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May 18, 1960 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-18

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STUDENTS GATHER-Many students at the Free University of Berlinmeet in front of the new
library, a gift of the Ford Foundation. This year the University is planning an exchange program
with the Free University. Previously, the University sent students to Berlin although no German
students came here in return.
Davis Announces Study Grant in Berlin
In return the University will reading to a blind law studer
International Center Director provide free tuition for the Uni will cover Miss Anolds' housin
James M. Davis has announced versity of Berlin student, Sybille at the University.
that the University is offering an Arnolds.
d the While at the University Miss While in Germany last summe
exchange grant to study at hArnolds will live at Delta Gamma Davis spoke to the head of t
Free University of Berlin for the Sorority as a house guest. Last Free University and discussed t
coming school year. summer a member of Delta Gam- possibility of continuing the pr
The grant includes a 10-month ma was in Germany for an ex- gram under the sponsorship c
living stipend of 300 Deutschmarks periment in international living. the Free University. Davis ende
per month, free tuition, a book She was fatally injured in an acci- his vacation and returned to. t
allowance, and transportation to dent. University. He discovered a tec
Berlin from the ' German border Establish Fund ing fellow in the German depari
or any European pdrt. The local Delta Gamma chapter ment, Martha Hogh, who was wil
The Michigan student willpro- established a memorial fund for ing to go to Berlin. She is preseni
vide for his own travel in Europe, her and decided to use the money ly completing her studies tere.
The student can live in the re- to further international goodwill Two-Way Exchange
cently completed Student Village by housing a German exchange This year the scholarship cor
for about 60 Deutschmarks. Davis student, Sue Deo, '61, Delta Gam- mittee, which Davis heads, estat
described the. stipend as "adequate ma president said. This, along with lished the two - way exchang
but a minimum. the money the sorority has earned which will go into, effect this fal
Application forms for the grani
COMMISSIONER NEHRU: are available in Rm. 2011 of t
SAB. The only qualifications fo
i . the grant are a junior status I
India s Econome Scene September and a working know
edge of German, adequate fc
studying. The applications m
Chan es wth reednj, be returned by May 25.
Changes with Freedom _____
Of the total investment of $6.5 D
"Thirteen years ago, when India billion, only 7 per cent was con-
achieved its political indepen- tributed by foreign countries..hlcnewb
dence, the average level of income Ad nutyi n
in the country was just about $50 T idsec ndustnrdy te n n
per person pear year,"-Economic The second plan, adopted in and
Commissioner B. K. Nehru of 1956, called for twice as great CLAUDE
India said yesterday. an investment. This plan was CABROS
Addressing the Conference of particularly concerned with in-
International Development, he dustrial development and with
said "As long as we were a col- lessening unemployment.
ony, it was easy to blame our "It is our aim," Nehru pointed
poverty on foreign rule." out, "to be self-reliant as soon as
Economic Problems we can."
"But with the advent of inde- "Foreign assistance of the order
pendence, we had to tackle in of $10 billion over the next ten
earnest the economic problem if years will enable India to cross
only to strengthen the democratic the hump. Given the capital or COMity
foundations of our newly-won the tools, India will afterwards be "'ROSE
freedom. able to progress on its own mo-
"For the nation as a whole, the mentum."
process of development calls for
more and more saving and invest-
ment." Nehru explained, "it is
doubly difficult for India since the
very poverty of the people limits
the resources available for devel-
"The sacrifices implicit in de-
velopment have to be evoked by
the voluntary cooperation of the
people under India's democratic
governPens for Economy ike Seeger - Tom Paley - Jo-
India's economic planning, has
two phases, Nehru said: "one, to --MICH IGAN UNION BAL
take stock of our needs and re-
sources . . . to give a sense of
direction to our efforts, and sec- Tickets $1 .75
ond, to provide a focus for evok-
ing a response from our people." On sale at
The first five-year plan that
was in effect from 1951 to 1956 UNION DESK DISC SHOP
emphasized agriculture and the
rehabilitation of railway trans-________ __ ____
"It is significant that 93 per
cent of the resources required for
investment in this plan were ob-
tained by the Indian people with-
out coercion or inflation," he
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