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May 24, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-24

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy with light
and variable winds.

LXX, No. 167




hilean Earthquake
auses Tidal Waves

*Destructive Waters Kill Hundreds
Throughout Pacific Coastal Areas
By The Associated Press
Tidal waves, built up by Chilean earthquakes, smashed across
the Pacific yesterday at four continents and the Hawaiian Islands,
causing heavy and widespread death and destruction.
Chile, itself, took the brunt of the sea's force. Unofficially, 130
persons were reported swept to their death when a 24-foot wave
surged over La Arena, a small south Chilean village.
Three waves In succession heavily damaged the nearby port of
Officially 261 persons are listed as dead, 130 missing and 1,600
injured in this Latin American nation's worst natural disaster since
a quake killed more than 20,000
ucean uiCns No Official Totals
The Interior Ministry told re-
H om -s porters today it would no longer
He uirs announce total casualty figures in
order not to alarm the people.
dO This move indicated the actual
toll might be much greater than
what has been announced.
By HENRY HARTZENBUSCH Fanning into the Pacific, the
Associated Press Writer waves killed at least 27 persons
in Hilo, Hawaii's second largest
HILO, Hawaii (M) - Homes city. Dozens of others were miss-
crushed like match boxes; wooden ing or injured. Damage was ex-
house frames and beams piled up pected to exceed $25 million.
in heaps; cars overturned and As four great waves bore down
perched in grotesque angles. upon the islands, siren warnings
One home, still intact, astride a sent thousands of Hawaiians
street. A city block-but no build- swarming from low lying areas
ings. Debris is- scattered every- and kept the death toll from
Where. Telephone poles are down, mounting. Hundreds of guests
ires are tangled. evacuated Waikiki Beach hotels in
The smell of sea, water rises Honolulu.
from the broken buildings, the Waves 'Roar'
bent and twisted window frames, In the words of one eyewitness,
shattered glass. the waves came in from the ocean
Four Tidal Waves "with the roar of a freight train."
Four destructive tidal waves hitNew Zealand's east coast was
this thriving sugar-exporting portswept by waves and small boats
of 26,000 early yesterday. Latest were carried away and capsized. A
reports said it had left in its wake passenger ferry in Auckland har-
27 dead, at least 25 missing, an bor was slightly damaged and a
unknown number of injured. scn honofcus.
.Damage, as yet unaccounted, is second thrown off course.
Dxpece, to yetnac nt thed mi- Tidal waves from six to 20 feet
expected to reach into the mil- high struck central and northern
lions. Japan, and 28 persons were listed
The walls of water, generated as dead, 34 injured and 62 miss-
by the devastating Chilean earth- ing. Waves hit just at daybreak,
quakes some 6,800 miles away, and with most of the nation
came within one hour, shortly a th w e wan
after midnight. aslb uthere was ittle warning
A mile length of Hilo's water 1,o60 o9,000 homes were fooded,
front area was leveled. The waves 1,600 of them damaged or washed
roared up to 300 yards inland. away.
Bits of clothing still hung on California Hit
trees where some had climbed to Across the Pacific, the California
escape the onrushing tide. coast was hit from Los Angeles
Areas Roped Off to the Oregon border. Three per-
Many areas in the downtown sons were reported injured at
district were roped off. The debris Crescent City in Northern Cali-
was so thick it was impassable. fornia as a wave pushed water
Civil defense volunteers dug for three blocks into the town.
through rubble to find any pos- Flood-like currents swept back
sible injured or dead. and forth in the Los Angeles-
Out in the bay, a tremendous Long Beach area, tearing docks
amount of refuse-mainly wooden loose and sending them drifting
pieces from buildings-was piled aimlessly with as many as 80
up against the breakwater. boats tied to them. The harbor
Several residents said the waves was a scene of confusion as boats
were worse than the tidal wave ranging from 14-foot outboards to
which struck on April 1, 1946. luxury yachts went astray.
Then, 159 perished and 163 were Coast Guardsmen and Navy
injured. Damage was estimated seamen, like sea-going cowbows,
around 25 million dollars. Al- managed to round up most of the
though casualties have not been drifting craft by late afternoon.
so high this time because of ade- The boats were herded into the
quate warning, damage is expected harbor's west basin and tempo-
to be heavy. rarily secured.
__________y._Strike San Diego
In San Diego Bay, the roiling
C~n~t2itM~tswaters washed away 100 "feet of
Communists 'r""""2 :1"
the harbor master's dock and 165
Agree To Tell feet of dock at the Southwest
gree o Tel feecht Club.
A 14- to 15-foot wave rolled
Fate of Plane against Montague Island near
Alaska today. and other nearby
BERLIN ()-Soviet and East stations began reporting unusual
German sources promised yester- tidal action, apparently the result
day there will be a statement on of the Chilean earthquake.
the nine Americans-one a woman
-whose Copenhagen - Hamburg 'THE DARK AT T
flight Friday landed them in So-
viet captivity.
The statement may come today.
The Communist informants de-
clined to say exactly when or even Inge D r
who would make it. There was no
might have on the captives' fu-


To Review
preme Court agreed yesterday to
review a decision which held that
the Du Pont Company could con-
tinue to own its three-billion-dol-
lar share of General Motors Corp.
The decision, which was ap-
pealed by the government, was
handed down by United States
District Judge Walter J. La Buy
in Chicago. He held that Du Pont
could retain its 63 million shares
in General Motors, but would have
to pass voting rights on to Di
Pont stockholders.
Du Pont holdings amount to
about 23 per cent of GM's out-
standing stock.
The federal government, through
the justice department antitrust
division, has been trying for 11
years to compel Du Pont to divest
itself of GM holdings.
Justices Tom C. Clark and John
M. Harlan disqualified themselves
from the case.
Other Action
In other major action today, the
court upheld, on a 5-4 vote, a secret
contempt of court procedure in
which a New Yorker received a
one-year jail sentence.
Justice Felix Frankfurter, who
spoke for the majority, said no ob-
jection.was made by Morry Levine
or his attorney to the public being
excluded from the court room of
Federal District Judge Richard H.
Levine was punished for refus-
ing to answer grand jury questions
in an investigation dealing with
motor carrier sections of the Inter-
state Commerce Act.
The dissenters called the ruling
"a radical departure from the
principles which have prevailed,
and should continue to prevail."
Trial Technique
Two of the dissenters called
secrecy "a government trial tech-
nique that liberty-loving people
have with great reason feared and
hated in all ages."
The prosecution of Levine, de-
scribed as an executive of a New
York dress manufacturing firm,
arose from his use of the fifth
amendment. Claiming its prtec-
tion against self - incrirination,
Levine refused to answer six ques-
tions. A government lawyer re-
jected this claim, asserting that
the motor carrier act safeguards a
witness from prosecution based on
his testimony before a grand jury.
When Levine persisted in his re-
fusal, Judge Levet ordered him to
Dean Moore
Takes Post
Dean Earl V. Moore, of the
music school, has been appointed
chairman of the music depart-
ment at the University of Hous-
ton, Clanton W. Williams, presi-
dent of the University of Houston
Moore served as director of the
music school from 1923-1946, when
he was appointed dean. He will
begin his retirement furlough;
July 1.
Moore did his undergraduatei
work at. the University, and stud-
ied organ and theory in Paris;
under Widor, with further gradu-1
ate study in London, Milan, andi





States Accuses



Says Agent
SOught Data
Kirilyuk Dismissed
From UN Position
United States' Henry Cabot Lodge
gave the United Nations Security
Council some new information
yesterday on Vadim A. Kirilyuk,
an accused Soviet spy whose case
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
disclosed last week.
Lodge said the man was caught
seeking data on cryptographic
machines that have to do with
secret codes.
Nixon, speaking at a Buffalo
news conference last Wednesday,
had said only that Kirilyuk was
trying to get highly classified in-
formation from an American in
Springfield, Mass., when the FBI
found him out.
Kirilyuk Dismissed
He said Kirilyuk then was dis-
missed from his Secretariat job at
the United Nations, where he was
a trusteeship division researcher.
Lodge named Kirilyuk with 10
other Russians on what he called
an illustrative list of Soviet spies
exposed in the United States since
Stalin died seven years ago.
He said Kirilyuk was caught in
the act last September when So-
viet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
was speaking to the United Na-
tions General Assembly on dis-
Ambassador Lodge brought up
Soviet espionage to counter the
Soviet Union's complaint in the
United Nations against American
U-2 spy flights over Russian ter-
Espionage Agents
Lodge said the United States
understood "that at least 360 Rus-
sian espionage agents have been
convicted in different countries of
the free world."
Besides Kirilyuk he listed the
following as "unmasked in the
United States" since Stalin's
Commandor Igor Aleks Andro-
vich Amosov, Capt. Ivan Alek-
sandrovich Bubchikov, Col. Mak-
sim Grigaryevich Martynov, Lt.
Col. Leonid Yegorovich Pivnev,
Maj. Yuriy Pavovich Krylov, Al-
eksandr Petrovich Kovalev, Nik-
olay Ivanovich Kurochkin, Vas-
iliy Mikhaylovich Molev, Vktor
Ivanovich Petrov.
Discusses Spy
Lodge also referred to the So-
viet Spy Col. Rudolph Ivanovich
Abel - convicted "right here in
New York - and others in the
United States and abroad.
He said a Soviet vessel in recent
weeks committed "an aggressive
act" by deliberately interfering
with vessels of the United States
Navy" off Long Island.
Lodge asked that the proceed-
ings be broadcast in Russia say-
ing, "We believe in free speech,
and we hope the Soviet Union will
broadcast, and the Soviet press will
print, the full proceedings so the
Soviet public will be informed."

-AP wirephoto
UN TENSION-In reply to the demand by Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko (right) that
the United States be condemned for spying, the United State's ambassador, Henry Cabot Lodge,
accused the USSR of maintaining a vast spy ring in the free world.
NAACP Passes Five Resolutions


The 25th State Convention of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
passed five resolutions concerning
non-discrimination in higher edu-
cation and commending the Uni-
versity for its effort to eliminate
discrimination on campus.
The convention, held last week-
end in Flint, congratulated the
Student Government Council for
the ruling passed recently to end
discrimination in membership of
recognized campus organizations
and praised the administration,
faculty and student body for their
part in efforts to make the Uni-
versity campus totally non-dis-
Give Citation
The students and townspeople
who participated in the picketing
of discriminatory stores were given
a citation of merit.
The group commended Vice-
president for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis for his part in de-
signing and implementing the by-
law passed by the Relents in No-
vember, 1959 which states, "The
University shall not discriminate
against any person because of
race, color, religion, creed, national
origin or ancestry.
"Further it shall work for the
elimination of discrimination in
private organizations recognized
by the University and from non-
University sources where students
and employees of the University
are involved."
Lauds By-Law
The convention lauded the by-
law as "one of the best and broad-
est statements of policy ever
adopted by a public educational
institution in the United States.
The University delegates to the
conference were Sharon Williams,
'63, President of the University
NAACP chapter; Bereton Bissell,
'61, Vice-president; Walter Fag-
gett, Grad., Board member and
Constance Thompson, '63, Assist-
ant Secretary.

The University and Michigan
State are the only two chapters
of the NAACP active on college
Last year the University was.
commended for removing resi-
dence hall restrictions, a move
which had been influenced by a
resolution made by the NAACP in
1958, Bissell said.
Reaffirms Stand
The conference went on record
as "reaffirming the stand against
discrimination in off campus hous-
ing facilities and also against dis-
crimination in roommate assign-
ment in resident halls."
James Seder, chairman of the
Human Relations Board, com-
mented that two areas where the
University has been taking recent
action are in student groups and
off campus housing. He said "The
committee on discrimination in off
campus housing hopes to come up
with its plan to alleviate problems
in this area before the end of the
school year."
Seder also stated that compared
with the standards set up by the
NAACP the University should be
very proud of its record, and com-
mended the group's recognition of
the work done by Vice-president
The convention "demands that
any schools which may still retain
quotas or other forms of discrimi-
nation in admissions remove them

"Discriminatory" clauses refer to
those based on race and religion
rather than those along economic
strata or for foreign students.
The University chapter of the
NAACP will take action next year
in directions outlined in the con-
vention resolutions. These areas
will include off-campus housing,
participation in movements such
as the Southern students, and co-
ordination with student organiza-
tions at the University and on
other campuses.
Report Spies
I1n Embassy
viet espionage has extended to the
American Embassy in Moscow,
Robert Gray, President Dwight D.,
Eisenhower's cabinet secretary re-
ported last night.
"The incredulously rude Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev is the
leader of a political philosophy
so devious that even the sancity
of the American Embassy in Mos-
cow has not escaped its espion-
age," he declared in remarks pre-
pared for a Republican fund rais-
ing dinner.
Gray did not elaborate on the
espionage reference.

Soviets Ask
UN Censure
Of America
Gromyko, Lodge Talk
To Security Council
After U-2 Incident
United States accused the Soviet
Union yesterday of maintaining a
vast spy network while trying to
curb United States efforts to guard
against surprise, Communist at-
United States Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge made the charge in
the United Nations Security Coun-
He was replying to a demand
from Soviet Foreign Minister An-
drei Gromyko that the United
States be condemned as an ag-
gressor for aerial spying on Soviet
territory. Gromyko warned that
such action ran the risk of kin-
dling the flames of World War III
Unless immediate action is taken
by the United Nations, Gromyko
said, "grave consequences" could
Double Standard
"If it ever should be accepted
that the Soviet Union can main-
tain a double standard while they
have thousands of spies every-
where . . . then the free world
would surely be in peculiar dan-
ger," Lodge asserted.
He spoke for only 15 minutes in
comparison to an hiur-long speech
by Gromyko. The galleries in the
council chamber were jammed
with both diplomats and ordinary
Gromyko denounced President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and accused
the United States of perfidy com-
parable to that of Japanese diplo
mats in Washington just prior to
the sneak attack on Pearl Har-
bor. He called on the council to
request that the United States put
an end to such flights.
Denies Aggressive Acts
But Lodge denied that the United
States had committed any aggres-
sive acts "against the Soviet
Union or any other country, either
through its air force or through
any other agency of the United
States Government."
Lodge denied the Soviet charges
as "fallacious" and said the United
States was glad of the chance to
air the issues involved in the
Diplomats said there was virtu-
ally no chance of the Soviet Union
getting a resolution condemning
the United States through the
In an attempt to ease tension
in the wake of the sharp pnited
States-Soviet exchange, four of
the smaller nations on the Coun-
cil introduced a resolution calling
for early resumption of East-West
negotiations on disarmament and
other big issues.
The resolution was worked out
on the initiative of Sir Claude
Corea of Ceylon, President of the
Council for May. He opened the
meeting with a plea that the Coun-
cil take up the issues in an at-
mosphere of "calm, detachment,
restraint and dignity." Argentina,
Ecuador and Tunisia joined Cey-
Ion in the move.
It noted with regret'that the
world's hopes had been dashed for
a successful summit meeting in
Paris. It said it is now necessary.
to "make every effort to restore
and strengthen international
goodwill and confidence."
Wind Up Race

For Florida
MIAMI, Fla. 1P)-A battle for
the Florida governorship in which
the racial issue was the dominant
theme wound up last night with
a flurry of activity in the vote-
rish Miami area.
Some 800,000 Democrats will go

Says Agents Attempted
To Subvert U.S. Veteran
NEW YORK OP)-A national news magazine said yesterday the two
Russian agents picked up in Massachusetts while Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev was visiting this country were trying to lure a young
United States Army veteran into spying on his country.
In Washington, the FBI and State Department declined comment
on the story. Other Washington officials, who asked not to be quoted,
confirmed the general accuracy, however. The article said the ex-Gi,



ama To Feature Hunter, Hohman

['he landing of a United States
Force C-47 transport in Coi-
mnist East Germany put the
ericans in Russian hands. The
ssians announced the plane was
ced down by the Soviet mili-
Ehe United States is still await-
a reply from Col. Gen. I. I.
kubovsky, Commander of So-
.t forces in East Germany, to a
uest Saturday from Gen. Cylde
Eddleman, United States com-
nder in Europe, for immediate
ease of the Americans and the
'he incident involved t ticklish

Academy Award winner Kim Hunter and Charles Hohman co-star
in William Inge's "The Dark at the Top of the Stairs" which will
open at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the third
in the Ann Arbor Drama Season productions.
The Broadway success, which ran for two season in New York
and an additional two years on tour, is considered one of Inge's best
plays. According to theatre critics, it reflects what John Gassner
described as Inge's "sensitivity to the vibrancies of little lives in the
commonplace cgrners of the world."
It is concerned with six days in the life of a harness salesman's
family in a small Oklahoma town, during the oil boom of the 1920's,
when new wealth brought a sudden change in personal values.
Hunter Plays Cora
Kim Hunter will be seen as the wife, Cora Flood. Miss Hunter
won an Oscar for her portrayal of Stella opposite Marlon Brando in
"Streetcar Named Desire." She has appeared often on television, and
was particularly praised for "Requiem for a Heavyweight" and "The

*who was not identified, spent part
of his Army service as a cryptog-
rapher and was thoroughly fa-
miliar with United States code
systems and cryptographic tech-
The magazine said he had ap-
plied for a scholarship offered by
the Russians for study in Moscow.
When the Russians learned of his
crptographlc background, they
sent Vadim Kirilyuk, attached to
the United Nations secretariat, to
visit the young veteran at his home
in Springfield, Mass.
Kirilyuk told the veteran his
scholarship application was com-
ing along nicely and eventually
suggested that he take a job in
Washington handling codes and
cryptography with a top United
States security agency, the article
The story continued:
"Kirilyuk came back several
times, sometimes with a Russian
companion, and always amiably
brought the conversation around
to the subject of cryptography.

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