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May 13, 1960 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-13

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. . .

Keep Active
Oan Campus
Activities play an Immeasurable
role in the life of many University
Following is a list of campus or-
ganizations active during the year
and their registered presidents.
Alpha Phi Omega
Joel Shilling
Am. Baptist Stud. Fellowship
Phyllis Steele
Am. Chemical Society
Andras Szanto
American Nuclear Society
Edward Klevans
American Rocket Society
Raymond Waugh
American Society for
Public Administration
James S. Baker
Arab Club
Khalil Beitinjane
Assembly Association
Joan Comlano
Baha'i Student Group..
Brenda Yogus
Christian Ref. Stud. Fellowship
John A. Tibbits
Christian Science Organization
John Allen
Congregational, Disciples
E&R Student Guild
Marilyn Cleveland
Democratic Socialist Club
Michael Mathews
Deutscher Verein
Armn Tober
Eastern Orthodox Students So.
Peter Marudas
Exec. Bd. Engr. Class of 1961
Kenneth R. Eaton, Jr.
Folklore Society
Marie Joynt
Full Gospel Stud. Fellowship
E. Mark Deister
Gamma Delta (Luth. Stud. Club)
Ronald Zelinger
Gilbert & Sullivan So.
Eugene Moore
Graduate Outing Club
Lester J. Newman
Graduate Student Council
Robert Farmer
Greek Students Assoc.
George Haniotis
Hawaiian Club
Clarence Kam
India Students Assoc.
Suresh K. Jasani
Indonesian Club
Inter-Cooperative Council
Neil Munro
Interfraternty Council
Jim Martens
Inter-Quadrangle Council
Boren Chertkov
Intern' Assoc. of Students in
Eco. & Commercial Sciences
Richard Hulswit
International Folk Dancers
Solomon Sylvan
International Students Assoc.
M. A. Hyder Shan
Iranian Students Club
Mahin Sorouri
Iraqi Students Society
Abdul Kadir El-Bettar
Joint Judiciary Council
Michael Sklar
Junior Interfraternity Council
Jim Apple
Kappa Phi Club
Martha Powers
Korean Student Club
Chong Kuk Rhee
La Sociedad Hispanica
Susan Brown
Latin Am. Students Org.
Aida C. Rodriguez
Lutheran Student Assoc.
Margaret Studier
Marketing Club

Robert W. Pratt
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Ron Keller
Michigan Forensic Guild
Alan E. O'Day
Michigan Union
Perry Morton
Muslim Student Assoc.
Yousuf K. Abu-Bakr
Newman Club
Thomas Schleiter
Pakistan Students Association
Mohaminad Nawaz
Philippine-Michigan Club
Frank Flores,
Political Issues Club
Brereton Bissell
Russian Circle
Oleh Kostetsky
Senior Board
Fred Kolflat
Society for Adv of Management
Richard C. Slayton
Stamm Foundation
William Burmeister
Student Activities Building
Administrative Board
Klaus Schulze
Related Committees
Cinema Guild
Rochelle Goodman
Office Manager
Eleanor Cook
Personnel Director
Linda Wilkelhaus
Students National Educ. Assoc.
Alvin Reineman
Tau Beta Sigma
Mary Adams
Thai Association
Prasit Chantravekin
Turkish Students Assoc.
Kenan Gilmaz
Ukranian Students Club
Anne Zeleney

Deserving Students Receive Awards,



The Allied Chemical Corp.
Fellowship and Union Carbide
Summer Fellowship
George Arthur Boulet
Allied Chemical andDye Co.
Summer Fellowship
Herman Lawrence Finkbeiner
Allied Chemical and Dye Co.
Summer Fellowship
Peter Schemer
Air Force Association Award
Martin David Centala
Alpha Kappa Psi
Scholarship Award
James George Knollmiller
Alpha Rho Chi Medal
Kent David Johnson
Alumni War Memorial Award
John Charles Nord
American Bureau of Shipping
Charlie Sherman Cochran
American Institute of
Architects Book Award
Henry Stanley Kowalewski
American Institute of Architects
Keith Martin Sipperley
American Marketing Association
Award in Marketing
Jerry Michael Flower
Womens Auxiliary of the
Michigan Branch of the APHA
Elaine Theresa Grosso
American Society for Metals
Foundation for
Education and Research
Metallurgical Undergraduate
James Quincy Steigelman
Armed Forces Communication &
Electronics Association Award
Frank Hamilton Murphy
Arnold Air Society Award
Evan Louis Totten
David Aspland Award
David Elton Bidstrup
Edward Reginald Broad, Jr.
William Ernest Craig
Lester Andres Ettlinger
Bruce Charles Foulke
Gerald Neil, Goldberg
Raymond Franklin Huckins
Lee Durward Miller
David Lennox Mills
Norman Francis Schram
Robert Norman Tap
Kenneth Dale Ware
Rosalie Ziegelman
Association of the United States
Army Award
James Robert Mitchell
Aurora Gasoline Company
William Gordon Anderson
Robert Ortha Barr, Jr.
Thomas Howard Bredt
Thomas George DeJonghe
Stephen Otis Detrick
Elio Eusebi
Walter Hoegy
James Wilson Hunt
Robert Kaplan
Winston Kent Pendleton, III
Gary Peter Schneyer
Frank Edward Woolley
Begole-Brownell Fellowship in
Political Science
Leonard S. Robins
Lawrence D. Bell Scholarship
Stephen Arthur Cook
Gordon Leonard Elicker
Herbert Carl Stark
Frederick James Thomson
Thomas Vincent Traczyk
Bendix Aviation Undergraduate
Richard Douglas Montgomery
Bruce Paul Selberg
George H. Benzenberg Award
Robert Anthony
Daniel Brors
Raymond Golden
Bruce Allen Schuck
John Roland Schreves
Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics Scholarship Award
Darrell Leroy Harper
Terry Oliver Miller
George G. Booth Travelling
Fellowship in Architecture
Kiyoshi Kikuchi
Borden Scholarship Award
in Pharmacy
Mary Julia Roach
Joseph Boyer Scholarship
James Edwin Adair
Robert Wallace Dunlap

Ernest William Mandoky
Gysbert Lee Menninga
Ronald Floyd Tesarik
William Harold Townsend
Dean Stanton Williams
William J. Branstrom
Freshman Prize
College of Architecture and Design
Harriet S. Katcher
Judeth G. Van Hamm
Ruth Ellen Weisberg
Joan V. Smith
Elizabeth C. Freeman
Sharon E. Smith
Gretchen A. Jones
Susan G. Leonard
William A. Foster
Elizabeth C. Mosier
School of Education
Diane L. Timme
Barbara D. Thornley
College of Engineering
Karl Mueller
Walter Widmayer, Jr.
William Beyermann
Charles W. Haley
Cyril Barnert
Robert W. Sloane
Richard J. Girvin
David M. LeVine
John L. McConnell
William J. Burchfield
Franklin C. Harter
Robert C. Ruhl
George Niekraszewicz
James G. Haidt
Michael A. Sarche
Max E. Bowen
npo 1 -T 2n n..---


Franklin J. Werner
John F. Emerson
David E. Hartsig
Peter W. Scullard
Edwin D. Shippey
David L. Randall
Thomas A. McKenzie
Robert H. Lurie
Lew A. Kidder
Ralph M. Danielson
John P. Junge
George J. Kausler
Harry Lenox
Fred K. Dibbert
Raymond Golden
Hallyard R. Hartson
Hale Huber
Larry M. McMillin
Michael A. Chellman
John E. Erickson
Literary College
Jordan D. Luttrell
Linda J. Notman
Lenore B. Oseff
Michael A. Pollack
Elizabeth A. Price
Michelle J. Robar
David L. Smith
David R. Walters
Mary Jane West
David Whitehorn
Warren Wickelgren
James A. Mason
Thomas Sumner
Gail S. August
Richard F. Baske
Madeliane A. Bates
Mary K. Beamer
Wolf D. Blatter
Marilynn S. Brodsky
Cynthia Brooks
Barbara J. Burch
Martha G. Cheever
Mary C. Corey
Mark E. Erenburg
Robert J. Greene
Margaret J. Hammersley
Charles M. Harrison
Alice R. Houk
Michael A. Kass
Madelon J. Klunover"
Michael E. Lewis
Lawrence Libit
Margery D. Lindauer
Randall H. Lowe
Richard E. Miller
David J. Murrell
Arthur W. Quaife
Linda F. Rosenburg
Alan D. Samuels
Robert S. Walters
Malvin J. Warwick
Frank J. Wordick
Bruce Vanderporten
Eleanor Wichman
John M. Buck
David M. Courtis
George Quick
Erwin Adler
Risa I. Axelrod
Iris E. Belkin
Linda J. Benn
Ronna D. Bergman
Jay E. Berkelhamer
Antoinette Bilotti
Thomas A. Brown
Harvey N. Chapin
Judith F. Cohen
Ernest Coleman
Thomas H. Crary
Steven C. Engle
Betty B. Erman
Louis A. Feldman
Lynn L. Fisher
Helen P;. Foust
Sander Lehrer
Linda J. Linden
Laury L Lipman
Thomas H. Lipton
Alan David Magid
Richard M. Magidoff
Frank F. Schambach
Natalie J. Robinson
Nora S. Plesofsky
Howard N. Plotskin
Mary L. Schmidt
Barry M. Sherman
Sherman J. Silber
Susan M. Smith
Carol Sommer
Joanne B. Steiner
Gail M. Stevens
Carin L. Stofko
Thomas E. Stolper
Beatrice R. Teodoro
Sylvia B. Tiersten
Mariann Ulrich
Loren J. Wolsh
Harvey J. Matlof
Andrew H. Rudolph
Michael R. Meck

Barbara A. Mode
William Osner
Penelope O. Patton
Kelsey C. Peterson
Victor G. Wexler
Elinor J. Winn
Robert W. Wyman
Gerald W. Edson
Robert L. Farrell
Barbara A. Gans
Stephen D. O'Harrow
Frances L. Cohen
Stephen A. Greenberg
Darlene E. Helmich
Frederick A. Herbert
Richard A. Kruse
Milton E. Lorber
Carol G. Schwartz
Jerome I. Starr
Joy M. Olson
Marsha A. Frankel
Margaret Karp
Linda C. Knight
Lynne S. Belofsky
J. Roger Chatterton
James U. Collins
William G. Gallogly
Miriam Gruber
David E. Kartalia
John M. Markley
Kathleen M. Mucha
Judith Oppenheim
Gertrude M. Proefke
Harvey L. Ruben
Bruce A. Schneider
Jeffrey F. Ghent
Marian J. Greenberg
Aarn n i.nsema.n

Jerome N. Weinstein
Jeanne P. Schott
Jack T. Stern
Robert H. Kremers
Ronald L. Goldman
Sandra K. Charlebois
John A. Scott
Richard M. Haugh
Erol D. Schubot
Arnold E. Taub
Linda G. Golden
Eugenie D. Goodman
Robert D. Rosman
Miriam Goldman
Margot Adler
Madeline Magzis
Carolyn Chappell
Joan Schloessnger
Patricia Golden
Linda Mesler
Florette Yen
Ruth Galanter
Allyn Thompson
Ann Gomez
Nancy Keefer
Karen Cowan
Carol Ann Lewis.
Myrna Oppenheim
Janice Rock
Janet Retzger
School of Music
Jo Deabler
Gabriel Villasurda
Anita M. Fecht
Georgia M. Griffith
Kathryn L. Irons
Richard F. Verdi
Michael A. Lang
School of Natural Resources
Richard C. Crickmer
Robert L. Winer
School of Nursing
Karen J. Olsen
Marjorie L. Negel
Norma Wikler
Carla R. Everette
Frances M. Allenza
Anne K. Hoover
Cynthia M. Price.
Rita M. Trager
Alison K. Williams
Mary Ellen Good
Janice E. Barnes
Barbara M. Drusendahl
Linda M. Grove
Janet M. Jenkins
Ellen A. Lawson
Janet C. Leutz
Barbara A. Paul
School of Pharmacy
Barbara A. Ciborowski
Patricia M. Boyle
Alex E. Finkbeiner
Mary L. Brenister
Bristol Laboratories Award
Clavenda Williette Bright
Bronson-Thomas Junior
Cynthia Martha Ball
William Jennings Bryan Prize
Carolyn Elaine Holland
The Central Pharmaceutical
Journal Administration Prize
Priscilla Louise Sandt
Chamber Music Society of
Ann Arbor Award
Elizabeth Ann Lichty
Roy D. Chapin Scholarship
Walter Frederick Lewis
Chemstrand Corporation
John Decker Stark
Chi Omega Prize
Barbara Nagler Benavie
Chicago Tribune Gold Medal
Frederick Nels Christophersen
Perry Williams Morton
Chicago Tribune Silver Medal
Everett Daniel Mclwain
Duane Jay Thomas
Chicago Tribune/Detroit
Free Press Medal
Richard Lee Palmer
Chicago Tribune/Detroit
News Medal Award
Malcolm Lee Sargent
Chicago Tribune/Detroit Times
Medal Award
Peter David Winer
Chicago Tribune Medal;
Kelsey-Hayes Company Award
David William Stamps
Chicago Tribune Gold Medal
Award in ROTC
'Larry Keith McCallon
Chicago Tribune Gold Medal
Richard Sugden William Jr.

Chicago Tribune Silver Medal
Thomas Davis Carbeck
Chicago Tribune Silver Medal
Dustan Terry Smith
Edwin F. Conely Award in
George W. Robbins
Consumers Power Company
Engineering Scholarship
Roual Juan Cayo
Richard Eric Gustavson
Frank George Tenkel
Consumers Power Company
Freshman Scholarship
Donald Wesly Vahlsing
Convair Aviation Award
Ralph William Ortengren Jr.
Convair Award in ROTC
William Edward Palikainen
Curtiss-Wright Corporation
Fellowship and Scholarship Fund
in Aeronautical Engineering
Gary J. Lelli. .
S. T. Dana Award-Conservation
Bernard Ladu Clausen
Allan Hirsch
J. B. and Mary Davis Scholarship
James William Hunter
Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key
David Michael Kahrnoff
Detroit Edison
Freshman Scholarship
Norman Alan Lurie
George Niekraszewicz
Tnnre RBrhra. Aff

Cornelius and Margaret Donovan
Bobby Osteen Alexander
James Ralph Cherry
Frank Robert Cheslak
Bruce Rogers Darnall
Garold Clifford Davenport
William DeHoog, Jr.
Thomas Andrew DeMassa
James Albert Fitzsimmons
Kurt F. Frank
Glenn Edward Harper
George Robert Hope, Jr.
Rudolph Morton Kalafus
Clarence Chee Kong Kam
Dennis Alan Loeffler
Alan Bert Lovitch
Leroy Edward Medendorp
Beverly Ann Hill Seaman
Ronald Keith Selvius
Douglas Aircraft Fellowship
Roger Dunlap
Douglas Aircraft Scholarship
Kenneth LeRoy Bays
Dow Chemical Company
Scholarship In Metallurgical
Henry Guenther Kunsmann
Phillip Howard Smith
DuPont Teaching Fellowship in
Chem. and Union Carbide
Summer Fellowship
John Gerald Lanese
C. K. Eddy Award
Robert Edward Jager
Julia E. Emannuel Scholarship
Elaine Theresa Grosso
Marian Alice Johnson
The Kasimir Fajan Award in
Chemistry granted for an
Outstanding Doctoral
Walter Leslie Meyer
Forestry Faculty Award
Peyton Wood Owston
Foundry Educational Foundation
John Wertel Smythe
Harrison Frank Memorial
Corporation Scholarship
Morton Athern Lipman
William Frederick MacPherson
Alvah and Salome Frederick
Virgil James Barbat
Marvin Frank DeVries
Joseph Michael Dondlinger
Robert Adrain Samuelson
Richard Courtney Slayton
Henry J. Smit
Robert Campbell Gemmell
Memorial Scholarship
Richard William Simmons
General Motors Corporation
College Scholarship
Leon Charles Bruer
Joann Louise Gobel
Nancy Mia Houk
Charles Arthur Judge
Jack Tucker Landin
Gail Larrick
Martin Robert Lipp
Randall Harrison Lowe
Gregory Allan Marks
Jerry Loren McLaughlin
Dennis Lynn Micham
James Joseph Ryan
Patricia Toyomi Saito
Wendell Aaron Shultz
Susan Gayle Smith
Milton Daniel Soderberg
John Edward Solomon, Jr.
Bruce Sanford Vanderporten
David Mandel Wexler
Dorothy Ann Wilson
Patricia Kathryn Woods
General University Scholarship
Nabil M. Abd-el-Baki
Fikri Ned Dikmen
Jashvantrai Navalkishor Doshi
Hsun-Sheng Hsieh
Kei An Lee
Rikhli Ram Mehta
Clifford Gordon Osborne
Chong Kook Rhee
Jayat Subodhbhai Shah
Patrick Seck-Lai Wong
Gomberg Fellowship in Chemistry
Janet Kay Carlson
Dean Lester Griffith
Malcolm Lee Sargent
Gomberg Prize in Chemistry
Edward Strauss Fry
Doris Ann Kitson
Kenneth Frank Kowalski
Robert Carl Landgren

Kathryn Darleen Poceta
Gomberg Scholarship in Chemistry
Lewis Alan Coburn
Anne Christine Cole
Lee Michael Huber
Paul Eugene Krieger
James Scharphorn
Constantine John Sousanis
Clifford George Venier
Dale Arroy Webster
Gayle Edward King
Greenberg Foundation Award
in Fisheries
John Marshall Green
Clarence E. Groesbeck,
Memorial Scholarship
James Edwin Adair
George Larry Adams
Armonld G. Bauer
Bradley Lee Beach
Barry Wayne Beals'
Gerald William Bergler
Howard Bond
Earl Jay Bouwer
Bruce William Bradshaw
John Richard Buben
James Franklin Burns
Louis John Cattaneo
James Ralph Cherry
Ealane Haruyo Chikui
Charles Anthony Chinoski
Gary Edward Collinson
John Arthur Cothorn
Bill Earl Davis
Kenneth Adam Dec
Herman Fred Deyerl
Allen Bruce Dickerson
Roger Milton Dillaber
no rA mL ivi Thnwnin¢

William Norman Knott
Walter Anthony Lucken, Jr.
Robert Paul Marcell
John Lawrence Mason
David Allyn Matzen
James Richard Maurer
James George McComb
Peter Thomas McLean
Patrick Francis McSorley
Ted Evan McVay
Gerald Herman Miller
Donald Arthur Neamen
George Donald Pace
Anthony John Pajas
Blake Reynolds Patterson
Ira Wilson Pence, Jr.
Stanley Charles Pincura
Ronald Leo Racicot
Ray Radebaugh
Vee Radebaugh
George Walter Ritsema
Delmar Hurley Robbins
H. James Rome
Mark Michael Rutky
Gordon Kwai Fong Sam
John Vincent Sasina
Ira Milton Scholnick
Robert Fellows Semmens
Stanley Jay Shackman
James Paul Shedlowsky
Robert John Stefan
James Joseph Strathmann
John Frederick Ullrich
Keith Jordis Victoria
Sheldrake Arthur Walker
Robert Fredrick Wallenberg
John Frederick Warren
Walter Widmayer, Jr.
Paul George Willoughby
MauricerEugene Witteveen
James Preston Wright
Haskins & Sells Foundation
Award in Aectg.
David Michael Kahrnoff
Jane Higbie Award
Constance Mary Eggers
Michael Justin Wentworth
William Herbert Hobbs
Fellowship in Geology
Ralph Matthew Perhac
Hopwood Major Awards
Louis Geza Megyesi
Donald-William Kaul
Franklin D. Case
Joseph Charles Kennedy
Carrol Byron Cox, Jr.
Louis Geza Megyes
Don William Kleine
Joseph Charles Kennedy
Duane Dow Quiatt
,Larry Gordon Mason
Hopwood Minor Awards
Carol Anne Luse
Jean Isabel Willoughby
Merrill Duane Whitburn
John Raymond Sanecki
Ann Frances Doniger
Frederic Warren Schaen
Beverly Helen Gingold
Durwood Blackshear Collins
Jay Gerson Hamburg
Scott Alfred Florence
Hopwood Summer Awards
Ernest Joseph Zaplitny
Frank Wolfarth Walsh
William Douglas Elliott
Ernest Joseph Zaplitny
John A. Monaghan
John Peter Fox
Donald M. Eldridge
Robert C. Davis
Christian Raisner
John L. Foster
Hopwood Freshman Awards
Ann Wickenden Goldschmidt
Jerold David Elliott Lax
Karl John Krahnke
Myrna Jean Oppenheim
Judith Oppenheim
Jeanne Penelope Schott
Bradford Giles White
Patricia Ann Hooper
Frances Elizabeth Mannard
Richard Alan Ogar
Ann Gardner Reinach
Jean Penelope Schott

Horowitt Award
Elmer William Prueske
Harriet Eveleen Hunt Scholarship
William Allen Fitzsimmons
Richard Theodore Guttman
Donald Raymond Marble
'Ralph Carroll Parris
George Edward Thrasher, Jr.'
Intercollegiate Conference Medal
Terry Oliver Miller
International Nickel Company.
Daniel W. Reese
Jahn Carl Sarace
Edward and Barbara Jewett
Charles Edward Barnes
Johnson Service Company
John Mercer Lutz
Ronald Floyd Tesarik
Albert Kahn Graduate Fellowship
Nisan Yaubyan
Keeler Engineering Scholarship
Richard Henry Radius
Warren K. Stob
Kelsey Hayes Company Award
Roderick Kent Johnson
Kelsey-Hayes Award in ROTC
John Milward Buck
Kothe-Hildner Sophomore
(First Prize)
Lloyd Calvin Fell
Kothe-Hildner Sophomore
(Sennd Prize)

Lieutenant Francis Brown Lowry
Raymond Frederick Ross, Jr.
Macauley Fellowship
Marvin Sylvester Thomas
R. C. Mahon Foundation
Engineering Scholarship
Richard Hodge Cullen
Simon Mandlebaum Scholarship
William Shao-Chang Chen
Harold Shichman
Laurence Edward Wexler
Marine Corps Association Award
James Vernon Bronson
Marksmanship Award in ROTC
Dale Patrick Livingston
Donald M. Matthews Award
John Beech Gregg
Merck Award (Pharmacy)
Mary Julia Roach
Merck Award (Pharmaceutical
Priscilla Louise Sandt
Michigan Aviation
Foundation Award
Richard Wald Shubart
Michigan Aviation Foundation
Award in ROTC
Winston Kent Pendleton
Michigan Aviation Foundation
William Peter Vockel
Edwin Wilkinson Miller Award
Morton Ahern Lipman
Khyson Swong'
The Minnesota Mining and
Manufacturing Co. Fellowship
Leroy Orville Krbechek
Nola Sauer Minnis Prize
Alan Lewis Dragoo
Arthur B. Modine Tau Beta Pi
Stephen Douglas Bojack
Charles Cooper Hoopes
Mosanto Chemical Company
Scholarship in
Chemipal Engineering
Robert Dennis Tanner
The Monsanto Chemical Co.
Fellowship and Union Carbide
Summer Fellowship
Reuben Lawrence Baumgarten
Colonel Robert H. Morse
Memorial Foundation Scholarship
in Engineering
John Edward Crackel
Dale W. Gieske
'Lawrence H. Pray
Leon E. Strikaitis
Meyer Morton Trophy
Willard Ray Hildebrand
National Association
Of Engine and Boat
Manufacturer's Scholarship
William Henry Garzke, Jr.
Peter Michael Jung
National Institute of Health
Michael Chayovsky
National Science Foundation
Summer Fellowship
Morton Zeff Hoffman
NSF Fellowship for 1st Year
Graduate Study, American
Institute of Chemistry Award
Jerome Frederick Levy
National Science Foundation
Cooperative Fellowship
Lee Graves McKnight
National Science Foundation
Lawrence Craig Mitchell
National Science Foundation
Summer Fellowship
Harry Andrew Smith
National Science Foundation
Summer Fellowship & The Edgar
C. Britton Fellowship in Organic
Robert Randolph Winkler
Naval Architecture and Marine
Engineering Scholarship
Junius West Frazier
Douglas G. Glass
Bryant Hilliard
John Henry Stander
Navy League Sword; University
of Michigan President's Award
(Second Semester)
Phillip Dean Matthews
Harold D. Osterweil
Prize in Economics
Earl William Adams
Richard L. Perry
Memorial Scholarship
Robert Laurie Harvey
Nelson Earle Leatherman
Gordon Edward Zimmerman
Proctor and Gamble Co.

Edward Paul Rack
Professor of Air Science Award,
David Lloyd DuMond
Public Health Fellowship
James Arthur Marshall
Jesse RaymondWood
Reserve Officer's Association Aiward
William Walter Freitag
Reserve Officers Associatiun
Lee Harlow Ehman
Reserve Officer's Association
Award in ROTC
James Albert Lee
Saylor Award-Fisheries
Glenn Arden Flittner
George Nystrom Greene
Scabbard and Blade Award
Duane Vernon Ackerman
John Lawrence Tuohy
Scabbard and Blade Award
Richard Ramsey Moore
Edgar Schwaibold Senior
(First Prize)
Mrs. Ann Kriegel Grey,
Edgar Schwaibold Senior
(Second Prize)
Mabelle Gertrude Lengyel
Scott Paper Company Scholarship
Charles Thomas Fox
Dale Paul Hedding
Richard Staelin
I. L. Sharfman

Alfred P. Sloan
National Scholarship
Richard Paul Abrams
Marshall Berman
Edmund Price Gould
Stephen Travis Hedetniemi
Kerry Edwards Kilpatrick
Oleh Kostetsky
Leigh Wayne Mint
Carl Victor Page
Walter Gary Pence
Phillip G. Zook
Charles and Helen Smilie
Larry Dell Mitchell
Sociedad Hispanica Scholarship
Marilyn Melanie Baginsky
Karen Katharine Searles
Society of Naval Architects
and Marine Engineers
Undergraduate Scholarship
Junius West Frazier
Bryant Alan Hilliard
John Henry Stander
Socony Mobil Scholarship
in Geology
Thomas Weston Hutchinson
Malcolm McLean Lawson
Sons of the American
Revolution Award
Richard Gerald Bentley
Thomas Weston Hutchinson
Sons of the American Revolution
Award in ROTC
Peter Carroll Vail
Square D Scholarship
Peter Geza Katona
Louis C. Seniunas
The State Journal Award
Karl Henry Liewert
Paul Darwin agle
State Journal Award in ROTC
John Edward Lewis
David B. Steinman Grant
Jerry Arnold Thomas
Mary F. Stevens Fellowship
Robert'Joseph Gelinas
Bernard T. Veldman
Richard Anthony Partyka
Charles H. Stocking Award
Marta Mirzda Gulbis
Sunnyslope Foundation
Charles H. Barton
Richard L. Boss
Eric D. Golke
Michael Goeffrey Magee
Jerry Allen McLellan
Jerome Allan Smith
Sun Oil Company Fellowship In
Organic Chemistry
Robert FitzRandolph Church
Superior Cadet Award
William Shao-Chang Chen
David Michael Courtis
V. Frederick Marquardt
James Robert Mitchell
Arthur C. Tagge Scholarship
Edith Dvorah Goldstien
Keith Martin Sipperley
Robert William Wirgau
Orla B. Taylor Fellowship
Lewis Shipper
Texaco Scholarship
Richard John Anderson
Alan Drew Baker
Richard Dawson Homeyer
Ellen H. Toporek Award-
Pediatric Nursing
Gail Foster Paine
Trane Company
Rocque -Edward Lipford
Union Carbide and Carbon
Corporation Scholarship,
In Metallurgical Engineering
David Paul Baron
Howard Charles Mueller
Andras Szanto
Union Carbide and Carbon
Corporation Scholarship
In Chemical and.Mechanical
Alfred Benjamin Cocanower
Richard Duane Karkkainen
Union Carbide Summer Fellowshil
Ronald Emert Dehl
United States Naval Institute
Award (Contract)
Curtis Allyn Collier
United States Naval Institute
Award (Regular)
James Edward Miller
Universal Oil Products Company
Chemical Engineering Scholarshi
Charles Edward Barnes
William F.' Beck
Stephen Douglas Bojack
Douglas Neal Reinhard
University Fellowship

James Paul Bennett
Leslie Berl Sims
George Ronald Husk
University Fellowship and Allied
Chemical and Dye Co. Summer
Fellowship -
Calvin James Hallada
University Fellowship and Union
Carbide Summer Fellowship
Curt Willism Reimann
University of Michigan
President's Award
Frederick Nels Christopherson
Thomas Weston Hutchinson
University of Michigan Presidenti
Award (First Semester)
William George Sutcliffe
University President Award
Charles Eugene Bodmer
U.S. Rubber Company
Foundation Scholarship
Wayne L. R. Flowers
Donald Richard McNeal
James Scharphorn
Wall Street Journal Student'
Achievement Award in Finance
William Edwin Dove
Wall Street Journal Student
Achievement Award in Finance
Thomas Hamilton Jeffs
Western Electric Corporation
Robert Louis Linnell
Barry Lewis Peebles
Westinghouse Air Arm
John Foster Bloodgood
Andrew Anthony Bulleri'

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