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October 08, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-08

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Sir irn
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom.


Partly cloudy and warmer today,
colder with thundershowers tonight

See Page 4

VOi. LXX, No.15




1 I

SGC Recommends
Changes in Rules
t organization Regulations Revisions
Requested in Extended Meeting
Revisions of the new Regulations Booklet were recommended last
night by the Student Government Council.
In addition, David Kessel, Grad., indicated that this was his last
Council meeting. He will leave in the near future to do research at
Harvard University.
The Regulations Booklet which was written over the summer was
given to SGC for their comments and recommendations for changes.
The Booklet sets up the regulations which will control the various
student organizations on campus.
As well as this function, it serves as a compliment to the SGC plan.
Jo Hardee, '60, executive vice-president, recommended that the
entire area of rules of conduct be reconsidered by the proper govern-
Qing authorities. Her motion was

... last meeting
Lunik Soars
Past "Moon
MOSCOW MP-Tass announced
the Russians' Lunik III soared to
a point 78,750 miles from the Moon
and kept going yesterday on a
course that will swing it past the
Earth in 11 days.
The little flying laboratory,
which some scientists had specu-
lated was due back this weekend,
will sail on in space until Saturday.
and then turn back at a point
291,870 miles from the Earth, the
official Soviet news agency said.
According to this account, the
614-pound vehicle will make a wide
swing around the Earth in com-
pleting the round trip it started
from a Russian rocket base Sun-
"The shortest distance from the
Earth's surface will be about 40,-
000 kilometers (24,840 miles),"
Tass said.
This is far beyond the minimum
forecast by the Russians at the
time of the launching.
The Tass report - issued after
radio contact was established at
9 am. EST - made clear Lunik's
looping flight was carrying it away
from the moon more sharply than
from the Earth.
The course, as diagrammed here,
flattens out to parallel the Earth
after the historic passage behind
the hidden side of the Moon.
At nine a.m. EST, Tass said, the
rocket was 78,750 miles from the
Moon and 258,957 miles from the,
"After passing the point-of mini-
mum distance from the Moon, the
atomatic interplanetary station
(a Russian description of the space
vehicle), circumventing the Moon,
continues to move away from the
Earth and the Moon," Tass said.
"The data- obtained by the
ground telemetering stations dur-
ing the transmission session of Oct.
6,,' Tass said, "confirm that the
scientific measuring instruments,
the thermal regulation and power
supply systems continue function-
ng normally."
Dr. J. G. Davies, chief of the
observation team, said the space
vehicle appeared to be about one
degree higher in the sky than the
prediction sent by Moscow three
days ago, but that such a minor
deviation "represents an amazing
degree of accuracy."
Hints Summit
Meeting N ear
MOSCOW - Soviet Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev says a sum-

Among' specific complaints,
Council members pointed out that
perhaps it was not within the ju-
risdiction of the University Ad-
ministration to rule regarding
hours that women can be per-
mitted 'in the residences of male
students on campus.
It was also pointed out that fra-
ternities have much more leeway
than the quads in the periods of
time during which women can
- Question Liquor Rule
The fairness of not permitting
frateri'ities with all residents over
21 to have liquor in the house was
also questioned.
In the section dealing with re-
sponsibility, the idea of an organi-
zation, rather than the individual
members being fined for an olfense
was debated.
There is no reason why all of
the studenits in an organization
should be punished for the actions
of only a few, it was noted.
On the other hand, it was men-
tioned that there should be some
way to punish an organization
when it is clearly in the wrong.
After a debate lasting several
hours, the Council calendared Hil-
lelzapoppin for Nov. 7. The request
from Hillel conflicted with a pre-
vious one of the International Stu-
dents Association to hold their
Monte Carlo Ball on the same date.
Confusion Arose
The confusion first arose last
semester when Hillel thought they
had changed the date of their pro-
gram from March 12, 1960 to Nov.
It was discovered this semester
that due to a mixup, this date had
not been changed and that they
were still calendared for March 7.
Finally when the motion to cal-
endar Hillelzapoppin for Nov. 7,
came to a vote, it was tied to-
gether with an amendment which
members of the Council said they
found objectionable.
The amended motion was passed
by an eight to seven vote only with
the tie-breaking vote being cast
by the SGC President Ron Gregg,
As it stands now, both Hillelza-
poppin and the Monte Carlo Ball
are calendared for Nov. 7, and will
come up for approval at- the next
Council meeting.

The future of the University's
new radio telescope is "awesome
and exhilarating," Rear Adm.
Rawson Bennett, chief of United
States Naval Research, said at
dedication ceremonies at Peach
Mountain yesterday.
The new $270,000 instrument,
put into operation for the first
time yesterday, "can give us new
detailed information about radia-
tion from the sun and also serve
as a major means of contact with
rockets traveling to the far
reaches of space," said Adm. Ben-
"In this 85-foot, fully steerable
radio telescope we have an instru-
ment which, unlike much scienti-
fic equipment today, should not
become obsolete for the next few
decades," Adm. Bennett continued.
Envisions Progress
"Here . . . we will see historic
progress made," he added.
Prof. Fred T. Haddock, head of
the University radio astronomy
program, said the telescope's an-
tenna, shaped like a huge saucer,
is the most sensitive instrument
of its kind and the fourth largest
steerable radio telescope in tle
A precision-made, reflecting sur-
face and new drive system enable
the telescope to chart any portion
of the sky, breaking it into 40,000
To Study Planets
Among the first uses of the tele-
scope will be an. effort to learn
more about Uranus and Venus,
Prof. Haddock said.
The telescope, located 16 miles
north of Ann Arbor, was con-
structed by the University through
an Office of Naval Research con-
A public open house at the tele-
scope site will be held from 2 to,
4 p.m. Sunday. Visitors will have
an opportunity to see a demon-
stration of the new instrument.
Entrance to the, site is at 10280
W. North Territorial Rd.
Art Authority
Berenson Dies
In Italy at 94
FLORENCE, Italy (M)-Bernard
Berenson, generally regarded as
the world's greatest authority on
Italian Renaissance painting, died
yesterday at the age of 94.
The American expatriate had
lived in Italy for 73 years, but he
always thought of the United
States as home.
He left his estate, including a
brilliant collection of paintings
and his library-one of the world's
greatest sources of information on?
art - to Harvard University, his
alma mater.


Both Sides Await Ike's Decision


Dock Strike
Seen Today
Fact-Finding Panel
Hears Testimonies
WASHINGTON OP) - President
Eisenhower's fact - finders worked
at top speed last night to deliver
to the White House a report de-
signed to send 85,000 dock strikers
back to work under a court order.
The justice department officials
stood ready to seek the Taft-Hart-
ley Act injunction today in federal
district court in New York City.
The three - man fact - finding
panel zipped through a public
hearing on the week-old inter-
national Longshoremen's Assn.
strike in one hour and 45 minutes.
Ready Report to Ike
Then the panel members worked
in shirt sleeves to draft their re-
port to Eisenhower.
A spokesman said the three
might toil into the evening or
even later, but definitely planned
to get their report to the White
House in time for the Attorney
General to send his lawyers into
I court tomorrow.
Under the Taft-Hartley Law's
emergency machinery, the fact
finders' report must precede court
Gangs May Return
If federal court agrees to order
an 80-day cooling off period, long-,
shore work gangs may start Fri-
day to move the piled-up cargoes
which have been choking Atlantic
ports from Maine to Texas for the
past week.
The injunction requiresthe 80-
day truce for working and negotia-
The panel heard sharp conflicts
of testimony in its high-speed in-
quiry this morning. Then Chair-
man Guy Farmer appealed to the
parties to seek an early, peaceful
Calls Return 'Useless'
But in New York, President Wil-
liam V. Bradley of the Longshore
Union Said that since the Taft-
Hartley machinery is already roll-
ing, he could "see no reason why
we should resume" negotiations.
"In the face of Taft-Hartley, it
would be useless," he said.
The testimony at the fact-find-
ing hearing was brief but acrid.
The ILA counsel, Louis Wald-
man of New York, accused the em-
ployers of seeking wholesale elimi-
nation of longshore jobs, of refus-
ing to bargain, and trying to "set
the labor clock back 25 years."
Charges Irresponsibilty
Alexander P. Chopin, chairman
of the New York Shipping Assn.,
Inc., charged that the union
walked out "illegally and irrespon-
The Oct. 1 walkout of stevedores
from Maine to Texas, Chopin said,1
violated an agreement to extend1
the contract for 15 days beyonditse
expiration date at midnight last
When the firing ended, Farmere
reminded the antagonists that theI
Taft - Hartley machinery itself
won't solve the dispute and urged
an immediate fresh start on bar-c


Formosan Student Given Reprieve

Chien-sen Liu, Grad., will not be
deported Monday.
The mainland-born Formosan
exchange student, accused of
fraudulently entering the United
States two years ago, has received
a stay of deportation, probably
until he finishes his studies here,
according to Harry Kobel, his
Walter H. Sahle, director of the
Detroit immigration service, ex-
plained that Liu's stay of deport-
ation was a result of a federal
Polls Favor
In Election
LONDON 03) - Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan's Conservatives,
the odds-on betting favorites, ner-
vously expected to win another
five years of power in a national
election today.
The Conservatives were just a
shade more confident than Hugh
Gaitskell's Laborites, who also!
claimed they could smell victory
in the air.
In the two headquarters, cam-
paign directors studied last-min-
ute reports from canvassers and!
privately came up with these con-
flicting assessments:
The voters will give the Con-
servatives a 40-seat margin over
all other parties in the new 630-
seat House of Commons.
Would Be Loss1
This would represent a drop of
13 seats, but would be ample to
keep Macmillan comfortably in
the saddle as Prime Minister.
The Laborites will win with a
20-seat edge. This would put Gait-
skell in as Prime Minister and
send him instead of Macmillan to
represent Britain at any new sum-'
mit conference.
Behind their facade of optim-
ism, the two sides conceded that
the election could produce a photo
Liberals May Decide
In' that event the handful of
liberals in Parliament would be
able - by throwing in with one
side or the other - to determine*
whether Britain's top executive
job went to Macmillan or Gait-
Both Liberal and Conservativej
party workers set doorbells ring-
ing in a final effort to win support
of a huge bloc of uncommitted
voters. The three-week campaign1
closed with many signs indicating1
it could go either way.
'However, the bookmakers, whose
business is legal in Britain, viewed
the Conservatives as the hottest
election betting favorites since;
World War II.'.
But fully a fifth of Britain's 35,-
400,000 eligible voters have re-
fused to tell poll takers and partyI
workers how they will vote. I
The trend of this group un-I
doubtedly will determine the out-

court decision Tuesday that people
of China cannot be deported to
Formosa because it is not a coun-
As a result of the ruling, no
Chinese ?persons in this country
can be deported until further de-
cisions are made.
Consequently the 200 Formosan
students in the United States who
are accused of similarly defraud-
ing the government will be al-
lowed to remain in the country.
Liu, who is studying engineer-
ing at the University, is accused
of violating the "financial respon-
sibility" clause of the immigration
code by borrowing from various
sponsors $2,400, which he put in
four banks in the United States.
Upon arriving in this country,
he immediately returned the
money and financed his studies
by part-time employment and
$1,200 in University loans, schol-
arships and grants-in-aid.
Explaining that . he was con-
cerned with Liu as an individual,
Kobel said he thought the original
decision on the legality of Liu's
action could have gone either way.
Kobel said he had appealed the
case to Lt. Gen. Joseph Swing,
Commissioner of the Washington
immigration and 'naturalization
service, on the grounds that Liu
should be allowed to finish the
education he has started here.
Kobel said he wanted an offi-
cial statement of the length and
conditions of the stay of deporta-
tion. A second consideration of the
legal status of Liu's case may also
be asked.
Liu himself is very happy about
the decision. He plans to remain
at the University and continue his
studies as long as possible.
Series Play
To Resume
CHICAGO (')-Pleasant weath-
er and a crowd of 48,000 are ex-
pected for the sixth game of the
World Series today.
The Los Angeles Dodgers, who
have won three games thus far,
will be out to clinch the world
baseball championship in the best-
of-seven series.
The Chicago White Sox, who
have won two games, will aim to
win to keep their chances alive.
The Chicagoans are an 11-10
betting choice to take today's game.
But the Los Angeles team is a
21/2-1 favorite to take the series.
The White Sox have chosen their
ace, Early Wynn, as starting pitch-
er. The Dodgers have given thei
pitching assignment to Johnny
Both are winners in this series.
Wynn won the first game, which
the White Sox took by an 11-0
score. Podres was the winner of the
second game, taken by the Dodgers
by a 4-3 score.'
The White Sox figuratively will
have their backs against the wall.
But it will be the wall of their
home grounds, Comiskey Park,
scene of the first two games of the


.. . receives stay



Plan New
In State
Plans are being. made for an
educational institution that will
serve Michigan's tri-country, area
of Bay, Midland, and Saginaw
Tax and philanthropic monies
will be combined to provide a four-
year college= for. this~ area with a
potential college student popula-
tion of 5,000.
The new college, will be com-
posed of a two-year community
(junior) college supported by a
1.5 million dollar tax levy ap-
proved in 1958 by the voters of the
three counties, and a senior school
founded as a private, non-profit
corporation, later to be supported
by tuitions.
There is a prospect of the addi-
tion of a state-supported. college
of medicine.
Structure Unusual
"The structure is unusual, and,
to the best of my knowledge, no
comparable .pattern exists in the
United States," Samuel D. Marble,
president of the college, said.
The two year junior. college is
also 'unusual because it will be
governed by its own board of trus-
tees, and not by the local board
of education as are most junior
The area has the second largest
population concentration in the
state, after Wayne County.
The new school will supplant
Bay City Junior College, which
has been rapidly outgrowing its
High entrance requirements and
academic standards will be estab-
The trustees aim to prepare men
and women not only. for jobs that
exist, but also for jobs that do not.
In this way the school hopes to
attract interested research groups
and industries who need ,the serv-
ices of such people.
Eventually Four-Year.
The tri-county college will even-
tually become a four-year univer-
sity even if present plans to rush
the four-year program fail.
College trustees currently esti-
mate the school can be completed
for approximately $200,000 less
than the $8,000,000 to be raised in
the tri-country tax levy.
A million dollars have already
been spent for land and utilities.
Building construction contracts
awarded last week total $5,373,780.
Heart Attack
Takes Singer
Mario Lanza

May Invoke
T-H Ruling
Halt Strike
Union, Industrial
Leaders Meet Again,
But Without Success
PITTSBURGH ()-Steel nego-
tiators despaired yesterday of a
strike peace pact on the eve of
President Eisenhower's apparent
deadline for government interven-
tion under the Taft-Hartley Law.
President David J. McDonald of
the United Steelworkers Union,
saying a negotiated settlement
seemed hopeless, sent the union's
170 - man wage - policy committee
The group would have to approve
any new contract.
Set No Meetings
I The on-and-off negotiations were
again suspended with no further
meetings in prospect to end the
crippling 85-day strike, worst In
steel history.
Neither the industry nor union
would. budge from their stands
after a "summit meeting" between
McDonald and top industry execu-
tives got nowhere.
Eisenhower said a week ago be
wanted a settlement by the time
he returns to Washington today
from a rest trip in Palm Springs,
Will Fight Injunction
McDonald said that if Eisenhow-
er invokes the Taft-Hartley Law
and seeks to stop the strike for 80
.days under a court injunction the
USW will fight the Injunction at-
tempt in' thecoz.
"But if an injunction is issued
the United Steelworkers of America
will obey the law of the land," the
union chief said.
McDonald said ,the union still
wants Eisenhower to steer clear of
Taft-Hartley and, instead, name a
public fact-finding board to recom-
mend settlement terms. He said it
would end the historic dispute
more quickly and fairly.
Ike Dislikes Plan
Eisenhower, however, has ex-
pressed distaste for McDonald's
plan unless the industry joins the
union in supporting it.
Under the T-H Law an inquiry
board would merely report strike
facts without suggesting a solution.
The strike has idled 500,000 di-
rectly in the basic steel industry
and some 200,000. indirectly in
other industries, and the steel
shortage was growing rapidly.
Union chief McDonald, after a
25-minute meeting with his policy
group, took occasion to minimize
the industry contract offer. He
stressed again that the union is
willing to settle on the basis of
the same- degree of economic gain
as contained in the expired 1956
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A delegation of
U. S. atomic energy specialists
will leave today for a 10-day tour
of Russian nuclear installations.
A Russian atomic energy group
will return the visit later in the
This was announced yesterday
by Chairman John A. McCone of
the Atomic Energy Commission,
who will head the American group.
McCone told a news conference

it's possible the visits could be the
forerunner of increased exchange
of nonmilitary atomic information
between the two countries.
BEIRUT, Lebanon-A gunman
3hot Abdel Karim Kassem yester-
day on a Baghdad street but aides
'reported the Iraqi strongman
emerged with only a shoulder
The purpose of the attack, Kas-
sem declared, was to leave the
Iraqi people divided and without


Russian Space Proposal.
Cheered byU.S.,Britain
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P)-The United States and Britain
yesterday welcomed a Soviet proposal for an international scientific
conference on outer space.
This boost from the West virtually assured that such a conference
would take place.
Vasily V. Kuznetsov, Soviet deputy foreign minister, disclosed
the proposal in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly'

Tuesday. He said the Soviet Union'
would seek a conference under UN
auspices as soon as possible. It
would be along the lines of the
UN conference on peaceful uses of
atomic energy-a plan advanced
originally by President Eisenhower.
Lodge Pleased
"We welcome this new departure'
in Soviet policy and hope that it4
means cooperation in the future?
work of the United Nations in
the field of outer space," United
States Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge said in a statement.
He declared the United States
still supports strongly the estab-
lishment by the present Assembly
of a special UN Space Committee.
The Soviet Union boycotted a
committee set up last year on the
grounds Communist and neutral'
nations did not have sufficient
representation. Kuznetsov said the
Soviet stand was unchanged.

World-weary Platform Sitter Seeks Record

A six-foot-three, black-haired, bearded University student, cover-
ing his torn khakis and black sweater with a raincoat and sniffling
with great gusto, ascended a wooden platform near the Diag at 2
p.m. yesterday.
Known only as "Maledonia," the isolated student claims he is
trying to break the national flagpole sitting record, which is reportedly
85 days.
Meanwhile, he hopes to be fed by thoughtful students who sym-
pathize .with his desire to be alone. Maledonia says he'll eat almost
anything. Food can be passed to him on the end of a piece of lumber.
"I hate brown beer bottles," he bleated from the platform.
The platform sitter screamed he was tired of the living world.
Classes Forgotten
"What'll you do about classes?" several witnesses chorused.

golden voiced

- Mario Lanza; a
boy from Philadel-r

phia's "little Italy;" died yesterday.

... ..: t W.

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