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April 23, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-23

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Korean ice'-Presidency
Totters as Chang Resigns

Prediet Rhee
May Dump
Expected To Decline
Elected Office Soon
SEOUL (-South Korea's lame
duck, Vice President John H.
Chang resigned today and Lee Ki-
Poong, the man who unseated him
in the controversial March 15
election, said he might step down
Lee would have succeeded
Chang Aug. 15 under President
Syngman Rhee.
'7 am considering relinquishing
the vice presidency-elect," said
His statement came shortly
after Chang, leader of the oppo-
sition Democratic Party, quit his
post with a bitter blast at the
Rhee government.
Resignation Demanded
Lee's resignation had been de-
manded by the opposition since
the March elections. It had been
expected he might be dropped as
a step by Rhee to meet the strong
pressure on his government.
That pressure boiled up into
near revolt last Tuesday with
demonstrations that were climax-
ed in bloodshed in Seoul.
The resignation of Chang came
as a surprise.
Ring Warning Bells
Chang said the purpose of his
move was to "ring warning bells
to the Syngman Rhee government,
which is drunk with power and
continuing tyrannical, oppressive
Chang, 60 year old, head of the
opposition Democratic Party, has
been virtually ignored by Rhee
during his term of office.
Chang announced his resigna-
tion as the man who defeated himu
in the disputed March 15 elections
-Lee Ki Poong-also was reported
planning to step down. In South
Korea the president and vice pres-
ident can be of different parties.
May Oppose Rhee
Chang's move put him in an ex-
cellent position to oppose Rhee for
the presidency if Rhee should
yield to demands that both the
presidential and vice presidential
elections be held again.
All indications were that Rhee
hoped to appease outraged public
opinion by easing out Lee in a
maneuver that would mean only
a new vice presidential election.
Chang defeated Lee, Rhee's pro-
tege, in 1956, but lost the same
race last month.
Charges that the election was
rigged with stuffed ballot boxes
and police coercion led to the
bloody uprising in Seoul Tuesday
in which at least 125 and perhaps
up to 200 were killed.
- Expect Lee's Ouster
A former premier indicated last
night he expects Rhee to drop Lee
as a step toward easing South
Korea's grave internal crisis, That
would necessitate a new election.
While 10,000 students staged
new-but this time mostly peace-
ful-demonstrations in the port
city of Inchon yesterday, the 85-
- year-old Rhee was reported about
ready to make an announcement.
Lee is a main target of student
and popular indignation.
Kennedy Says
'Ask People
For Backing'
PORTLAND, Ore. W) - Sen.

John F. Kennedy opened a two-
day sweep of Oregon yesterday,
hammering on the theme that a
candidate for nomination ought to
ask the people for their backing.
It was a direct attack on Sens.
Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas and
Stuart Symington of Missouri.
Both have said they will accept
the Democratic presidential nom-
ination, but neither had entered
a primary until now.
They are in Oregon's, by law.
Under Oregon law, all candidates
are entered. What happens in
Oregon's May 20 primary, Ken-
nedy said, may be significant. It
is the last vote of the people
before the Democratic National
Convention, and the first in which
all candidates have been thrust.

Rockefeller Praises Nixon


son A. Rockefeller of New York
heaped high and unusual praise
on Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on yesterday.
He gave him everything but
what the Vice-President probably
wants the most-Rockefeller sup-
port in the race for the Republican
Presidential nomination.
Few candidates -- and Nixon
now seems a shoo-in - ever got
more kindly treatment.
Good Fellow
"Dick Nixon has been a very
good friend of mine for many
years," Rockefeller said. "He has
done an absolutely superb job as1
But once again he stubbornly
refused to endorse Nixon. He'll
wait he said, until after the con-
Rockefeller was here for a major
foreign policy 'speech before the
World Affairs Council of Philadel-
Solemn Talk
It was a solemn, lengthy talk in
which he called for more dynamic
and imaginative thinking if this
country is to save itself from,
One suggestion: an economic
union of North and South Ameri-
ca-an area which will have a bil-
lion population by the year 2000.
But domestic politics claimed
most of the interest at his news
Rockefeller began it with his
voluntary praise of Nixon, by far
the strongest words he has used
in recent months.


Johnson Set\
On Seeking
HOUSTON, Tex. (P)-Sen. Lyn-
don B. Johnson (D-Tex.) moved
closer yesterday to the moment
when he will join fellow Senators
in admitted quest of the Demo-
cratic presidential nomination.
Johnson almost did it here
Thursday and it was plain to all
present at a news conference that
the Senate Majority Leader will
be-and is--a candidate for the
"I have served my country in
every capacity in which I have
been asked to serve," the reluctant
Texan said. "I would not shirk my'
Repeats Declaration
"I repeat what I said before,"
he added when pressed as to
whether he would accept the nomi-
"That is what I think I should
say at this time.
"My name will be placed in
nomination and I am highly hon-
ored. But my job is in the Senate,
and that is what I intend to do-
Johnson, when the moment he
deems proper arrives, will join fel-
low Sens. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.),
John Kennedy (D-Mass.), Stuart
Symington (D-Mo.), and Hubert
Humphrey (D-Minn.) in the drive
for the Democratic standard bear-
er's position. Some observers be-
lieve he will have at least 450
delegates lined up for the conven-
tion's first ballot.
Wants Chairmanship
On Feb. 6, in Indianapolis, John-
son told newsmen he expected to
be chairman of the Texas delega-
tion at the Los Angeles conven-
tion, "and I hope it will be com-
mitted to the support of my candi-
dacy," he added.
He spoke again yesterday- in
Denver, and some supporters be-
lieved he might have announced'
his decision there since he has
tried in recent months to align
himself strongly with the West.
Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.),
long his advisor in Congress,
launched a Johnson-for-President
campaign in Texas several months

Claim USSR 'Obsesse
GENEVA (-) - The Western
powers declared yesterdaythe because it has no intention of
Soviet Union is obsessed with concluding a general disarmament B u ie °
military secrecy. treaty. eWsenpwr ol
They expressed fears this may If the Western powers wouldN
hide aggressive intentions despite n p t Sve a drma- Fa t
Russian calls for peaceful co- menit plans as 'a basis for the dis-1
existence. cussion, they would find, the
United States Ambassador Fred-_ Soviet Union quite prepared to
discuss ther tcIn Religi
crick M. Eaton bluntly told thlics h eevn oto es
deadlocked 10-nation disarmament ures,, he said."
conference that Soviet Insistence No Soviet Reply CHICAGO W)
on secrecy was the main cause for Eaton received no direct re- Democratic National
the failure of every East-West sponse from Zorin to this ques- yesterday expressed t
discussion of disarmament since tion: "Is the Soviet Union, despite religion will not be
World War II. .its boasts of strength and superi- the choice of either
The Soviet Union rejected this ority, afraid to accept inspection or a Vice-President.
view. on equal terms with the West?
Acts as Spokesman Or does the Soviet Union have Butler told a new
somehin tohid of hic it ishe sees no difference
Eaton, acting as spokesman for something to hide of which It is two offices in that res
all the five Western delegations, ashamed?"
said no progress was possible at The Western powers insist that omuyl eorpaeCht
this conference as long as the disarmament must be carried out President but not for
Soviet bloc refuses to discuss ef- under international controls re-
fective controls to insure com- quiring a certain abandonment of Butler said those
pliance with a disarmament military secrecy, Eaton said. "not exercising very
treaty. ;Secrecy of Aggressors ment, and added: "I
The six-week-old conference has "To us--and to the rest of the disqualified for Presi
been at a standstill since it began. on-looking world, I am sure-itsenisf isqalife
Each side rejected the other's seems incontrovertible that se- wine is, disqualified fo
disarmament plan. The West said crecy is the aggressor's cloak," he dent."
the Soviet plan was too vague on said. The chairman, a R
controls. "The world cannot help but feel olic, reiterated the h-
The Soviet Union and its allies deep anxiety about the threat of man's religion would
said the Western plan was all concealed bases from which de- campaign for the n'
control and too little disarma- struction could be launched in Butler denied that
ment. secret against countries anywhere said, publicly or pr
April Adjournment on the globe. It is this secret Sen. John Kennedy
The conference is scheduled to threat-which gives rise to fear chusetts had the
adjourn April 29 to permit the and suspicion among people - nomination in the b
Big Four heads of government to which must be laid to rest by an , Kennedy, also a RI
seek a way out of the deadlock at equitable system of international. olic, has urged that
the summit meeting opening in control before the world can eliminated from the
Paris on May 16. Disarmament is breathe easily again." President.
one of the three agreed items on
the summit agenda.
Soviet delegate Valerian Zorin
said Eaton's remarks were mis-
leading and unjustified.
The Soviet delegate said the
West insists on priority for riego-
tiation of control measures only Second Front Pav e

ROCKY BOOSTS NIXON-Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York,
proposed candidate for President (left), heaped praises upon
Richard M. Nixon, front-running candidate for the Republican
nomination, last night but refused to give the Vice-President his

"We must be pioneers once again.
-political pioneers-pioneers ofI

son, the Democratic Presidential
candidate of 1952 and 1956 made

peace . . . we must be imagina- I in Charlottesville, Va., last week.I

tive and creative in working with
other peoples to seek common ob-
jectives and join in common ef-
Curiously the speech sounded
much like the one Adlai Steven-

But there was an important dif-
ference. Rockefeller didn't put the
blame for our difficulties on.any-
one, whereas Stevenson claimed
the Eisenhower administration had
failed to provide leadership.

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Hope Forlorn
But for those supporters who
still cling to a forlorn hope that
somehow Rockefeller may yet pull
the political upset of the century
and win the nomination, he had
chilling words.
"I am not a candidate," he said,
"nor will I be."
Rockefeller's speech was a long
look at the future, and a call for
"In the revolutionary times
through which we pass," he said,
"we shall be the creators of cir-
cumstances-or we shall be its
Rockefeller's theme:
UrgTes )Press
Stevenson said yesterday "if the
people are complacent and uncon-
cerned about the good health of.
our system the press must share
the blame."
The titular head of the Demo-
cratic Party added in an address
prepared for a meeting of the
American Society of Newspaper
"I am not concerned with the
Republican partisanship of the
press, but I am profoundly con-
cerned with its respect for the
party system and its obligation to
help make it work effectively."
Stevenson said that "the gov-
ernment, the ins, must be meas-
ured by the same standards of
responsibility as the opposition,
the outs, and the press must call
'em as it sees 'em, not as it would
like to see 'em."
"Large sections of opinion are
skeptical of polticians and politi-
cal opposition needs to be rein-
forced about specific evils or vir-
tues. I am even going to resist any
temptation to berate you for un-
equal treatment of Republicans
and Democrats in the news.
"Nor will I mention your ill-
concealed zeal at certain sacrificial
festivals in recent years. Instead I
just want to exploit today's mood
of mutual forgiveness and charity
by reminding you that a respon-
sible press can be a great help to
the opposition by giving it an
adequate hearing."
Stevenson, twice defeated as the
Democratic presidential nominee,
added that "if responsible news
reporting is essential to an effec-
tive opposition, an irresponsible or,
frivolous press obstructs the sys-
tem and dvierts the public."







State and Huron Streets, Tel. NO 8-6881
Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister
Rev. Gene Ransom, Minister to students
9:00 and 11:15 P.M. Morning worship, "Je-
sus' way out is all we have left." Dr. Frank
C. Laubach preaching.
10:15 A.M. Christian dating, courtship and
marriage class. Gene Ransom. The Pine
5:30 P.M. Fellowship supper. Pine Room.4Oc.
7:15 P.M. "Why Literacy is so important,"
Dr. Frank C. Laubach, Sanctuary.
306 North Division St.
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and sermon.
11:00 A.M. Order of confirmation and sermon.
5:00 P.M. Supper.
5:30 P.M. Program.
7:00 P.M. Evening prayer.
YMCA Building, 110 N. 4th Ave.
Rev. Raymond Weiss, pastor. NO 3-0348
10:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. Rev. Lawrence
Borst of Oakdale Park Reformed Church,
Grand Rapids, will be the guest speaker
at both services.
11:20 A.M. Student Bible Class

1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Schelps, Pastor
David E. Schramm, Vicar
William F. Eifrig, Director of Music
9:15 and 10:45 A.M. Worship Services and
sermon, "Doubting Thomases" and Bible
6:00 P.M. Gamma Delta Lutheran Student Club
Supper and Program.
1432 Washtenaw NO 2-3580
Wm. S. Baker, Campus Pastor.
Patricia Pickett, Raia Nasr, counselors
Sunday morning worship at 9:00, 10:30 &
11 :50. Radar or Gyroscope-Dr. Kuizenga
Seminar at 10:30-1 Corinthians, Lewis Room.
Student Coffee Hours at 11:30 - Library
Lounge & Lewis Room.
PSF Program-7:00-"The Meaning of Wor-
ship." Discussion, Lewis Room.
Tuesday 9-11 p.m. Coffee and discussion, 217
S. Observatory.
Friday 6:30 p.m. Grad Group supper and pro-
gram. "Existentialism" -- Bob Rikkers,
speaker. Lewis Room.
Corner State and Huron St.
William C. Bennett, Pastor
April 24-27, 1960.
8:45 Mr. Gordon Pullen, Nigeria.
10:00 Missionary Speakers in all S.S. Depart-
11:00 Rev. Robert Campbell, Nigeria.
7:00 Panel Discussion. "The Challenge of a
Changing Africa."x
7:30 Monday thru Wednesday services.
(American Baptist Student Fellowship)
512 East Huron
Dr. Chester H. Loucks, and the Rev. Hugh
D. Pickett, Ministers
9:45 A.M. Student Bible class.
11:00 A.M.rChurch Worship, "I Have Chosen
You."Dr. Ralph Nichols, preacher.
6:00 P.M. Supper in Campus Center.
7:15 P.M. Dr. Frank Loubach speaking in the
Methodist Church.

William and Thompson Streets
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant
Sunday Masses 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M., 12:00
noon and 12:30 P.M.
Holyday Masses 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00
A.M., 12:00 noon and 5:10 P.M.
Weekday Masses 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00
- A.M. and 12:00 noon.
Novena Devotions: Wed. evening, 7:30.
Rosary and Litany Daily at 5:10 P.M.
Classes in Catholic Doctrine, Philosophy, Church
History, Scripture, Medical Ethics and
Nursing Ethics taught at the Center on
Weekday evenings.
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Dr. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor
9:00 & 11:00 A.M. Worship Services.
7:30 P.M. Bach Cantata No. 6. Chapel Choir,
Soloists and Orchestra.
411 Fountain Street
Rev. William Nicholas, Pastor
and Student Advisor. NO 3-0698
9:45 A.M. Sunday School.
11:00 A.M. Morning Warship.
6:30 P.M. Training Union.
7:30 P.M. Evening Worship.
Aides leave Lane Hall at 9:30 A.M. and 6:15
P.M. ,Wed. 9:30 P.M.
Mid-week prayer service Tues. and Friday 5:15
B.S.U. Vesper, Lane Hall cooperating with
Southern Baptist Convention.
W. Stadium at Edgwood
Lester F. Allen, Minister
10:00 A.M. Bible School.
11:00 A.M. Regular Worship.
6:30 P.M. Evening Worship.
7:30 P.M. Bible Study
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister
10:45 A.M. Sermon, "The Challenge of Inde-
pendence." Edwardo Mondlane.
7:00 P.M. Loud Lecture, Methodist Church,
Dr. Frank Laubach.



- I

(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
The Reverend Leonard Verduin, pastor
10:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service.
11:15 A.M. Coffee Hour.
7:00 P.M. Vesper Worship Service.
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Avenue
Ernest R. Klaudt, Pastor
Orville H. Schroer, Parish Minister.
10:45 A.M. Worship Service, Ernest Klaudt.
7:00 P.M LoudbLecture, Methodist Church.
Dr. Frank. Laubach.


1833 Washtenow Ave.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A M. Sunday Morning Service
A free reading room is maintained at 306 E.
Liberty. Reading room hours are 10:00

1416 Hill Street
NO 2-9890
9:30 A.M. Adult Discusiion Group,




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