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May 06, 1960 - Image 1

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

471 49

Occasional thundershowers likely
this afternoon and evening.

VOL. LXX, No. 152




Appoint Bond Dean
Of Business School.
Plans Trip to Russia To Survey
Sources of Soviet Economic Growth
Prof. Floyd A. Bond, director of the business education division
of the committee for Economic Development in New York, will be
the new dean of the business administration school.
The appointment, effective Jan. 1, 1961, was approved by the
Regents and announced by President Harlan Hatcher yesterday.
Dean Russell A. Stevenson, who has headed the business admin-
istration school since 1944, will begin a retirement furlough July 1.
An acting dean will be appointed in the interim.
Prof. Bond holds three degrees from the University: bachelor of
arts (cum laude with honors in economics), 1938; master of arts,
t1940; and doctor of philosophy,

' accepts position
Neg oes
COLUMBIA, S.C. (T) - Negro
students marched on the South
Carolina State House and the gov-
ernor's mansion at Columbia yes-
terday in simultaneous demon-
strations apparently aimed at
proposed legislation dealing with
a move to integrate public schools.
About 30 students chanted
"down, down, down with segrega-
tion" while parading around the
State House where the General
Assembly was meeting to consider
the new legislation.
Officers of the State Law En-
forcement Division stopped the
students from entering capitol
property and they joined a group
of 50 others demonstrating before
the governor's mansion about a
mile away.
The students paraded around
the mansion for half an hour,
singing the Battle Hymn of the
Republic and "We Shall Not Be
Moved," a marching song believed
to have been inspired by the sit-
down protest movement. Gov. Er-
nest F. Hollings, however, was at
his downtown office.
More than 50 law enforcement
officers kept a close watch on the
demonstrators. There was no vio-
lence and no arrests were reported.
The students, apparently from Al-
len University and Benedict Col-
lege, returned quietly to their mid-
town campuses after the protest
In Georgia, the first court test of
the state's new anti-trespass law
led to the conviction of 32 Negroes
in Savannah City Court. Judgment
was withheld on three other cases
pending further arguments. Eight
others were acquitted. A special
police guard patrolled the court-
house during the triad.
Arts Festival
Plans Feature
Jazz, Poetry
The Creative Arts Festival opens
Monday with a jazz concert be-
tween noon and 1 p.m. on the
An art auction of works by local
painters, sponsored by the archi-
tecture and design school and the
League, will be held at 3 p.m. the
same day.
A lecture and poetry reading by
e e cummings will be presented
8 p.m. Monday at Hill Auditorium.
Tickets for the lecture are on
sale at the first floor Union desk
onr i Afnr n aAn ...rnm a

"At a time when higher educa-
tion for business is facing many
problems, the University is more
than fortunate to be able to select
a vigorous and able young man
like Prof. Bond to become dean of
the School of Business Adminis-
tration," President Hatcher said.
"He is not only a top-flight
economics authority with proven
ability as an administrator but he
also brings with him an under-
standing of the other social sci-
ences which are so necessary for
the practice and study of business
Anticipation Pleasant
In his acceptance of the ap-
pointment, Prof. Bond said, "It is'
with pleasant anticipation that I
look forward to serving the Uni-
versity and the people of Michigan
as head of a well known and
highly respected business adminis-
tration school."
Prof. Bond was a member of
the University economics faculty
from 1938 to 1946.
This summer Prof. Bond will be
one of five American economists
who will go to Russia for a
month's study of the sources of
economic growth in the Soviet
To Make Survey
Upon his return to the United
States, he will begin work on an
extensive survey of what business-
men think of higher education
for business. This project will in-
volve combining the thinking of
men in the business and academic
worlds as a follow-up to the Ford
Foundation and Carnegie Corpor-
ation reports on business educa-
In New York, Donald K. David,
chairman of the Committee for
Economic Development of New
York said, regarding the appoint-
ment, "Prof. Bond has made a
significant contribution to the
work of the CED and we regret
losing him. I am pleased, how-
ever, that from this new and im-
portant position he will be able to
continue his association with the
work of CED."

A dvocates
Arms Plan
art Symington (D-Mo) has pro-
posed a disarmament plan which
would put a limit on the propor-
tion of key resources--including
steel-a nation could use for arms.
He included, among his series
of disarmament goals," a con-
trolled system by which the pro-
ductive capacity and the resources
of all nations can be converted
from war to peace."
Makes Proposal
The senator, a candidate for
the Democratic presidential nom-
ination, made his proposal in a
speech prepared for delivery be-
fore a fraternal organization.
Symington remarked that the
factories and the resources of a
nation "are its sinews of war, as
well as of peaceful production."
He said his plan, if accepted,
would work as follows:
"A number of key resources of
a country, including the base ma-
terial of any industrial complex,
steel, would be selected; and
agreement would be sought on the
proportion of each, in each coun-
try, that could be used for mili-
tary purposes.
To Establish Inspection
"An inspection and control sys-
tem would be set up to guarantee
against violation. A violation
would be clear-cut evidence of
aggressive intent.
"The ceilings on military use
of key resources would be set so
as to attain a major increase in
living standards; and at the same
time provide adequate warning
before they could be converted to
war purposes."
This plan, he said, would be
linked with (1) elimination of
nuclear testing, with adequate in-
spection (2) gradual reduction of
existing nuclear weapons and (3)
"enforceable and realistic reduc-
tion of forces by all nations."
Under his plan, Symington said,
after a nation has comnitted its'
resources to peaceful uses," a sig-
nificant time must elapse before
they can be converted to war."
"In practice, this conversion
time can be transformed into a
virtual 'time lock'," he continued.
"In order to shift its resources to
war-like purposes, any nation
would have to break open this
lock of time, thereby warning the
world of its intention to commit
He conceded that this plan, like
any other one for disarmament, is
But, he said, "it would offer the
hope that fewer guns would mean
more food, clothing, shelter and
the good things of life.







SGC Plans
Civil Rights
Student Government Council
Wednesday has declared May 17,
sixth anniversary of the Supreme
Court school integration decision,
as a "day of non-violent demon-
stration for civil rights."
It asked other student and local
groups to take appropriate action;
the Council will act as coordinator
if necessary.
In other action, the Council
named students to the Human
Relations Board. Named for one-
years terms: Ruth Bers, '61; Rich-
ard Bremer, '61; Jeffery Karasick,
'63; Jerold Lax, '63; and James
Seder, '61.
Richard Bauman, '61; Richard
Barton, '63, and Mary Wheeler,
'61. will serve for one-half-year
The Council also granted per-
manent recognition to the Demo-
cratic Socialists Club, and tem-
porary recognition to "Challenge,"
and the Society of Women Engi-
Views Bias
As .Factor
In Prihmaryv
NEW YORK (f)--The director
of the Fair Campaign Practices
Committee says a "sober and un..
happy yes" is the answer to
whether religious bias will be a
continuing factor in the 1960 pres-
idential campaign.
Bruce L. Felknor, writing in the
ADL Bulletin, published by the
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai
B'rith, said:
"It is possible that the West
Virginia campaign will erupt into
a brush fire of bigotry that could
spread to the rest of the country."
Felknor, a Protestant, wrote
that for several years it has been
the fashion for commentators to
say the ghost of 1928 was laid and
that "never again would the re-
ligious bigotry of the Al Smith
campaign appear.
"In 1960 the side issues of the
1928 campaign do not exist; it is
now possible to get a clear look at
w h e t h e r anti - Catholicism and
other religious bias will be a polit-
ical factor in 1960," Felknor wrote.
"The answer, demonstrated in
Wisconsin and likely to be dem-
onstrated again and again before
November, is a sober and unhappy
Reporting that the campaign
was marked by "a rash of anti-
Catholic/pamphlets with twisted
denunciations of the Church,"
Felknor wrote:
"Responsible partisans of Sens.
John Kennedy and Hubert Hum-
phrey were not involved in the
distribution of the bigoted mail-
ing pieces. Instead they came
from unscrupulous and fringe ele-
ment supporters of both men."

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-David Giltrow
Joan Comiano, ADC President


"If you want to be known you
can be known," Joan Comiano
says of the University, "but if
you want to be anonymous you
can be anonymous."
Joan chose the former course,
rising in two years to the presi-
dency of Assembly Association,
independent women's group.
The choice represented "a
part of me rather than an ob-
jective decision," she explains.
"I've always been in activities.
- . . I prefer something more
administrative than creative."
Eschews Whrl
As a freshman, Joan es-
chewed the activities whirl, so
much a part of her high school
career in Greenwood, Ill. Then,
late that spring, she went to
an Assembly - sponsored tea,
signed up, and found herself
social chairman.
A vacancy due to departure
of the second vice - president
gave Joan a chance to move up
during the next year, and when
her sophomore spring came
around, she was elected As-
sembly president.

There was "nothing particu-
lar" she hoped to accomplish
in the course of, the term which
lay before her, Joan says in
retrospect, but the year was an
active one.
Much of Assembly's value lies
in what it can do for consti-
tuent houses which come to it,
she points out.
Hears Complaints
For example, it heard com-'
plaints from a cooperative that
it had been unfairly treated in
Homecoming theme-allotments,
and took action on the co-op's
Complaints from member
houses or individual girls on
food and phone service are com-
mon, she remarks.
Beyond handling such com-
plaints, Assembly coordinates
house governments, fosters
house programs and institutes
programs of its own.
One of the most successful of
the latter, in Joan's opinion, is
the "Big Sister-Little Sister"
program. A girl with a year or
more experience in the dorms
can be of great help to a fresh-

man in the crucial period
through first semester, through
sorority rush and ending in
March after second semester
five-week exams.
'Big Sister'
Assembly tries to make the
relationship to a "little sister"
a friendly one, Joan explains,
not just a case of "come down
once a week and see if you're
still alive."
In the area of housing, As-
sembly has been instrumental
in setting up the upper-class
Little House in Markley, and
the new Cambridge Hall in Uni-
versity Terrace.
Assembly has been handling
the petitions to move into these
units, she said.
Housing problems are very.
subjective, Joan believes, which
makes Assembly's role so im-
Assays Housing
Some girls are happy only if
identified with a small group,
while others would prefer a
larger unit and its larger
See JOAN, Page 2

Joint Judie,
May Re-Hear
Student Petitions
Continue Circulation
In Residence Halls
The faculty Sub-Committee on
Discipline will announce today
whether or not it has granted an
appeal in the case against the two
alleged leaders of last Wednes-.
day's demonstration.
The sub-committee met yester-
day afternoon to decide whether
there are grounds for an appeal.
Should an appeal be granted the
case will return to the Joint Judi-
ciary Council for a rehearing.
Petitions Circulated
While the faculty sub-commit-
tee was meeting, petitions asking
for a reconsideration of the Joint
Judic decision were circulated.
William Townsend, '61E, president
of East Quadrangle's Hinsdale
House, ". said that there are now
about 1,000 signatures on the pe-
Also yesterday afternoon, the
Interquadrangle Council defeated
a motion requesting a reconsidera-
; tion of Joint Judic's recent deci-
The motion, which was Identical
to a motion passed by the West
Quadrangle Council Tuesday night,
'read that "the IQC go on record
as asking a Just reconsideration
of the Joint Judiciary Council de-
cision to suspend Mark Hall, '63
and Stanley Lubin, '63, from the
University, in view of the ap-
parent haste and unusual nature
of the decision."
Attempt Amendment
The West Quad representatives
attempted to amend their motion
so that it would not imply any
thing about the nature of the de-
cision but merely question the pro-
cedures used in arriving at it. Dan
Rosemergy, '61, president of IQC,
called the amendment out of Order
because it was contrary to. the
original motion.
"I'm in favor of the decision
made by IQC," Rosemergy said.
"However, this does not indicate
that the IQC is not concerned with
the problems involved in the par-
ticular situation. We feel a respon-
sibility to the students in the resi-
dence hall and on the campus. We
would like to review two areas,"
he said.°
Ask Review
"One area is the Judicial pro-
cedures and effectiveness in rela-
tionship to demonstrations on
campus. We do not condone such
demonstrations and feel that they
are detrimental to the University's
Rosemergy then recognized John
M. Hale, assistant dean of men
in charge at residence halls, who
explained the procedure of the
Dean of Men's Office in discipline
cases. Hale remarked that al-
though there was no definite
precedent in this type of case, the
dean's office and Joint Judi had
followed normal procedures.
Sphinx Taps
New Court
Once again the Pharoah has
commanded his legions to cross
the great desert and invade the
land of the barbarians to pice
slaves for the Pharoah's Court.
Once again the East has learned
to fear the Pharoah's might.
Into the temple, where gathers
the court, came neophyte slaves to

the court of Sphinx.
Here they learned of many
Here they learned to dedicate
themselves to Michigan and to the
So Came . .
- Mike Balgley, '62, Michael Burns,
'62, Paul Carder, '62, Dick Clark,
'62, Stuart Dow, '62.
Todd Fay, '62, Dennis Floden,
'62Ed., 'T' Francis, '62, Wilbert
Pr.nlrln 'RV..r Pm, Fuancn 'R9


ConstructDecision-Man Machines

City Attorney To Clarify
Registration Procedures
City Attorney Jacob Fahrner met yesterday with William Danne-
miller, local lawyer, to discuss the clarification of local voting regis-
tration procedures.
The clarification, primarily intended to provide information for
students concerning their residence eligibility, is expected to be
completed by the end of next week Fahrner said. ,
He explained that a few more meetings with Dannemiller would
be necessary before the rulings could be released. The code of pro-
cedures will be shown to the group of students and other interested
persons who originally approachedFahrner on the subject.
State Attorney General Paul L. Adams, when informed of
Fahrner's intentions, said that it was "a desirable thing as far as the
objective is concerned," although t

"Machines have already been
constructed that can imitate the
human process for making simple
decisions," Herbert A Simon, as-
sistant dean of the graduate
school of Carnegie Institute of
Technology said yesterday.
"Today three separate plans
exist for machines that can play
chess. One of them employs a
process of choice which, like the
human mind, seeks the play that
appears to be most satisfactory."
Simple Game
"Chess," Simon continued, "is a
relatively simple game since the
player has a finite number of
alternatives but they represent the
advancement we have made in
scientifically analyzing the deci-
sion-making process.
"If a theory were developed

which would take into considera-
tion the more complex factors
that must affect a businessman's
decisions, it would provide a ra-
tional basis he could rely upon
when he must make a choice."
"The routine, repetitive type of
decision," Simon said, "can be
solved habitually or by referring
to standard operating procedures
sach as manuals.
"However for the unfamiliar,
once-in-a-lifetime decisions the
business executive has no estab-
lished precedents to refer to. A
realistic theory is much needed
here and would have a cons'der-
able effect.
"For routine decisions the prob-
lem is usually well-formulated,
the alternatives are enumerated,
and the only problem is to select
the best one.




he explained he could not com-
ment on the specific rulings- com-
pilation until he had seen it.
Registration of qualified stu-
dent voters was called "highly de-
sireable" by Adams, adding that
all persons, whether students or
not, should attempt to register if
they are eligible.
Adams presented the state con-
stitution's section which states,
that simply attending college in,
the state does not qualify one as
an eligible registree, but that es-
tablishment of official residence
and domicile would qualify any
person meeting the other require-
Last night, Student Government
Council postponed consideration
of a report by Nancy Adams, '60,
executive vice president, concern-
ing the progress of the city at-
torney on the matter.
Miss Adams said in her report

'Beauty of Music Resounds ' i Segovia

"Critical decisions too often
have an infinite number of alter-
natives-there is no limit to the
number of computers this execu-
tive might use or to the ways in
which they could be employed."
On these more important deci-
sions the final choice demands
far less attention than the pre-
liminary steps, Simon said. The
executive should have something
more substantial than vague in-
tuition to guide him through
To Curtail
LANSING (M-)-Top level state
candidates have agreed to limit
electioneering at the Democratic
State Convention in Grand Rapids
today and Saturday, one of them
said yesterday.
Secretary of State James M.
Hare said ground rules were the
result of. a "fair election code"
effort launched in March by Gov.
G. Mennen Williams and Neil
Staebler, state Democratic chair-
man, to avoid primary bitterness.
Ed Winge, headquarters public
relations man, confirmed the ar-
rangement. He said it had been
reached several weeks ago and
applied to candidates for governor
and lieutenant governor in the
Aug. 2 primary,
Besides Hare, announced gover-
nor candidates include Lt. Gov.
John B. Swainson, Detroit Coun-
cilman Ed Connor and William L.
Johnson, Ironwood broadcaster.
Basically, the business of the
convention is to adopt policy
,ffmn~ nn-a -s-.- icla Qj ~nt1,P.ha

The grey haired man bent over his guitar and listened intently
to the accompanying strains of the Philadelphia Orchestra.
It was the 52nd rehearsal for Andres Segovia since he began his
United States concert tour last January. It was also his last in this
After his performance tonight in Hill Auditorium, Segovia will
leave on a concert tour of Latin America which will end at the famed
"Festival of Casals" in Puerto Rico.
Even after the many hours of rehearsals and concerts, Segovia
finds much pleasure in playing -the guitar for himself. This is what
differentiates a profession from an art, he explained.
Segovia never play for the audience; he plays for himself because
"there is beauty in art" and a good artist should be able to hear this
beauty "for the first time," each time he plays.
A and artist is alsA the result of "ten per cent inspiration and

. ... ....

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