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October 06, 1959 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-06

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See page 4


Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Occaalnl rain or drile.

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r Bets
When the form of a tax is con-
stitutional and the substance of
that same tax unconstitutional, by
what principle can a court judge?
Such is the dilemma facing the
State Supreme Court in its con-,
sideration of the controversial, re-{
cently-passed use tax.
Prof. Harvey Brazer, who was
research director of the Michigan
Tax Study Committee is profes-
sor of economics and research as-
sociate at the Institute of Public'
Administration, is betting that it
will be approved constitutional.'
"Ordinarily a court is reluctant;
to disrupt decisions of legisla-
tures," Prof. Brazer advanced.1

on Affirmation

"And the fact that it would leave
Michigan with no adequate taxa-
tion enhances the chance that it
will be positively affirmed."
Not Aroused
Since public sentiment is not
aroused against the use tax, the
easiest thing would be to declare
it constitutional," he continued.
"Whether one should take into
account the political complexion
of the court is debatable in some-
thing like this," Prof. Brazer said.
"But I don't think that politics
will enter."
It's funny, he remarked, but in
a study we conducted through the
Detroit Area Survey a preponder-
ant majority of people felt an in-

come tax to be a far fairer method al reform necessary, but not as a
of taxation. "But when you ask prerequisite to reformulation of
them which they would prefer for the state's tax structure. He de-
Michigan, a substantial majority lared that the non-partisan taxj
favored a sales tax." committee was careful to avoid
Related To Income recommendations which would
"The difference in opinions is necessitate constitutional reform..
closely related to the difference in Two Shortcomings
income," Prof. Brazer reported. There are two major shortcom-
Those in a higher income bracket ings in the state's present tax
affirmed a sales tax, while those structure, Prof. Brazer said.
in the lower brackets wanted an 1) We rely far too heavily upon
income tax. taxes based on general consump-
Psychologically, most people tion.
would rather pay in little bits, he 2) The business unit, per se, is
related. "And there is an extreme not a very appropriate vehicle for
reaction against anything which taxation.
tends to reduce take home pay." Reducing our reliance upon
Prof. Brazer called constitution- taxes of these types and replacing

... n taxes

*.. on taxes









Tells Faculty
State of 'U'
After Year



U President Thanks;
Staff for Expressing
Understandinf. Faith

v uraaswsraaaug, . Ak
University President Harlan
Hatcher last night called the pawl
year "one of the most severe thi
University has experienced."
Addressing the faculty and"stal
in his annual report on "e
State of the University," Presiden
Hatcher expressed thanks "for thi
poise and understanding of thll
faculty and for the faith whidt
they expressed in the University'
He said $2,750,000 of the in-
crease in the operating budget ha
been set aside for faculty anc
staff raises, and he indicated that
additional pay increases will head
the priority list in the budget re-
quest for the year 1960-61.
Cites Support Potential'
The president said it was "un-
thinkable" that, the state's "po-
tential for support" should not
meet up with the University's
"undoubted need."
Two challenges face the Univer-
sity, he noted - pressure from the
high schools which "will hit next
year and from then on," -and de-
velopment of advanced study. and
He expects enrollment to in-
crease by "possibly 200" in the
next year.
To Grow Slowly
However, the University will
"continue its policy of carefully
controlled growth," .-President
Hatcher said, and the increase in
enrollment each year will be "slow
until more, adequate support is
achieved and space needs are met.A"
"We will still have a strong un-
dergraduate school on which to
base our graduate program,".he
Noting that "We have seen a
change in orientation coming over
the University," the president said
the proportion of graduate stu-
dents has jumped six per cent in
the last decade.
Need Research Outlays
"It is no longer possible to think
of an outlay for higher education
in terms of teachers for fresh-
men," he said. "Laboratories, re-
search space and advanced train-
ing must be included."
He called upon the University to
assume its "new role" of emphasis
on research because higher educa-
tio n"is now a venture into the
very frontiers of man's knowledge."
The people of the state of Mich-
igan must realize that the Univer-
sity is one of "only a limited num-
tion "is now a venture into the
can turn for work of this kind,"
he said.
'New Frontier' Develops
President Hatcher cited the In-
stitute of Science and Technology
and the new post of Vice-Presi-
dent in Charge of Research as two
developments in this "new fron-
tier." He also noted a third devel-


Get Awards
For Service
Presented Checks
From Alumni Fund
Five University professors were
presented awards for "distin-
guished faculty achievement" last
Checks for $1,000 each, made
possible by the Alumni Fund of
the University's Development
Council, were presented the re-.
c i p i e n t s by President Harlan
Hatcher following his "State of
the University Address."
The winners, selected by a fac-.
ulty committee of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee were: Prof.
Stanley A. Cain of the conserva-
tion and botany departments;
Prof. Kenneth A. Easlick of the
ht awarded dentistry school; Prof. Paul G.
ouncil. The Kauper of the law school; Prof.
Professors Paul W. McCracken of the busi-
t Hatcher. ness administration school; and
Prof. James K. Pollock, chairman
of the political science depart-
According to the citation, Prof.
Cain is recognized for his "leader-
ship in the professional develop-
ment of the field of conservation.
His reputation in the field of bot-
d one provi- any is international in scope, and
proposal pro- he is recognized as one of the fore-
tch the com- most American ecologists."
ribution into Prof. Easlick was cited as
would mean "known internationally for con-
per hour and tributions to research, particular-
constituted a larly in pedeodontics, and a rec-
ognized leader in the field of pub-
lic health dentistry."
totalled 15 Prof. McCracken's citation stat-
industry de- ed that "in his career he has ex-
no more in- emplified in the highest degree the
without re- ideals of teaching, research, and
iary increase public service."
"Throughout his career Prof.
a statement Pollock's research and publication
the proposal have been exceptional," according
for the two to his citation. In his field of study
he has been recognized for his
c package work as a teacher and as a politi-
to the steel- cal scientist. He is one of two
d not attach Americans ever to hold the presi-
it which are dency of the International Politi-
acceptable." cal Science Association.

T ax
them by a graduated income ta:
-the Committee's solution - de
i mands no constitutional revision
But the tax situation does illus-
trate the need for constitutiona
reform, Prof. Brazer pointed out
Because of the tremendous in-
equality in representation in th
State Legislature, particularly ir
the Senate, a tax policy or any
kind of' policy is not necessaril3
representative of the wishes o
the majority of the people.
Not Used Well
"It is true that they were no
put to as effective a use as they
might have been," Prof. Brazei
said, referring to his'committee's
suggestions. "But in terms'of the
educational effort involved and by
the fact that this was a demon-
stration of leading citizens from
organized labor, business, agricul-
ture and the professions sitting
down and thrashing out an ac-
ceptable program," the time was
anything but wasted."
Beyond that, he continued, ex-
perience at both the state and
federal levels show that what is
initial failure frequently in the
long run appears a great deal
more useful than you thought.
Subsequent study groups will
very probably continue the work
of our committee, Prof. Brazer in-
dicated. And the state now has
available a comprehensive study
of its tax structure.
"Also, a large proportion of the
informed people were compelled to
take stands on the tax issue, which
they probably would never have
done if it hadn't been so widely
publicized, he insisted.
Prof. Brazer acknowledged that
some of the Committee's recom-
mendations will never be passed.
"But I should guess that a good
percentage of them will be," he
Offer ,Job
To Crisler
Associate Sports Editor
Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz"
Crisler is remainirg noncommittal
concerning an offer from the
newly - formed American Football
League to become its commission-
Crisler disclosed yesterday that
he was contacted by representa-
tives of the youthful professional
conference, scheduled to go into
operation next year.
However, he refused to release
any details other than that "my
feelings and interest have been
sounded out."
Crisler said he first learned that
he was being considered for the
position from a newspaper man
"who said my name was thrown in
a hopper along with several others.
"But all I can say is that I have
been noncommittal and still am,"
Crisler told The Daily last night.
The Associated Press reported
that two secret meetings were held
at Crisler's home with two mem-
bers of the League's committee or-
ganized to select a commissioner.
The officials, said the AP, are
Lamar Hunt, owner of the Dallas
franchise in the six-team league
and primary force behind the con-
ference's formation, and H. P.
Skoglund, Minneapolis insurance
executive and owner of the fran-
chise in that city.
The third member of the com-
mittee is Baron Hilton, son of the
hotel magnate and owner of the
Los Angeles franchise in the AFL.
Hunt said the choice for com-
missioner has been narrowed to
three men, but would not say ifj

See CRISLER, Page 6 1

Soviet Lunar Lab
To Reach Target
Space Station To Photograph Moon;
To Give First View of Far Side
MOSCOW (R) - The Soviet lunar laboratory is expected to reach
the moon today, curve around it and take man's first pictures of the
side always hidden from the earth.
The 614-pound space traveler last night was on the last lap of
its 238,857-mile journey. Its pace was slowed to a cosmic crawl by the
earth's gravitational pull. But the Russians said it was flying accord-
ing to plan.
(Scientists at Britain's rocket tracking station at Jodrell Bank
agreed. They said it was traveling close to the Russians' predicted
position and could be said to beg

on course.)
Start Sending
The Soviet space station is ex-
pected to make its rendezvous to-
day at 9 a.m. EST and start filing
back electronic data immediately.
This will be correlated at the
Central Soviet computing station,
whose location has never been re-
vealed, and most of it made pub-
lic afterward.
The space station - which Prof.
Vsevolod Sharonov of Leningrad
yesterday called "a complete auto-
matic observatory" -- will .com-
plete its swing around earth's
natural satellite and then orbit
back toward the parent planet.
Approach Moon
The latest word from Tass, the
official news agency, was that it
would approach within 7,000 kil-
ometers (4,350 miles) of the moon
at its closest point. The original
announcement said 10,000 kilo-
meters (6,210 miles) would be the
Scientists expect pictures taken
by the satellite's camera of the far
side of the moon to show the same
crater scars familiar to all moon-
Much more interesting to most
scientists is what the flying lab-
oratory, crammed with instru-
ments, will tell on its expected
glide back to a vast, cigar-shaped
orbit around the earth.
Observatory teams in the Soviet
Union were geared to begin track-
ing the satellite after it emerges
from its photo mission behind the
moon and starts on the way back.
More Data
The satellite is expected to un-
fold more information on the
composition of space between the
moon and earth, which will be val-
uable to man when he ventures
out into that void.
Prof. I. A. Khvostikov, a Soviet
scientist, explained to Moscow
radio listeners that science hopes
to learn from this first flight back
from the moon. The flying labor-
atory reported on radiation and
magnetic fields on the way up ,to
the moon, he explained. It will do
the same on the way down.
Navy Unveilsa
New Defense'
Against Subs
announced a new weapon system
yesterday: A helicopter that de-
tects submarines and fires torpe-
does at them.
The system employs:
1. A detection device called a
transducer, suspended by a long
cable from a helicopter and peri-
odically dunked into the water to
spot submarines by sound-echo
3. The helicopter itself, a Sikor-
sky HSS2, operating from a car-
rier or other vessels.

U.S. Claims
Moon Race
Not Decided
NEW YORK (JP)-The race to
put a man on the moon is far
from over--and the United States
still has an even chance to win,
a United States space scientist
said yesterday.
Some of the latest Soviet suc-
cesses on the moon can be attrib-
uted to the purposeful way the
Russians attack things,'explained
Dr. John W. Townsend, Jr., of the
National Aeronautics and Space
The Russians haven't launched
an earth satellite since Sputnik IU
in May of last year, he noted.
"That gang is working very hard
putting up moon shots now," Dr.
Townsend told newsmen after a
speech before the 7th 'Anglo-
American Aeronautical Conference.
"That gang" is the giant Soviet
team which works on space pro-
jects, he explained.
Meanwhile, during the Soviet
Satellite lull, the United States has
been concentrating on satellites.
When the United States an-
nounced its International Geophy-
sical Year satellite program, some
Soviet scientists were able to con}
vince their government to move
into the field with their superior
The Soviets still hold the ad-
vantage in rocket power and prob-
ably will for a time.
Early Talks
LONDON (A) - Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan promised yes-
terday to keep on fighting for early
summit talks.
Both Macmillan's Conservatives r
and Hugh Gaitskell's Laborites
took up the summit talks as a ma-
jor issue in Thursday's election of
a new House of Commons.
Britain's allies watched this de-
velopment with silence which may,
conceal annoyance. Diplomats said
the process of arranging top-level
talks has been suspended by the
big Western allies until after the
British balloting.
Labor leaders declared President
Dwight D. Eisenhower gave Mac-
millan the brush-off for trying to
use the summit conference in, the
election campaign. They cited a
statement from Eisenhower's vaca-
tion headquarters in Palm Springs,
Calif., that there had been no
agreement yet to hold talks.
Macmillan was unabashed, He
still was pitching the Conservative
cause on the claim that he was the
original ice-breaker of the cold war
and the driving force behind the
whole summit idea.

"DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT" AWARDS--Five University professors were last nigh
checks for $1,000 and framed citations, made possible by the University's Development Co
picture shows (left to right): Raymond T. Perring representing the Development Council,
Kenneth Easlick, Paul McCracken, James Pollock, Paul Kauper, Stanley Cain, and Presiden
USW Rejects Industry's Offer

'PITT'SBURGH (M) - United'
Steelworkers yesterday rejected an
industry proposal to settle the 83-
day steel strike - then resumed
i negotiations.
PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower
has threatened if necessary, to in-
voke the Taft-Hartley Act to get
t UAIIIsrael
Trade Blasts
In UN Fray
United Arab Republic yesterday
accused Israel of raising a fake
crisis in the United Nations over
freedom of navigation in the Suez
Mahoud Fawzi, the UAR foreign
minister, told the 82-nation Gen-
eral Assembly the issue would
"melt away and automatically dis-
appear if Israel recognized the
legitimate rights of more than a
million Palestine Arab refugees.
Ambassador Arthur Lourie, head
of the Israeli delegation, immedi-
ately challenged Fawzi to tell the
Assembly whether or not the UAR
was willing to negotiate a settle-
ment of the entire Palestine prob-
He said Israel was ready to ne-
gotiate "at any time and place
without attaching any conditions."
He described the UAR position as
a "maze of contradictions" and
added: "Having failed on the field
of battle, they now say they are°
entitled to maintain against us a
one-sided state of war."
The sharp exchange appeared to
doom chances for negotiating any,
settlement of the Canal issue at
this Assembly.F
Early this year the UAR ex-

the half million strikers quickly
back in the mills. The act calls for
an 80-day cooling off period while
production is going on.
After a day of rapid fire develop-
ments, an extraordinary night
negotiating session began at 8:45
p.m. (EDT). It was the first time
the negotiators had met at night
since contract talks began last
May, two months before the strike
began. The meeting began 15 min-
utes past its scheduled starting
Met Yesterday
The USW wage policy commit-
tee met yesterday for nearly two
hours, then announced it had
unanimously rejected an offer
which the industry said would
vide a 15-cent hourly pack~age in a
two year contract.
The industry claimed it had
offered all it can and said it does
not want to "buy peace" at the
risk of inflation.
David J. McDonald, president of
the USW, declared:
"Rather than a 15 cent offer,
they are actually insisting our
people take a cut in take home pay
the first year and a miserly few
pennies the second year. This so-
called offer was not made in good
faith. It is pure propaganda
cruelly' designed to confuse peo-
City Council
Offers Refund
From Taxe's
More than $2,600 in tax money
was refunded to the Detroit Edi-
son Company by the City Council
at last night's meeting.
The vn. + thw rimerprp-

McDonald explainer
sion of the company p
vides that workers ma
panies' increased cont
social insurance. This
2'/2 cents more a man1
he said this actuallyc
pay cut.
"No More'
In saying its offer
cents per hour, the1
clared it could grant3
crease "at this time
sulting in an inflation
in production*costs."
The union issuedf
placing the worth oft
at' 10.2 cents an hour
years. It added:
"Such an economi
would be unacceptable
workers even if you di
further conditions toi
themselves totally una

',Hodges Lead's Dodgers to Victory, 5-4

LOS ANGELES MP)-Gil Hodges, a battle worn Dodger veteran
of seven World Series, hammered a tie-breaking h6me run in the
eighth inning yesterday for a 5-4 Los Angeles victory over the Chicago
White Sox.
The Dodgers now hold a 3-1 edge in the best-of-seven series with
a chance to close it out this afternoon before another record Coliseum
The Dodgers appeared on the way to at shutout behind Roger
Craig, who was bombed in the 11-0 opener, until the Sox rallied for
four in the seventh. A screen-clearing three-run homer to left by
Sherm Lollar tied the score.
Record Crowd
A roaring throng of 92,550, that topped yesterday's Series record
turnout by 256, tooted on their toy trumpets and yelled "Charge" and
"Go" as the Dodgers pulled this one out of the fire after blowing a
4-0 lead.

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