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April 23, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-23

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S r4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Present conditions to continue
with little change

Y1Vi~ U1L1NT~5

VA!,. LXX, No. 141




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Michigras 0 Marches in with Parade (

of Toy














Raps False Peace Parleys

To Discuss
Premier Sees U.S.
As Promoting Peace
WASHINGTON OA') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower - without
any specific mention of the Rus-
sians -- last night told a state
dinner for French P r e s i d e n t
Charles de Gaulle that "many
people talk about peace who are
not talking honestly" about a just
In response, de Gaulle had kind
words for the American President.
He said the United States and
France are trying to open a path
to peace at a time "when danger
hovers over the peoples."
Review Summit Plans
Earlier, Eisenhower reviewed
Eats - West problems with de
Gaulle in a 70 -minute talk in
their four-day round of strategy
Eisenhower, who accorded the
French leader a gala reception on
his arrival at National Airport
from Canada, said he had a "very
good conversation" with de
In his remarks at the White
House afir, Eienhower said he
and de Gaulle, at the end of
World War II, learned certain
things about peace.
Uneasy Peace
"One is that there is no peace
merely because the cannon are
still," Eisenhower declared.
Then, alluding quite likely to
Russian officials perhaps among
others, Eisenhower added:
"Another is that many people
talk about peace who are not
talking honestly, except as they
conceive of a peace as a condition
in which their opponents must
surrender their privileges and
rights and live in a state of serf-
Eienhower's remarks came with
the Paris Summit conference with
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
just three weeks off-and against
the background of Soviet demands
regarding West Berlin.
g Unforgettable Truth'
In a toast, de Gaulle said his
Washington welcome demonstrated
what he called an unforgettable
truth. The Foreign President set
it forth this way:
"When the world is troubled,
when danger hovers over the
peoples, when those in authority
face the task at one and the same
time of opening the path of peace
and finding the means to safe-
guard the right of man to liberty,
this moral and political force con-
stituted by the natural agreement
of our two countries has a worth
and an impact that are unparal-
In the earlier talks, the two
leaders met in Eisenhower's White
House office with only their in-
terprters present.
To Resume Tomorrow
James C. Hagerty, White House
press secretary, said de Gaulle and
Eisenhower would resume the for-
mal phase of their pre-summit re-
view tomorrow and Monday.
De Gaulle was reported ready
to urge a stern no-concessions
approach in dealing with Soviet
Premier Khrushchev on the press-
ing Berlin problem.
To Continue
This Weekend

Students protesting Negro dis-
crimination are scheduled to dem-
onstrate against three local stores

Speaker Outlines
Pacifist's Position



"Civilization must immediately
abandon the tradition of violence
if the human race is to survive and
build a unique social structure
based on needs which are peculiar
to it.'
This was the ultimatum de-
livered by David McReynolds, edi-
torial sectary of Liberation
magazine, at a meeting of the
Democratic Socialists in the Un-
ion last night.
McReynolds, who is on a speak-
U.S. Charg+e
Caled Fals
HAVANA ()-Prime Minister
Fidel Castro on TV last night
charged that recent remarks by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Secretary of State Herter
were part of a "well prepared and
premeditated plan" to create an
internal front against the Castro
He rejected Eisenhower's charge
that he has "betrayed" the Cuban
Ike Warns Chileans
In a letter to the Chilean Stu-
dents Federation earlier this
month Eisenhower warned against
Communism and said democratic
ideas of the Cuban revolution were
benig betrayed. In a reply at San-
tiago, Chile, the Chilean students
contended a true revolutionary
process is developing in Cuba.
Claiming a long list of achieve-
ments, many of which have hurt,
American investments here, the
bearded Cuban Prime Minister
declared if these had not been
carried out "that would have been
a betrayal of the Cuban revolu-I
tion and its people."
Call Castro Friend
"If we had not done this Eisen-
hower would have called us friends
of democracy and might have
given us the same embrace he
gave Francisco Franco (of
He disclosed that Cuba offered
Venezuela 1,000 men to help put
down an invasion by insurgents
coming across the Colombian bor-
der earlier this week.
When word of the uprising was
heard here, the Cuban government
quickly offered the Venezuelan
government armed support, but an
exact figure of the amount of aid
was not then disclosed. Venezuela
crushed the uprising.

ing tour for the Student Peace Un-
ion, explained the position that
war is now politically as well as
morally unfeasible, because "we
now are in danger of destroying
ourselves completely."
Emphasizes Youth
He emphasized the role of youth
for leadership in advocating paci-
fism and doing away with violence,
giving as an example the leader
ship of young Negro students in
the Southern states in the struggle
for integration.
"The only group that can grow,
up overnight to create a new so-
ciety is youth," he said.
"Adults do not realize what age
they live in," he went on. "The'
average adult today lives in an
old world--a world in which war
was sometimes politically expedi-
Student Treatment
"American students are treated
as students and accept that treat-
ment," he said. "A person is not
thought fit for politics until he is
50, and old men are deemed wise.
The last place I want old men is,
in politics."I
McReynolds traced briefly the
history of civilization by listing
five major revolutions - in popu-
lation distribution, industry, poli-
tics and technology. Another revo-
lution, which he called extra-ter-
restrial, will lead people to identify'
with the planet, rather than small-
er land areas.
He admitted that his hope for
an end to violence is largely ir-
rational, for "man has never, when
civilized, lived at peace."
"No God will intervene to save
us if we make a mistake," he
"We must undergo a maturity
in political thinking," he con-
tinued.' "Political concepts must
combine with religious ideas of the
sanctity of human life, which are
now practical politics."
Life Is Conflict
"The nature of human life is
conflict. There is always suffering
with change, but the pacifist must
find a way to constructively and
creatively solve conflicts."
"The pacifist must attempt to
take upon himself the suffering by
absorbing it and not passing it
on." Again he cited the case of the
non-violent resistance to discrimi-
nation of the Southern Negroes.
"On the verge of creating a new
civilization - one based on peculi-
arly human values, rather than
merely survival-we are faced with
an elemental problem, presented
by our technological advances,"
he said.

Tuition Rise
Not Resolved
By Regents
The Board of Regents took no
action on expected fee increases
for University students at their
meeting yesterday.
"The Regents have not yet re-
solved the question," President
Harlan Hatcher said after the
meeting. "We have no announce-
ment to make."
President Hatcher agreed that
next month's Regents' meeting
was rather late to be discussing
fee increases.
"We are all worried about the
situation and hope to get it re-
solved at the earliest possible
date," he added.
The Regents also received re-
ports of budgets totalling $1,845,-
570, initiated since March 18.
Research grants and contracts
accounted for $1,591,786 of the
total. Other categories were: in-
structional programs, $288,299;
students aid $15,985; and admin-
istration and service activities,
The Federal government pro-
vided $1,328,620 of the total, while
grants from foundations account-
ed for $280,395 and industry and
individuals gave $142,386. The re-
mainder came from state and
local government, student fees,
endowments and service charges.
The State Legislature will con-
sider and is expected to approve
a $35.2 million budget for the Uni-
versity when it reconvenes on
May 11.
The Regents also were told that
the University far outstrips all
other state universities in the
country in the amount of funds
available for student loans.
Vice - President William Pier-
pont told the meeting that Michi-
gan has more than five million
dollars in cash and capital ear-
marked for student aid.
The only schools having a
greater student loan fund are Har-
vard and the Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology.
Pierpont explained that Michi-
gan has $2,200,000 in its student
loan fund, another $2 million for
student scholarships from private
gifts, grants and endowments,
plus $700,000 in state supported
grants for student help.
In other action, the Regents
accepted gifts, grants and bequests
totaling $470,984.
Largest item in the package was
a $350,000 grant from the Ford
Foundation for research and eval-
uation over a six-year period for
a juvenile delinquency prevention
program being carried out by Chi-
cago Boys' Club.

THE BIG BLOCKS on the left started the Michigras parade yesterday. They were the parade contribution of the Michigras Central
Committee, and they spelled out the name of the weekend. Twenty-seven floats followed the blocks, as well as many other attractions,
including seven high school bands, the Michigan Marching Band, stunt riding acts, a calliope, and dozens of clowns like the one on the

Crowds Enjoy Bands, Floats
and a blue crib with children in freshman girls' wide-eyed com-
Bands blared, children squealed blue sleepers, all blazed in the ments and the senior man's
and1 toys came to life yesterday, as spring sunlight. studied, bored sardonicisms rose
Ann Arbor turned into Never- But, since this was a college the music of Michigras.
Neverland for the Michigras 1960 parade, not all of the floats were First there was the marching
parade. aimed at the supposed innocent band, with its bright, sharp sound.
Leading off the train of fantasy childish consciousness. Although Then there were several high
was the Michigan Marching Band. there was no civil rights float, the school bands, playing with that
It caught the attention of the world scene did intrude on the special brand of fervor and ex-
waiting spectators, and satisfied parade, in the form of a Fidel pression which is their unique
their impatience for a moment, by Castro tank, significantly pink, style.
playing the standard school songs, which shot at the judges. Bagpipers March
without which no parade is com- Girls Too Next were the bagpipers, giving
plete. Appealing on a different level out with the eerie, high, whining
Then there was a pause in the was a ship manned by girls in sound which, it is said, can only
parade, while many eyes strained sailor suits. A fellow standing in be appreciated after a lifetime of
to see the next attraction; sud- front remarked, "the navy was listening. The spectators all heard
denly the giant building blocks, never like this." them coming from far away, and
which were the Michigras Central Then there were the audience one of the children asked what the
Comitee' ionaein- participation floats. The specta- funny sound was.
to view, announen tors did not exactly mean to be And, of course, three was the
The magic had begun, participating, but it turned out jazz band, playing the Dixieland,
Giant Toys Parade that way. the Charleston music, the Rock
Children, sitting on their fath- There was the whale which and Roll, which is the college
ers' shoulders, saw wonders as squirted water. A girl standing idiom.
their favorite toys and dolls came nearby remarked that she just The music mixed with the
by, suddenly ballooned into giant knew he would squirt her way. warmth of the late afternoon, the
size. Unfortunately she was right. The exotic colors, the strange motions
Raggedy Ann was there, riding water craze caught on, and the and the heads and shoulders of
on a black toy train. Out of pic- next float bore a parader with a people which constantly pressed
turebooks came a Dr. Seuss char- water machine gun and a fiendish in upon the spectators, into a
acter, a wierd duck-like beast with gleam in the eyes, strange motley.
yellow body, orange beak, and a Dragon Puffs Smoke Spectacle Ends
purple train, which fortunately A cloud of smoke issued out Then suddenly more Michigras
never inhabited any place but the towards the spectators periodically building blocks came into view, and
imagination. from the mouth of a medium-sized the parade was over. Tired chil-
If the more romantic little girls, dragon, who waved his claws in a dren clamored down from shoul-
and big ones, could peer around, vaguely menacing way. -No one, ders and up from seats on the
over or below a few heads, they not even the children, seemed curb; college students climbed
could see Cinderella's pumpkin much afraid. down from their strange perches,
coach, complete with wind - up And, amid the noise, and the and disentangled themselves from
white mice which were Volkes- crowd's murmurs, the children's the crowd.People turned away, al-
wagens in disguise, and official squeals, the parents' sighs, the ready thinking about dinner.
looking footmen.
Jack-in-the-Boxes w
Of Jack-In-the-boxes there were Court Ruing Sets Release
two, one traditional, and one
which gave out a large but nervous
laugh, due to the fact that it fN orth C arolma1 e- Is
opened to emit a green hand,"
which grabbed a victim poised
near the box. The inluence of late, RALEIGH, N.C. (A)-A United States Supreme Court ruling that
late movies was being felt. . a sidewalk-even on private property-is open the public brought dis-
Childhood is colorful, and so, in missal of trespass charges against 43 Negro students yesterday.
keeping with the theme, color But the trespass convictions of two other Negro college students
abounded. Red rocking horses and
wooden soldiers; yellow ducks, stood.
caterpillars and sandcastles; a The difference in the two episodes, said Superior Court Judge
green turtle and a greener dragon; Jack W. Hooks, is "that one happened on the sidewalk and the other
Thappened in the store." He told

New Raid
Nets 200

In Langa
CAPE TOWN M -- Another
sweeping raid netted 200 more
arrests yesterday as the govern-
ment pressed its crackdown on
unemployed Negroes and those
lacking the hated pass books re-
quired of all nonwhites.
About 1,000 soldiers and police
covered by guns of seven armored
trucks, made the arrests in the
big Langa Negro settlement out
side Cape Town. No incidents were
reported by officers, who said they
seized a large number of knives
and clubs along with a sizeable
quantity of illegal liquor,
While the raid was under way,
Justice Minister Francois Erasmus
told parliament that some 1,600
political leaders opposing the gov-
ernment's white supremacy laws
have been jailed since racial strife
Among them are 94 whites.
The political arrests were made
under the broad powers of a state
of emergency proclamation issued
March 30.
In addition, thousands of Afri-
cans have been picked up on
counts of vagrancy, illegal resi-
dence and failure to possess pass
The pass law was tagged the
single factor behind the recent
violence in South Africa by the
Anglican bishop of Johannesburg
last night.
"The Africans are prepared to
use non-violent means to get rid
.of the pass law," B.ishop Ambrose
Reeves told television viewers in
London. He fled there, he said,
because he had reason to believe
he was about to be arrested in
South Africa.
The bishop called the pass law
an indignity. He said it requires
every African to carry a book with
him containing the facts of his
existence, where he can or cannot
work, and in effect is a set of eco-
nomic and political handcuffs.
Meanwhile, an inquiry commis-
sion heard more testimony in the
bloody incident that set off South
Africa's racial violence-the police
slaying of 67 Negroes at Sharpe-
vile last month.
Police Lt. J. C. Visser told the
commission that "shooting seemed
the only solution and I was not
surprised when I heard the police
open fire."
Bomb Control
Seen Weak
WASHINGTON (o) - Congres-
sional hearings on a nuclear test
ban ended yesterday with an esti-
mate that the control systein now
envisaged could not detect an un-
derground blast of five times the
power of the Hiroshima bomb.

'M'Nine Defeats Illint, 8-5 in Conference Opener
The opening of Big Ten competition failed to quiet Michigan's
booming bats as the Wolverines defeated Illinois, 8-5, in the Confer-
ence opener yesterday at Ferry Field.
: y This afternoon at 1:30 Michigan will host Purdue in a double-
header. The Boilermakers lost 9-2 to Michigan State in the only other
Big Ten action yesterday.
The Wolverines, who were batting .325 going into the contest,
expected a rough time at the hands of All-American Terry Gellinger,
who was undefeated in collegiate competition last year. After three
scoreless innings, however, Michigan began unloading base hits and
bombarded Gellinger and his successor Norm Skikas for eight runs
and nine hits in the next four innings.
Koch's Control Good
Al Koch started on the mound for Michigan and was in control
at all times except in the third when Illinois put five hits back to
back for three runs and again in the ninth, when he tired, allowing
r two runs and loading bases before giving way to Denny McGinn.
McGinn came in the ninth with the bases loaded and two out

the freed students, "If you had
gotten in the store and carried on
the same type of conduct as on the
sidewalk, you would be just as
guilty as these two."
The 43 were arrested in Febru-
Ary on a sidewalk in the privately
owned Cameron Village shopping
center here. Two oi them testified
they were attempting to stage a
lunch counter demonstration in a
Woolworth store, but were foiled
when the manager clqsed the
At the end of testimony in the
trial of the first four of the 43,
Negro attorneys cited a 1946
United States Supreme Court deci-
sion and asked for dismissal. That
decision reversed the trespass con-
viction of Grace Marsh for dis-
tributing Jehovah's Witnesses re-
ligious literature on the streets of
a company-owned town, Chicka-
saw, Ala.
Concedes No Case
Judge Hooks granted the mo-
tion after Solicitor (Prosecutor)

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