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May 24, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-24

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The Big Count-Down

Seventieth Year

, -- ;

Truth Will Prevail'


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Indecisiveness Hurts
Stevenson's Career
NEW YORK MP)-Former President Harry S. Truman says he
cluded in 1956 that Adlai E. Stevenson would be "ineffectual
presi'dent" because of indecisiveness.
Truman, writing in Look magazine, said he also felt Stev(
was "uncertain of himself and remote from the people."
Stevenson, he said further, brought about a period of "conk
drift and factionalism" in the Democratic Party by not exerc
party leadership after his 1952 defeat by Dwight D. Eisenhower.
He also said Stevenson's 1952 campaign was not conducted oz
Democratic administration record and cost the party three of

, MAY 24, 1960




HE UNIVERSITY has changed a lot in four
years, especially the student body.
The great school itself has made a few sur-
face changes-the honors program was insti-
tuted, a vice-president for research was added,
the Institute for Science and Technology was
founded. But the school itself has lost none of
the impersonality which comes with size. And
one suspects, but cannot really prove, that the
quality of the faculty has gone down.
SGC FOR THE FIRST TIME in four years
has a conservative bloc. In years past there
has been a minority core-two or three or four
--who have stood for the conservative line.
They have been affiliates. This year the con-
servative bloc numbers at least six, with three
other votes usually on its side. It has equal
force with the liberals on the Council. It is
made up of both affiliates and independents.
The Council now has personnel less qualified
for student government than four years ago,
perhaps, but by its increasing conservative na-
ture it is more representative of campus opin-
ion. The liberals of the post-war era are no
more. This is not the era of the Fair Deal; it
Is the era of Eisenhower conservatism. And
this viewpoint is increasingly noticeable at
the University. A few students picket for Negro
equality-a very few. More students wit1
conservative ideas show up oh SGC, on The
Daily, formerly the bastion of the liberal stu-
The conservative student body tends to
equate conservatism' with doing nothing. They
don't even bother to vote.' Thus the trend
toward conservatism which can be seen on SGC
Is not a conscious effort on the part of the
student body to elect a representative council.,
The fact that the campus doesn't care does
not contradict, in fact helps to support, the
trend to conservatism.
When members of this student group are
put on the Council, however, they areexpected
to take action. Conservative legislation then
takes the form of carefully considered action
as opposed to abortive attempts to rush into
Implementation of exalted liberal ideals.
With the conservatives nearing control of
SOC for the first time in four years, the
Council will perhaps gain new strength and a
new vigor. The conservatives, it is hoped, will
begin to spend more time with the problems
which concern the students as a whole, and
less with the most esoteric theory of the past.
What the student body needs is leadership,
representative leadership, and it is nearing
that goal.
A moderate approach to anti-discrimination
has just been accepted-the Haber-Miller plan.
The time limit on bias clauses which passed
the students government but was vetoed by
Presidents Ruthven and Hatcher back in
1949 and 1951 has been discarded in favor of
a more equitable plan.
SGC has definite ground to cover in its
relations with the student body; if it can con-
vince students that it is actively representing
them, or a majority of them, it may solve the
SGC has service projcts to launch-parking
structures for student cars, improved living
conditions in residence halls. SGC has to make
the student voice heard on the critical issues
of the University-the iri-state, out-state en-'
rollment ratio, admission criterion, curriculum.
Most of all, SGC has a student creed to
formulate, a tone to set. It has to lead in
showing spirit and pride in the University. It
has to be able to present a student viewpoint
on University problems, a representative stu-1
dent viewpoint. It has to help clear out the
anachronistic rules which occasionally oppressj
the student. A conservative, representativeI
council can do all these and much more-for
the benefit of the University.
CAMPUS TRADITION is valuable; it is the
great force which binds all the University
community, presentand past, together. It cre-
ates a personality for something which is high-
ly impersonal. Nothing else but the lore of the
University serves to tie its highly fragmented
units together. Its history, its alumni, the

Editorial Staff
Editorial, Director City Editor
JIM BENAGH. ................Sports EditorT
PETER DAWSON ........Associate City Editor
CHARLES KOZOLL............ eersonnel Director
JOAN KAATZ Magazine Editor
BARTON HUTHWAITE . Associate Editorial Director
FRED KATZ.............. Associate Sports Editor
DAVE LYON .. . . ..... Associate Sports Editor
JO HA'RDERE............... Contributing Editor

color and glory of the past-these all stu-
dents have in common.
While many of the older traditions still
remain, most of the new ones are dying while
barely out of the womb. The panty raid seemss
to be a thing of the past. Food riots have lost
their spirit. The great impersonal administra-
tion frowns on such things, perhaps with good
One of SGC's implied responsibilities is to
retain tradition and develop a student nation-
alism within the University. It is necessary for
'the University, through its student government
which articulates student beliefs and is the
official uniting force of the student body, to
retain and develop the informal tie, the Uni-
versity's body of myth.
Some of the old traditions, like J-Hop, have
recently died.
But some of the tradiiton of the past has
managed to stay around, still popular, and
waiting for the day lvhen the University again
develops a new nationalism. The Glee Club
still wins ovations for the old songs. The Pretzel
Bell is still the home of the collegiate beer
drinker. Students can still get aroused at foot-
ball games.
The greatest tradition of the past-the hon-
orary-is still strong. Michigamua is proud of
its tradition and still numbers among its
members the most active, interested and quali-
fled men on campus. That its spririt-and its
value-should span the fifty years since its
founding should be a sign of encouragement to
those who claim the University isn't what it
used to be. Michigamua's final value is in its
uniting force-bringing student activities lead-
ers and athletes, engineers and literary college
students together to discuss the problems of
the University and their part in solving, them.
Few other groups do this.
MANY OF THE preconceived stereotypes of
University life are broken in four years.
Students find the supposed dumb athlete is
pretty smart at the University. The athletes
which represent the University across the coun-
try create a good image-they are basically
intelligent young men. They work harder than
the average student, for they must make grades
at an admittedly stiff school and spend long
hours of training, playing and traveling to
their sports events. An athlete at Michigan is
a man to be admired-a statement which
can be made at few other schools.
A word of praise can be given, not only to
the athletes theiiselves, but to their chief,
H. O. "Fritz" Crisler. Michigan athletes are
by reputation efficiently run and'"clean." The
official concern extends to the individual ath-
lete's scholastic career as well as his academic
career. Athletes can miss practices here to
study-this situation is not common in the
college athletic powerhouses of today.
THIS LAST YEAR has been an unusual one
indeed. For the first time in recent years,
the Interfraternity Council had a president who
was moderate in his views and showed an
interest in the campus as a whole rather than
in the fraternities exclusively. Jim Martens
earned lots of good will for his organization,
and IFC has needed that for some years. In
addition, he made the fraternities faces their
own problems and start to solve them-the bias
clauses, hazing.
THE UNIVERSITY is fortunate in possessing
a strong affiliate system. These housing
units provide homogeneous groups with which
the student can identify, as he cannot with
the residence halls as presently constituted.
They provide active social programs. And they
bear more than their share of the responsi-
bility for maintaining student activities.
It 9s primarily thanks to affiliates that the
major student organizations have remained in
existence. Whether their participation in these
organizations is from pressure, desire to win
prestige for their own houses or whatever, it
remains that the affiliates have a far higher
percentage of participation in student activities
than the more numerous independents. They
take their responsibility as members of the
University community more seriously.

the past year has been the opening of the
Dearborn Center. Philosophically a mistake,
since a trade school has no place being associ-
ated with this University, its expensive first
year of operation served only a handful of
students. One would hope, to save University.
face, that this institution garners more stu-
dents next year than it has classrooms-or else
the whole thing should be chalked up to failure.
OUR YEARS at Michigan are bound to
leave some impressions. M list of interest-
ing, unusual and entertaining people includes

Hope they get it over with before I start studying for finals
-Daily-James Richman
Crisis Faces Next President -1V

Associate Press News Analyst
XASHINGTON-Premier Nikita
- Khrushchev neatly planted a
Soviet time bomb last week under
the inauguration of the next
United States President.
It threatens to explode a new
summit crisis next January in the
midst of political confusion ac-
companying a change of adminis-
trations in Washington. ,
At that time Khrushchev must
be expected to make a determined
effort to force the United States,
Britain and France to withdraw
from Berlin.
In the meanwhile, with the
future challenge already clearly
shaped, he must be expected to
try to divide the Allies.
THE EVIDENT lines of Soviet
strategy indicate that President,
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Sec-..
retary of State Christian A. Her-
ter, during their remaining months
in office, must strive to strengthen
already damaged Allied ties and
to cushion the shocks always in-
volveed in changing government.
They do not, however, have to
worry any more about making any
substantial start on East - West
peace negotiations themselves.
Their hopes in this respect are
buried under the debris of the
Paris fiasco.
The disarmament negotiations
and nuclear test talks at Geneva
may go one-no one can yet say-
but in the hostile post-summit
atmosphere there are no real
hopes for any important agree-
Diplomats foresee an increasing
pressure on Eisenhower from the
defense department and Atomic
Energy Commission to order a
resumption of underground nu-
clear weapons tests. Such talk is
already beginning to be heard
Advocates of new tests argue
that -in the absence of a United
States - Soviet-British agreement,
the Soviets may secretly start up
testing again.
The results of last week's disas-
trous diplomacy in Paris are only
slowly becoming apparent. The
causes will be debated for years.
No one at present, except possibly
Khrushchev himself, can speak
with much real authority on what
happened. Khrushchev dominated
the situation throughout but pre-
cisely why he handled it as he did
is still a matter more speculative
than factual.
* * s
AMONG WESTERN leaders at
Paris, including British Prime
Minister Harold MacMillan and
French President Charles de
Gaulle, the consensus was that
Khrushchev did not have to de-
stroy ths summit meeting over
the issue of spy flights. They con-
cluded rather that he deliberately
chose to wreck the conference by
breaking violently with Eisenhower
over the issue.
If Khrushchev hurt himself in
the process-and many Western
dpilomats believe he did-it was
because he overplayed his role.
British and French experts made

Many Western European au-
thorfties felt Eisenhower put
Khrushchev in an impossible posi-
tion by taking public responsibility
for what under international law
and tradition was a violation of
Soviet territory. They felt Khru-
shchev had to make a row, but not
as big a row as he produced.
IF THE U-2 incident and the
Eisenhower-Herter handling of it
did not constitute the real cause
of the summit breakdown, what
did? There are several answers to
this; probably none of them is
completely true but all have some
The nost important is that
Khrushchev could see weeks in
advance he faced failure at the
summit conference.
It seems likely that Eisenhower
and Herter have consistently un-
derestimated the importance
which Khrushchev attaches to
breaking down the Western posi-
tion in Berlin.
The West talked instead of
summit progress on disarmament
and a nuclear weapons test ban.
But Khrushchev. was more inter-
ested in beating the West down
on Berlin. When he realized he
could not do so the summit con-
werence became, for him, a poten-
tial liability.
Khrusheshev's summit strategy is
the opposition of the Red Chinese
leadership, under Mao Tse-Tung,
to Khrushchev's long campaign to
establish more friendly relations
with the United States.
Related to this is the virutal
certainty that powerful elemens
within the Soviet ruling group dis-
approve of Khrushchev's peace-

ful coevistence line toward the
West and prefer a more belligerent
attitude. A summit failure for him
on German issues would have
given these opponents in Red
China and in' the Kremlin argu-
ments to use against Khrushchev
in the future.
Another element little noted by
the diplomats but seized upon by
military observers is this: The U-2
spy plane the Russians said they
shot down was reported by the
Russians themselves to have pene-
trated about 1,300 miles inside
Russia. This showed up Soviet
defenses as being weaker than
they were reputed to be.
Khrushchev quite possibly felt-
or his military chiefs told him--
that a ruthless diplomatic strategy
was needed to restore the pres-
tige Russia lost by the disclosure.
AFTER HIS PARIS performance
Khrushchev flew off to Berlin,
where he appeared subdued and
tired. There he announced he
would wait six or eight months
for a new summitrconference and
that his demands on Berlin and
his oft-threatened East German
peace treaty would have to wait
He served notice in effect that
he would iname the Berlin situa-
tion again late this year or early
next. To deal with the problem,
he put a new summit conference
on the agenda for the future.
He seemed quite satisfied to
have the whole U-2 incident
shoved into the United Nations
where his representatives can use
it to try to keep the United States
on the defensive.
Thus Khrushchev planted his
time bomb under the new ad-
ministration in Washington;
months before it is even chosen.

million votes. In 1956 Truman
supported the then Gov. Averell
Harriman of New York for the,
Democratic Presidential nomina-
tton. He has come out this year
for Sen. Stuart Symington of Mis.
souri. *
STEVENSON, the party's nomi-
nee in both 1952 and 1956, has
said he is not a candidate for the
nomination this year bt has left
the door open to acceptance if it
is offered.
Truman told of a conversation
he had with Stevenson in July,
1956, in the Hotel Blackstone in
"As we talked about some of
the major domestic issues," Tru-
man wrote, "Stevenson's only com-
ment to me was, 'what is it I am
doing wrong?'
"I walked over to the window.
Looking down, I saw a man stand-.
ing at the entrance. I beckoned
to Stevenson and then, pointing
down, said, 'the thing you have
'got to do is to learn how to reach
than man.'
"I WAS TRYING, as gently as
I could, to tell this man-so gifted
in speech and intellect, and yet
apparently so uncertain of him-
self and remote from people-that
he had to learn how to communi-
cate with the man in the street.
"When we parted that day, I
felt that 'I had failed in my effort
to help him. I realized more than
ever that Stevenson not only had
a problem in making himself un-
derstood by the man in the street,
but that his indecisiveness, unless
overcome, would make him Inef-
fectual as a President."
Truman said that in 1952, when
he decided not to seek reelection,
he felt that "Stevenson was the
best prospect in sight . . . and I
was hoping he would supply the
new leadership the party needed."
HE INDICATED that it was
that year he first encountered
what he called indecisiveness by
Stevenson, then governor of Illi-
He wrote that he urged Steven-
son three times to become the
candidate, but that Stevenson de-
clined each time.
"Then, out of the clear, on the
day the Presidential candidate
was to be chosen," Truman wrote,
"Gov. Sevenson telephoned me at
the White House; he said that
his friends wanted to nominate
him for President.
"'Would you object if I agreed
to run?'" Stevenson asked me.
"Well, I blew up. I talked to
him in a language I think he had
never heard before. I told him
that for months I had been try-
Ing to get him to be a candidate.
Now, at the last possible moment,
he had changed his mind. But he
was still the best prospect we had,
and I said I would support him."
** *
and conducted a campaign that
was not in support of the Demo-
cratic program of President Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt and myself," Tru-
man wrote. "You cannot success-
fully run as a -Democrat, with a
Democratic administration in
power, without "running on the
record of that administration --*
"The swaythe campaign was
conducted cost the party at least
three to four million votes."

(Continued from page 2).

meeting of the Regents will be held on
June 10. Communications for consider-
ation at this meeting must be -in th11
President's hands not later than Tues.,
May 31. Please submit nineteen copies
of' each communication.
All faculty, students and staff mem-
bers leaving the University at the end
of the present semester, and having
University keys in their' posession,
should return the same to the ke.
office. Key office is now located on
campus between waterman Gym and
West Medical.
General Library hours will be ex-
tended until 10 p.m. on Fri., May 2
Hours in the Undergraduate Library
will be increased on Sat., May 28,
when the library will remin open
until midnight. The Educationand En-
gineering Libraries will be open from
8 a.m. to 12 midnight o Sat., May 28.
Beginning Thurs., May 26, the Audio
Room in the Undergraduate Library
will be open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon,
and from 1 to 10 p.m. through Thurs.,
June 2, except for Sun., May 29, when
hours, are 1 to 10 p.m.
On Memorial Day, Mon., May 30, all
libraries will maintain regular hours,
except'the ;Bureau of ,Government Li-
brary, and the Museums Library, which
will be closed.
Students who expect to rece1ve Edu-
cation and Training Alloane under
Publie- Law 550 and 8634 must turn lin
for final examinations, signed by 'the
instructors after each final,, to the
Dean's Office after the last exam. This
is official notice.
Students eligible to receive Eduation
and Training Allowance under Public
Law 550 or 634 must sign. MONTHLY
VB 7-6533, (IBM card), in the. Office
of Veterans' Affairs, 142 Ad. Building,
before 3:30 p.m:, June 6. Students may
June as soon as finals are completed.
Office Hours During Certification
8:00-11:00 a.m.
1:00- 3:30 p.m.
Branstrom Freshman Prize Books may
be picked up at room 3011, StudetA-'
tivities Building. Winners must show
Identification cards at Scholarship Of-
June Graduates who did not pick up
their announcements orders please d
so Wed., May 25, 2-5 p.m. at SAB.
Applications for Fubright awards
for graduate study during the 1961-2
a *ademic year are now available. Coun..
Itries in whiche study grants are 6f-
fered are Australia, Austria,. 'Belgium,
and Luxembourg, Brazil, Chile, Repub-
lic of China, Colombia, Denmark,
Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Iceland, India, Iran, Italy, Jap-
pan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nor-
way, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Spain,
Sweden, Turkey. Thailand, the United
Kingdom, and the United Arab Repub-
lic. Awards for study in Ireland are
also available. The scholarships over
travel, tuition, books and maintenance
for one year. Scholarships for study in
Latin America under the INERA-AM-
available, for the following countries:
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, 'Paraguay,
Peru, and Venezuela. IAAC scholarship.
cover transportation, tuition and par-
tial to full maintenance.
Interested students who are U S. eiti-
zens and hold an A.B. degree, or Who"
will receive such a degree by June, 1961,
and who are presently enrolled in the
University, should request application
forms for a Fulbright award at the Fe-
lowship office, Room 110, in the Gradu-
ate School. The closing date for re-
ceipt of applications is Oct. 24, 1960.
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university in the spring or fall of 190
should direct inquiries and request
for applications to the Institute of In-
ternational Education, U.S. Student
Program, I East 67th Street, New 'York.
21, New York. The last date on which
applications will be issued by the Insti-
tute is Oct. 15, 1960.
The office and mimeographing roms
of Alpha Phi Omega will close untilthe
fall semester, on Wed., May 2.
Commencement-Sat. June 11, 5:30 p.m.
TIME OF ASSEMBLY-4:30 (excep'
Members of the Faculties at 4:15 p.m.
In the Lobby, first floor, Ad 'Building,
where they may robe. (Transportation
to Stadium or Hill Aud will be prov-
Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and 4th-
er administrative officials at 4:15 p.m.
in Ad Building, Room 2549, where they
may, robe (Transportaton totadium ?
or Hill Anu will be provided.)
Students of the various Schools and
Colleges on paved roadway and grassy
field, East of East Gate (Gate 1-Tun-
nel) to Stadium in four columns of
twos in the following order:
Section A - North side of pavement:
Literature, Science ad The Arts (in
front), Social Work (behind I .&.
Section B - South side of pavement

Medicine (in front), Law (behind Med-
icine), Dental (behind Law), Engineer-
ing (behind Dental).
Section C - On grass field In a line
about 300 South of East: Graduate
School Doctors (in front), Graduate
School Masters (behind Drs.); Phar-
macy (behind Masters), Architecture
behind Pharmacy), Education. (behind
Section D - On grass field in a line
about 450 South of East: Nursing (in
front) Business Administration (be-
hind Nurs.), Natural Resources (be-
hind Bus. Admin.), Music (behind Na-
tural Resources), Public Health (be-,
hind Music), Flint (behind Pubglic

.. . He Wasn't There Again Today.
Oh, How I Wish He'd Go Away!"





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