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May 03, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-03

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'Turn of The Screw'

Seventieth Year

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Council May Divide
On Implemnentation
Daily Staff Writer
POINT TO REMEMBER about Student Government Council's present
motion against discrimination in student organizations is that it is
not the last word in the matter.
Either in its present form or in any modifications thereof, it simply
sets up general criteria for membership qualifications student organi-
zations may maintain. It further sets up a watchdog committee to see
that the Council's will, if indeed it is anti-discrimination, is done.
The committee's task is "to formulate policies in the furtherance

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, MAY 3, 1960


Year-Round Program:
Drain on Energy and Economy

SMALL "LEAK" from Gov. G. Mennen
Williams' office last week got the word
round that one of the numerous advisory
ommittees on education had, recommended
hat in the interests of economy and efficiency
he state's colleges and universities operate on
year-round basis.
The full text of their report has not yet
een released, but this recommendation alone
s enough to establish that it is of more than
assing interest.
The proposal is neither new nor original. It
as been seriously considered by the University
,nd is in operation at several schools through-
Pi mary
"HARLESTON, W. Va. (A-"He cannot win
the nomination-he cannot win the elec-
on-he cannot be elected President of the
Inited States,...
The blast from Sen. John Kennedy was the
rst full-scale personal attack the Massachu-
etts senator has fired at Sen. Hubert Hum-
hrey since the two became announced candi-
ates for the Democratic Presidential nomi-
ation. Both are entered in the West Virginia
rimary, with much at stake.
The two have fenced a bit-Humphrey said
couple of days ago he couldn't afford to go
unning through the state with a little black
ag and a checkbook--but until now they have
onfined most of their campaigning to attacks
in the Eisenhower administration.
Humphrey, campaigning in the Logan area
f southern West Virginia, was unavailable im-
mediately for comment.
LHE APPROPRIATE comment, Mr. Hum-
phrey, is too obvious to make.
--J. S.

out the country. But the implications of any
university's adapting a three-semester plan
are tremendous-and on a state-wide scale
even more so.
The reputed advantages of the trimester
system lie in the possibility of increased enroll-
ment and more economical use of existing fa-
cilities-its disadvantages in the virtual de-
struction of academic life as it is now known.
Short vacations, short examination periods
and a year-round output of energy take their
toll on both faculty and students.
(The three-semester calendar suggested by
the University Calendar Study Committee two
years ago would have combined a week-long
examination period with the elimination of
the between-semester interval, and the receipt
of final grades only after the beginning of the
next semester.)
Professors need time to study and research;
students need time to earn next year's tuition.
Human. inefficiency results in lower enrollment
for the summer semester (proved by the Uni-
versity's postwar experience with a three-
semester year), and in a larger faculty.
In this light, the alleged economic superiority
of the trimester plan begins to pall.
Faculty salaries form approximately 80 per
cent of the University's budget; faculty in-
creases necessary to maintain the present
student-teacher ratio and give professors time
to think could raise the cost of education to
50 per cent by Administrative Dean Robert
Williams' estimate.
Nor is there any great economy in plant
costs when summer enrollment is compara-
tively low.
A state hard-pressed by rising admissions
requests on one side and inadequate funds for
university expansion on the other should not,
be deluded.
The questions raised by the recommendation
might even serve as a reminder that good
education and good economy do coincide.

of the purposes of the regulationa
Student Government Council in
aid of such purposes and policies."
When and if recommendations
are made real conflict is sure to
,begin. Another time will be after
Oct. 15 when the committee must
"make public its procedures. The
Council must approve these pro-
If there is not some kind of a
fight, this reporter will be sur-
prised. The Council does not like
discrimination, but it is far from
unanimous on where to go from
THE COUNCIL'S decision to
hold a special meeting last Sun-
day to consider the motion was
commendable. The whole matter
is of great import, for though
debate only served as a forum for
opinion rather than a means to
influence votes, still, the Coun-
cil's views were further clarified.
By the final vote Wednesday, the,
campus will- know the Council's
intentions quite clearly on the
basis of the motion plus the dis-
cussion. And this is important for
it can save time later when the
committee is actually working on
Also, Council debate is not
necessarily like good win; which
improves the age; the special
meeting means more pointed con-
sideration can be given the mo-
tion, while the regular meeting
will be devotedto other issues that
might have been short-changed
had the Council scheduled only
one meeting.



nd ;

make reconimendations to the


The Daily Official Bulletin Is aU
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent ,in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 pm. Friday.
TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1960
VOL. LXX, No. 157
General Notices
Change in date of May Regents' Meet-
ing: The date of the May meeting of
the Regents has been changed from
May 26, 27 and 28 to May 20. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than May 10.
Fri. and Sat., May 13 and 14, the De-
partment of Speech will present a stu-
dent-written full length play, Norman
Foster 's "Journey To A Distant Point,"
at 8:00 p.m. in the Trueblood Aud.,
Frieze Building. Tickets are currently
available by mail order only, at 75c,
general admission unreserved seating.
Orders may be sent to: Playbill, Lydia
Men d e lsso hn Theatre, Ann Arbor.
Checks payable to Play Production. En-
close self-addressed stamped envelope.
The box office at the Auditorium will
be open the evenings of the perform-
snces at 7:00.
Information concerning and requests
for assignments to Northwood Apart-
ments, University Terrace, Jefferson
Apartments, and other University Op-
erated Apartments will be handled at
the new University Apartments Office
at 2364 Bishop St., North Campus, NO
2-3169. This office has been moved
from 1056 Ad. Building t6 the new lo-
cation effective. immediately!"
Science Research Club Meeting Tues.,
May 3, 7:30 p.m. Rackham Amphi-
theater. "Infrared Radiation and Ways
to Photograph It." Gwynn H. Suits-
Willow Run Laboratories. "Research in
Hypertension," Pedro Blaquier-Physi-
ology. Election of Officers.
May 4, 1960
7:30 p.m.
Council Room
Constitutents' Time 9:00
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer Reports: President, Letters.
Exec. Vice-President, Report on Big-
Ten Student Body Presidents' Confer-
ence. Interim Action.,
Admin. Vice-President, Report.
Treasurer, Financial Report.
Old Business: Membership in Student
Organizations, Final Consideration and
Vote. Election Rules.
Standing Committees: Recognition
Committee, Democratic Socialist Club
(permanent recognition), Society of
(Continued on Page 5)

-Daily-James 1-ciniUfla
Solve Problems Constructively with Directed Effort

Racial Problem Gains Perspective

why Did Chessman Die?

EW DELHI - There are two grounds on
which, and on which alone, Caryl Chess-
ian's death would make any sense. One is that
he mills of the law grind slowly but majes-
ically, and that the law must be allowed im-
lacably to take its course regardless of what
urposes it may serve.
On this basis the question of how much rea-
onable doubt there is about Chessman's crime
5 of no moment or relevance. Questions of

ness they dissolve the stern cement of san.-
tion and penalty which holds a society together.
SUSPECT that this - and not the much
mooted "deterrence" theory-is what is be-
hind the retention of capital punishment long
after it has been established that its barbarism
prevents few crimes, restores no lost life, serves
no ends other than toughness in itself.
My answer to both arguments above is that
they ask the wrong questions and give the
wrong answers and lose sight of the meaning
of man's plight today. The world's death will
not come because something called "the law"
has been circumvented by a sense of compas-
sion, or by the feeling that we had better not
kill if there is any doubt about the killing. The
world's death, in short, will not come through a
deficiency of toughness but through a de-
ficiency of humanity.
The dangerous people today are not those
who feel the gnawing doubts and ask the
searching questions. They are the people who
want to let some massive institutional jugger-
naut-"the law," the weapons race, the bureau-
cracy, the Communist world mission-have its
way in spite of human life.
IF THE TRUTH be told I am afraid that Caryl
Chessman will die mainly because there are
millions of people today who fear and hate life.
The studies which have been made of the mail
received by Gov. Brown of California show that
it sprang from frustration and was drenched in
hate. Once a man gets to be part of a cause
celebre--whether it be Sacco and Vanzetti or
Chessman or whoever - men's emotions get
polarized and their thinking paralyzed. Those
who want mercy are usually outnumbered by
those who want vengeance because their own
lives are so empty and frustrated. Not venge-
ance against Chessman or any other particular
man, but vengeance against life itself.
I suspect that for many of them Chessman's
crime was less the one he committed-or the
one they are convinced he committed-than the
crime of hanging on to life since that time, so
tenanciously and so unconscionably. This lust
for life of his, this unquenchable resourceful-
ness for evading and avoiding the death which
each time loomed so close, must seem an affront
to those who find their own lives a bitter har-
vest of nothingness.
PERHAPS BY THIS time Chessman has come
to the end of the road and his resourceful-
ness is stilled. If so I shall feel that the world
has been diminished by the killing of this man
who had long ago expiated whatever he had
done, and whose hide-and-seek game with
death could only obscenely be ended by killing
But my sadness goes beyond Chessman him-
self, whom I never knew and whom I should

Daily Staff Writer
The rConference on H u m a n
Rights in the North held at the
University last weekend was an
ambitious - and successful - at-
tempt to do four things at once.
Trying to do something of that
scope is usually dangerous-things
turn out to be disorderly and in-
effective. This conference was the
exception: it was broad enough to
give a good perspective on the
problem, yet specific enough so
that it laid the framework for
meaningful coordinated action.
Perhaps its most conspicuous
success was in the area of com-
mitment. One of the main pur-
poses of the conference was to
attract students who were inter-
ested in human rights, but had
never done any work in this area.
The problem was to "get to" these
people and encourage them to be-
come active in human rights work.
It is difficult at this time to meas-
ure the effectiveness of the con-
ference in this area, but it ap-
peared that it was effective in
this area. The comment "I wanted
to do something, but up until now
I didn't know how to begin" was
frequently heard.
A second objective of the con-
ference was to develop some in-
sight in the participants on 'how
to go about their human relations
work. Judging from the rections
of the participants, the work
groups and panels did a very
effective job in this area. Some of
this knowledge had already been
put to use: at a conference yester-
day of a local committee dealing
with a specific human relations
problem, references were made to
techniques discussed in the work-
However, the most important
aspect of this is still to be proved,
The test of the conference is
whether or not the ideas developed

In the conference get translated
into meaningful, effective pro-
grams. The delegates to the con-
ference seem interested in doing
this. The delegates from Ann Ar-
bor met, Saturday afternoon to
discuss plans for future activities.
Hopefully, the local group and
those from other schools will fol-
low through on this-there seems
to be an excellent chance they
Another aspect of the confer-
ence was the attempt to organize
. coordinated activities for students
from various schools. The confer-
ence made some very ambitious
and logical plans, they must now
follow up on these plans.
They propose to set up a nation-
al human rights newsletter to help
coordinate their activities. This
suggestion was backed not only by
the delegates, but also by many of
the guest speakers with long ex-
perience in human rights work.
They have endorsed the idea of
"a national student Civil Rights
Conference" for next fall. If such
a conference could carry on the
work done here over the weekend,
it would be very worthwhile.
They have also proposed that
there be a coordinated student
fund-raising effort.
The conference emphasized the
need for political. action. They
stressed the need to support can-
didates with sound civil rights
positions. They discussed the pos-
sibility of supporting the plea of
A. Phillip Randolph, the Negro
labor leader, for a march to the
national political conventions to
demand strong civil rights stands
from both parties. They decided
that if adult civil rights leaders
backed the plan, they would par-
Perhaps one of the most tang-
ible and exciting results of the
conference is the planned May 17
demonstrations to take place

throughout the nation. The plan,
already endorsed by the Congress
on Racial Equality and the Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored Pe o p1e,
would be to have non-violent dem-
onstrations to demonstrate the
lack of sufficiently rapid civil
rights progress in the past six
years. (On May 17, 1954 the Su-
preme Court announced its fam-
ous school desegregation decision.)
Perhaps the most interesting
aspect of the conference was the
speakers brought in to address the
conference. They included James
Farmer, national program director
of the NAACP, Bayard Rustin, an
associate of Rev. Martin Luther
King, Jr., and Morris Milgram, the
builder of desegregated housing

T h e s e speakers, particularly
Rustin and Farmer, told the con-
ference about the work going on
in the South. They told a very
moving and dramatic story. But
they did more than this: they put
the entire movement in prospec-
tive. The Southern Negro is chal-
lenging the inequality of the
Southern "Jim Crow" system.
They explained how and why. It
was a story that everyone should
hear, and many took advantage
of the opportunity.
The Conference was a very suc-
cessful beginning. The University
should be very proud that it was
held here. But it was only a be-
ginning, the test of the conference
will be how well its objectives are
put into action.

Contrasting Commissioners

HERE IS the backstage story of
two important commissioners
appointed by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower who are under Con-
gressional scrutiny this week.
Most people consider ambassa-
dors the most important appoint-
ments made by a President. Am-
bassadors are glamorous, but they
don't hold a candle to the power
of certain commissioners who can
decide what American housewives
pay for gas and electricity, or rule
on what the nation listens to and
sees on radio and television.
Today the House of Represen-
tatives takes a look at one of these
key commissioners, while the Sen-
ate is already considering the
other. Here is their record:

doubt have to do with justice, not with law. In
fact (so goes this reasoning) once you allow all
this balderdash about justice and humanity to
enter, they are cracks which will undermine
and destroy the law as an institution. That is
what counts-the law as an institution, mas-
sive, unheeding, impermeable.
The second is a related ground, but can be
taken on its own merits. It is that a society
sure of its motives and merits should not yield
to any campaign of sentimentality, which can
become a kind of blackmail of the emotions.
On this count the tender - hearted liberal-
minded do-gooders are a danger to any self-
respecting society, since in their soft-hearted-
* /frel4 n

Admissions Limits Endanger Quality

\Federal Power Commission took a
firm stand to protect the gas rates
of northern and eastern consum-
ers. He ruled against Cities Serv-
ice, Continental Oil, Atlantic, and
Tidewater in the biggest natural
gas rate test in history. Other
commissioners overruled him but
eventually his opinion was upheld
by the Supreme Court.
Connole's stand for the con-
sumers cost the big oil and gas
companies five cents per thousand
cubic feet which meant millions
of dollars in profits.
Among the gas and oil execu-
tives who opposed his position was
Leonard F. McCollum, President
of Continental Oil, a guest at Ike's
White House stag dinners and
long-time Eisenhower backer.
Also suffering from Connole's
fight for the consumer was W. Al-
ton Jones, chairman of the execu-
tive committee of Cities Service, a
close golfing friend of the presi-
dent, who has entertained Ike at
the Jones plantation in Georgia
and only last week was an Eisen-
hower guest at the state dinner
for President deGaulle of France.
Eisenhower has now refused to
reappoint Commissioner Connole,
the champion of the consumer, be-
cause he says, he wants a better
man. The mayors of many con-
sumer cities and the public utility
commissions of six states have
urged Connole's reappointment as
one single friend of the consumer
on the FPC. All other commis-
sioners voted with the gas-oil
companies. Eisenhower is satis-
fied with them, but not with Con-
nole. the opponent of the gas-

charge that there were 1'205 card-
carrying communists" the state
department, and then found he
couldn't prove it.
Lee was then minority clerk of
the House Appropriations Com-
mittee and managed to get and
give McCarthy a list of 81 security
risk cases locked up in the files of
his committee.
Most of the list of 81 which Lee
supplied to McCarthy had already
been fired by Secretary of State
Acheson, and in the end, Scott
McLeod, McCarthy's friend who
became state department security
officer, testified under oath that
McCarthy was never able to find
one communist in the state de-
Later Lee plunged into the
Maryland 1950 campaign to defeat
Sen. Millard Tydings, who had
challenged Joe's charges against
the state department.
There ensued an election which a
Senate committee under Mike
Monroney of Oklahoma and Tom
Hennings of Missouri found to be
one of the dirtiest in years.
* * *
LEE WAS in the thick of it. His
job, according to sworn testimony,
was to pick up checks in Balti-
more, deposit them in his wife's
account in the National Capital
Bank in Washington, and then
pay the expenses of the anti-Tyd-
ings campaign.
It is clearly against Maryland
law to handle funds in the name
of a political candidate unless you
register for such purpose. R. E.
Lee not only escaped action but
was rewarded by appointment to
one of the most important com-

To the Editor:
I AM very concerned about some
of the statements concerni7g
possible changes in the Univer-
sity's admission policy which are
attributed in your columns to As-
sistant Director of Admissions
Byron Groesbeck.
In seeking to develop an admis-
sion policy in conformity to the
overwhelming responsibility of the
University of Michigan to the,
state, he is certainly exhibiting,
undeniable proper motives.
However, in his plan Lo limit,
the enrollment of students from
nr.in~rporn.hl lc-m ratimi s

of-state students. The principles
involved seem perfectly reason-
able. The responsibilities of the
University to the taxpayers argue
for admitting a high proportion
of students from the state. The
requirements of scholarship, viz.,
having available the intellectual
stimulation (for both the faculty
and the student body) derived
from a high concentration of the
brightest students the University
can attract, demand that the Uni-
versity choose students on the
basis of their intellectual abilities
alone. In practice, a compromise
between these two requirements

ford to endanger its high repute
by resorting to unnecessary com-
promise with irrelevant criteria.
* * *
MOREOVER, strict intellectual
competition among all out - of -
state students for admission to
the University, would provide a
great service for the improvement
of the various educational systems
throughout the country. To deny
the products of an inferior school
system the opportunity to attend
the best universities because they
are less qualified, might constitute
an excellent carrot as well as a
,.. r fn.-....o- - .


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