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October 14, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-14

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom



Partly cloudy, a little warmer.
Winds light and variable.



Study Repor
Fraternities and sororities at over 75 per cent of campuses
observe written or unwritten discriminatory practices, according1
to the replies received from college officials across the nation.
Questionnaires were sent out by Student Government Coun-
cil, over the past'year, to gather information concerning dis-
crimination to the Deans of Men, Deans of Women and to stu-
dent governments at all campuses having more than nine soror-
ities or fraternities.
A separate questionnaire was sent out to national fraternities
and sororities. The report was written during the summer and
finished in the early part of this semester..
Ask Colleges
The questions asked of the colleges were as follows:
1) Are written or unwritten discriminatory practices observed
by fraternities 'and sororities on your campus?
2) Have any specific incidents been ;brought to your atten-
tion regarding discrimination? Please explain.
3) Are measures being taken to alter discriminatory condi-
tions on your campus, if any have been established? Please ex-
plain fully.
Of the more than 125 forms that were sent out replies were
received from 63 colleges and universities. In response to question
number one, 50 of the 63 campuses admitted that one or more
of the groups on campus pursued discriminatory membership

In 25 oft
question were
them by thex
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In answe
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pension by the
At Dartmi
ters also wen
denied certai
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At Lafay
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these 50 campuses, the fraternities and sororities in in this case, the national has relented and allowed the local chap- The measures, however, varied in degree from the mere
in the minority and discrimination was forced upon ter to be reaffiliated. issuance of a policy statement to the president or a dean saying
national. In a similar case, taking place at Middlebury College, a local that they were opposed to discrimination to the actual establish-
of the campuses, the whole problem is avoided in chapter was told that if they initiated two Negro boys, they would ment of deadlines by which all fraternities would be removed
of those groups most commonly subject to discrim- be expelled. Even though the two Negroes were initiated the from interfraternity participation if they still observed written
do not apply or are not admitted. national did not expel the local chapter. The incidents at the or unwritten discriminatory practices.
Report Major Incidents, other two colleges were similar to the cases already mentioned. At Dartmouth, the date set is April 1, 1960; at Rutgers the
Besides the eight already mentioned, smaller incidents were deadline is this year. At the University of Connecticut the dead-
ring question number two, eight colleges reported reported by six colleges. These were of the nature of Negroes be- line was 1951 and as an apparent sign of success reported no
ts in connection with discrimination. At Amherst, ing discouraged from rushing and Christian sororities being en- discrimination was being practiced.
Gamma Delta and Theta Xi chapters are under sus- couraged not to rush Jewish girls. However, 41 colleges reported F a
eir nationals, but are operating successfully as local no trouble of any nature. Fraternties and Sororities Reply
Of the reporting colleges, 30 said that they were doing noth- The second part of the report consists of replies to a ques-
iouth, Hamilton College and Lafayette College, chap- ing about discrimination in sororities and fraternities. These col- tionnaire that was sent to national fraternities and sororities. The
t local for not abiding with the national's policy on leges alsowere the ones that admitted in question number one results of this survey were not as significant because only 29
n. At Dartmouth, the chapter of Theta Chi was that discrimination did exist. fraternities and sororities returned the questionnaires. Of these,
n privileges because it had failed to work for removal Considered as Private Clubs almost one-third were predominantly Jewish. They were asked
cuse. The local chapter of Theta Phi then voted not The replies from these colleges were typified by this one from if any written or unwritten restrictions were placed on member-
bias clause and was suspended by the national, the University of Virginia, "We consider social fraternities to be ship.
Iton, the Lambda Chi Alpha chapter was also sus- private clubs and, as such, privileged to select their own member- If the answer was yes, they were further asked to explain
ilure to follow the national's restrictive policies. The ship." what steps, if any, were being made to remove these restrictions.
Hamilton's Student Senate added to the question Of the thirteen reporting no discrimination, ten said that Only three of the fraternities reported that they had restric-
amilton chapter did not feel they could abide by $he they were taking no action because they had no discrimination tive clauses. Of these one is a special case in which Roman
licies of the national fraternity. They placed their and the other three related what they had done to eliminate it Catholics are forbidden by the church to join. Of the other two,
heir college second and their fraternity third." or how they were going about preventing it. Including these three, one has set up a committee to give the matter further study while
ette, one fraternity was forced to go local when the a total of twenty-three said that they were taking measures to in the other, proposals to delete any membership qualifications
1.r ,f ^ " t + "'" ^ "oi"i ^ * ".H"wever . combat discrimination on their campus. have been defeated..

11a nor permiT inem .La imuiaie a 1VCr,.tU. XIVWGVGL,

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McDONALD SPEAKS-David J. McDonald, president of the strik-
ing steelworkers union, tries openly to get the country's four
biggest steel heads to bargain. His aide, Maurice Moran, offers
advice at a recent press conference.
Steelworkers Seek
BargBaining ession
Union Desires To End Strike
Before Government Makes Move_
WASHINGTON (M)-Steelworkers efforts to bring about a last-
ditch bargaining session-in hope of ending the. 91-day steel strike
before e government moves to do so-overshadowed testimony before
Presid t Dwight D.'Eisenhower's fact finding board yesterday.
David J. McDonald, president of the striking steelworkers union,
tried openly to get the decision-making heads of the country's four
biggest steel companies intoimmediate, brass-tacks bargaining.,
"I challenge these gentlemen to appear, sit down with us, and
do the job," he said.
McDonald named the four as Roger M. Blough of United States
Steel Corp., A. B. Homer of Bethlehem Steel, Charles White of Re-
public and Avery Adams of Jones & Laughlin. The fact finding panel,
which is pushing hard for a negotiated settlement, could continue its
4inquiry into the nationwide shut-
down while negotiations were re-
1i e H ope sumed, McDonald suggested.
'Litl HThe board, set up under terms
of the Taft-Hartley Act, is due to
report to Eisenhower on Friday.
Then Eisenhower could direct
Taftilartley the attorney general to seek a
court injunction:-sending the 500,-
000 steelworkers back to the mills
WASHINGTON (A) - The chief for 80 days of "cooling off" and
of President Dwight D. Eisen- mediation.
hower's steel strike injuiry board McDonald's challenge set off a
said yesterday it would be "a rash of rumor and speculation that
miracle of the very first order" a new settlement effort was in the
if a strike settlement can be making. But in mid-afternoon Mc-
achieved this week. Donald told a newsman there had
In evident discouragement, Dr. been no response from industry.
George W. Taylor chairman of Previously, industry men passed
the fact-finding panel exploring on to, newsmen a report-denied
the 91-day steel strike, indicated today by McDonald - that the
aesteelworkers' chief last night spoke
there was little hope of averting to two top officers of General
a Taf t-Hartley law injunction Motors Corp. concerning a pend-
forcing 500,000 steelworkers back ing new union proposal.
to the mills.ignwuio rpsl
Eisenhor set Friday as the The sources, who acknowledged
deadline for the panel's report. hand, said McDonald urged GM
When he gets it, the PrPresidentresident Frederic G. Donner and
may instruct the attorney general Executive Vice -President L. C.
to seek a federal district court GoadutingePressuen the
injunction ending the walkout for stadelcompbrgresuran the un-
80 days while mediation efforts go ion's demands and end the strike.
forward. I McDonald insisted the conver-
Taylor told newsmen, just before sation was "purely social." He
the hearing moved into an evening denied mentioning any new un-

UN Fails 1
To Break
Dead lock
United Nations failed yesterday to
break the Polish-Turkish deadlock
for a seat on the Security Council.
Additional balloting waspostponed
until Monday.
Communist Poland maintained
its edge over Western-backed Tur-
key in 12 ballots in the 82-nation
assembly but failed to win the
required two-thirds majority. It
was the same story as Monday
when 13 ballots were taken.
The vote on the 25th and final
ballot was 43 for Poland and 36
for Turkey. It was only a slight
change from Monday and was
exactly the same as the 14th ballot
that opened the morning session.
The required majority was 54..1
Compromise Fails
An attempt to start a compro-
mise switch to Yugoslavia failed
to gain any momentum.
Britain proposed that because of
the deadlock further balloting be
delayed until Monday. There, was
no opposition.
Prestigewas the big factor in
the bitterly contested race for a
two-year seat on the 11=nation
major political council.
The big power veto has dis-
couraged many nations from
bringing issues to the Council,
which has held only five meetings
this year.
Only three of those meetings
dealt with political issues-one on
Palestine on Jan. 30 and two on
the Laotian situation on Sept. 7.
The other two meetings were rou-
But most delegates still feel that
election to the council brings great
prestige to their country.
U.S. Favors Turkey
In the current contest the
United States has campaigned for.
Turkey, a partner in the NATO
alliance. If Poland eventually wins
it will be a blow to U.S. prestige
and a victory for the Soviet Union,
which has championed the Polish
Postponement of the voting gave
time for delegates to consult with
their home governments on future
course of action.
The Western backers of Turkey
had hoped that Poland's election
to the Economic and Social Coun-
cil Monday might encourage some
to switch their support to Turkey.
The Soviet delegation issued a
statement appealing to delegates
not to take this into account.




Missile Crossfire

McFarland Opens UF Campaign

by seeing that the agencies which
form the people of the community
are properly financed.
All the people of a community
are in the same boat, McFarland
declared. They either all go down
with the boat or all stay up.
The fact that a certain family
doesn't have any children does
not excuse them from being con-
cerned with school problems.
"Be Selfish"
But if you can't be magnani-
mous about the situation, -he said,
talk about it selfishly and say that
in doing something about commu-
nity problems you are taking care
of yourself.
McFarland cited as an example
an old man who, though he was
wealthy, had consistently refused
to donate any of his great wealth
to theĀ° community.
He was finally asked if he liked
to consider himself a member of
the human race. Well, yes, he did.
Then you'd better pay up your
dues or resign, he was told.
Communities can be trained for
success, McFarland continued. The
"rulebook" of the American free
enterprise system is working for
the first time in 25 years, he said.
The person who will win ac-
codring to the rulebook is the per-
son with the success personality,
whose key component is confi-
"Confidence Is Knowing"
You can't believe in and be in-
terested in something, he ex-
plained, unless you know some-
thing about it. So confidence is
competence, ,knowing.
But the fact that a person loses
according to the "rulebook" doesn't
mean that the rules aren't fair.
The fault lies within him.
Most men are self-made, Mc-
Farland commented, but only the
successful ones admit it.
The way to make a dream come
true, he said, is to wake up, get up,
and get going.

-Daly-Selma Sawaya
Y'ALL GIVE-Posters such as the one above are currently dis-
played in Ann Arbor stores and restaurants to remind people of
the Torch Drive. Kenneth McFarland gave the Drive's kickoff
speech at Hill Auditorium last night.


. . powers Explorer
SGC Date
The final section of the Regula-
tions Booklet will be discussed by
Student Government Council in
its meeting at 7:30 p.m. today.
The Regulations :Booklet, first
debated last week, was. given to
SGC for its comments and recom-
mendations. The Booklet sets up
rules to govern the various stu-
dent organizations on campus. The
Booklet mainly only brings the
old report up to date. .
Also, a report will be given on
discrimination in fraternities and,
sororities. The report was com-
piled from responses of 63 col-
leges across the country.
The questionnaires were sent to
the Dean of Men, Dean of Women
and the student governments of
the various campuses.

To Explore
Send Bold Orion
To Plat Interference
Of Enemy Attack
The United States launched one
satellite into orbit around the
Earth yesterday and, in a dra-
matic new experiment, fired a
missile across the path of another.
Explorer VII, a 91 -pound
"Gyroscope" satellite equipped to
study cosmis radiation and other
mysteries of space, was hurled into
a low orbit by a Juno II rocket. It
was another step in the program
to send a man into space within
two years.
Earlier, a B-47 jet bomber flying
high over the Cape fired a 37-foot
Bold Orion missile across the path
of the Explorer VI "Paddlewheel"
satellite. The shot could lead to
development of air-launched mis-
siles to knock down enemy satel-
The "Paddlewheel" was at the-
low point of its orbit at an altitude
of 146 miles and streaking through
the skies at 26,000 miles an hour
when the Bold Orion was launched.
It was aimed to pass 10 miles in
front of the satellite.
Speeds Upward
.A reliable source said the Bold
Orion sped 150 miles upward,
reaching a point four miles above
the satellite, then fell into the
Atlantic ocean 1,000 miles north-
east of here.
The "Gyroscope," so'named;be-
cause it looks like the whirling
devices used to stabilize planes in
flight, was placed in 'an orbit that
carries it as far as 664 miles from
the earth and as close as 346 miles.
The National Space Agency in
Washington said it completed its
first circuit of the earth in 101
minutes. It 'was sending back in-
formation on the various hazards
man will encounter when he first
ventures into'space.
Its most important task was to
probe the lower levels of the bands
of radiation hovering above the
Packed into the satellite were-
instruments to measure (1) cosmic
rays in and below the radiation
belt; (2) the density of micio-
meteorites; and (3) sun-produced
Lyman-Alpha ultra-violet radia-
Include Cells
The latter are believed to have
an important influence on our
Solar cells were included in the




"The amazing difference be-'
tween American communities is
the difference between the kind of
people who run them and what
these people think about a few
fundamental ideas."
The principle of the physical
sciences that the whole is deter-
mined by the nature of the parts
can be applied to the social sci-
ences, too. Kenneth McFarland,
keynote speaker at the kick-off
meeting of the United Foundation
Drive last night, said.

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
BONN, Germany - French and West German government chiefs
yesterday cautiously approved the idea of a new East-West summit
meeting, but kept some pressure on the brakes.
Both ruled out concessions at Europe's expense.
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer said he believes Western leaders
should hold a summit conference of their own in Washington to at-
tain "full agreement among themselves" before meeting with Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev.
* * *
PARIS - Premier Michel Debre warned yesterday that Algeria's
right to choose its own future must respect French strategic and

People are the stuff of a com-
munity, he continued. You can de-
cide now what kind of Ann Arbor
you want in the future and as-
sure that you get what you want
Council Sets
New Deadline
* 4
For Petitions
Petitioning for positions on the
Student GovernmentdCouncil
boards has been extended until
5:30 pm. Monday, Phil Zook, '60,
administrative vice-president an-
Two positions for one-year terms
each are open on the Student Re-
lations Board. These terms begin
in January.
Three additional positions are
now open on the Human Relations
Anyone wishing to petition may
obtain one from Mrs. Ruth Cal-I
lahan on the second floor of the
Student Activities Building.
Three More

National Roundup J
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Both employment and unemployment de-
clined seasonally in September as over one million students quit the
labor force to go back to school.
The Labor Department reported yesterday that employment de-
clined by 894,000 to 66,347,000. This is 1,718,000 higher than a year
Unemployment fell by 196,000 to 3,230,000, down 881,000 from
September last year.
WASHINGTON - The United States stands at the threshhold
of a half-trillion dollar economy, a Republican study committee said


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