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May 19, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-19

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[J.S. Expelled




- - - - - >

Democrats Assure Unity on Summit

WASHINGTON (M)-Democratic
leaders took special pains yester-
day to rid Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev of any idea he can
split the United States. and per-
haps get a better deal from a
Democratic President.
Meanwhile, Democratic and Re-
publican senators prodded the De-
fense Department for a review of
the nation's military situation-
and possibly a bigger armament

effort-in the light of the angry
turn of United States-Russian re-
Pentagon officials, testifying be-
fore the Senate Appropriations
Committee, said President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's defense budget is
adequate because it was drafted
on the assumption . the Soviet
threat would be undiminished no


Thre 'eater



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r j
i 0
i r.
i is

matter how the summit turned
At the same time; Gen. Nathan
F. Twining, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, assured the com-
mittee top United States military
leaders are keeping close watch
and that "our forces are in a fine,
ready condition."
The newest Democratic moves
to demonstrate national unity
took the form of:
1) A message sent by four top
Democrats to Eisenhoiver in Paris
Tuesday as the summit was fall-
ing to pieces. The message, made
public today, asked Eisenhower to
let Khrushchev know they feel the
East-West talks should not be put
off until after the United States
elections in November.
2) A declaration by Senate
Democratic presidential nominee-'
that "only one man can speak for
our country and that he must
have behind him the united
strength of a determined people."
Senators Sign
The message to Eisenhower was
signed by Johnson; Adlai E. Stev-
enson, House Speaker Sam Ray-
burn (D-Tex), and Sen. J. Wil-
liam Fulbright (D-Ark), chairman
of the Senate Foreign Relations
They said:
"As leaders of the Democratic
party of the United States, we
earnestly urge you to convey to
Premier Khrushchev the views of
the opposition party in our coun-
try that he reconsider his sugges-
tion for postponement of the sum-
mit conference until after the na-
tional elections in this country.
Desire Peace
"We feel that total failure of
the conference and increasing mis-
trust on both sides will be serious
and deeply disturbing to the whole
"All of the American people
earnestly desire peace,an end to
the arms race and ever better re-
lations between our countries ..
There was no immediate word
on whether Khrushchev ever got
the contents of the Democratic
message. He and Eisenhower did
not meet after their angry face-
to-face confrontation on Monday.
Interpreting for newsmen the
formal language of the message,
Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont)
said it was intended as a notice
to Khrushchev that "a change in
United States presidents would
have no meaning insofar as he is

Nixon Says
UN Employe
Caught in Act
Agent Apprehended
As Khrushchev Visited
BUFFALO (A) - Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon said tonight a
Soviet employe of the United Na-
tions Secretariat has been expelled
from the United States for spying
at the time Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev was addressing the
U.N. last September.
Nixon told a news conference
that the U.N. employe and another
Russian had been spotted in an
attempt to gain highly classified
information from an American in
Springfield, Mass.
The Vice-President said the two
were not picked up at the time,
because Secretary of State Chris-
tian A. Herter decided against
stirring any public diplomatic
protest at the time.
Contrasts Khrushchev
In a calm way, Nixon said, this
contrasted with Khrushchev's ex-
plosions over the American spy
plane incident.
He said the matter was reported
to Dag Hammarskjold, the U.N.
Personnel records at the U:N.
showed the expelled employe was
Vadim A. Kirilyuk of the Soviet
Kirilyuk held a low-level pro-
fessional post, according to the
records, as political affairs officer
in the territorial research and
analysis section of the trusteeship
Personnel Recruited
United Nations Secretariat per-
sonnel are recruited from all na-
tions to serve as international civil
servants, and are distinct from the
personnel serving in the various
national delegations at the U.N.
After an investigation, Nixon
told the news conference, Ham-
marskjold arranged for Kirilyuk
and his family to be returned to
their homeland. The expulsion
took place last January.
The Vice-President said that
the other Russian involved had
merely observed and had not par-
Nixon said the American in-
volved was entirely in the clear
and was not taken into custody.
He said he could reveal no more
in the matter but said the Ameri-
can was not a government agent.

To Attempt
U.S. Labor
A rbitration
WASHINGTON () - A labor-
management "summit" conference
is due to start today with prospects
of achievement about as gloomy
as the wrecked Paris summit meet-
ing of the world powers.
Three representatives each of
organized labor and management
will get together at the bidding of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
to map plans for a series of indus-
trial peace talks.
Both sides, while openly pledg-
ing to tackle the job seriously,
privately expressed doubts any-
thing would come from the meet-
Strike Outgrowth
The meetings are an outgrowth
of the recent steel strike, worst in
the nation's history. Eisenhower,
acting on a suggestion from AFL-
CIO President George Meany, said
top 'level labor and management
representatives should consult on
how they could4mooth employer-
union relations, work together to
spur the economy, curb inflation,
increase output, and devise some
formula for sharing the fruits of
an expanding economy.
The idea is to discuss mutual
problems outside the stress of
normal collective bargaining. Sec-
retary of Labor James P. Mitchell
has envisioned extending the plan
to the formation of labor-manage-
ment councils for particular in-
dustries and plants.
Labor representatives are known
to believethe meetings are getting
off on the wrong foot. They con-
tend privately that the National
Assn. for Manufacturers did not
designate top echelon representa-
tives to the initial session today.
Represent Management
Those designated by the NAM
to represent management are pres-
idents William J. Grebe, L. A.
Peterson and Robert W. Stoddard
of several major companies.
As union representatives Meany
has designated himself and AFL-
CIO Vice-President Walter Reu-
ther, head of the Auto Workers
Union, and George M. Harrison,
President of the Brotherhood of
Railway Clerks.
Eisenhower said the six - man
planning group could add others
for subsequent formal meetings.
It was plain the AFL-CIO hoped
heads of such giants firms as
United States Steel and General
Motors would join in later.
Arrange Meeting
The government, after arrang-
ing the meeting, has stepped out
to leave the talks to the partici-
The NAM, as well as most busi-
nessmen's organizations, has been
cool to the whole idea. But neither
labor nor management wants to
be in a public position of scuttling
the conferences.
For that reason the planning
session tomorrow may be relatively

China MassingForces Off Formosa
TAIPEI, Formosa (WP)-With the
Paris summit conference in ruins, The United States sent ships peace." Mao did not mi
Communist China yesterday began and warplanes into the Formosa viet Premier Nikita S
acting and talking tough, perhaps area and the crisis ended. chev by name, but ,
as a prelude to a new Far East Now swift United States F104 used that description
crisis.Unte Sats ho }wer after visiting tI
ationalist Chinese sources said Starfighter jets are arriving for States last fall.
the Reds are massing ships and the Nationalist air force so It can Opposition Reco
planes across from this nationalist cope with Red China's late model
island stronghold defended by the Soviet-made MIG19S, said to have Because of their ton
United States7th Fleet, arrived across Formosa strait. position to relaxation
Unitd Sate 7thFle't.DenonceIkeWest tensions, the Chic
The general impression here is munists are credited ;
that the United States will react Peiping radio began calling hind - the - scenes role
as vigorously in defending Presi- President Dwight D. Eisenhower wreck the summit conf
dent Chiang Kai-Shek's govern- a warmonger. The broadcast also In 1958; Khrushche:
ment as it did in 1958. said Vice President Richard M. arrange a summit meel
Bombard Islands Nixon used "the language of an United Nations- withou
aggressor" in defending United tc i Sd
At that time Red China opened aessor"inefeig nite d participation. Suddenly
up with a bombardment of the States espionage flights over the viet leader made a trip
Nationalists offshore islands after Son. and the summit ei
Mao Tze-Tung of Red China was ..Peiping newspapers gave prom- called off. The Quemo
reported to have persuaded Nikita inent displays to stories of the began a few weeks late
S. Khrushchev to scuttle plans for summit breakup in. Paris. "United 'The Chinese National
a Big Four summit meeting in the States deliberately scuttles four- that the Reds may rev]
United States. nation summit conference," head- on Quemoy or other
Un___d _______._lined one Red paper. islands in an effort to

To Continue
Store Policy
Woolworth stores will continue to
refuse to serve Negroes at lunch
counters in the South, the com-
pany president said yesterday,
despite sit-ins, pickets and boy-
Robert C. Kirkwood, company
.president, told stockholders at the
annual meeting that Woolworth
stores would continue a policy of
adhering to "local customs es-
tablished by local people for the
conduct of business in their com-
Kirkwood issued a statement
after Barbara Broxton, a 20-year-
old Negro coed, promised that boy-
cotting and sit-ins would continue
and grow unless Woolworth and
similar stores opened their lunch-
counters to all races.
"We Negroes are tired of taking
a back seat on discrimination,"
Miss Broxton declared. The Florida
A & M College student recently
completed a 48-day jail sentence
Miss Broxton and 21 other per-
sons including collece students
picketed the meeting. Several car-
ried 'signs reading, "dollars spent
here support segregation in the
South," and "no service in South,
no purchase in North."
Kirkwood painted a bright pic-
ture of Woolworth financial oper-
ations. He pointed out that 86 per
cent of Woolworth's eating fa-
cilities were integrated, and said
the company could continue to gQ
along with Southern customs.

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94V £ic1~iown DatI


Second Front Page
Thursday, May 19, 1960


Page 3



SAN DLE R OF BOSTON'S "ROSITA" - newly arrived
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