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April 24, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-24

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et Y
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Scattered showers, moderate
winds from northeast.

See Page 4

VOL. LXX, No. 142






Readaptation of the military as a constabulary force is now ap-
propriate, Prof. Morris Janowitz of the sociology department argues.
"The military establishment becomes a constabulary force when
it is continuously prepared to act, committed to the minimum use
of force, and seeks viable international relations, rather than victory
because it has incorporated a protective military posture."
Military men have been seeking to redefine professional require-
ments, and the military requires a new set of self conceptions-the
constabulary concept is appropriate because of the altered role of
force in international relations, and because "it offers a basis for the
radical adaptation of the profession.
Prof. Janowitz suggests the "continuing dilemmas" which make
the re-evaluation necessary in his new bgok, "The Professional Sol-
dier: a social and political portrait."
First dilemma is to strike an appropriate balance between nuclear
and conventional forces for limited war. Perhaps even more serious
is to decide whether or not to arm conventional forces with tactical
atomic weapons.
Must Estimate Consequences
"Second, military leaders must be prepared to assist in accurately
estimating the consequences of the threat or use of force against the
potentials for persuasion and conflict resolution.
"Third, military leaders must make management of an effective
military force compatible with participation with political and ad-
ministrative schemes for arms inspection and control that may
emerge in the future."
The new concept means it is no longer feasible for the military
to operate on the double standard of "peacetime" and "wartime."
To this extent it draws on the "police concept," though consideration
of the military as "internal police" would hinder development of the
constabulary in international politics.
Sensitive To Impact
"The officer in the constabulary is particularly attuned to with-
stand the pressures of constant alerts and tension."
The officer is sensitive to the political and social impact of the
military, and subjective to civilian control both because of rule of
law and tradition, and because of "self-imposed professional stand-
ards meaningful integration with civilian values."I
"The constabulary force is designed to be compatible with the
traditional -goals of political control."
It is the civilian task, then, to formulate standards of perform-
ance. Civilian control must also be fashioned in terms "of the kind
of military service required of the civilian population."
Prof. Janowitz thinks a wholely professional force backed by
stand-by cililian reserves could be compatible with democratic stand-
ards, especially in light technological necessities.
Reluctance of civilian leaders to raise appropriations to make
military salaries attractive, and military leaders' belief in selective
service as an essential pressure to fill the ranks of reserves, plus short-
term officers, mean the constabulary will have to be built dn present
basis of military service.
However, "in the long run a completely professional service is
likely to emerge."'

Set Pace
In Relays
Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS - Michigan's Big
Ten Indoor track champions tuned
up for the outdoor season as they
won five relay titles in the Annual
Ohio Relays here yesterday.
The Michigan team that had
left Ann Arbor to just "get ready
for the Penn Relays" raced to
victory in five of the six events
which they entered. The Wolver-
ines won more relay events than
any other team ever has in this
To start the afternoon off in
the best way possible, the distance
medley team, which was favored
going into the meet, obeyed the
form sheet by crossing the finish
line first.
Brian Gibson, Earl Deardorff,
and Dave Martin left anchor man
Ergas Leps a nice lead for his mile
leg and he came home to find the
clock reading 10:12.9 for the
team's trip.
Next up, the 440 relay team
showed a great effort. The four-'
some of Jeff Engel, Bennie McRae,
Dick Cephas, and Tom Robinson
carried the baton once around the
track faster than any other team
all afternoon, in :41.9.
Another outstanding effort for
the runners inhMaize and Blue
was that of the twAo-mile relay
Although Wally Schafer didn't
turn in an exceptional initial 880,
the rest of the team were in great
form and did more than make up
the initial gap.
See TRACKMEN, Page 6





Youth Stays,
Plays, Pays
At Miehigrras
For most, Michigras on Satur-
day night was novel, bright and
For a few, it was no longer new:
performers, barkers, booth at-
tendants and ride operators were
beginning to run down.
A ride operator stood yawning
with his hand on his hip, taking
tickets from excited riders. He
started the ride, then stood obliv-
ious to the whirling, flashing mo-
tion of the ride, and the thrilled
screams which cut across the roar
of the motor.
Dizzy riders staggered off, bump-
ing into others who were trying
to get on. Amused friends and
relatives watched as the machines
started up again, into the night
Time Off
Inside, a performer dressed as
a witch leaned against the wall
taking time out for a cigarette,
summoning up enough energy for,
one lasteperformance. Nearby in
the house" of horrors, a group of
people stared in fearful fascina-
tion as a hand appeared out of a
bath of blood.
One of the workers in the pab-
lum-throwing booth winced, as
the pablum hit his face; the crowd
laughed, and more people stepped
up to try their skill.
Across the aisle, the man at the
swimming hole was dunked once '
again, and once again climbed
See Picture Story, Page 5
back onto his perch. A young boy1
downed him again, and jumped
up and down in excitement.
Full Skirts
Girls clutched their full skirts,
and tall men bent their heads, as
they crawled into booths through
doors that were Whale's mouths
and Donald Duck beaks.
A man made up with a greenish,
battered face and a ghoulish ex-
pression, saw them and laughed
as he leaned on his cane.
A skill booth attendant watched
as the hoop missed the target for
the thousandth time.
A barker drooped on a chair out-
side a red booth; beside him were
several girls in Oriental costumes.
The barker was getting hoarse,
and the patter was coming harder.
Hecklers from the audience still
kept on.
Cool drinks soothed throats of
two visitors who were hoarse from
shouting; they sat in the dark
comfort of a moon landscape
booth. The rushing refreshment
girl tried to mop up a dripping
soft drink faucet, and to serve
the customers at the same time.
Bright Voice
A tired master of ceremonies
delivered his jokes once more in a
bright voice, and was somehow
surprised at the fresh, enthusiastic
laughter of the audience.
Yost Fieldhouse blazed and
roared in the night, with the un-
earthly noises of the space war
booth adding strange overtones.
Back at the Union, the Michi-
gras office was dark, with a few
4Jr_.n npi aU 1n.~ UU - .

DRAMA SEASON STARS-The Broadway play, "Happy Birthday," will start off this year's five-
week drama season. Included in the company will be (left to right) Robert Q. Lewis, in "The Gaze-
bo"; Kim Hunter in "Dark at the Top of the Stairs"; and David Wayne in "The Golden Fleecing."
Drama Season Names Stars



5 Arrests


The 25th annual Drama Season.
opens May 10 at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater with the Broad-
way success "Happy Birthday"
starring Ann B. (Schultzy) Davis.j
The Season, backed for the first
time by private individuals instead
of the University, will feature five
plays, one a week. Ted Heusel and;
John Kokales, both known in Ann
Arbor for their work in stage ac-
tivities are sponsoring the Season.
"The Golden Fleecing," starring
David Wayne, will open May 17 for
the second week of the silver anni-
versary drama season. May 24 will'
bring Kim Hunter and Charles
Hohman in "Dark at the Top of
the Stairs" followed by Robert Q.
Lewis in "The Gazebo."
"Two for the Seasaw" with Dana
Andrews and Gerry Jedd will cli-
max the season which ends June
MSU Group
LANSING (41--Some 100 Michi-
gan State University students
staged a brief orderly demonstra-
tion in front of the state capitol
yesterday to dramatize their op-
position to compulsory ROTC.
A scattering of coeds and a few
male students who identified
themselves as veterans joined in
the rally organized by Tom Gat-
ten, a junior from Allegan and
editor of the Spartan magazine.
The MSU board of trustees
voted 4-2 Thursday against adopt-
ing a voluntary ROTC setup as
recommended by the schoo's stu-
dent government and faculty.
The students marched around
the capitol Building several times
distributing mimeograph sheets in
which the Trustees were asked to
"reconsider their action and to
make their next decision one be-
fitting a university."
Several carried placards bear-
ing such inscriptions as "Faculty
Voice Ignored," "Return Author-
ity to Students and Faculty," "No
Regementation at MSU," and
"The Spoiled Generation?"

15. John O'Shaughnessy will re-
turn for his fifth season as direc-
tor. He is now working in New
York with casting consultant Jane
Broder on final arrangements.
'Happy Birthday'
Miss Davis is playing in Anita-
Loos's comedy "Happy Birthday."
She is a graduate of the Univer-
sity and two-time winner of the
Emmy Award for her portrayal of
the zany secretary on the Cum-
mings' program.
Opposite her will be Larry Hag-
man, rising young Broadway actor
seen this season in New York with
Julie Harris in "The Warm Penin-
sula." Hagman made his profes-
sional debut in "South Pacific"
in London with his mother, Mary
"The Golden Fleecing," a cur-
rent Broadway farce, describes
how a group of sailors stationed
in Venice plan to "break the bank"
at a casino with an electronic
Wayne is known for his stage
portrayals of Sakini, the mischie-
vous interpreter in "Teahouse of
the August Moon," the goldbrick-
ing Ensign Pulver in "Mister Rob-
erts" and Og, the genial lepre-
chaun, in the musical "Finian's
Award Winner
An Academy Award winner, Miss
Hunter and Charles Hohman will
co-star in "Dark at the Top of the
Stairs," one of the most popular
Broadway plays in recent years.
Both appeared in the play last
year at the San Juan, Puerto Rico
Miss Hunter received her Oscar
opposite Marlon Brando in "A
Streetcar Named Desire," repeat-
ing the role she created on the
stage. Homan, who followed Andy
Griffith in "No Time for Sergents"
on Broadway, played locally last
season in the title role of "Howie."
Another former University stu-
dent, Robert Q. Lewis, will be play-
ing in the mystery-comedy "The
Gazebo." Lewis came to fame on
radio and TV substituting for Ar-
thur Godfrey before going on sev-
eral programs of his own.
Lately, he has worked in the
theatre in such comedies as "Visit
to a Small Planet" and "Tender


... anchors two wins

Dana Andrews played in the'
Broadway production of William
Gibson's critically acclaimed love
story, "Two for the See saw;" this
will be his second production of
this play. Andrews is one of Holly-
wood's leading actors, well known
for such films as "The Best Years
of Our Lives," "State Fair" and
His co-star, Miss Jedd, played in
"Two for the Seesaw" in London
See SEASON, Page 2
'Ready Now'
"We are ready for self-govern-
ment now" w Kenneth Kaunda,
President of the United National
Independence Party in Northern
Rhodesia, said last night.
Speaking at the African Union's
annual banquet, Kaunda added
that the Africans do not want to
replace the government, but only
attain self rule..
"We shall blame /ourselves in-
stead of blaming the British," he
Kaunda went on to describe the
inequalities in Africa. "God's own
people have been divided, in my
country, by man," he said. To be
able to vote, a Northern Rhodesian
must earn a certain annual wage
or own property.
Law Provides
However, the law provides for
special voters who earn less but
have had some schooling. These
special voters do not have the same
voting power as the regular voters.
One regular vote is equal to three
special votes and in this way the
white minority is able to hold
Kaunda has been jailed twice
and exiled from Northern Rho-
desia for two months. His party
had spoken out against unequal
representation inlthe colony's gov-
The party was not allowed to
hold meetings, and the governor
repeatedly denied Kaunda's peti-
tions to hold a meeting. Kaunda
finally called for a meeting and
was later arrested and subse-
quently exiled for a period of two
Traces Subjugation
Earlier in the evening Eduardo
Mondlane, a social research officer
for U.N. Trusteeships, spoke on
"The Development of a New Afri-
can Personality in Africa." Mond-
lane traced the subjugation of the
African Negro from the slave trad-
ers to the modern curfews and
Both men believed that the main
problem in Africa was not the
European nations but the white
settlers who live in the colonies.
These whites bring pressure on
the European governments,
Board Grants
Koch Hearing

Say Events
Anti-Picket Joins
Group on Street;
Police Observe
Student anti - discrimination
demonstrators, estimated at , 100
strong, picketed and distributed
leaflets before four local stores
yesterday, despite a, week-long
police investigation of their simi-
lar demonstrations the preceding
"The investigation has served
merely to crystallize sentiment,"
John Leggett, Grad., the group's
spokesman, said. "Many faculty
members and complete strangers
have told me they thought our
stand was right-some have even
offered money for legal expenses."
Analyzing the larger number of
picketers and their high state 'of
morale, Leggett explained, "The
investigation has likewise had a.
boomerang effect on, our own
They demonstrated at the Cous-
ins Shop and at local branches of
the S. S. Kreske Co. and the F. W.
Woolworth Co. whose Southern
outlets allegedly ,practice Negro
Pass Out Leafefs
The group passed out explana-
tory leaflets to passersby, despite
police apprehension of 15 picket-
ers a week ago on suspicionof
violating city ordinances prohibit-
in n eithersuch distribution or
littering resulting from it.
Richard Hill, Grad., paraded in
front of the pickets in protest of
the demonstrations.
Hill carried a sign which said:
"I'm in favor of shopping at these
He said the pickets "have made
their point" in the six weeks they
have been carrying on the peace-
ful demonstrations. "Further pic-
keting will only be a nuisance to
the city and to the stores," he
Altough the four-hour denon
stration produced no incidents
comparable o werof last week-
end, police officserve.frequently
on hand to observe.
Demonstrators Apear
The demonstrators apprehended
by police a week earlier - 14 ot'u-
dents and one University employe.e
-appeared as requested at the city
police detective bureau last Tues-
There followed a one and one-
half hour conference between As-
sistant City Attorney Samuel J.
Elden and. attorneys for the pic-
keters, Harold Norris of the De-
troit chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union and Datid
E. Utley of Pontiac.
The three lawyers, together with
Prof. Wesley E. Maurer, chairman
of the journalism department,
representing the Ann Arbor ACLU
chapter, reached an agreement
there was no violation if there
had been "no littering within the
purview of the ordinance" and
hence no prosecution.

Five Crucial Dimensions
Prof. Janowitz adds completely monetary incentives are generally
insufficient to maintain organizational effectiveness of the military. F
He sees five dimensions which are crucial in analizing the mili-
tary's protential to modify itself, in any terms. The military and
civilian areas are now closer together than any other time in modern Meeting
history, but it is still necessary to assume the military has a special voted to pe
environment because it alone has the responsibility of combat pre- ler of the1
to run for
paration. Cutler wi]
1) Present trend of military authority is a shift from "domina- ulhe hasn'tl
tion" to a "greater reliance on techniques of group control and con- what yet.
sensus." Effective management has meant efficiency, though the is to make
managers' task has been complicated by tensions of constant alert. because he
"Fraternal authority" is a possible basis for the effective con- Senate tha
stabulary. It would embody the formal chain of command with little was done l
or no attempt to hide facts of power and authority, but subordinate said recent)
personnel would have limited butt
effective participation in the de- MICHIGRAS DISPLAYS:
cision-making process. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Also, the military should try
to separate pure combat functions
for supply and technological tasks O
for increased effectiveness.
2) At the same time, "the pro-
fessional soldier must develop
more and more skills and orienta-
tions common to civilian admin-
It will be up to the newly de-
veloping group of "military man-
agers" to strike a balance between'
"hero .c leaders" and "military
technologists," both of whom y
tend to thwart the constabulary
3) This means traditional con-
tents of a military career must be
altered because a more general /
competence is required of the
managers, and more intensive

41Vi "

Friday, the Regents
rmit Prof. Robert Cut-
psychology department
the state legislature.
11 definitely run, though
made up his mind for
His present inclination
a race for the Senate,
feels that it was in the
t most of the damage
ast year . . ." a friend

.<-papers scauerea arouna.

r I

u Biz,' Pizza, Choo-Choo Take Prizes

Awards for Michigras projects were presented last night.
"Toy for a Demented Dictator," the float built by Elliot House
and Delta Chi, won the first award in the parade. Second place
went to "The World's Largest Windup Toy," the offering of Victor
Vaughan and Michigan House.
Angell House and Phi Epsilon Pi took third with their "Foun-
tain of Youth." "Toys from a Child's Fantasy," by Collegiate Sorosis
and Sigma Phi Epsilon won honorable mention.
Booth awards are divided into three categories of show booths,
refreshment booths and skill booths.
In the show booth division, Newberry and Gomberg Houses were
first with "Show Biz-U.S.A." The show was an original musical.
"Come Dream with Us," the booth built by Alpha Delta Pi and
Delta Sigma Phi, was the second place winner in this category. Hon-
orable Mention went to Delta Phi Epsilon and Tau Delta Phi, for

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