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May 18, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-18

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Y e

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy and cooler today,
warmer tomorrow afternoon.


L. LXX, No. 162





Students Recall Decision




Qver 100 students observed the
sixth anniversary of the Supreme
Court school integration decision
yesterday with a demonstration
Carrying signs reading "Equal-
ity in Housing," "Equality in Cred-
it," "Give Humans Their Rights"
and "Equal Rights for Everybody,
Everywhere," the demonstrators
marched through the business dis-
trict of Ann Arbor for an hour.
Following the demonstration the
group met. in the Undergraduate
Library Multi-purpose room to
hear the Reverend C. T. Vivian,
pastor of the First Community
Church,Nashville, Tenn., explain
the passive resistence movement
in the South.
New Southern Negro
Rev. Vivian, editor of "The Bap-
tist Layman," said, "There is a
new Negro in the South and you
can't push him around. He doesn't
cringe anymore. He hasn't forgot-
ten slavery, but now he is working
for his rights."
With love for mankind as an
inspiration the southern Negro is
now refusing to cooperate with
evil. "The urge to strike back is
being channeled into a movement
of love and Justice."
Rev. Vivian cited the rejoicing
in Negro communities when the
Supreme Court decided in favor of
integration in 1954. But Negroes
soon discovered "the new day was
really a false dawn, he added.
"It wasn't the law, but custom,
tradition and mores that needed
change. And these are changed
by men's courage."
Passive Resistance
Passive resistance is the instru-
ment of this change in' the south.
Rev. Vivian enumerated six goals
this type of civil disobedience will
implement: contesting local laws
from a deeper standpoint than
merely as legal points: putting
pressure on people at the local
level; getting quick justice: dram-
atizing the local situation; creat-
ing an atmosphere of good will;
and causing growth in both
He recounted the success of the
sit-in movement in Nashville,-
where merciants rece y acqui-
esced to the demands of the dem-
onstrators, announcing the city
was ready for integration of its
Opposition Attempts Diversion
"The opposition keeps trying to
sidetrack us," Rev. Vivian noted,
"but we always draw them back
to the moral issue. They accuse us
of being law-breakers, but we have
too great a respect for real law
to let the present one stand."
When passive resisters are
blamed for creating trouble, "we
admit that . . . if trouble is the
price of justice, or self-respect
and dignity, yes, we will cause
Calling for men to be "radically
good," Rev. Vivian commented,
"An eye for an eye is yesterday's-
ethic. It only creates a blind so-
ciety. Man doesn't give you any-
thing until you stand up and say
that you are bound to have it."
"A man who is not willing to
die for something can be bluffed
out of it, but when you passively
resist physical violence and show
your dignity consistently you de-
feat your enemy sooner or later."
Calls Schools
The city Human Relations Com-
mission last night supported the
designation of yesterday as "Free-
domr Day;" butseized upon the op-
pgrtunity to publicly point out for
the first time that Ann Arbor pub-

lic schools are segregated not in
policy but in -practice.
"As a result of practices in Ann
Arbor, Negro families live in
limited sections of the city. Most
of the pupils in one elementary
school and a growing proportion
in another are Negro children.
"On the other hand all pupils
in some other schools are white,"
the statement drafted by the com-
mission stated.
The Commission suggested a.
better way to observe Mayor Cecil
O. Creal's declaration of the day,
as a commemoration of the sixth-
anniversary of the Supreme Court
desegregation decision.
This would be to meet the situa-
tion "by private or public action
wrventina diRsrimination in the




State Republicans
Hold Good Position
"On the basis of issues, the Republican Party in Michigan is in
a very good position this year," State Republican Chairman Lawrence
W. Lindemer said, speaking to the Young Republicans yesterday.
"The primary contests throughout the state will be a good thing
for the party," he continued. "It will bring the policies of our candi-
dates clearly befot'e the people." Lindemer admitted that the Repub-
licang were the underdogs in the"

Flight s
Walks Out
On Meeting

STUDENT DEMONSTRATORS-Sign-carrying studentsr marched
through the streets of Ann Arbor yesterday in commemoration
of the Supreme Court's school integration decisiont
Centralized Government
Vital to RapId Economy

upcoming campaign, but he said
that "if we Work diligently to-
gether, we have a good chance to
Nixon Best Choice
Viewing the national contest,
the chairman said that Vice-Pres-
ident Richard M. Nixon would be
an excellent choice for the presi-
dency. "He is the only man to
show he can successfully pit him-
self against the remarks of Mr.
Khrushchev. He's got what it
takes to do the job well."
Commenting on Nixon's opposi-
tion, he said, "Kennedy's wavy
hair, Humphrey's buoyancy, -and

Highly centralized governments
will prove necessary for many un-
derdeveloped countries to achieve
rapid economic growth.
This conclusion highlighted
round - table discussion reports
presented at the final session of
Panhel Kills
Rushing Plan
Due to a procedural misunder-
standing, Panhellenic Association
will not present its fall open house
plan to SGC for consideration as
the 1961 rush program, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
The proposal had been under
consideration for nearly two years.
Panhel President Barb Greenberg,
'61, said that last year's Assembly
and Panhel presidents had discus-
sed the issue.
"However," she explained, "this
was not equivalent to Assembly's
approval of the plan. With the
change of officers this spring, the
question of rush changes was1ost
in the shuffle, with Assembly as-
suming that nothing had been de-
cided and Panhel assuming that
Assembly had adequately consid-
ered the proposal."
Thus Panhellenic announced its
proposed changes without further
consultation with Assembly. Myra
Goines, '61, Assembly President,
then felt that her group did not
have enough time to evaluate the
program before the SGC vote,
scheduled for tonight.
"We're glad it was curbed be-
fore SGC discussed it," Miss
Greenberg commented. "We don't
want to be expedient, and it is
better to wait another year, and
perhaps find a better proposal,
than to rush this one through
without giving Assembly time to
consider it fully."
Panhellenic will concentrate this
year on internal changes in the
present rush program, which will
run from Feb. 17 through March
5, 1961. A rush study committee
will be set up to consider various
mechanically feasible plans for
the 1962 rush season. These pro-
posals will be presented to As-
sembly for discussion and sugges-
tions sometime in December.
Panhel Rush
Head Agenda
Representatives-of the Women's
Panhellenic Association will pre-
sent last year's Women's Rush at
tonight's Student Government
Council meeting for calendaring
"Panhel has not abandoned its
plans to, reorganize Women's
Rushing procedure, but the calen-
daring changes will not take place
next semester as previously
planned," Barbara Greenberg, '61,
president of Panhel, said. "The
Assembly Association was not

the Michigan Conference on Eco-
nomic Development yesterday.
Sponsored by the University,
Wayne State University and Mich-
igan State University, the confer-
ence attracted well over 100 ex-
perts in this field from the Mid-
Report Presented,
One report presented to the
conference stated bluntly:
"Only vigorous central leader-
ship can bring about radical
changes in productivity and min-
ing necessary for an economic
"United States policy should not
be directed toward the certain
political forms in underdeveloped
lands, nor toward insistence on
certain political rituals and func-
tions, but toward the social ends
which democratic political systems
serve-social security, social sta-
bility, and growth with maximum
benefit to the greatest number.
Autocratic Choices
"The choice before the United
States for the 1960's and 1970's
appears not to be between demo-
cratic and autocratic regimes, but
between variations of the latter.
Of course, our economic aid may
help (eliminate) major totalitar-
ian trends."
Another report said it would be
"impossible" for underdeveloped
countries to follow in the foot-
steps of western democratic devel-
"Political freedom is a luxury of
opulent nations Vhich may be
permitted after development oc-
curs," this report noted. "The issue
is not freedom versus dictatorship,
but rather dictatorship of the
right or left."
In evaluating its aid programs
in the future, the United States
might well adopt the criterion of
"economic stability plus high per-
formance in terms of rising living
standards" rather than the polit-
ical complexion of countries re-
ceiving this assistance.

To. Present
New Plavs
The musical comedy "Annie Get
Your Gun" will open the seven
week summer playbill season at
8 p.m. June 22 at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, the speech de-
partment announced yesterday.
Three" plays and an opera will
round out the ;season which is
sponsored by the department of
speech. Jean Giraudoux's comic
spoof of Greek mythology, "Am-
phitryon 38" will play July 6-9,
followed by William Shakespeare's
"As You Like It" July 20-23.
William Eng's "Picnic" will play
July 27-30 followed by Mozart's
"Don Giovanni" as the last pro-
duction of the season, Aug. 3-6.
"Annie Get Your Gun" and "As
You Like It" will be directed by
Prof. William P. Halstead, chair-
man of the speech department's
theatre area. Prof. Hugh Norton,
who has been on five months sab-
batical leave, will offer the. alter-
nate plays, "Amphitryon 38" and
Prof. Jeck E. Bender of the de-
partment of speech will direct
"Don Giovanni" in conjunction
with Prof. Joseph Blott of the mu-
sic department.. Mrs. Paul Miller
of Milford will direct the music
for "Annie Get Your Gun."
Theatre, Site
Still Unchosen
The decision concerning the lo-
cation of the proposed repertory
theatre has been postponed several
days, Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the
mathematics department and
chairman of the steering commit-
tee said yesterday.
Minneapolis, one of the three
areas under consideration, had
asked for a delay of the decision
until May 15 when they submitted
additional information. The ma-
terial is being analyzed by New
Zeisler, who will announce the de-
York backers Oliver Rea and Peter
cision in a few* days.
The three locations considered
are Minneapolis, Milwaukee and
southeastern Michigan, in the Ann
Arbor-Detroit area.

RED CARPET-Premier Khrushchev was welcomed by French
Deputy Premier Roger Frey when he arrived in Paris. Yesterday
Khrushchev ended the summit conference.
estern Powers Voice
Mood of 'No Surrender'


...GOP strength
the grand manner of Lyndon
Johnson are not enough to offset
Nixon's great ability."
Lindemer said that present un-
rest over the collapse of the sum-
mit talks will prove to be but a
passing difficulty as was the Que-
moy-Matsu incident. "Khrush-
chev's truculence really plays into
Nixon's hands, for we know the
Vice-President can spar with him,"
he added.
Peace, Prosperity Again
In spite of any alleged difficul-
ties, Lindemer was confident that
"peace and prosperity" will con-
tinue to be winning issues for the
"The election this year will be
decided by the general feeling of
the people, not specific issues," he
said. "The people will simply ask
themselves which party can really
get this state going again. We're
out to prove that we're that

By The Associated Press
A mood of no surrender built
up in Western Europe yesterday
amid a tide of resentment against
Nikita S. Khrushchev for wither-
ing peace hopes at the summit.
The chorus of denunciation
lately leveled at Washington over
the spy plane incident switched
smartly to the Soviet Premier's
The prevalent feeling was that
the Russians had embarked on
their own brand of brinkmanship
--a concept never popular in this
vulnerable part of the world.
Denounce Khrushchev
Headlines in Rome and Amster-
dam announced "Khrushchev sab-
otages summit," The Berliner
Morgenpost proclaimed "Paris
conference on razor's edge." The
London Star headed its editorial
The anti-Khrushchev mood was
reflected in newspapers of all non-
Communist shades of opinion,
many of which railed at the
Americans last week over the
United States spy plane incident.
Praise Eisenhower
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er was widely praised for his re-
straint in the face of Khrush-
chev's browbeating at Monday's
crucial meeting.
Commentators acknowledged al-
most unanimously that Eisenhow-
er had gone to the limit of con-
ciliation in suspending the spy
flights and asked in effect "What
more can Khrushchev expect?"
Most commentators asserted
that summit talks must not be
bought at the price of groveling
before Khrushchev.
The London Times said Khru-
shchev had miscalculated badly if
he was counting on shock tactics
to increase Western ,doubts and

In Moscow, the sentiment to-
ward Khrushchev's actions in
Paris was quite different.
Russians from Ballerinas to
Blacksmiths responded to an in-
tense Soviet press and radio cam-
paign yesterday, stagig rallies
and proclaiming their support for
Khrushchev's stance at the sum-
In a highly organized campaign
the rallies condemned American
spy flights over the Soviet Union.
The climax may be a show trial
of Francis G. Powers, the. United
States pilot whose U2 plane was
shot down 1,200 miles inside So-
viet territory on May Day.
The rallies backed Khrushchev's
demands that President Eisen-
hower apologize for spy flights,
promise to end them and punish
those responsible.
Dark Horse
Loses Vote
In, Maryland
BALTIMORE (k) - Sen. John
F Kennedy (D-Mass.) scored an
easy, lopsided victory last night,
piling up more votes than anyone
ever had received before in a
Maryland presidential primary.
Kennedy quickly jumped far
ahead of Sen. Wayne Morse (D-
Ore.) and won going away.
Late Returns
With returns almost complete,
1,322 of 1,356 polling places report-
ing, the scoreboard looked like
Kennedy 190,811
Morse 46,457
Democratic voters could also
have decided they preferred to
send an uninstructed delegation
to the National Democratic Con-
vention. -But this suggestion ran.
a poor third with 24,103.
Kennedy got around 70 per cent
of the Democratic votes.
In 1952, while running against
an uninstructed delegation, Sen.
Estes Kefauver (D - Tenn.) got
134,000 votes. In 1936, when regis-
tration lists were lower, Franklin
D. Roosevelt collected 100,000
votes in the primary here.
Recognizes Defeat
Morse said he knew he would get
"clobbered" by Kennedy in Mary-
land's primary.
"I entered that primary," Morse
said in a campaign speech in Port-
land, Ore., "in order to sew the
seeds of constitutional liberalism
in Mary land."
Kennedy, campaigning in Ore-
gon for the primary there Friday,
sent back this statement:
"This strong endorsement in
Maryland will have great signifi-
cance to the delegates in the Los
Angeles convention, especially
when considered in connection
with the five other primary vic-
tnriC" n eNm,.hir., Wi.-

Powers Shift Blame
For Paris Impasse
PARIS (M) - The summit con-
ference ended last night with East
and West bitterly blaming each
other for its failure.
To the last minute Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev in-
sisted that he could not meet with
the West unless President Dwight
D. Eisenhower apologized for the
U2 spy incident and promised to
punish those responsible.
Eisenhower refused to go beyond
a statement that such flights over
the Soviet Union are ended.
The Western leaders met twice
during the day, waiting for
Khrushchev to appear. He refused
to' do so until, as he put it, the
United States gave him satisfac-
tion. Last - ditch efforts by the
British, through a meeting be-
tween Foreign Ministers Andri
Gromyko andSelwyn Lloyd, failed
to break the impasse.
Issue Note
Finally, at 10:30 p.m., the West-
ern powers issued a communique
expressing regret over the inability
of the heads of state to disowsc
the "problems which it had been
agreed would be discussed" and
criticizing Khrushchev's actions.
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union
sought privately to assure the West
that a treaty banning nuclear
weapon tests still can be arranged
despite the collapse of the sum-
mit parley.
But the two major Western nu-
clear powers - the United States
and Britain - were skeptical.
The Soviet view was conveyed
by Gromyko to Lloyd, who had a
75-minute meeting devoted mainly
to a vain last-ditch bid to save
the Big Four conference.
Argues Case
Arguing the case for getting the
summit talks going, Lloyd said it
was sad to think that the powera
were missing the chance to make
progress toward the projected
treaty. It had been planned for
President Eisenhower and Prime
Minister Macmillan and Premier
Khrushchev to meet separately o
the subject. They were to have
examined the few remaining issues
blocking a final agreement on the
18-month negotiations.
Khrushchev expects to pay a
courtesy call on President Charles
de Gaulle today before leaving
Paris. He is stopping in Berlin on
his way home to see Walter Ul-
bricht, the East Qerman Comma-
nist boss, but leading communist
there denied Khrushchev would
sign an immediate peace treats
with the East German regime.
President Eisenhower will sta
in Paris through tomorrow.
British Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan is going home tomor-
row to report to parliament.
A spokesman for the British:
said the Russians still expressed
interest in a summit six or eight
months hence. There will be a
new administration in Washing-
ton next Jan. 20.
Clerk Explains
Student Votng
City Clerk Fred J. Looker pre.
sented an explanation of voting
registrationprocedures by Univer
sity students to the City Counci
Looker's actions came in re
sponse to a request from the Cit
Council which had been asked b
the University's Student Govern
ment Council for a clarification 0
student voting rights to alo
eligible students to vote.
Presence of a student at colleg
is not sufficient to allow him t
vote in that city, Looker said
Residence for registration pur

poses is largely a' matter of inten-
tion on, the student's part.
He said most city clerks use i
rule found in Vol. 18 Americar
Jurisprudence Elections, Sectioz
F;r nrhni cav i.n r th~ Cfal

Gerhard Analyzes Adorno Criticisms of Music

"Modern music is growing old," Roberto Gerhard said yesterday,
quoting the German music critic, T. W. Adorno, from his book "Dis-
According to Gerhard, Adorno detects premature signs of aging
in contemporary music. No matter how radical it is, modern music is
no longer "shocking." Though it may be "subversive" it is no longer
Adorno feels that it has lost the "aura of apprehension" found in
the great music of thirty years ago. It no longer expresses the anxiety,
insecurity and bewilderment of its age.
In analyzing Adorno's criticism, Gerhard investigated the existence
of this "Angst" or anxiety in the music of thirty years ago, and also
its possible influence on the "greatness" of the music of that time.
Miss Anxieties
He cited the works of Stravinsky and Schoenberg, considered the
finest in that period, and said he expected that present audiences
would miss any themes of anxiety or disquiet in the music. The one
work that might qualify as reflecting anxiety, he added, is a work of
Schoenberg's which is divided into sections, subtitled "Menacing Dan-
ger," "Angst," and "Catastrophe." However, he noted, this was never
considered one of Schoenberg's greater works.
If Adorno had used examples of music written 40 or 50 years ago,
he might have had a valid point, Gerhard noted. Stravinsky's "Rites

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