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May 19, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-19

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Seventieth Year
Truths WillPrevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Economic Conference Succeeds
Against Great Odds'

Ike's Peace Building Collapses

[HE INITIATORS of the International De-
velopment Conference should be congratu-
ated -for their imagination. They worked
gainst odds which very few at this University
vercome in order to bring scholars and am-
assadors concerned with economic develop-
vent to this campus.
Originally, it was Prof. Samuel Hayes' idea
o set up -the conference, Prof. Hayes worked
rith Truman's Point Four program when it
ras begun and has continued interest and
vork in the field. Apparently, he went to
arious departments asking that they back the
>roject, and received no encouragement.
He turned to the Lecture Committee, whose
lace it is to bring distinguished speakers and
urrent topics to campus. Bound up as it was
rith its "Platform Attraction" series- which
rought features such as. Julien Bryan present-
ng his latest dramatic movie -- the Lecture.
vommittee did not see fit to take an Inter-
ational Development Conference under its
KellnedyS Po
AS THE Democratic national convention
looms ever closer the internal struggle for
he party's Presidential nomination is growing
otter. White House contenders are turning
niore rhetorical fire on each other these days
han on the opposition party's administration
nd its probable Novmeber candidate.
Senator John Kennedy has probably been
aught in more political cross-fires than any
ther hopeful, but quietly abstained from di-
ectly. replying to personal thrusts - until,
bortly before the spectacular West Virginia
Evidently losing patience with the constant
atter of foe Humphrey, the Massachusetts
enator's smoldering temper ignited one night-
i deliberate tones, he flatly proclaimed Hum-
hrey's inability to even approach the White
[ouse. And when the votes rolled in, Hum.
hrey had to admit that Kennedy was right.
nd so Humphrey's Presidential hopes flickered
nd went out and he returned to Minnesota
o concentrate on salvaging another senatorial

FORTUNATELY, the idea caught the atten-
tion of University Relations Director Lyle
Nelson, and he and literary college Dean Roger
Heyns encouraged Prof. Hayes to go ahead.
They dredged up from "somewhere" the few
thousand dollars necessary to back the project;
they thought this was the sort of thing a
University should try to do.
Crowds overflowed the luncheon rooms where
ambassadors from countries receiving economic'
aid were speaking at the conference. It is
reported three to four hundred persons heard-
the evening speeches, and the round-tables
were well attended. Besides the featured
guests, many people came to the conference
from outside the University's immediate vi-
go new development in economic develop-
ment may have come about as a result of the
conference, nevertheless it is heartening to see
there are a few interested enough to see a Uni-
versity do what a University should do.
itical Pa riles
NOW, after smothering Senator Wayne Morse
in Tuesday's Maryland contest, the ruddy
New Englander again opened fire on the im-
mediate opponent. Winding up vote-pulling
sessions yesterday in Oregon (Morse's home
state) he cooly told prospective constituents
not to waste their votes on a never-will-be,
even if he is a favorite son.
So far, Kennedy's fiery outbursts have not
hurt him any. There's no way of telling how
much they've helped, but two minor lights
have been effectively extinguished as the
senator's popular support spreads.
But the blazing climax to the party battle is
yet to come. The smoky 'caucus rooms of Los:
Angeles are going to determine much more
than any primary. Here Kennedy will come
face to face with the real opposition-Senators
Johnson and Symington-and public personal
parries will probably only sputter slightly be-
fore the nomination is decided.
After that, whoever comes out of the politi-
cal bonfire unsinged can go back to levying
blasts at the external competition.

THE SPANIARDS have a word
for this contagious charm: sym-
patico. Ike had it and used it' ef-
fectively to win friends for the
United States all over the world.
Recently he confided to GOP lead-
ers that he planned two more trips
abroad following the planned, now
canceled, trip through Russia be-
fore his term ended. He loved this
type of international salesmanship
and wanted to devote the rest of
his months as President to it.
However, big dreams are some-
times upset by small details. And
bad administration shows also that
no man can serve as President of
the United States on a part-time
* * *
efficient Press Secretary Jim Hag-
erty plus a sympathetic American
press have been glossing over the
fact that President Eisenhower
doesn't know what is going on in
a large part of his administration
and that it is impossible for any
man to be an effective President
yet spend several days every week
away relaxing at golf and almost
every evening relaxing over a
bridge table.
Franklin Roosevelt spent almost
every night until 1 a.m. in private
study. Truman knew the intimate

details of government as few
others in his administration.
On the eve of such an important
conference as the summit here,
with great hopes for permanent
peace at stake, they would have
required that all flights over the
Soviet Union be cleared with the
White House. But the looseness of
the Eisenhower administration
permitted the left hand to do what
the right hand knew not.
* * *
THE TRAGEDY of this great
anticlimax to President Eisenhow-
er's fine work for peace is that we
have been posing as moral leaders
of the world and as custodian of
honesty and righteousness.
We have caught many Soviet
spies, but catching spies doesn't
absolve us from getting caught
spying. And once we were caught,
all the Madison Avenue techniques
which had been so effective in sell-
ing Eisenhower in election cam-
paigns seemed to evaporate.
We have let the Russians out-
propagandize us at every turn.
Even here in Paris the Russians
got the first headlines Monday by
issuing their ultimatum before
Hagerty, supposedly trained in the
best newspaper and Madison Ave-
nue techniques, could get his state-
ment to the Americanpress.s
(iCopyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate)
EM. mi

. peacemaking dreams crumble
P ARIS - It is apparent that a
lot more than a former Air
Force officer and some photos of
Soviet airplanes came down with
that U-2 plane May 1 flying 1,300
miles inside Russian borders.
With it came down Ike's great-
est ambition and, more important,
mankind's hopes for better under-
standing and eventual world peace.
Also gone aglimmering may be
the Republican chances of elect-
ing a President in November.
Eisenhower's greatest ambition
after 40 years as a. military man
was to go down in history as a
builder of peace.
THIS BECAME more and more
apparent to those who talked to
the President weekly at his legisla-
tive conferences in Washington
and to Republican party leaders.
One of them confided shortly be-
fore the summit conference here
that it was difficult to get the
President to concentrate on do-
mestic problems any more.
When the subjects of water pol-
lution, education and taxes were
raised in conferences Ike would
listen impatiently and then change
the subject to foreign aid or inter-
national problems.
When Thruston Morton, Re-
publican national chairman, tried
to persuade Eisenhower to take
Vice-President Richard Nixon to
the summit, he urged that Nixon
go from its start to the finish.
Ike flatly refused, finally com-
promised that Nixon come as a
standby, all of which caused the
frank GOP chairman to exclaim
to friends: "This guy doesn't seem
to know that we've got to win ari
election. All he's interested in is
* *
ALL THIS of course has now
gone glimmering - both political
hopes and personal peace hopes-
gone with the flight of pilot Fran-
cis Gary Powers over Russia.
Regardless of the considerable
fumbling of the Eisenhower ad-
ministration there are two great
things Ike has had as a salesman
for peace.
One is his background as a mili-
tary man which made it possible
for him to sell better relations
with Russia to the isolationists
and the GOP doubters as could
few other American leaders.
Second, Ike has had the smile,
the personality, the gestures that
won millions of people to his sup-

Symphony Orchestra
Concert Excellent
THE UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA with five featured, soloists and four
conductors gave an excellent, interesting performance in Hill Aud-
itorium last night.
William Booth, pianist, opened the program as soloist in the. first
movement of Brahms' "First Piano Concerto" with Robert Hause
conducting. Mr. Booth gave a nicely thought out performance, playing
with power and brilliance. Hause conducted the warm sounding orch-
estra with precision.
The first movement of Mozart's "Second Concerto for Flute" was
beautifully played by Martha Rearick and the orchestra,. The soloist

has an excellent technique, beauti-
ful tone, and wonderful musical-
ity. Douglas Isaacson led the per-
formance extremely well, main-
taining good balance between the
soloist and the orchestra.
* * *
THE "CONCERTO for Trumpet
and String Orchestra" by the
contemporary Danish composer,
Knudage Riisager, opened the sec-
and half of the program. The solo-
ist was Gary Stollsteimer. After
some initial difficulty, Mr. Stoll-
steimer played the work with fine
phrasing in the second movement
and brilliance in the 'third. Rob-
ert Hause again conducted with a
firm hand, bringing out the at-
tractive qualities of the pleasant,
Charles Walton, tenor, was the
only vocalist on the program. He
performed the wonderful aria, "l
mio Tesoro," from Mozart's "Don
Giovanni." Mr. Walton's clear, at-
tractive voice is well suited to this
music. His articulation of the
florid lines was clear and his dic-
tion excellent. Roberta Wolff con-
ducted well, although in one or
two places she allowed the orches-
tra to play too loudly,
* * *
a performance of the first move-
ment of Grieg's "Piano Concerto
in A minor" with Karen Taylor
as soloist. Miss Taylor is an ex-
cellent pianist. Her playing was
clean, lovely, and much more
powerful than one might have ex-
pected from such a lovely young
lady. Miss Taylor phrased beauti-
fully and brought freshness to this
much-played work. Thomas Kirsh-
baum conducted, bringing forth a
professional performance from the
Throughout the program, the
orchestra played splendidly. It
frequently took on a professional
quality. The strings have attained
a wonderful ensemble and in per-
formances such as this, they can
well be proud of themselves.
-Robert Jobe

NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV--Storming out of the initial summit ses-
sion Monday, the Soviet premier ruined the top-level talks and
brought cold-war tension back to the world.

GOP Strong on Campaign Issues


AS OF MONDAY afternoon,
there is only the faintest ci
sumInit meeting will not break u
that the President will not go
nvitation having been withdra
attempts to arrive at a truce ir
and to relax the tensions has, un
diplomatic miracle, ended in a t
E ISSUE on which the confe
been disrupted is the flight
:ore precisely the position taken
lent and his Administration. We
er that when the plane was
Khrushchev opened the door to
or a diplomatic exit from his qua
not believe, said Mr. K., that M
was responsible for ordering th
Undoubtedly Mr. K. knew th
lower must have authorized the
if the flights but he preferre
?resident 'say, what in fact was
if truth, that he did not authoriz
ar flight. The diplomatic answi
een to say nothing at the time
o promise' an adequate investi
rhole affair.
Instead, Mr. Eisenhower replie
esponsible, that such flights w
ind then he let the world think
lot say so in exact words that th
ontinue. This locked the do
Khrushchev had opened. It tra
mbarrassment of being caught
peration into a direct challeng
reignty of the Soviet Union.
[HIS AVOWAL, this refusal to
vention of diplomacy was a
'or it made it impossible for M
o bypass the affair. Had he
rould have been in a position of
, the world, to the Soviet r
ritics within the Soviet Unior
olimunist allies, that he had s
he United States the right to
erritory. No statesman can live i
fter making such an admission.
The news from Paris on Mond
fr. Eisenhower had already rea
naking an avowed policy of the
Eh rrhn

The U2 in Paris
Eastern time, crucial mistake which had to be corrected. On
hance that the Saturday there was, it appears, a briefing of
ip. It is certain the correspondents to tell them that we had
to Russia, the never meant to say that the flights would con-
wn. Thus the tinue. On Sunday, in a broadcast in this coun-
n the cold war try Mr. George V. Allen said that the flights
aless there is a over Russia have been suspended '-'and are not
ragic fiasco. to be resumed." A week ago this might have,
sufficed 'to quiet down the affair.
rence has been
of the U-2, or THE WITHDRAWAL was, however, late, and
aby the Presi- it may prove to have been too little. For
must remem- during the past week the flight and the way
captured, Mr. it was handled had given the Soviet govern-
the President ment a rich opportunity to weaken the ring
andary: He did of America's allies around Russia. Those who
dr. Eisenhower say that Mr..K. has seized upon the oppor-
e flight. tunity solely in order to make propaganda
iat Mr. Eisen- have not, I think, realized the gravity of the
e general plan disaster which has befallen us. For the Soviet
ed to let the Union there is in this much more than propa-
a sorry kind ganda. There is an instrument for disturbing
e this particu- if not disrupting the encircling alliance.
er would have It would be wishful thinking to suppose that
or at the most the Soviet government will not seize this oppor-
gation of the tunity to push countries like Norway, Iran,
Pakistan, Turkey, and Japan into pledges and
d that he was into measures which in some considerable de-
rere necessary, gree neutralize them as American air bases.
even if he did Morally and legally these allies of ours are
e flights would defenses against these Soviet demands.
or which Mr. The Soviet government is at least as inter-
nsformed the ested in neutralizing our allies around her
t In a spying borders as she is in neutralizing West Berlin.
;e to the soy- We dare not hope that the Soviet government
will not make the most of the opportunity
use the con- which has so unexpectedly and so unnecessarily
fatal mistake. been opened to her.
r. Khrushchev
done that, he BEFORE THE affair of the plane, there had
acknowledging been, as Mr. Reston wrote on Monday from
people, to his Paris, a strong indication that Mr. Khrushchev
a, and to his was very, uneasy about the prospects of the
surrendered to summit meeting. I myself was one of those who
violate Soviet talked to his personal emissary, Mr. Zhukov,
n any country when he came to Washington in April. The
burden of Mr. Zhukov's complaint was that
ay shows that about March 15 American policy had suddenly
lized that his hardened against a negotiation about the status
e flight was a of West Berlin, and that this was a reversal
of the understanding given to Mr. K. by the
President at Camp David.
Almost certainly, therefore, the. affair of
E tii the plane offered Mr. K. an opportunity to

Daily Staff Writer
IHERE IS NO escaping the fact
that the general coffers of the
state of Michigan are empty. The
people of the state no longer care
to shift the blame from this fac-
tion to that. They are now solely
interested in electing the candi-
dates who will solve the problem
with no further fuss.
In view of the one desire to
make Michigan financially sound
again, the campaign will be de-
cided largely on the overall pro-
gram which the two parties pre-
sent and not any specific issues.
However, the issues themselves go
into making up the total picture,
and thus it is important to look

at them in the light of thegeneral
philosophy of each party.
The people of Michigan vote by
party. This has been shown in
recent election results, where all
counties have gone completely for
one party or the other. The 'tic-
ket-splitter' apparently does not
exist on a state level. Therefore,.
the campaign must be decided on
general political philosophy and
on individual candidates.
* * *
THE OVERALL picture puts
the Republicans in a good posi-
tion, for the issues are in their
favor, as Lawrence Lindemer,
state Republican chairman, has
said recently.
The fiscal problem will be most

Protests Arab Advice on Aid

To the Editor:
I WAS 'interested to learn from a
recent letter that two gentle-
men, Mssrs. Hayara and Manna,
speaking for Arabs, are "most
anxious to maintain friendly re-
lations with the United States
when we receive proper encour-
agement." By "encouragement,"
they mean the "encouragement"
of Dictator Nasser's violation of
the principles of freedom of navi-
gation and economic cooperation.
"Nasser, in clear violation of the
Suez Canal Convention of 1888
and of the 1951 decision of the
United Nations Security Council,
has repudiated these principles,"
as stated by Senator Douglas.
The Arabs ask the United States
to be "neutral" in the Arab-Israel
conflict. They seem to believe that
the United States will remain'
"neutral" on when she, too, re-
pudiates the above - mentioned
- principles, as she has, in effect,
been doing, and supports interna-
tional piracy and blockade, even
when American ships are dis-
criminated against. By supporting
international law, the United
States, according to the Arabs,
will be taking sides with Israel.
THE TWO ARAB gentlemen
seem to agree that the' Arabs are
in violation of United Nations
resolution and would be "more
than happy to comply" with those
resolutions concerning free pass-
age of Israeli ships through the

Secretary-General for a realistic
solution of the Arab refugee prob-
lem, which was squelched by the
Arab states.
In any case, I fail to see what
resolutions involving Israel have
to do with freedom of the seas
and the right of the United States
to send surplus food to underde-
veloped countries, in this case the
UAR, in whatever ship she
chooses. The Arabs, of course,
want the agricultural surpluses,
but are angered when the Senate
objects to our letting the Arabs
tell the American people how we
may ship our economic aid.
-David Whinston,1'61
To .the Editor:
IN TUESDAY'S Daily, an edi-
torial exhorted Negro students
to further the cause of integration
by increased participation in ex-
tracurricular activities.
- Lora Krapohl, the writer of the
article, stated that "the goal of
participation in activities is and
should remain service to the com-
munity." By engaging more fully
in this "service," she suggested,
Negroes would' demonstrate their
willingness to accept the respon-
sibilities concomitant with full ac-
ceptance in the society.
In point of fact, very few stu-
dent activities purport to serve
the community. The Ski Club, the
Sailing Club, the Folklore Society.

student activities prevents "a true
estimate of the relationship be-
tween the white and Negro stu-
dents on campus." Actually, such
an estimate is only prevented by
the near absence of Negroes on
campus altogether.,
-Michael Pollack, '63
To the Editor.
issue of religion was brought up
in the West Virginia primary, and
as was to be expected, an indignant
article appeared in The Daily de-.
nouncing the injection of religion
into the campaign by "a few
irresponsible bigots." This article,
written by Michael Burns, is in
fact itself bigoted in the sense
that it groups all who would even
question a candidate's faith into
one derogatory class.
Granted, some people oppose the
candidacy of Senator Kennedy
solely on the basis of his Ca-
tholicism, but it is unfair to clas-
sify these people with those who
seriously question the ability to
serve of a Catholic President, and
on strictly rational grounds.
he "will be an American Presi-
dent, not a Catholic President."
But will he? Would he be able to
resist the pressures which would
be brought to bear on him? The
Catholic Church is noted for put-
ting pressure on Catholic adminis-
tra nr to rv . rnt,,~ it, ~nl

important. The Republicans favor
a boost in the sales tax, while the
Democrats lean toward a persnal -
and business income tax, which
would effect only .a minority of
the population.. However, the dif-
ference comes in the fact that the
GOP is willing to let the people
decide which they want, with the
.Democrats opposing a referendum.
Organized labor is responsible
for this situation. They have
openly opposed the sales tax, on
the ground it would put an extra
burden on the working man, while
the income tax would hit those
who were "better off and can
afford it." It is not a question of
who can afford it, but more of
whose responsibility it is.
SECOND, the Republicans favor
a program to create 10,000 more
jobs in Michigan every year, by
making the business climate more
acceptable to industry.
Such a program might include
business tax relief to attract more
industry to the state rather than
drive" it away, easing of the pres-
ent power of organized labor to
allow a little leeway to manage-
ment in the field of labor rela-
tions, and an overhaul of the
whole system 6f unemployment
compensation to make it a little
more palatable to industry.
This, if handled constructively,
could and should make Michigan
more favorable to new industry,
thus creating more jobs. The
Democrats have no such program..
THIRD, the Republicans favor
constitutional reform as a major
step toward economy in govern-
ment. The GOP State Central
Committee has officially supported
the con-con measure, while the
Democrats recently refused to
consider the motion, claiming all
the time that our constitution
is "rusty," musty, dusty." This is
a bit of a paradox to say the least.
What is the problem here?
Basically, the Democrats want the
state reapportioned so that the
more heavily populated areas are
more heavily represented in Lans-
ing. The Republicans believe in
the present system, whereby one
house represents the majority and
one the minority. This is being
done in 48 other states and in the
captal at. Washington, which indi-
cates a belief that minority does
indeed deserve a voice.
* * *
THESE ARE the kinds of issues

The Daily Offcia l Bulletinis a
official publication of" The Unvr-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial resp6nsibility. Notices should
be sent In TYPEWRITTEN frm to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day precedIng,
publication. Notices fordSunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. riday.
THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1960
VOL. LXX, No. 171
General Notices
June Graduates who have ordered
commencement announcements can call
for them at S.A.B., May 19 & 20, 9 t, 5.
Students: If you need to order a
transcript, without grades for the cur-
rent semester, you are urged o callin,
person. at- Room -b5. Administration
Building not later than Friday, May 271
(Does not apply to students in Engi-
neering, Law and Medicine).
Women members of the Univ. Staff
who are interested in joining a busi-
nesswomen's golf league, to play Thurs
day afternoons at the University course,
are invited to call the Golf Service
Building for informatio', or to come to*
the golf course Thurs. at 430 4r 5:00K
p.m. A practice round may be played
today, May 19.
Distribution of Diplomas: If the e-
ercises are held in the Stadium, dip-
lomas for all graduates except those of
the School of Dentistry, the Medical
School, and /Flint College will be dis-
tributed from designated stationsvun-
der, the east 'stands of the Stadium,
immediately after the exercises. The
diploma distribution stations are on
the level above the tunnel entrance. If
the weather is rainy and the exercises
must be held indoors, all diplomas tex-
cept those of the School of Dentistry
the Medical School, and Plint Colege
will be- distributed from the windows'
of the Cashier's Office and the Office
of Registration and Records in the
lobby of the Ad. Build. Following the
ceremony, diplomas may be called for'
until 9:00 p.m.
Commencement Instructions to Fa.c-
ult~y Members: Convene a, 4:15 p.m. ,lin
the first floor lobby in the A. Blg.
Buses will be provided in front of the
Bldg. on State St to take you to te
Stadium or Yost Field House to join
the procession and to take the place1:
assigned'to you on stage, as directed
by the marshals; at the end of the ex-
ci east ofuthe Stadium orat west Side
Field House t.o bring you back to the
Student Accounts: Your attenton I?'
called to the following rules passed by
the Regents at their meeting on Feb-
ruary 28, 1936: "Students shall pay ;all
accounts due the University not later
than :the last day of classes of each
semester or summer session. Student
Iloans which are not paid or .renewed
are subject to this regulation; how-
ever, student loans not yet due are
exempt. Any unpaid accounts at. the.
close of business on the last day of
classes will be reported to the Cashier
"(a) All academic credits will b
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
net be released, and no transcript of
credits will be Issued.t
"(b) All students owing such ae-
counts will not be allowed to. register
In any subsequent semester or summer
session:until payment has been made."
Events Today
Hopwood Lecture. Theodore Roethke
poet, will lecture on -"The Poetry of,
Louise Bogman," Thurs., May 19, in
Rackham Lecture Hall at 4:15. Presn-
tation of the Hopwood Awards for 90
will follow the lecture.
Doctoral Examination for.Orland
Joseph ,Manci, 'Jr.," Instrumentation
Engineering; Thesis: "Differential An-
alyzer Solution of the Diffusion Equa-
tion -With A Free Boundary," Thurs.,
May 19. 2084 East Engineering, 2 p..
Chairman, R. M. Howe.
Events Friday
Astronomy Department visitors' Night
Fri., May 20, 8:00 p.m, Room 2003 An- -
gell , Hall. Dr. Herman Zanstra will
speak on "The Expansion of the Uni-
verse.'"-After the leture the Student
Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell
Hall will be open for inspection and for
telescopic observations of the Hercules
cluster. Children welcomed, but must
be accompanied by adults.

Dr. Richard G. West, Research As-
sociate in the Department of Quater-
nary Research, Botany School, Cam-
bridge, England, will present a lecture
on "Interglacial Periods in Britain,"
Fri., May 20 at 4:00 p.m. in Rackham
Amphitheatre. All those interested are
welcome to attend.
Aeronautical-Astronautical Engineer-
ing Lecture: Dr. Eli Reshotko, Lewis
Research Laboratory, NASA, will speak
on "Stability of the Compressible Lam-
inar Boundary Layer," Fri., May 20, 4:00
p.m., Room 1504 East Eng. Bldg.
Psychology Colloquium: ,Dr. . Joseph
wolpe, M.D., University of Michigan.
"Psychotherapy on the Reciprocal In-
hibition Principal: A Product of Ex-
perimental Psychology," Fri., 'May 20,
4:15 p.m., Aud. B. Coffee will be served
in 3417 Mason Hall from 3:45 to 4:15.
Everybody welcome.
Doctoral Examination for Alan Rob-
ert Jones, 'History; thesis: "The Consti-
tutional Conservatism of Thomas Mc-
Intyre Cooley: A Study in the History
of Ideas," Fri., May 20, 3609 Haven'Hall,

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