gents Make Appointments to Faculty, Other Posts
SGC Lists Appointments
For Administrative Wini
Student Government Council
approved appointments to its ad-
ministrative wing at the meeting.
Fred Riecker, '63, was appointed
to a one-semester term as Stu-
dent Book Exchange manager.
John A. Scott, '61, was appoint-
ed chairman of the Early Regis-
tration -Pass Committee. Appoint-
ed to committee membership were
Judith Caplan, '61, Bruce Lipp-
man, '62, and Irving Sorscher, '62.
Lippman's term is one semester;
the others are one year.
Calendaring Posts Filled
The SGC Calendaring Commit-
tee will be headed by Lynn Bart-
lett, '63, with Beverly Ecker, '63,
as assistant chairman. Both have
one-year terms.
The Council appointed Art Ros-
enbaum, '62, chairman of the Stu-
dent Activities Committee for a
one-year term.
Michael Zimmerman. '63E; was
appointed chairman of the Edu-
cation Committee for one year,
Reading Group
Reaches 175
with Eugenia Pann, '63, as as-
sistant .chairman, also for one
year. Kay Warman was appoint-
ed National Student Association
Brian Glick, '62, will be chair-
man of the International Co-
ordinating Board for one year.
Marie Stern, '62, will be secretary
of the board for the same term.
The Recognitions Committee
will be headed by Nick Sack, '62,
for one year,
Elections Chairman. Named
Richard G'Sell, '62, was ap-
pointed chairman of the Elections
Committee for a one - semester
The Council approved the ap-
pointments of President John
Feldkamp, '60, Executive Vice-
president . .ancy Adams,.,'60, Ad-
ministrative Vice-president James
Hadley, '61, and Al Haber, '61,
to the summer interim commit-
Charles Huber, '62E, Rosen-
baum, and Sally J. Sawyer, '62,
were appointed to the University.
Housing and. Environmental
Health Committee.
Delegates Appointed
Bill Warnock, '61BAd., was ap-
pointed to the Driving Code Ad-
inistrative Board for a one-
semester term.
Delegate status for, the NSA
Congress in August was granted
to Miss Adams, Haber, Hadley,
Treasurer Per Hanson,.'62, Union
President Perry Morton, '61, Inter-
Quad Council President Dan Rose-
mergy, '61Ed.,.M. A. Hyder Shah,
Grad. Alternate status was grant-
ed to Panhellenic President Barb
Greenberg, '61, G'Sell,' Ken Mc-
Eldowney, '61, Jean Spencer,''61,.
Mike Turoff, '61BAd., Miss War-
man and one representative from
the Women's League.
Feldkamp and Roger Season-
wein, '61, will attend with National
Executive Committee status.
-Daily-James Warneka
"GOLDEN FLEECING"-This scene is from the play "The Golden
Fleecing" which has its last showing today. The play is a comedy
and has among its cast three members from the original Broad-
way showing.
Actors Agree on Using
PersonalE Expeecers
"Someone who has never had
a drink cannot effectively portray
a drunk," Mickey Deems said.
A member of the cast of "The
Golden Fleecing," Deems plays a
drunk scene in the comedy, in
which it is necessary for him to
get drunk in about two minutes.
"This scene is very precisely
timed," he continued. "The char-
acter must pass through the deli-
cate stages of being typsy to being
loaded to being absolutely
bombed." And to do this well, he
maintained, an actor must re-
member what he himself has ex-
perienced when drinking.
Monica Loviett and Robert Car-
raway agreed that personal ex-
perience had a great deal to do
with a part. The three of them
were members of the Broadway
cast of "The Golden Fleecing" and
returned for the Ann Arbor Drama
Season production.
May 21, 1960
Graduate Outing Club, Hiking, May
22, 2 p.m. Meet in back of Rackham
(NW entrance).
* * *
Mich. Christian Flwshp., May 22, 4
p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Dr. H. Brandt
Clinical Psychologist from Detroit,:
"Foundations of Happy Living."
* *
Scabbard & Blade, Initiation Dinner,
May 22, 5:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3KLMN.
for BIKE
Bring to S.A.B. loading dock
May 23-27
DIAL NO 5-6290
As a young actress, Miss Lovett
commented on the "aghast reac-
tion" of theatre people to young
"method" actors. "To me, a meth-
od is a tool which arrives at the
same result, even if the technique
is different," she said.
Carraway, a "beginning actor"
from Texas, added that he always
keeps his eyes and ears open when
developing a part. To fully "real-
ize the character" the actor gets
as much as he can from the
script. Then he must meet with
the other members of the cast
to try to make the play a unified
Often an individual role must
not be played to its fullest possi-
bilities, Deems added. An actor
will get a feeling that he can bril-
liantly portray a particular scene.
Then he realizes that the effec-
tiveness of the'play demands that
the scene not be too important, in
order to emphasize the following
one. The actor will then have to
sacrifice his "big moment" for
the overall impact of the play.
An actor must somehow stay
within his rple, Carroway said. If
he acts outside of the character,
the audienice will know it is "act-.
ing" as opposed to the actions of
real people.
All three of them agreed it is
more important for the actor to
give the impression of "a human
being instead of a type. A veteran
actor, Deems recalled the time
when directors chose people who
looked the part as the "villain" or
"hero" types. This has been
changed, he continued. "Audiences
can laugh at a villain now."
ROTC Units
Plan Review
Approximately 900 cadets from
the three University ROTC units.
will participate in the annual Tri-
Service Review at 10 a.m. today at
Ferry Field.
During- the review, University,
civil, and military officers will pre-
sent 46 awards to outstanding
Lt. Col. Alfred D. Belsma, chair-
man of the air science depart-
ment, will direct the project.'
More than 175 students have
signed up for the Summer Read-,
ing and Discussion Program so1
far, chairman Roger Seasonwein,
'61, said yesterday
The topics which have been
most demanded are "Greek Trag-a
edy," '"Nietzsche," "young Poets"
and "The Works of D. H. Law-
"I'm very pleased at the great
amount of student interest which
has thus far been shown in the,
program," Seasonwein said. "We1
shall make- every effort to accom-
modate all students desiring to
Last year the committee faced
the problem of having more peo-
ple sign up than had originally
been expected. If this should hap-
pen this year, additional faculty
will again be called upon and the
program will not be closed.
In addition to the sign - up
sheets in the Undergraduate Li-
brary, letters concerningthe, pro-
gram have been sent out to the
various housing units including
sign-up sheets which are to be
returned to Mrs. Ruth Callahan in
the Student Activities Building by
May 22.
Council Adds
Student Government C oun cil
passed a motion at the meeting
Wednesday designed to stream-
line Council procedure.
The motion, proposed by Al
Haber, '61, provides for written
committee reports and recom-
mendations and written officers'
reports. It also sets up a ruling
that materials to be considered by
the Council must appear in print-
ed form in the members' boxes by
specified times prior to meetings.,
This gives members an oppor-
tunity to consider items before
they reach the floor.
A section limiting debate on an
issue to 30 minutes unless a longer
limit is previously set, after which
time the chair automatically in-
troduces a motion for postpone-
ment was part of -the motion.
In further action, the Council
approved the homecoming budget,
allocated $1,500 for the adminis-
tration of the student bike auc-
tion and granted temporary recog-
nition to the Pelonia Club.
The Council calendared wom-
en's rush from Feb. 17 to Mar. 5,
and extended International Week
by one day to Nov. 6, and calen-
dared Women's Week, sponsored
by Women's League, for Oct.12 to
At fairly regularintervals, ap--
rpoximately once a year, Holly-
wood turns out a picture desig-
nated as a "sleeper." This gen
erally means that the produce-
ers have sunk almost all of their
limited funds into making a low
budget, high quality film and
are unable to buy much: pub-
licity for it.
Its success depends almost
entirely on a word of mouth
campaign by the first few who
see it. In some cases, such as
"Marty," "Roman Holiday" and
"The Killing," the film goes on
to become a handsome commer-
cial success. In others, notably
"Paths of Glory," undoubtedly
one of the very best American
films, the movie -goes on sleep-
ing, largely unseen.
"The Happy Time" is of the
latter category. A warm, touch-
ing comedy, it is certainly one
of the most- delightful movies
of the entire post-war era, ye~t
it is unknown to. any but a
handful of afficionados.
It is the story of an adoles-
cent approaching the brink of
manhood, told in terms of his
bizarre, French-Canadian, fam-
ily in Montreal at the turn of
the century.
Charles Boyer, plays the head
of the household, a singing
waiter with a passion for the
violin, -who provides wise and
perceptive counsel for his teen-
age son in matters of the heart.
The boy's grandfather is an
engaging roue who practices his
super-annuated lechery on .ag-
ing widows. He firmly believes.
that life lived not to the fullest
is not worth living, and prac-
tices his philosophy with avow-
ed dedication.
Louis Jordan portrays one of
the youngster's uncles, a dash-
ing travelling. salesman who
boasts a spectacular collection
of ladies' garters, while the oth-
er uncle, played by Kurt Kaz-
nar, is a tragic figure of sorts.
Afflicted with a nagging wife,
he wanders morosely through
the picture clutching a huge
water cooler to his breast. His
life is a perpetual process of
emptying the cooler of its con-
tents of red wine and again re-
The Haply Time
Saturday and Sunday
NO 8-64
I com
iiour a
Continuous Sh
16 Today from 11
mend it to ' "A stinging satire in the
ttention - - direct line of George Groz',
ngty satiric _ savage cartoons, and
-John McCarter, ' Y Bert Brecht and Kurt Weill's
Threepenny Opera'.-T m
ENDING Late Shov
TONIGHT Tonight 1l F