-
entific Overseer.
He also changed the top com-
mand of the Conservative Party.
Brain-Trusters In
The plums went to Conserva-
tive brain-trusters, leaders of the
idea - formulating wing of the
party which swept to power for
five more years in the Parliamen-
tary election last Thursday.
Macmillan stood pat with three
top cabinet posts, keeping on For-
eign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd,
Chancellor 'f the Exchequer De-
rick Heathcoat Amory and Home
,Secretary Richard A. Butler.
Ian Macleod was promoted from
Minister of Labor to Colonial Sec-
retary, another big job. Macleod,
45 years old, succeeded Alan Len-
Preparing for Self-Rule
This post now, involves prepar-
ing the larger of Britain's remain-
ing colonial territories for self-
government and ultimate Com-
monwealth status on the pattern
of Canada and Australia.
Lennox-Boyd, also classed. s a
new style Conservative, carried on
this work successfully in Ghaia,
Malaya and elsewhere. But de-
velopments in Africa last summer
brought him under heavy fire in
He was criticized for the use of
troops and mass arrests in putting
down- disturbances in Nyasaland
and for the operation of Kenya
prisons crowded with Mau Mau
suspects. The beating to death of
11 prisoners in a Kenya camp re-
fiected on his department, though
he had no direct responsibility
Macleod has not defined his
stand on colonial affairs. At the
Labor Ministry, however, he won
a reputation' for dealing carefully
with, complex problems.
South M ust
Make Choice,
Almond, Says
South must make the choice of
closing public schools or accepting
can, innsrafn~n 'ina, .7Y T 4nr cc,


Women's Dorms To Get Priva

Private phones will soon be installed in five women's residence
halls, the Residence Halls Board of Governors decided yesterday.
The move to install phones in each room of Stockwell, Mosher,
Jordan, Alice Lloyd and Couzens Halls was made as the Board met for
its first meeting this year.
Assembly Association and the individual women's houses have
asked for private phones in these residences for several years. At
present, one switchboard takes phone calls for all dormitories on the
"public phone" system, except Couzens.
To Operate
New telephones will be in operation- by next fall, Manager of

Fills Need
The nation now has no weapon
capable of knocking down ICBM's
speeding toward a target at pos-
sibly 15,000 miles an hour. The
Zeus, center of a major interserv-

i s $

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