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May 10, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-10

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Seventieth Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil PrevaU"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, MAY 10, 1960


'U' Split Personality
Enhances Educational Goals

"What Happened to that Old Peace Pipe?"
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Requiem Well Done;
Soloists Led by Price
FOUR FINE SOLOISTS, the Choral Union and the Philadelphia
Orchestra, all under the direction of Thor Johnson, combined to
present Veredi's "Manzoni Requiem" in a largely exciting and satisfy-
ing performance.
Highlighting the concert was the extraordinary voice and artistry
of Leontyne Price. The personal ovation she received was recognition
of the newly-acquired and much deserved eminence the soprano now
has among the world's great singers.
The Price voice is of gorgeous quality and she sings magnificently.
Throughout its range on all dynamic levels, the voice glows in velvety

THE UNIVERSITY is a unique and superior
institution, unique by its natural diversity
and superior by the use which has always been
made of its potentialties. Because of its strange
economic situation, half state supported, half
privately endowed, it has developed an educa-
tional atmosphere shared only by a handful
of other schools across the country.
Now this uniqueness is being threatened, by
pressures from several sources, pressures which
attempt to limit diversity by limiting out-of-
state students, by limiting funds for building
new facilities, and changing the basis of the
The pressures are on the undergraduate .
programs, where applications for admissions
far outnumber the places available. For the
undergraduate, the University's superiority does
not lie in its uneven faculty, in its excellent
research program, or in its nearly adequate
plant, which affect them only nominally.
FOR THE AVERAGE undergraduate, state
resident or foreign student, the special
quality of the University is what the adminis-
rators call the "cosmopolitan atmosphere."
The University has its focus on the world, not
on the community or the state.
The research results affect the progress of
the country or of the world. The enormous di-
versity of personalities and fields among the
faculties gives to the entire community the
feeling that something is happening, that uni-
versally important things are being said and
done at the University.
This quality is important to the University.
as an institution, to its students, and to the
state of Michigan. It is true that the University
spends more money to educate proportionally
fewer students than MSU; it is also true that
the University has a complex, cosmopolitan,
unique sort of education to offer.
AS A STATE SCHOOL the University can
offer a fine education to a cross section of
students, the rich equally with the poor, the
Merit Scholars with the bade two-point stu-
dents. This, combined with the wide selection
of out-state students, gives the University a
variety in student body which the privately
endowed schools only attempt to approximate,
but can't because of cost and "Ivy" atmos-
A magazine article of several years ago
accused the so-called "geographic distribution"
requirements of the Eastern women's colleges
Mail -Order
If only students could register by mail,
what a time-effort-agony-saving blessing it
would be. All the time spent standing in lines,
the dozens of ideal schedules made out (only
to be discarded for a last-minute effort), the
frustration of discovering that course which
must be taken is all filled up, the subsequent
panic selection of an alternate course-all these
long-standing woes of registration would be re-
placed with an hour or so of selecting courses,
filling out a form with course selections, and
dropping it in the mailbox.
E STATEMENT was made by Edward G.
Groesbeck, Director of the Office of Regis-
trftion and Records Thursday that such a
system is being planned for the University.
"The system has many advantages . . ."
Groesbeck said, but what are they? Certainly
students will get out of formal registration, but
what will they be getting into?
Allowing the University to plan the students'
time schedule "has worked at other univer-
sities," Groesbeck said.
Certainly it has worked-fr the administra-
IVE PLAN would be fine for students if they
had no other plans for the semester except

of being nothing more than taking girls from
"Scarsdale, Winnetka, Grosse Pointe, and Pasa-
dena," and calling this variety and distribution.
This is not a problem here. Distribution falls
naturally, since the relative inexpensiveness of
the University makes it truly a state school in
both economic and psychological terms.
AS A STATE SCHOOL the University has
other advantages as well. The diversity in
student body is matched by a variation in
studies, which is nourished by the ' complex
needs of a large state population. The Univer-
sity is forced, by its very nature, into a kind
of close association with the people of the
state which is uncommon in the "best" schools.
Thus the inverse provincialism which infil-
trates some of the best known private universi-
ties, bred of too much financial independence
from the needs of the mass of people at their
source, has never been able to develop here.
There are also major advantages in the
University's fund support. There is a kind of
richness of program, a quality of student body
and of faculty which comes only with the
selectivity and added resources of a private
THE UNIVERSITY has the room and the
atmosphere for a kind of variation of
thought, activity and people unparalleled in
any other situation, and at an intellectual
level high enough so that the variation can
have meaning. The University has room, in its
very diversity and confusion, for nearly every-
thing and nearly everyone. Here Frosh Week-
end can flourish side by side with Abisheg;
sorority girls can picket; students, side by
side in the Fishbowl, can sell tickets to Michi-
gras and collect money for the Southern sit-in
This is what the University has, and what
it should treasure. This may also be the dusk
of the era in which it has been treasured.
Pressures from the state, from parents of
students, from need for money and space
close in tighter and tighter, possibly choking
off the well-spring of the University's unique-
ness and value to its undergraduate student.
Michigan, as a state, has something to be
proud of in its University, something to be
proud to show the nation and the world. The
tendency towards provincialism means only
destruction of its diverse tradition. This de-
struction would be everyone's loss.
egistratio n ?
attending classes. "Work commitments could
be provided for," Groesbeck said, but what
about student activities? Some students spend
a good deal of their time working for student
government, the Union, The Michigan Daily
and numerous other student activities.
Evidently these activities are not only sub-
ordinate to classes, which certainly they should
be, but are not even worthy of consideration
in making out a student's schedule.
ALSO OVERLOOKED in the plan is the fact
that many students prefer to choose not
only their courses, but their instructors, By the
time students have been at the University a
year or two, they are able to pick and choose
intelligently between instructors, particularly
in their major field.
If the student is denied this choice, it would
be equivalent to saying that one professor is
as good as another, an obvious falsehood.
Students jokingly refer to "the vast bureau-
cracy of the University of Michigan," referring
to the impersonal atmosphere at the 'U'. This
may be stretching the point at the present
time, but when "advances" such as this' are
being planned, one begins to wonder.

warmth And richness. Miss Price
sang with authority and presented
,.an artistic conception of the so-
prano solos throughout: the work.
THE OTHER soloists were on a
lesser pline, but each performed
with artistry and generally rose
to the occasion.
Frances Bible's mezzo - soprano
voice is of limited size and pro-
jection. She sounded at her best
in the lyric solo passages where
she had little competition.
Albert Da Costa, Metropolitan
Opera tenor, sang his parts with
ease and projected his voice well.
The soft passages were produced
nicely without crooning or sliding.
Kini Borg, new Metropolitan
bass from Finland, brought a
sonorous voice and effective in-
terpretation to his music.
THIS WAS the best perform-
ance I have heard from the Choral
Union. They sang with precision
and, for the most part, Intensity.
The group's soft singing was
lovely, although not always pro-
jected well. The chorus was force-
ful and dynamic in the exciting'
"Dies irae."
The orchestra was exciting in
all the right places. The strings
performed beautifully in a num-
ber of lyric sections.
-Robert Jobe


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Religious Issue Tests Kennedy Support

Daily Staff Writer-
polls to day to cast their ballots,
on the Democratic side, for either
Hubert Humphrey or John Ken-
The campaign has been inten-
sive and both candidates got off
to an early start, travelling into.
some of the most remote parts of
the state. There was the usual
hind-shaking, baby-kissing. and
other stocks-in-trade designed to
convince the voters that they were
"just plain folks" but still intelli-
gent enough to handle the job of
Issues have been outlined and
expounded upon; opponents have
been criticized; refutation and
counter-charge have issued from
both sides.
* * *
AID TO West Virginia's poverty-
stricken citizens has been a major
campaign point of both men, each
trying to outdo the other in pork-
barrel promises. Gov. Cecil Under-

wood has criticized both candi-
dates for having a "political feast"
at the expense of the state's pov-
A little mud-slinging has been
added to increase the colorfulness
of the campaigning. Humphrey's
draft deferment during the war
was question by Kennedy aide
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr.;
Humphrey answered with the
charge of "gutter politics" against
his opponent.
Then, stirred by a few irrespon-
sible bigots, the question of reli-
gion has been raised. Both men
have dbnied that a candidate's
religion has anything to do with
his capabilities to hold the posi-
tion of the nation's chief execu-
tive. '
* s *
BUT THE ISSUE looms as the
most important question to be
answered by today's primary: can
a Catholic be elected President?
Kennedy has said that he would
be an American President and
not a Catholic President. Humph-

rey has repeatedly stated his ob-
jections to the introduction of the
religious question into the race.-
Democratic National Chairman
Paul Butler, a Roman Catholic,
has denied that religion will be an
issue in the November election.
But it does not take an astute
observer to see that every time
someone denies that religion will
be a campaign issue or says that
religious affiliations should not
matter in an election, they are
merely bringing the subject into
the spotlight once again and em-
phasizing it.
The religious problem is the big-
gest obstacle Kennedy will have to
overcome in West Virginia today,
and in the rest of the country
later if he is nominated by the
Democratic convention. .
* * *
THE Wisconsin primary showed
the Massachusetts Senator's poli-
tical popularity was greater than
Humphrey's. However, the' fact
that Wisconsin was approximately





Citizens Vocal on Candidates

30 per cent Catholic cannot be
There was strong Catholic feel-
ing among voters for Kennedy. He
evidently lost very few Democratic
Catholic votes. Whether there were
many Catholic Republicans who
crossed the line to vote for him
can never be known, and whether'
most of the Catholics voting were
Democratic will never be known.
The fact remains that many
persons view the Wisconsin test as
a Catholic victory for Kennedy.,
They deny his popularity in a
predominantly Protestant state.
He must prove that he can win,
or at least come 'very close, to
Humphrey in such a state.
AND SO the stage is set for
today -in West Virginia, where
,more than her convention votes
will be decided. The Democratic
nomination and/or the Presidency
may very well be determined.
Religious feelings do run strong
in this predominantly rural state.
Several back-woods ministers have
preached against the evils of a
Catholic president. Some voters
have not been overly secretive
about their views on religion; oth-
ers have resented the inquisitive
pollsters attempting to predfct the
outcome of .the state.
The pressure of responsibility
lies heavy upon the voters' shoul-
,ders. This feeling may tend to
influence their votes toward the
other candidate.
Throughout West Virginia, the
voters are aware that their votes
will be of more importance than
ever before. The repulsion against
bigotry may carry some to the
Kennedy column. The voters will
be aware of this factor also.
Backers of Stuart Symington,
Lyndon Johnson and other can-
dicates will be hoping for a
Humphrey landslide. They realize
that Humphrey, should he win by
.a large margin, will probably still
not get the nomination. It is up
to Kennedy to prove that he can
do well in a Protestant state like
West Virginia in order to gain the
Kennedy will ie the man to
watch in this primary, trying to
overcome the "Al Smith myth,"
for as he ironically said of Hum-
phrey recently, "he can't be

SUNDAY evening's concert con-
cluded the 67th Annual May
Festival with a program featuring
soprano Lisa Della Casa with the
Philadelphia Orchestra under its
musical director, Eugene Ormandy
It was a concert of disturbing con-
trasts and uneven quality.
The evening opened with an
orchestral transcription of the D
minor Toccata from the organ
works of J. S. Bach. And as'if this
were not enough, for an encore we
were served the mid-section from
the same composer's C Major
Organ Toccata Adagio and Fugue,
complete with modulation to the
fugue tonal level, a link which.
served only to lead to applause for
the tonal glories vainly exploited
* * *
HOW LONG will we continue to
be subjected to such misrepresen-
tations of the composer's original
How much better it would have
been had the concert opened with
a sinfonia or an orchestral cpn-
certo (if the Baroque period was
desired), or with an opera over-
ture (ifa real curtain-raiser was
in mind
On the other hand, both Mr. Or-
mandy and orchestra outdid them-
selves in a first performance here
of resident composer Ross Lee Fin-
ney's Second Symphony, a strong,
forceful work, scored for huge col-
oristic orchestra, and cast in four
spicy contrasting movements.
RARELY does Eugene Ormndy
serve the cause of music; he flouts
musical scholarship and perform-
ance tradition with his Bach, but
on the other hand he insisted that
we hear a vigorous new work and
he did give it the attention and
intensity it needed to come star-
tlingly alive.
The entire second half of the
program was devoted to two works
of Richard Strauss. Here Miss
Della Casa was heard in the en-
chanting final scene from Capric-
do, his last opera. Unfortunately,
the orchestra was not familiar
enough with, its part in this gigan-
tic monologue, and the sound was
frequently ragged and edgy. A
heavy violin section marred the
sensitive performance that the
singer wanted to give us.
The orchestra redeemed itself
with a shimmering yet buoyant
account of the Rosenkavalier Suite
as selected by the composer. Being
both well-known and rehearsed by
the players, it truly represented
the virtuosity and warmth of
sound known and expected of the
Like the suave politician he is,
Mr. Ormandy concluded the eve-
ning with a racy account of the
"Victors," a Festival tradition.
-kenneth Roberts
(Continued from Page 2)
For Yost Field House: Two to each
prospective graduate, to be distributed
from Tues, May 31, to 12:00 noon on
Sat.. June 11, at Cashier's Office, first
floor, Ad. Building.
For Stadium: No tickets necessary.
Children nt admitted unless accom-
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, N. University Ave.
Ann Arbor.
Assembly for Graduates: at 4:30 p.m.
in area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct graduates to proper stations. If
siren indicates (ats itervas from 4:00
to 4:15 p.m.) that exerises are to be

held in Yost Field House, graduates
should go directly there and be seated
by Marshals.
Stadium: E~nter by Main St. gates.
only. All should be seated by 5:00 p.m.,
when procession enters field.
Yost Field House: Only those holding
tickets can be admitted owing to lack
of space. Enter on State St., opposite
McKinley Ave.
Graduation Announcements, Invita-
tions, etc.: Inquire at Offkce of Student
Commencement Programs: To be dis-
tributed at Stadium or Yost Field
Distribution of Diplomas: If the ex-
ercises are held in the Stadiumi, diplo-
mas for all graduates except the School
of Dentistry, the Medical School, and
Flint College, will be distributed from
designated stations" under the east
stand of the Stadium, immediately
after the exercises. The diploma distri-
bution stations are on the level above
the tunnel entrance.
If the exercises are held in the Yost

Paternalism and Fraternities

Associated Press News Analys
PINCH, W. Va, - If it's religious
bigotry you're hunting, you
won't have to search far.
You can leave Charleston, the
State capital,drive along the
pretty Elk River, and cross over
to Pinch. It's a lovely place, and
it's easy to fall into a conversa-
tion with a kindly retired indus-
trial worker.
Soon the talk drifts to the presi-
dential primary race today be-
tween Sens. John F. Kennedy (D-
Mass, and Hubert 1. Humphrey
(D-Minn.). And how did he ex-
pect to vote?
"Well, I'll tell you," he said,
"it won't be for no Cannady. I
say no man can pray another
man into heaven."
FREELY translated, this means
that Kennedy is a Roman Catho-
lic, and this is one vote he won't
Another Pinch man put it this
way: "Right smart of them around
here are for 'umphrey."
It's easy to make too much of
this. West Virginia has no patent
on intolerance. To paraphrase Will
Rogers, we're all; prejudiced, only
in different directions.
If you drive southeast, along the
Kanawha River, and turn left at
Port Amherst, you'll find Fisher's
Pool Room, and a hotbed of toler-
* * *t
WILLIE FISHER pushes a beer
across the counter and says:
"I'm a Protestant myself. Usually
go to church Sunday, but last
week I didn't feel so good. I
listened to the radio, and. here
was this preacher saying how no
one should vote for Kennedy be-
cause he's a Catholic.

'Lord have mercy on the American
people if he gets in.'"
Righteous indignation blazed in
Fisher's Pool Room.
OR WANDER UP Cabin Creek,
a stream bordered by what the
natives call "blowed out mines."
Because it's close to Charleston,
nearly every political visitor tours
Cabin Creek, and it threatens to
become as celebrated as New
York's Bowery.
Slim Robertson, manager of the
company store at Eskdale, ex-
plained how he became a store
manager in 1923, how by 1948.
the company employed. 1,300 coal
miners and its three stores did
$1,250,000 business annually, how
the mines and store. are closed
now, how the one mine, when it
reopens, will hire only 40 men.
"I hope Kennedy can do some-
thing about this," Robertson said.
And, careful to show prejudice
didn't guide him, he said: "I'm a
Mason myself."
OR LET'S GO to Kingwood, in
the northeast corner of the state.

Here James Messenger, a goal
miner, explains that last year he
made exactly $127 in the mines
and even with odd jobs never
made enough to pay income tax.
"First time it's ever happened
to me," he said. "Something got
to happen."
He hopes that something is
Humphrey, a man he rates as the
poor man's friend.
Yet the economic picture isn't
clear cut either. If West Virginia
has its desolate areas, it also hgs
some of the most prosperous scenes
in the world.
* * *
IT'S THIS THAT makes West
Virginia's primary so interesting-
and confusing.
For out of these contrasts a
small bit of United States political
history will be written.
A defeat for Humphrey un-
doubtedly would mean the bitter
end of his presidential hopes.
A defeat for Kennedy, especially,
a decisive one, would take the
bloom off what has been a succes-
sion of triumphs-and renew the
whispers that no Catholic can win
the presidency.

WHILE THE Northern states have been busy
condemning their Southern bretheren for
inhumane segregation practices, the South has
managed to respond with poignant charges of
hypocrisy and the dirt in the North's own back
yard. It has been maintained by many South-
erners, and not a few Northerners as vwell, that
segregation in the North, although perhaps not
as open nor widely practiced as in the South,
still constitutes a tangible and growing prob-
In the wake of these charges of hypocrisy,
perhaps even as a result of them, the Dart-
mouth trustees recently took action to elimi-
nate what they believed to be a social evil
existing (perish the thought!) within the sa-
cred Ivy Walls of that all-male institution.
Concentrating on the problem of fraterni-
ties, the trustees recently announced that as
of Sentember 1. 1960. all fraternities on the

of person whom they will admit to member-
ship. If fraternities were intended to be of a
public n'ature, they would long ago have erected
chapter houses large enough to allow initiation
of each and every applicant, regardless of his
color or ethnic origin.
In announcing the decision of the Trustees,
Dr. Thaddeus Seymour, Dean of the College,
commented, "We hope in an enlightened insti-
tution the students will follow the national
inclination to recognize the rights of their
fellow students." I may well be that the stu-
dents are far more aware of their rights than
Dr. Seymour would give them credit for. By
denying them the right to restrict membership
in their fraternities-private organizations-
Dr. Seymour and the trustees have failed to
recognize a far more basic right than is in-
volved in discriminatory practices.

South Will Improve Gradually

To the Editor:
AS A NATIVE southerner who
was born and who has lived
all of my life in the south, I have
a few comments to make concern-
ing Mr. Griffith's letter to The
Daily (Sunday, April 17).
At first glance it appeared to
me his letter was going to make
some sense until I read the follow-

within it many stupid and vile
prejudices which do exist in every
** *
HOWEVER, I do believe we are
improving gradually with help
from all sources and areas. Of
course, if nothing were done on a
national level, we might have
integration about a hundred years
from now. I feel that it is quite

during the past fifteen years I
have regretfully and ashamedly
remembered some ,f my predju-
diced ignorances of the first
twenty years..
* * *
IT IS MY feeling that no state
or states can be isolated from
others in this country or in any
country. Any business anywhere in
this country is everybody's busi-

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