Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Partly cloudy tonight,
southerly breezes.
See Page 4
VOL. LXX, No. 140
. I I
NEW RADAR -- President Harlan Hatcher talks with Prof.
William Boyd, director of Willow Run Laboratories, at a luncheon
at which the new type of portable, ground-based radar unit
which the Laboratories have recently developed was unveiled.
Show Radar Unit
At 'U'Laboratory
Ground-Based Device Would Follow
Distant Troops, Supply Movements
A revolutionary portable ground-based radar device for detecting
moving targets, now in its final stages of development by the Uni-
versity's Willow Run Laboratories in cooperation with the United
States Army Signal Corps, was unveiled yesterday at a luncheon at
Willow Run Airport.
Prof. Joseph A. Boyd, head of research and development at the
Willow Run Laboratories, said the system, placed on a vantage point
far from enemy lines, would allow the operator to follow troop and
Cites Dialect
Similarities found in Slavic lan-
guages are not at a widely differ-
ing literal level, but at the popu-
lar levels of dialect, Prof. Boris o.
Unbegaun, in his discussion of
"Language and Civilization in the
Slavic World" last night.
Prof. Unbegaum is a visiting
professor at Columbia University,
... Slavic language expert
who has taught comparative Sla-
vonic philology at Oxford Univer-
sity since 1953.
Prof. Unbegaun considered his
conclusion regarding the similar-
ity of Slavic dialectical speech his
most significant one. He contrasts
this feature of the Slavic langu-
ages with the Romance tongues in
which the literal level is more
widely intelligible to two speakers
of different languages.
The Slavic dialects conserve the
basic phonetics of the root langu-
aoge, but the phonetics of the
Romance languages destroy the
Latin word.
A second conclusion reached by
Prof. Unbegaum is that the growth
of the Slavic literal language de-
pends upon the social and his-
torical conditions of the time.
'Friends' Plan
To Circulate
SANE Petition
The Young Friends will spon-
sor a booth on the Diag Monday
and Tuesday in an attempt to
obtain signatures supporting a
moratorium on nuclear testing.
movements in enemy territory
many miles distant.
Prof. Boyd said the system can
distinguish between tanks, other
vehicles, and troops by means of
both audio and visual signals
transmitted to the operator.
Plot Movements
By translating the signals onto
paper, the operator can plot all
movements in a wide area in any
weather. The only hindrance is
the terrain, since the unit func-
tions on a line of sight basis.
The portable radar unit fulfills
the requirements for effective
combat equipment, since it is
"lightweight, portable, easy to
maintain and can be set up in
about 20 minutes by three men,"
Prof. Boyd added.
"Details of the project are still
classified material, and will be
released within a few weeks,"
Prof. Boyd stated.
University President H a r la n
Hatcher, main speaker at the
luncheon, commended the work
of "Project Michigan," instituted
in 1953, and termed such research
and development projects "the
distinguishing feature of a univer-
sity of this kind."
University Story
"These developments constitute
the story of the University, and
we are significantly pleased by
this advancement," President Hat-
cher said. "University funds are
being well spent if we can an-
nounce an advancement such as
this every few years."
Noting that many graduates,
undergraduates, and faculty mem-
bers are participating in the pro-
gram, Hatcher said Project Mich-
igan "is extremely important part-
time wprk for students, since they
are exposed to modern problems
in their fields."
After Action
Board Votes
By Faculty
Turns Down Request
Of Academic Senate
The Michigan State University
Board of Trustees yesterday voted
four to two to continue compul-
sory military training at MSU.
This vote was a final decision
on the question of abolishing the
program, originally raised by stu-
dents through the "Michigan State
News" and later brought up in the
faculty senate, which voted 400
to 248 in favor of abolishing the
program by 1961.
Under the system presently in
force at MSU, all able-bodied
male, non-veteran students are
required to enroll in the Reserve
Officers Training Corps program
(ROTC) for their freshman and
sophomore years.
They then have the option of
continuing in the program or not.
Program In Effect
This same compulsory program
is in effect at 167 other American
colleges and universities, while
many others offer ROTC on a
purely voluntary basis.
While voting to continue com-
pulsory ROTC, the Trustees ad-
mitted the possibility of changing
the program, asking the faculty
to submit recommendations for
changes which they would like
instituted in the program.
Editor Susan Price of the "State
News" said that this seemed to be
due to general agreement among
the Trustees that the program
could be improved upon, or the
controversy would never have
come up.
"State News" Night Editor Wil-
liam Kielman said that many stu-
dents were "indignant" at the de-
cision, and plans were being form-
ulated for a march on the state
capitol in protest.
Requirements Met
During the debate on the issue,
Warren M. Huff said: "We are
deeply involved in a cold war now
-it could be a fatal mistake for
this Board to do away with com-
pulsory ROTC."
"Any program that is compul-
sory just doesn't keep up with the
times," Don Stevens answered. "It
is against the fundamental dem-
ocratic principles."
Citing the stand of Assistant
Secretary of Defense Charles C.
Finucane that the choice should
be left to the individual schools,
Jan B. Vanderploeg said that "na-
tional requirements can be met
without compulsory ROTC."
Regents May
Discuss Fees
The Regents will hold their
monthly meeting today.
A possible fee raise for both in-
state and out-state University stu-
dents is expected to come up for
The agenda includes appoint-
ments to the chairmanships of
several departments, changes in
the administrative handling of the
University's Fresh Air Camp and
the granting of leaves of absence.
O n2
Still Open
To Query
Investigation continues today
concerning two of the 15 anti-
discrimination demonstrators ap-
prehended here Saturday, with the
group's attorney from Pontiac
scheduled to examine the situa-
tion first hand.
City police have not as yet made
known the names of the two dem-
onstrators still under investiga-
David E. Utley, Pontiac attorney
retained by 15 demonstrators Sat-
urday, told The Daily last night
he planned to travel to Ann Arbor
today to make a study of certain
irregularities apparent in the pro-
Charged or Dismissed
He questioned the manner in
which the investigation is being
conducted. "Those students should
not be held under investigation for
such a period of time," he ex-
plained. "They should be charged
with dispatch or else dismissed."
Both the city police detective
bureau and assistant city attorney
Samuel J. Elden said yesterday
their investigations are still in-
The detectives are checking wit-
nesses who had observed the two
demonstrators (who were later ar-
rested together) and the assistant
city attorney plans more legal re-
search, Elden said.
Reneging Agreement
"Apparently someone is reneg-
ing on the agreement we made
Tuesday," Utley said, referring to
his conference with the assistant
city attorney and Attorney Harold
Norris of the American Civil Lib-
erties Union, Detroit.
"At that time we found certain
decisions by the Supreme Court
which in effect make the ordinance
governing scattering of bills not
apply, because it conflicts with the
First Amendment.
"As for the ordinance governing
littering, we contended littering
was done by the recipients of the
leaflets, not by those handing them
out, and not in the immediate
The 15 arrested Saturday were
among over 50 who were picket-
ing three Ann Arbor chain store
branches-the S. S. Kresge Co.,
the F. W. Woolworth Co., and The
Cousins Shop. They were distrib-
uting handbills explaining - why
they were picketing and asking
support for their protest.
Candidates Deny Religious Issue
...not 'Catholic candidate'
F. Kennedy (D-Mass) ripped into
the religious issue yesterday with
the assertion that he is not "a
Catholic candidate for president."
Following Kennedy to the plat-
form before the American Society
of Newspaper Editors, Sen. Hubert
H. Humphrey (D-Minn) denounc-
ed those who have injected relig-
ion into the Democratic presi-
dential nomination contest.1
Humphrey said he doesn't want
to be nominated by anti-Catholic
votes and wouldn't want to be
president if that meant his party
would be split in a controversy
over sects.
Humphrey, a Congregationalist,
is battling Kennedy in predomin
Students Get
Four University students have
received Fulbright Scholarships
for study abroad during the 1960-
61 school year.
Martin M. Herman, Grad., has
received an award for the study of
musicology at the University of
Paris, Faculte des Lettres.
Thomas R. Detwyler, '60, will
study botany at the University of
Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand.
Robert G. Crowder, '61, will
study psychology at the Univer-
sity of Bordeaux and Faculte des
Lettres in Paris, France.
Gerald R. Humel, Grad., has re-
ceiver an award for the study of
music composition at Hochschule
fuer Musik in Berlin, Germany.
The University's winners were
recommended by the campus Ful-
bright committee and the Insti-
tute of International Education.
antly Protestant West Virginia.
Kennedy's religion has become an
issue in the campaign preceding
the May 10 primary.
Presents Program
Without mentioning this ques-
tion, Sen. Stuart Symington (D-
Mo) laid out before the editors a
program to boost the nation's
economic and defensive strength
to meet the world challenge "for
economic and ideological sur-
vival." Symington also is a candi-
date for the Democratic presiden-
tial nomination but is not entered
in the West Virginia primary.
Kennedy, in an emotion-charg-
ed talk that kept the editors list-
ening intently, ticked off a long
list of reasons why he said his
Catholicism should not handicap
his bid for the presidency.
He got rousing applause when
he ended. When no questions were
forthcoming from the audience,
ASNE president J. R. Wiggins,
executive editor of the Washington
Post, told Kennedy: "I don't know
if you have silenced your critics,
but you have silenced questions."
Votes In Senate
Kennedy began with the asser-
tion that "I do not speak for the
Catholic church on issues of pub-
lic policy-and no one in that
church speaks for me." He said
he had voted often in the Senate
against the wishes of many Cath-
"The fact is," he said, "that the
Catholic church is not a monolith
-it is committed in this country
to the principles of individual lib-
erty-and it has no claim over my
conduct as a public officer sworn
to do the public interest."
The Massachusetts senator said
he isn't asking any voter to sup-
port him just to prove that the
American people aren't bigoted.
"I have never suggested that
those opposed to me are thereby
anti-Catholic," he said. "There
... denies religious issue
are legitimate grounds for sup-
porting other candidates.
"Nor have I ever suggested that
the Democratic party is required
to nominate me or face a Catholic
revolt in November. I do not be-
lieve that to be true. ..."
Kennedy called "highly dis-
tasteful" suggestions that he quit
the presidential nomination race
and accept second place on the
He said that "assumes that
Catholics are a pawn on the polit-
ical chess-board, moved hither
and yon, and somehow 'bought
off' by the party putting in the
party barred from the top."
Kennedy said the "only legiti-
mate question that could be asked
second spot a Catholic whom the
was: "Would you, as President of
the United States be responsive
in any way to ecclesiastical pres-
sures or obligations of any kind
that might in any fashion influ-
ence or interfere with your con-
duct of that office in the national'
"I have answered that question
many times," he said. "My answer
was and is 'no'."
Expect Ike
To Approve
Law Aims To Help
Negroes' Franchise
WASHINGTON (f-The House,
with a 288-95 roll call and a
figurative sigh of relief, passed the
1960 Civil Rights bill yesterday
and sent it to President Dwight D.
Eisenhower. -
The bill, which aims primarily
at helping Southern Negroes vote,
has been the most time-consum-
ing and talked-over issue Congress
has tackled this year.
Its passage left Congress free
to whip through the rest of its
work and adjourn before the na-
tional political conventions in
July. No other legislative issue is
likely to require nearly as much
There was no doubt Eisenhower
would sign the bill. He had al-
ready passed the word he was
satisfied with it and yesterday his
Attorney General, William P. Rog-
ers, issued a statement saying:
Substantial Impact
"Its impact, once the expected
legal challenges have been dis-
posed of in the normal judicial
process, will be substantial, I be-
lieve, both in establishing the
right to vote of those who have
been discriminated against on ac-
count of race or color and by de-
terring future discriminations by
persons acting under color of
state law."
The bill goes further than de-
sired by Southern members of
Congress, but not nearly as far as
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
and some othr supporters wished.
In putting it together, Congress
refused to grant broad authority
for the United States Attorney
General to bring injunction suits
in support of Civil Rights gen-
erally. Tabled, and killed, were
proposals to declare the Supreme
Court's 1954 opinion against seg-
regation -in the schools to be the
"supreme law of the land" and to
grant federal aid to communities
complying with the court decision.
Calls Bill 'Fraud'
The NAACP has called the bill
a fraud and said it actually "makes
it harder and not easier for Ne-
groes to vote."
On the final roll call the ques-
tion was whether the House should
accept Senate amendments, which
were generally not substantial, and
send the bill straight to the White
The majority of 288 was made
up of 165 Democrats and 123 Re-
publicans. On the losing side were
83 Democrats and 12 Republicans.
Had the motion not carried, the
bill might have been delayed an
indefinite time in the House and
in any House-Senate committee
set up to compromise the two dif-
ferent versions.
Exam Debate
Set for May
Thursday, May 12, was selected
as the date for the student-faculty
conference on senior year compre-
hensive examinations by the liter-
ary college steering committee last
The conference, "not just a lec-
ture or a stylized debate," as Asso-
ciate Dean James H. Robertson
put it, will feature a panel discus-
sion followed by audience ques-
tions and comment on the bene-
,_. ,.,
Michigras Preparations Metamorphize Fte
Council To Aid Fund Drive,
Refuses To Support Koch
Student Government Council voted aid to Southern Students'
Fund Drive and turned down a move to write a letter supporting
Prof. Leo Koch, former University of Illinois professor, at its last
It approved the motion by League President Katy Johnson, '60,
to give $100 to the Fund Drive, the money coming from Homecoming
It also approved Miss Johnson's motion that it should send
letters to all "student organizations and housing units informing
them of the Council's concern
that this campus' student groups
financially aid our fellow students
in the South."
Move Defeated
ld n o u se Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent John Trost, '61, asked that
the Council request only "con-
HAWLEY sideration," with no reference to
money. His move was defeated as
s a huge, bright, unreal whirlwind the Council passed the original
for Michigras reached its peak. motion.
bermuda shorts and tennis shoes The Koch motion, offered by
smells of smoke, paint, sawdust Roger Seasonwein, '61, was de-
the air. feated twice. First time around,
boomed from one set of speakers, SGC President John Feldkamp,
irman competed through another '61, broke a tie to the negative,
as loud; both were unintelligible. and after Seasonwein asked a re-
ring, painting, giving orders or 11 to 5
wingly built a framework around Seasonwein argued "whether or
escape. not we agree with Koch's views,
e stands a wierd panorama of he has a right to express them as
f. long as they are not incitive or
forty-foot-high set of alphabet obscene."
Y," an abbreviation for "To Our Tie In Letter
4ichigras. Al Haber, '60, and acting Daily
hild make of the scene? A group Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, sug-
uth of a whale, breathing smoke. gested the Council should make
.it . ,an effort to tie in the letter with
Last night Yost Field House wa
of frantic activity, as preparation
Hundreds of blue sweatshirts,k
moved in the glare of lights. The
and the dirt floor mixed and filled
The voices of the Four Ladds 1
and the voice of a committee char
for the crowd's attention. Each wa
A few were working-hamme
carrying ladders. One youth unkno
himself and had to dismantle it to
From a vantage point in th
paradoxical tableau presented itsel
Dominating the scene was a
blocks spelling out the legend, "TO
Youth," the theme of this year's M
But what would any genuine c
of figures stood in the gaping mou
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