See Page 4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
D3a ti4
Cooler today and tonight
with diminishing winds.
VOL LXX, No. 148
-Daily-David Cantrell
CONFERENCE PARTICIPANTS-Speakers who participated in the four-day Conference on Human
Rights in the North are pictured after last night's banquet at the Union. The featured speaker at
the banquet was Morris Milgram, the builder responsible for the interracial housing development in
Princeton, NJ. The conference will close with another banquet this noon.
Builder Calls for Social Acion
Morris Milgram, a builder "who
would rather be a ditch - digger
than build for white people only,"
spoke on the subject of his Prince-
ton, N.J. interracial housing de-
velopment last night at a banquet
of the Conference for Human
Rights In the North.
The Princeton development
started when the town's three
Presbyterian churches, one of
them Negro, merged their congre-
gations for the summer so each
minister would have to work for
only three weeks, Milgram related.
Under this arrangement some
people "just had to like being
buried, or married, by a Negro
Denionstrators Picket
Four Shops Despite Rain
Four local stores were picketed yesterday by almost 80 anti-dis-
crimiriation demonstrators.
John Leggett, Grad., the spokesman for the group, said that the
Human Rights Conference, rather than the driving rain, kept the
members down. "The rain only hurt us a little, with wet people and
placards. We'll continue through rain and snow." The participation,
despite the rain, shows the militant attitude of the people, he
"We started only picketing the Cousins Shop at and the F. W.
Woolworth Co. local branch. Later as more people joined, we also
. -picketed the two branches of S. S.
} Kresge Co." Picketing was from
s Attend 1 to 5 p.m.
For the second straight Satur-
day leaflets were handed out with-
tat"TaIksout interference from the Ann
SkArbor police. Two weeks ago 15
picketers were arrested by the
By RALPH KAPLAN police on suspicion of violating
A Constitutional Convention, city ordinances prohibiting distri-
;abution or littering of leaflets.
unicameral legislature, progressive Charges were not pressed, as it
personal income tax, the Confer- was agreed that there had been
ence on Discrimination in the no violation.
North, and a strong national civil
rights policy wr l upre The police department reportedr
in resolutions passed by the state last ngtta hr a enn
Young Democrats Convention this recent complaints concerning the
weekend. Ipickets.
The ConstitutionalnConvention, Leggett said that as far as he
unicameral legislature and pro- knew Richard Hill, Grad., who
gressive income tax were proposed last week picketed the picketers,
as remedies to the recent financial never showed up. Last Saturday,
troubles of the state. Hill said the picketers have made
It was pointed out that Nebras- their point in six weeks and
ka has had success with a uni- further demonstrations will only
cameral legislature and the in- be a nuisance to the city and
come tax was suggested to provide the stores. Leggett yesterday said
for a tax program which would that the rain probably discour-
be based on the individual's abil- aged him.
minister, and they found that it
wasn't so bad," Milgram said.
White Presbyterians also dis-
covered that no decent housing
was available for Negro Presby-
terians, he continued, and so they
banded together to organize two
new communities, which he built.
Seventy-five per cent of the homes
were sold to whites, and 25 per
cent to Negroes, and the town has
invited him to build more.
"This is an impressive gather-
ing," he said. "But the work of
this conference is lost-all the talk
meaningless - unless it is trans-1
lated into social action and utilized
in college papers and bull sessions.
"Don't be afraid to dream a
little bit," Milgram said. "Or-
ganized student groups have power
in their hands to change the
world," he said. "Present your"
ideas thoughtfully and carefully
enough - and drop the word 'im-
possible' from your vocabulary,
and maybe someone will take you
"Building integrated housing is
not easy," Milgram said, giving
Deerfield, Ill. as a case in point.
When the residents discovered
that to insure that the develop-!
ment he planned would be inte-
grated, only a certain percentage
of Negroes and white would be
allowed to buy, they protested.
The hypocrisy of it,, he ex-
plained, was that they protested
on the grounds that Negro rights
were being violated since all Ne-
groes who wished to buy a home
would not be allowed to.
The Conference for Human
Rights in the North will con-
clude today with a banquet at
12:30 p.m.. in the Union.
Following the banquet James
Farmer, program director of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
will speak. In addition, the
Conference will vote on work-
group and delegation recom-
mendations and select an Inter-
college committee to coordinate
future activity.
To Debate
Bias Rule
In Council
Student Government Council
will today prepare the motion on
non-discrimination in student or-
ganizations for final consideration
Also scheduled for the special
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Coun-
cil Room of the Student Activities
Building is debate on a new move
to send a letter supporting Prof.
Leo Koch of the University of
The Council will work on the
non-discrimination motion by act-
ing on all amendments presently
in the docket for consideration.
The first amendment to the
motion is a move to change the
general regulation, which now
reads "No recognized student or-
ganization may prohibit or other-
wise restrict membership nor
membership activities on the basis
of race, color, religion, creed, na-
tional origin or ancestry."
Propose Changes
The proposed alternate reads:
"All recognized student organiza-
tions shall select membership and
afford opportunities to members
on the basis of personal merit and
not race, color, religion, creed,
national origin, or ancestry."
The second amendment would
change the composition of the
committee to be set up to admin-
ister the regulation under Council
Under the proposal, four of the
seven members of the proposed
group would be students, with the
other three to come from the
faculty and administration. The
present plan specifies three stu-
dents, two faculty members and
two administrators.
Another motion would grant
specific exemptions to nationality
groups and religious organizations.
Several other procedural mo-
tions will be offered.
Membership Committee
If passed, the motion would set
up the committee on Membership
in Student Organizations, which
would expedite the regulation.
Among the committee's functions
would be: formulating policies to
further the regulation and making
recommendations to the Council
on them; hearing cases involving
violations and recommending dis-
ciplinary action to the Council;
and developing educational pro-
The committee, as proposed,
must report to the Council at least
once every semester.
Its proceedings are to be confi-
dential, except when the Council
requires a report, or one of the
groups working with it request
they be made public.
The committee must make pub-
lic its standard operating pro-
cedures by next Oct. 15. The pro-
cedures are subject to Council
Roger.Seasonwein, '61, will offer
the motion to support Prof. Koch.
He will emphasize Prof. Koch's
right, as an individual, to make
the assertions which caused his
Debate on the later motion is
set for the first hour of the Coun-
cil's meeting, after which the non-
discrimination amendments will be
--AP Wirephoto
SCORES MEDLEY RELAY WIN-Michigan's Ergas Leps strains to break the tape in the distance
medley yesterday and records a win for the Wolverine team in the Penn Relays. The final time for
the winning team at Philadelphia's Franklin Fieldwas nine minutes, 56.8 seconds.
'M' Relay Teams PlaceHigh at Penn
Special to The Daily
three seconds, a fourth and a
fifth-that's the excellent total
compiled by the Michigan track
team at the Penn Relays during
the last two days.
Following a great starting effort
on Friday afternoon, the team
could only hold the winning pace
for one event yesterday before
yielding to a great crew of sprint-
ers from San Jose State.
Once again exhibiting his come-
from-behind tactics, Ergas Leps
passed Georgetown's Bob Vinton
in the last 50 yards to bring Mich-
igan's baton home first in the four
mile relay. He must have broken
Vinton's spirit, as this was the
second race which Vinton had all
but won only to see Leps overtake
him in the last few strides. Friday
Severs Ties
BOGOTA, Colombia (P) - Co-
lombia yesterday broke off diplo-
matic relations with the Domini-
.can Republic.
A foreign ministry communique
announcing the break accused
Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo's
Dominican government of inter-
fering in Clombia's internal af-
f airs.
The Colombian ambassador in
Ciudad Trujillo, Gen Julio Lon-
dono, has been recalled and has
returned to Bogota.
The communique charged the
Dominican Republic granted visas
to Venezuelan military exiles to
enter Colombia, whence they
launched an invasion of Venezuela
last week.
is was in the distance medley
Martin Catches Up
Jim Wyman and Fred Montour
stayed just a little off the pace
yesterday, but Dave Martin made
up the difference quite handily
on the third mile leg. Leps thus
inherited only a yard deficit be-
hind NYU's Hank Levin. Keeping
in mind that he still had two
half-miles to run, he was content
to take it easy and justpulled
out the win in the final stretch.
Georgetown was followed by
NYU and Cornell -- all behind
Michigan's 17:23.3 winning time.
In an effort to help Michigan
repeat its 1945 record of four wins
in this meet, the 440 yard team
came up to the starting line as
the next major entry.
So ... Close
This event was so close that it
had the crowd entranced as the
last men took the baton. Bennie
McRae, Jeff Engel and Dick Cep-
has had run in that order and
because the race was run from a
staggered start, it was hard to
tell whether they had lost any
yardage to the fleet San Jose State
team or not.
As Tom. Robinson and Willie
Williams came out of the fourth
turn, it appeared the Big Ten
sprint champion had a slight dis-
advantage. Coming down the
straightaway Robinson managed
to regain most of the difference,
but Williams beat him to the tape
by about the width of that strand
of yarn (see picture).
The finish was so close that
both teams were credited with the
same time-- .41. This is a new
varsity record as it surpasses the
:41.6 which they equaled yester-
Revenge Attempt
McRae, Cephas and Robinson
were joined by Len Cercone in an
att pt to get revenge from San
Jose State in the 880, race, but
here again weren't quite equal to
their task. McRae got a bad start
and Cercone took the baton in
fifth place at the end of the first
San Jose, Villanova and North
Carolina College were ahead of
him when Cephas took over for
the third leg. He managed to gain
several yards and was a close
fourth as he passed to Robinson.
Despite a great bid, however, the
British Empire Games 220 champ-
See FOUR, Page 6
Begin NATO Conference
A midst Student Riotrngs
Attack hPolicy
Of Premier
Make Mass Arrests;
Send Demonstrators
To Detention Camps
ISTANBUL,. Turkey (A-West-
ern foreign ministers flew into Is-
tanbul last night for a NATO con-
ference and ran head on into a
Turkish crisis sparked by student
protests against Premier Adnan
Menderes' government.
About 100 students attempted
to stage a demonstration at the
Istanbul Hilton Hotel just as Sec-
retary of State Christian A. Her-
ter and British Foreign Secretary
Selwyn Lloyd arrived there. In-
fantry troops standing guard
around the hotel moved in quickly
and dispersed the youths.
Mass arrests have been carried
out by troops and police and about
3,000 students and youths were
carted off at bayonet point to de-
tention camps yesterday at Tur-
key's government sought to cope
with the student ufrest.
Impose Curfew
In another strong move, the
government last night ordered a
24-hour curfew beginning at 4
a.m. today and ending at 4 a.m.
tomorrow. Night curfew restric-
tions already had been imposed.
Exempted from the 24-hour
order were the diplomats in Is-
tanbul for the NATO meeting.
The official casualty total in
outbreaks in Istanbul and Ankara
since Thursday has been given by
the ministry of Interior as one
dead and about 15 injured. Un-
official counts have put the dead
at six and the injured at more
than 100.
Students Roam
Demonstrations against the
authority of Menderes jangled the
city again during the day. Bands
of students roamed the city,
waving national flags and chant-
ing slogans of "Freedom" and
"Menderes Resign."
Pointedly no western leader has
had a word to say about the re-
peated disturbances by students,
which flared Thursday into fight-
ing and shooting. NATO officials
were saying privately the troubles
will be regarded by the alliance
as an internal affair for Turkey.
But Turkey's allies clearly were
Herter and Lloyd both said they
were glad to be in Turkey ad
looked forward to the conference,
which opens tomorrow in a new-
still incomplete municipal build-
Herter praised this nation on.
the fringe of the free world for
its "valiant role in defense of the
rich traditions which have shaped
our civilization."
Referring to the summit meet-
ing later this month, Herter said
the allies go into the talks "with
a sense of realism born of experi-
ence . . . we-hope for progress but
hold no illusions."
Stage Lansing
Political Rally
LANSING ()-"We'd win easily
If we could get all those people
who are opposed to the sale of
liquor," the Prohibition Party
candidate for President said yes-
But R. L. Decker, minister of
the Temple Baptist Church of
Kansas City, said he had no illus-
ions about winning the nation's
top post this year.
"However," he added, "in 1968
I am convinced we will be in a
position to seriously challenge the
two major parties."
Decker spoke to 170 delegates
at the party's state convention.
His running mate is Prof. E. H.
Munn of Michigan's Hillsdale Col-
In a switch from the usual po-
a ,
ity to pay.
The current Ann Arbor Confer-
ence on Discrimination in the
North was supported by a tele-
gram which expressed the con-
vention's wish for a successful
Push Civil Rights
The civil rights resolution was
divided into five categories: voting
rights, integrated housing, equal
employment opportunities, inte-
grated schools and integration in
public places.
Other resolutions called for a
liberal foreign policy based on
economic aid, federal control of
advertising, support of the Forand
Bill for old age benefits and a
plan for retraining workers re-
placed by automation.
Ronald Pivnick, a member of
the University delegation to the
convention, was elected Michigan
Young Democrats' national com-
Chairmanship of the group went
to Jackie Vaughn from Detroit.
Set Meetings
A change in the constitution of
the Michigan Young Democrats
provides for meetings every month
from September to June and em-
Little Blue Boo Shows Winning
Civil Defense Director Cites
Nation's Industrial Progress
"The last seven years have been the finest years of economic and
industrial progress in the history of this nation."
Leo Arthur Hoegh, former governor of Iowa and the director of
the Office of Civil Defense Mobilization, addressed this remark to
the 340 delegates present at the Young Republicans State Convention
held in Jackson yesterday. "We are fortunate to have a President
and a Republican administration
who believe your tax dollar must
be wisely spent," Hoegh declared.
"I am proud of our record in
fighting inflation.
"The balanced budget has been
a y saccomplshed withoutjeopardizing
either our position in foreign: af-
fairs or the status of our domestic
"President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, because of his tremendous
military knowledge and experi-
ence," has also been able to guide
the development of "the most
powerful military force in the his-
tory of the nation-superior to
that of any other nation.
"Both our standard of living
and employment are now at an
all-time high.
"It would have tremendous im-
pact on the people," Hoegh said,
"if they could see, as I have, how
thoroughly Nixon understands the
problems, be they domestic or
Although Paul Bagwell and State
Senator Carlton Morris, the two
contenders for the Republican
nomination for the governorship
of Michigan, were equally em-
} nhatic in their support of Nixon,
Little Blue Boo outshone the Southern Belle family last night and
captured the Frosh Weekend crown for the Blue Team-beating Maize
for the first time in seven years.
The choice was made public at the joint Maize-Blue dance held
last night in the League ballroom. Since 1948 when Frosh Weekend
was organized into a competitive event between two teams, the Maize
and the Blue, there have been separate dances for each group.
This year, to deemphasize the competitive aspects of the weekend,
and to reduce the amount of time spent in preparation, not only were
the dances combined into one, but the freshman women were given
less time to work.
Judge Teams' Themes
The three judges of the Frosh event, Prof. William Haber of the
economics department, Assistant Dean of Women Elsie Fuller and
Thomas Turner, '60, Daily editor made their decision on the basis of
how well each team's theme was carried out and on the originality and
appropriateness of the decorations, floor-show, tickets, programs,,
publicity and patrons' invitations and on team finances.
The Blue Team theme dealt with the diplomatic adventures of
Little Blue Boo as he petitioned to make his land of Abluevia the
fifty-first state.
The plot of the Blue Team floorshow told of Little Blue Boo's visit
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