See Page 4
Ci r
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
:D aii4
Scattered Showers
ending late afternoon.
Press No Charge
In Littering Case
Official Says City Not To Prosecute
Two Picketers After Investigation
City authorities will bring no charges against two anti-discrimi-
nation demonstrators who had been under extended investigation
since last Wednesday, Assistant City Attorney Samuel J. Elden said
"There is some question of the facts concerning the extent of
littering within the purview of the ordinance," he explained.
The investigation of the two unnamed demonstrators was con-
ducted to learn if they violated a city anti-littering ordinance as a
result of distributing leaflets while picketing four local stores April
16. "In addition, we find there is now a general acceptance of
<>responsibilities as well as a cher-
ishing of rights" among the pic-
keters, Elden said.
The demonstrators did "a very
excellent job" of keeping the pic-
keted area free of littered leaflets
during their most recent demon-
stration Sturday, he pointed out.
"We are well satisfied." Organ-
izers of the picketing group has
instructed those distributing the
Pr leaflets to pick up all dropping
within a five-foot radius of them.
'No Others Charged'
"Also it is to be considered
that no others were charged,"
Elden added.
Thirteen other demonstrators-
12 students and one University
employee-were released from fur.-
ther investigation last Wednesday.,
The entire group of 15 was
apprehended April 16 while dem-
SAMUEL J. ELDEN onstrating before the Cousins Shop charges and Ann Arbor branches of the
S. S. Kresge Co. and the F. W.{
Woolworth Co., whose Southern
REALISTIC: outlets allegedly practice Negrol
'Attempt To Harrass'
"I have believed all along that
the investigations have been an 1
" " " attempt to harrass the picketers,
*g gg'jto intimidate our group or its,'
supporters," John Leggett, Grad.,j
O Lewispokesman for the demonstrators
0 'Is commented.s
After being apprehended April
16, the 15 demonstrators appeared
By JUDITH OPPENHEIM as requested April 19 at the city 1
The originality of Sinclair Lew- police detective bureau.t
is's novels lies in "a point of view There followed a conference be-F
that combined the rebellious and tween the assistant city attorney
the idealistic and presented the and the attorneys for the pic-..
the dealsticandpresntedtheketers.
combination inran essentially k The three lawyers issued a joint
realistic manner,' Prof. Mark Tetrelwrsiudajon=
Schorer of the University of Cali- statement, which said: "In the2
fornia English department said light of the court decisions on the
yesterday. subject, if there has been no lit-.;
By combining detailed scenes of tering within the purview of thec
:ommon life and colloquial speech ordinance, there has been no vio-s
with optimism and some "senti- lation. Hence there will be no,
nental nonsense," Lewis placed prosecution." s
himself in "an interesting rela-" s
ion to the old controversy between:
romance' and 'idealism.'" "
The publication of "Main Street"j
in 1920, Schorer said, was "a kind
f explosion" which caused oneC
3rltic to remark that the book Cal M ovei en
oteould survive "not as a novel but
s an incident in American life." RALEIGH (UPS)--Southern N
Lewis's novel presented a picture seriousness and determination of th
>f small towns as dull and insipid
>laces where truly creative indi- at Shaw University in Raleigh last'
viduals such as the heroine, Carole They unanimously endorsed a
Kennicott, are stifled. possible when arrested, they would
'Carole Kennicotts' bail until the time of their trial.
Schorer said that thousands of Other resolutions passed by the
Tells Result
Of Meeting
"The sit-in movement in the
South,is not going to end when
school lets out, and it is not de-
creasing . . . it is here to stay"
Student Government Council Pres-
ident John Feldkamp, '61, said
Feldkamp and SGC member Al
Haber, '60, attended the National
Student Congress on the Sit-in
Movement, held last weekend in
Feldkamp said the conference's
main purposes were to spread in-
formation and coordinate support
of the Southern movements.
Participants came from all over
the country, including the South,
making the meeting "pretty rep-
resentative" of a wide spectrum of
Question of Method
The Southern delegates agree
that integration is now only a
question of method, he added.
Speakers stressed the non-vio-
lent principles of the sit-ins. They
said there are no alternatives to
this. "The object is to win the
enemy, not to defeat him," Feld-
kamp reported.
One danger though is that peo-
ple without strong convictions are
joining the movement. They might
not adhere as strictly to the non-
violent principles.
Walker Speaks
Rev. Wyatt Walker, assistant to
Rev. Martin Luther King, spoke at
the conference, stressed four
1) The movement is "dedicated,
to love and compassion."
2) "It embraces the ideas that
its alternatives is far too costly
and is an incorrect answer.
3) "Anyone can join a non-j
violent movement and have a sense
of belonging. It is not limited to
strong, healthy males.
4) "It does something whole-;
some for the opposition, it does not
seek to destroy him but to win."
iForces New Polcy
'Our Overwhelmin Responsibilit
To the State,' Groesbeck Points Out
An admissions policy change which could severly limit
out-of-state enrollment, particularly in certain metropolitan
areas, is under tentative consideration by University officials,
Consideration of this policy change has come in response
to the pressure of increasing numbers of applications, both
from Michigan and the rest of the country, Assistant Director
of Admissions Byron Groes-
-~ +- 1
field. The cyclotron is
cyclotron will replace the old synchroton in the University's atomic research
a better machine because it can handle more problems through its greater
'U' Plans New Atom-Smasher
Plans for building a cyclotron
on campus and faculty contribu-
tions to a new machine at the
University of Wisconsin are the
most important developments in
University work on atom-smash-
ing machines.
The new cyclotron will replace
the synchrotron, which is now be-
ing dismantled. "The number of
problems which can be attacked
by a cyclotron of the type we are
seeking is greater than the num-
ber that can be attacked by the
synchrotron, because the cyclotron
has greater acceleration," Prof.
David M. Dennison Chairman of
the Physics department explained.
One of the greatest advantages
of the cyclotron is that it can ex-
plore the nucleic structure of
heavier elements-gold, lead, and
uranium for example, Prof. Den-
nison said. The beam of particles
must not have so much energy,
however, that it shatters the nu-
sity's synchrotron introduced "the
race track form" of machines with
its alternating straight and curved
arrangement of the particles' path.
Professors Lawrence W. J. Jones
and Kent M. Terwilliger of the
physics department have built the
electron model for a new type
machine to be built at Madison,
'Challeng e'
Students at the second meeting
of the Challenge program yester-
day chose "The Challenge of Civil
Liberties in the United States"
as topic for the first-semester
This program will include dis-
cussions, talks and semonars with
prominent national, local and
University figures.
The group also adopted a con-
stitution allowing any interested
student to be a member. The
group will be run by a steering
committee which will consist of
any members attending meetings.
The machine, which is still un-
named, will be an improvement
over present iiachines because it
will be an improvement over pres-
will employ the fixed field alter-
nating gradient principle Prof.
Terwilliger commented.
To Compare Favorably
Development of this machine
was begun around 1953 because of
a desire on the part of universities
to have an atom-smasher in the
Middle West which would compare
favorably with the machines at
Brookhaven and Berkeley. Because
of this desire, an organization of
sixteen universities, Midwestern
Universities Research Association,
was formed to do research on a
new machine. Professors Jones
and Terwilliger were the Univer-
sity's technical representatives to
MURA; Prof. Crane is president.
The new machine will be a pro-
ton machine with a capacity of
ten to fifteen billion tlectron volts.
It should cost between $80 and
$100 million.
"The machine will keep the
particles in stable orbits on a
nearly circular path by means of
an azmuthalay varying magnetic
field," Prof. Terwilliger explained.
r o Leaders
t Determined
egro student leaders affirmed the
beck said yesterday.
"Since our overwhelming re-
sponsibility is to the state, the
increase in Michigan applicants
forces us to limit out-of-state stu-
dents more and more."
The percentage of out-of-state
students, last year close to 33 per
cent, will drop this year, and "will
probably be even less next year."
Appear Numbered
The days of the University's
one-third out-of-state freshmen
enrollment appear to be number-
The admissions office Is also
considering a specific quota on
certain metropolitan areas, he
"We have found that the Uni-
versity has a disproportionate
number of students from several
areas-the New York metropoli-
tan area, the Chicago area and
certain sections of Ohio."
The admissions office feels that
these sections should be repre-
sented by a number of students
proportionate to the percentage of
population in their area. "We
want to encourage people from
these areas, but we don't want to
be over-run by them."
Not Clearly Worked Out
Groesbeck. added plans for a
quota have not yet been clearly
worked out. "We don't know if
we would make it a quota for New
York City, or New York State, or
for the New York metropolitan
area. It's obvious something has
to be done, but we don't know
what yet"
Groesbeck said out - of - state
s t u d e n t s are accepted to "put
the Michigan student in with top
out-of-state students who let them
know how the rest of the world
lives and who give them equal or
better academic stimulation."
In order to provide the best
possible stimulation, the Univer-
sity feels they must have students
representing the widest possible
geographic area. When limitation
is required, it must be applied to
the most heavily represented
'Continuing Problem'
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin 4. Niehuss said
the increase in applications is a
"continuing problem which must
be faced by all states."
"We recognize that this is a
state-supported institution which
is responsible to the state first.
But it is also our responsibility to
remain a cosmopolitan univer-
Out-of-state student limitation
Is "not a new move," he added.
"We hope not to have to do
anything drastic.. n . The only
'reason it Seems so radical is be-
cause of the legislative comment
and the increase in applications
which have thrown the problem
of admissions into high light."
State Authority
To Guarantee
Student Loans
LANSING (M)-A bill providing
for a state-administered privately
financed fund to guarantee loans
to college students was signed into
law today by Gov. G. Mennen
The measure, effective immedi-
at.+1 createanon-nof t au
he sit-in movement in a meeting
weekend. T Ra
recommendation that wherever The synd
stay in jail rather than accept cant contr
142 Southern students, including P ~f H
ce Track Form'
chrotron, which was
in 1946, was a signifi-
ibution to work on
E. Crane of the Physics
said that the Univer-
American women suddenly saw
themselves as "Carole Kennicotts"
and wrote grateful letters to the
author who had "discovered their
Although the "Main Street idea"
had found earlier expression in
such works as Edgar Lee Masters'
"Spoon River Anthology," Schor-
er felt Lewis' novel washnecessary
to impress the point on the popular
consciousness. "Main Street," he
said, was "the fullest indictment
that had been delivered, the least
compromising and the noisiest."
Presenting further unexplored
aspects of the American scene,
Lewis created Babbit, the small
town businessman who must "give
up human relations to conform
with public relations and join be-
cause he cannot lead." Part of the
novel's great influence was due to
the fact that, although Lewis de-
picted people in their most petty
and vicious aspects, he saw and
sympathized with a deep pathos
in their lives.
New Type Novel
"Arrowsmith" was also a new
type of novel, the story of a sci-
enti's "disappointed idealism, an
idealism, still, that would not sub-
mit to hypocrisy and pretense and
deceit and pomposity."
Despite controversy over the
greatness of his novels, Schorer
believes that Lewis was unique in
bringing into focus for "Ameri-
cans and readers everywhere."
, roL . .L
ten whites, urged President Dwight D. Eisenhower to "lend the department
prestige of his office to the solu-
tion of the racial problem in this
country," and established non- SOCK THREE HOMERS:
violence, both in deed and spirit,
as the creed of the struggle "
against segregation. .o v B T-ine
The conference, the first of its Wl e i e I
e ofrne h is fisnature to be held on this large a y,....
scale, broughthtogether students
from elevent Southern states and ' 7
attracted several Northern observ- /
A student Non-Violent Coordi-
nating Committee was set up to
plan further action and to make
arrangements for a similar con-
ference in early September. The
committee will consist of one
representative from each Southern
state, and will have headquarters
in Atlanta. It will deal mainly
with quesitons of finance and
One of the adult advisors to
the coordinating committee will'
be the Rev. Martin Luther King, /jQ..
Jr., ideological leader of the con- .
tinual struggle for equal rights, '
who waved a successful bus boy-
cott in Montgomery in 1956.
A major problem facing many r..
of the Negro students and profes-
sors involved in the sit-in move-
menct was pointed up by the ex-
perience of Charles Hamilton, a -;
young political science instructor
at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama .-
"The administration does not _ I
... discusses conference,
Plcans Work
Against Bias
The Big Ten Conference of In-
terfraternity Councils and Pan-
hellenic Associations passed a
resolution stipulating that they
will work with the fraternities
and sororities on their respective
campuses to eliminate arbitrary
membership clauses from their
The eleventh annual conference
was held this past weekend at the
University of Minnesota. The rep-
resentatives of the University's
IFC and Panhel supported te
IFC President Jon Trost, a rep-
resentative at, the conference,
thought the resolution was a'step
in the right direction.. "American
society has sufficiently changed
so that there is no room for
carry-overs from pre-Civil War
days such as these arbitrary dis-
crimination clauses.
"We must recognize that fra-
ternities which are located on a
given canipus are, in effect, guests
of the university, and that they
should keep in good faith with
the university policy."
"We all have the same goal. Our
task is to use fair, equitable, and
just procedures in arriving at this
Trost said Student Government
Council is currently debating a
resolution concerning restrictive
membership practices in student
organizations. The purpose of the
SGC resolution is to formulatt
policies for dealing with selective
General topics of the conference
were the role of sororities and
fraternities in developing leader-
ship on campus and the respons-
ibility of affiliated persons to their
university. The representatives
also compared the various IPC
and Panhel organizations on Big
Ten campuses.
Dean Edmund G. Williamson of
the University of Minnesota spoke
on "How the Greeks Can Main-
tain Effective Leadership Al-
though a Minority." Sorority and
fraternity members at Minnesota
compose only seven percent of the
student body.
D . - 2
'ower Overwhelms Detrot
Stout relief pitching by Joe Brefeld, and the home run bats of
Dave Brown, Joe Merullo and Barry Marshall, powered Michigan to a
10-8 come-from-behind victory over the University of Detroit here
Brefeld, working in relief of John Kerr and Gordon Rinckey, came
on in the fifth inning with the Wolverines trailing 8-5, and held the
heavy hitting Titans scoreless, while scattering four singles the rest
of the game.
Unlucky Chuckers
Neither Kerr nor Rinckey had much luck as previously unbeaten
Detroit jumped on Kerr for two runs and three hits in the first Inning,
continued the barrage with a lone run in the third and then exploded
for five tallies in the high scoring fourth.
However Michigan, its bats silenced by basketball star Dave De-
Busschere on one hit for the first three frames, roared from behind
with five runs of their own in the fourth, got another in the sixth on
Merullo's solo shot over the left field fence, and then wrapped it up in
the seventh on Barry Marshall's long three run home run over the 380
sign in straightaway center.
DeBusschere Victimized
Despite Michigan's five run fourth, DeBusschere remained in the
game and was the victim of all the Wolverine homers and nine of the
ten runs. He gave up 11 hits in his 6%1 inning stint.
Detroit, an at-large entry in last year's NCAA Tournament and
winner of its first seven starts this season, opened up an eight run lead
after three and a half innings and appeared to have the game on ice
before Michigan batted around in its half of the fourth.