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May 17, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-17

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iennedy, Morse Wind Up


Dampaigns in
Air Force To Employz
Missile Warning System

Two States!

THULE, Greenland (M - On a
rocky Arctic hilltop the 1irst elec-
tronic alarm station intended toe
warn against rockets from Russia
is nearing readiness.
This ballistic missile early warn-
ing system (BMEWS) base ,has
been built in an air of urgency-
sharpened in recent days by an-
other spectacular demonstration
of Soviet skill in technology,.
This first of three BMEWS sta-
tions - at Thule, in Clear, Alaska,
and at Fylingdales, England-will
go on the air this fall and begin
feeding information back to the1
high command in the United
States, say its builders.r
Today, the United States Air
Force and the firms which built
Thule's BMEWS are beginning to
test the realiability of its elec-;
tronic brain's calculations and
predictions, using signals created,
within the station.
Preliminary Trial
And in a partial, preliminary
trial of the enormous power to be
used for the four radars in this
station, several test radiations of
energy into space have been made.j
But these use only portions of the;

ultimate energy radiation of sev-
eral million watts.
The complete three-station sys-
tem which will scan the skies over
all the approaches from Russia
and her satellites will not be work-
ing for another couple of years.
And when it does, no one can say
with certainty that it will be in-
Best Hope
Best hope is that it will provide
a minimum 15 minutes of warning
for Western bombers and missiles
to be launched for retaliation-
and for civilian populations to find
what shelter they may.
It is almost a billion dollar bet-
Thule's cost is estimated at about
$500 million; the Alaskan station
$328 million; the British one $115
million; for command other as-
sociated activities in the United
States about $9 million.
The Alaskan station is scheduled
for readiness in the summer of
1961. Officials say the installation
for Britain will be operating later.
The Thule station is about 2,000
miles from the mainland of Rus-
sia, 2,370 miles from Moscow.

... chances good

1429 Hill Street
Petitions being accepted NOW
for these committee chairmanships:
Interviewing Sunday, May 22 at Hillel

S Cia Demonstration
Joe Gallen, manufacturer's representative for Nikon,
Mamiya, and the new Bronica, will give a special dem-
onstration at Follett's Photo Department, 322 S. State
St., Tuesday, May 17th, 8:30 to 5:30. The public is
invited to attend this demonstration and talk with Joe
about these fine cameras.

Split May
GOP Claim
Assodated Press News Analyst
of the summit conference threat-
ened today to shake the Republi-
can claim to a peace issue in the
presidential campaign.
The blowup at Paris forecast a
tightening of world tensions that
conceivably could go from bad to
worse in the period when the two
party nominees will be campaign-
ing actively.
In this atmosphere Democratic
contentions that President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's administration
has not done enough to close what
critics call the missile gap may
gather greater weight than if some
even tentative agreements had
been reached at the summit.
Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass),
a leading candidate for the Demo-
cratic nomination, said in a state-
ment that Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev should know "he
cannot divide America on partisan
lines in matters affecting the se-
curity of the United States."
'Contemptuous Indifference'
But Kennedy added that "the
almost contemptuous indifference"
with which Krushchev treated
Eisenhower suggested that the
Soviet leader does not believe the
United States has miiltary equal-
ity with Russia.
Khrushchev's withdrawal of his
invitation apparently wiped out
the chance that Eisenhower could
enhance his Position as a man of
peace with a triumphal visit to
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on, the probable GOP presidential
nominee, obviously had been
counting on pointing with pride to
Eisenhower's record and promising
further progress toward peace if
he were elected Eisenhower's suc-
Political Limb
In the swiftly moving develop-
ments Eisenhower left Nixon out
on something of a political limb
by announcing that spy flights
over Russia have been suspended
and will not be resumed. Nixon
spent some time on television Sun-
day night defending such flights
as necessary under present world
Eisenhower took essentially the
same line 'at his news conference
last week. His decision to suspend
this intelligence activity appeared
fiot to have been communicated
to Nixon in advance.
Khrushchev raised an interest-
ing point for American politics
with his observation that a new
United States administration to be
elected in November may under-
stand world conditions-presum-
Ably from his viewpoint-if the
present one doesn't.
Since the Russian leader has said
previously, that Nixon is not the
man for the Russians to deal with,
The Vice-President could be ex-
pected to contend in the campaign
that he is the man best equipped
to stand up to Khrushchev.

Sees No Hope
For Upset
In Maryland,
Senators in Oregon
For Final Contest
By The Asso iated Press
In Oregon, Sen. John F. Ken-
nedy (D-Mass) jumped into the
final days of the last 1960 pri-
mary election with a freshly con-
fident note yesterday.
And his prime opponent in
Oregon's May 20 Democratic presi-
dential preference primary, favor-
ite son Sen. Wayne L. Morse, took
a swipe at him as "a helpmate of
the Eisenhower Administration."
Kennedy said he expected Morse
to beat him in Oregon but there
was an air of optiimsm In his
entourage that belied this.
In Maryland, however, both
sides predict Kennedy will beat
Morse tomorrow in Maryland's
Democratic presidential primary,
but each expressed hope today the
results will aid its cause in their
Oregon rematch Friday.
To Add Votes
With every major party leader
in Maryland on the Kennedy
wagon for tomorrow's contest, the
Massachusetts senator figures to
add the state's 24 nominating votes
to his column.
Even Morse admitted early in
his campaign that he entered the
race here primarily to dramatize
the issues and press for a liberal
party platform in the general
election campaign.
Kennedy followers also feel a
big Maryland vote would give
nother push to leaders of some big
state delegations who began edg-
ing toward his camp after his
upset victory over Sen. Hubert H.
Humphrey (D-Minn) in West Vir-
ginia last week.
Warm Greetings
Warm greetings from crowds
bigger than expected helped bol-
ster the Kennedy hopes. He cov-
ered north coastal areas today
after an opening meeting at Lewis
and Clark College.
Defense Chief
Triggers Test
Of Alertness
WASHINGTON (P) - An order
from the United States defense
chief in Paris set off an alertness
test of the far-flung armed forces
of the United States yesterday.
The secret, world-wide exercise
came shortly before the cllapse
of the Paris summit conference
and raised a theory that the two
developments were linked.
The defense department refused
any direct comment on the timing
of the exercise which came a few
hours before the abortive start of
the summit meeting.
But early tonight the Pentagon
announced that Secretary of De-
fense Thomas S. Gates Jr., in a
special order from Paris, set the
global test in motion.
Gates went to Paris with Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower as the
chief executive's advisor.

Signs Bill
For Aid
WASHINGTON (M - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower has signed,
with words of gratification, a for-
eign aid authorization bill that
gives him 98 per cent of what he
The White House yesterday re-
leased the news of Eisenhower's
signing the $4.1 million measure,
together with a statement in which
he said congress had shown a
"high degree of responsibility."
The bill does not provide cash;
it simply sets a $4.1 billion ceiling.
The actual appropriation, which
is to be voted later, will be sub-
ject to strong efforts toward cut-
ting. Judging by the past, the
total will be cut. Last year, for
instance, Eisenhower asked $3.9
billion and got $3.2 billion.
Eisenhower's weekend statement
said: "The same high degree of
responsibility and regard for our
national interest will, I trust, re-
sult not only in the full sums now
authorized for certain economic
programs but also in the full ap-
propriations which I have re-
quested as necessary to provide
for the development loan fund
and military assistance program."
Principal items are: $2 billion
dollars for military aid, $675 mil-
lion for defense support of allies,
$700 million for economic develop-
ment loans, $256 million in special
assistance money and $172 million
for technical assistance.

Scientists Debate Space Race Standings


The launching of a four-and-
one-half ton satellite Sunday does
not mean that the Russians are
ahead of the United States in the
missile race, scientists say.
"If we say one country is ahead
of another in the 'missile race,' we
must ask what race we are talk-
ing about," Prof. William Liller of
the astronomy department said
yesterday. "The Americans prob-
ably have better instrumentation,
but the Russians have better pay-
loan capacities."
Prof. Liller claims very little is
known about the new Russian
launching from the astromony de-
partment's point of view.
A government authority, Dr.
John P. Hagen of the National
Aeronautics and Space Admini-
stration and former director of the
Vanguard program-believes the
Russians are attempting to study
the effects of radiation on a hu-
man, in addition to studying the
problem of re-entry.
Two Possibilities
Dr. Hagen told reporters in
Washington, "When you consider

these two possibilities -namely
that the Russians have not yet
solved the problem of re-entry and
are making studies on radiation -
I feel that we appear to be as
well along as they are towards
manned space flight, and may
even be further along."
Authorities wonddr whether the
Russians have actually placed a
man in the rocket for scientific
purposes. "Man would be a hind-
rance," Prof. Liller commented.
"With automation so advanced,
more can be learned from a non-
manned satellite because men are
terrible scientific instruments." '
"If the Russians have sent a
man up, it will be for 'prestige'

and exploitation and not re-
Mercury Program
Prof. Liller said American sci-
entists are planning the Mercury
program for the near future. They
hope to send a man into space in
a one-ton capsule, and then re-
turn everything intact.
Sunday's spaceship rocket was
the fourth satellite orbited by the
The Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory reported that the
Russian satellite will be visible to
the naked eye in many American
and foreign cities. It passed over
the Detroit area at 3:16 a.m. to-





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.1 ? N x .':Na y.,
this week only!
fabulous savings
our Belle-Sharmeer

Travelling? Take Ann Arbor Bank Travelers Checks
along. They cost just a penny on the dollar ... and they
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If they're lost or stolen, they'll, be replaced without
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Second Front Page
Tuesday, May 17, 1960





Il I


The following calendar for
student organization-sponsored
activities was approved:

Page 3

annual sale!
and seamless
all leg-sized, too!

(University events included for information)



11 Musical Society Concert
15 League Night
19 Classes Begin

24 Orgeon
I-Hop (Assembly Assoc.)
28 Union Political Rally

this is the
fabulous new


Now, traditional Nikon quality
and precision in amodern
35mm reflex with the most
modern. automatic features.
. .plus incomparable
NIKKOR optics.
Finder image never blacks out
never dins. And you can see
depth-of-field at 'taking' aperture.
$375 with Auto-Nikkor f1.4;
$329.50 with f2,
See this great new '35' ano the
exciting accessories for every kind
of 35mm photography.

stock up now!

1 Mich. State (away)
2 Men's Rush (2-16)
6 Musical Society Concert
*8 Duke
12 Band Sponsored Jazz Show
15 Northwestern

*22 Minnesota (Homecoming)
28 Intern'tl Wk. (28-5 Nov.)
World's Fair (28-29)
Wisconsin (away)
r 31 Musical Society Concert

2 Musical Society Concert
4-5 Glee Club Joint Concert
*5 Illinois
Monte Carlo Ball
6 Musical Society Concert"
7 Lantern Night
Musical Society Concert
9-12 Gilbert & Sullivan

12 Indiana
14 Musical Society Concert
17-19 Soph Show
*19 Ohio State (away)
22 IFC-Panhell Jazz Show
24-27 Thanksgiving Vac.
30-3 Dec. Musket



See the Sensational New
and the only TWIN LENS reflex camera
with interchangeable lenses
the Mimiya C-2 Professional

,.,.v::.4c+ ..w,.
c .
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Assembly-IQC Sing
Union-Wolverine Club
Jazz Concert

15 Xmas Carolling Party
Xmas-Channukah Sing
17-2 Jan. Vacation

MAY 16-20


- and the pickin's wonderfulI
Gay, lively cottons bubbling over with fashion.
Soft as silk cottons that come up crisp after loads
of tubbings - all drip-n-dry - and they bear
such tiny prices from
$10.95 to $29.95

12 Musical Society Concert

18 Musical Society Concert


14 Musical Society Concert
17-19 Musical Society Concert
22 Rush Mass Meeting


Men's Rush (26-Mar. 12)
Oratorical Society
Musical Society Concert

First floor cottons
sizes 14-44,
Brief and petite
Second floor
cottons, 5 to 1
to thru 12,
tall 10-18
Patio Dresses $6.95



' i
.. ' d_

AT ILEFT isfCheck-Mate 'a

3 Military Ball
4 Paul Bunyan Ball
IQC-Assembly Jazz Show'
10 Musical Society Concert
*11 Caduceus Ball
12 Horse Show
15 Musical Society Concert
1 8 Vacation
13-*15 Musket Show
17 League Installation Night
20-21 WAA Dance Concert
2-IFC-Panhell Banquet
4-7 May Festival (May 6*)

18 Union Jazz Show
21 Musical Society Concert
23 Senior Night
24-*25 JGP
26 Musical Society Concert
28 IFC Sing
22 Frosh Wekend
U. of M. Folk Festival
23 Musical Society Concert
28-*29 Spring Weekend



with rayon

linen jacket
. . . cotton
Sizes 5-15.

atop the molded sheath
gingham dress. $14.95.


12-13 Men's Glee Club
19-21 Michifish




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