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April 17, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-17

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YI t

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


hu r h-70
Occasional showers turning to
thundershowers this afternoon.

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VOL. LXX, No. 136
Legislature Leaves
'U' Budget Hanging
Postpone Adjournment Until May:
Session Stalls on Salaries, Outlays
LANSING (P)-Unable to come to terms on pay raises for them-
selves and on spending for higher education, lawmakers threw up thei
hands in disgust yesterday and hurried home for a long recess, leaving
the University's budget in mid-air.
They will meet again May 11 for a three-day mopping-up opera-
tion and final adjournment of the 1960 session.
By then, legislative leaders hope tempers will have simmered down
o permit peaceful settlement of issues still unresolved.
Left hanging in on angry turmoil that blocked Friday's scheduled
adjournment were important decisions on budgets, for state colleges
and universities, a construction program at state institutions, and




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'U' Ex ects
$35 Million
For Budget,
The University is operating un-
der the assumption it will receive
a $35.2 million appropriation for
the operating budget, Vice-Presi-
dent and Dean of Faculties Marvin
L. Niehuss said yesterday.
There is no real difference be-
tween the bill passed by the House
and that passed by the Senate
with regard to the University's
appropriation, Niehuss said. The
only discrepancy is that the Sen-
ate voted funds for the combined
Astronomy - Physics - Institute of
Science and Technology as a sep-
arate fund, and the House voted
the funds along with the operat-
ing budget.
WiM Not Effect Tuition
Niehuss said the Legislature's
adjournment will have no effect
on the University's consideration
of tuition increases for the com-
ing academic year.
"The University's appropriation,
certainly will not be increased,
and probably will not be cut," Nie-
huss said. In my opinion, it will
stay as it is." ,
The first conference committee'
on the appropriation bills was dis-
missed Wednesday. If the second
committee is dismissed, the bills
are dead. As of now, the second
committee will continue to meet'
while the Legislature recesses un-
til May 11.
The first committee was dis-
missed when it cut all increases
in the higher education appropri-
ations bill and the House turned
the recommendation down.
No Recommendation
Niehuss said there had been no
definite recommendation made by
the Administration, as yet on
whether or not to raise student
fees. The University Regents will
discuss tuition boosts at their next
meeting Friday.
The original deadline for action
of the higher appropriation bill
was last Thursday, but was ex-
tended by both houses when no
action had been taken at that
MSU Board
To Determine
The Michigan State University
Board of Trustees is slated to de-
cide Thursday whether ROTC
should be compulsory or voluntary.
An eleventh-hour plea for the
continuation of compulsory ROTC
has been entered by some 70,000
members of the American Legion.
In a letter received by the six
MSU trustees, Martin B. Buckner,
the Michigan director of the na-
tional security commission, termed
ROTC a "wise and economical use
of our tax dollars," and predicted
that its discontinuation could be
"disastrous to our armed forces.
"Michigan State, with its large
ROTC unit, is a very desirable
target for those who would crip-
ple its program and thus weaken
our national defense posture,"
Buckner warned.
"Under the guise of academic
freedom and other liberal excuses,
pacifists and others would have
us do away with ROTC, a time-
tested source of qualified officers,"
be said.
The Board of Trustees post-
poned action without coming to
a vote when the question came up

two months ago.
A majority of senior faculty

"higher support for crippled an
afflicted children.
Pay Raises Undecided
Pay raises for the 144 legislator
and the eight supreme court jus-
tices were left on the hook, alon
with a dozen lesser bills.
Only about $400,000 in a record-
high $420,000,000 for state spend
ing in 1960-61 stood between th
Legislature and final adjournment
The sum was spread through the
pay raise bill and a record $109,-
000 spending blueprint for highe
Haggling between House Demo-
crats and Republicans led to the
Democrats refused to buy a
compromise calling for a $400,000
increase in the $15,424,000 allo-
cation approverd by the Senate
for Wayne State University. They
held out for $500,000, half of
whi:.'! the House originally ap-
Reject Action
Democrats angrily rejected ac-
tion by House-Senate conference
committee knocking out $129,000
for Michigan Tech, $95,000 for
Northern Michigan College and
$200,000 for an adult education
A final vote on acceptance was
put off until next month.
"The Republican - controlled
Senate, in its great neanderthal
wisdom, has decided its against
something we're for," said Rep.
Joseph J. Kowalski, Democratic
floor leader from Detroit.
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Trav-
erse City), House Ways and Means
Committee chairman, explained
that budgeting increases for Mich-
igan Tech and Northern Michigan
College would be unfair for other
state colleges and universities.
Eyesls W19n
WASHINGTON (ea -Sen. Hu-
bert H. Humphrey announced
plans for a stepped-up drive in
West Virginia, and a campaign
aide denied the Minnesotan is
involved in ganging up against
Sen. John F. Kennedy in that
Humphrey and his Massahu-
setts rival for the Democratic
presidential nomination are en-
gaged in a vigorous drive in the
Mountain State leading up to their
popularity test in a May 10 pri-
Next week Humphrey will leave
the state to Kennedy. He will re-
turn April 25 for almost continu-
ous campaigning by chartered bus
until the primary.
Robert Barrie, executive direc-
tor of the Humphrey for Presi-
dent Committee, said the schedule
will add three full days to Hum-
phrey's West Virginia campaign-
In making public the new
schedule, Barrie said:
"We're not in this election to
stop anybody. We're in it to stop
the shameful neglect of West Vir-
ginia. We're in it to stop the aim-
less drift at home under the Eisen-
hower-Nixon administration."

End een
s For Bias
g Dartnouth Rule
- Hits Fraternities
special to The Daiy
Fraternities at Dartmouth have
been ordered to rid their national
rconstitutions of discriminatory
clauses by Sept. 1, 1960, or go
The order came as a result of
the Dartmouth College Trustees
1approving a report passed by the
Undergraduate Council's Discrim-
ination Committee. The committee
recommended that all fraternities
Sabolish discrimination.
An editor of the The Dartmouth,
campus newspaper, said last night
that action in this area has been
solely by students. It was initiated
by students, worked on by stu-
dents and the Trustees submitted
to our terms.
Effect Four
He said the order directly effects
only the four fraternities on cam-
pus, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Gamma
Delta, Sigma Chi and Sigma Nu,
whose nationals have a discrimi-
natory clause.
Phi Gamma Delta has a good
chance of changing the national
constitution and retaining its af-
filiation. In their last conference,
the move to remove the clause
lost by only one or two votes, he
Of the others only Delta Tau
Delta has ariy chance of not being
forced to go local.
Most Affiliated
Before the action was started
in 1950 on the discriminatory
clauses, 22 of the 24 chapters on
campus were nationally affiliated.
Now there are only 19, and in
September, if attempts to remove
clauses fail, there will be only 15.
In the beginning all but about
three or four of the fraternities
had discriminatory clauses.
The original resolution passed
in 1950 was not strong enough to
enforce their anti-discrimination
intentions. In 1954, a referendum
was held among the students to
determine what course of action
should be followed. Of the three
choices: continuing with the pres-
ent policies, submit the problem
to study, set a deadline asking
the Trustees to enforce it, the
students chose the later.
Two Letters
Under the program approved,
each fraternity must submit two
letters to the Committee. The let-
ter from the national, and the one
from the president of the local
chapter must state that the con-
stitution has no discriminatory
Chapters forced to become locals
can regain their national affilia-
tion when the discriminatory
clauses are revoked.
Under the 1954 resolution, all
discriminatory clauses were to be
dropped by April 1, 1960, but this
was extended to Sept. 1 to relieve
possible confusion and awkward-
ness caused by switching in the
middle of a semester.

May Have Violated
.Liittering Ordinance
Civil Liberties Union State Branch
To Back Demonstrators' Defense
Fourteen students and one University employee were
arrested yesterday by local police for distributing leaflets
while participating in demonstrations against the Cousins
Shop and three chain stores whose Southern branches prac-
tice segregation.
Police Detective Duane Bauer said the demonstrators
may have violated one of the city ordinances forbidding the
public distribution or scattering of advertising matter. The
complaints were made by'
merchants in the downtown New
and State Street areas who N w Strife
were not those being picketed,
who were e said. e k u
The leaflets distributed before
Ann Arbor branches of the S. S. -
Kresge Co. and the F. W. Wool-
worth Co. explained why the group
is picketing and asked support in
the form of letters to the com- ATLANTA (A') -- New violence
panies protesting their Southern erupted in the South yesterday as
policies. Negroes carried their 10-week-old

DEMONSTRATORS-Included in the more than 50 picketing local stores yesterday were 15 ,
arrested for distributing leaflets that protested racial discrimination.
Realignment of Values Se,

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily last
week published general student
trends in America as recorded in
the Goldsen survey. The following
summarizes the survey of the Uni-
versity campus.)
A realignment of values in con-
sidering an occupation is cited
by Rose K. Goldsen of the Soci-
ology department at Cornell Uni-
versity as part of a trend towards
conservatism on college campuses
While monetary success was
the traditional base of the Ameri-
can value system before the De-
pression, Prof. Goldsen notes that
after the early 1930's "a counter-
ideology became prominent: the
value of security."
Results of a poll conducted at
the University by Goldsen and
her associates have been published
in "What the College Student
Thinks," and show University
opinion to be consistent with an
apparent swing towards conserva-
tism in selecting an occupation.
While close to two-thirds of
Red Chinese
PFlan A-Subs
RANGOON, Burma M) -- Red
China expects to build atomic sub-
marines within five years, Premier
Chou En-Lai told a Burmese offi-
cial yesterday.
Chou, here on a four-day state
visit, cruised down the Rangoon
River during an outing and held
discussions with officials which
were believed to have touched on
Red China's border dispute with
Informed sources said he dis-
cussed submarines with Than Pe,
Burmese naval commodore, during
the two - hour cruise. He was
quoted as saying China already is
building non-nuclear submarines.l
Half of Chou's time on the
cruise was spent in talks with
Burmese Premier U Nu.s

those questioned stated that "toj
be able to look forward to a stablej
future" was their primary con-
sideration, only one in three were
mainly concerned with "making
a great deal of money."
Of minor importance to all but
a few was "a chance for adven-
ture." About frur out of ten men-
tioned "an opportunity to work
with people rather than things,"'
and a chance "to be helpful to
Two-thirds felt that an educa-
tion at the University does a good
job of equipping the student for
"life outside the campus"-about
one-fifth disagreed and 16 per'
cent were uncertain.
'U' Not Behind
Along with other large schools
questioned, such as UCLA and
Wayne, University student opinion
strongly disagreed with charges
that "colleges don't keep up with
the times."
Most students indicated that
they felt the University was doing
a good job of educating in values
as well as academics. Over two-
thirds agreed that a college edu-
cation does more to build up ideals
than break down values, while
close to half saw no need for
"placing more emphasis on teach-
ing American ideals and values."
Only one out of ten University
students said they were "disillus-
ioned about college life" and
slightly more felt that "too many
college teachers lack respect for
religious beliefs."

In the social sphere, Prof. Gold-
sen noted a development of the
fraternity concept characteristic
of "heterogeneous state campus-
es." Two out of every three fra-
ternity men at the University feel
that their house "has its own
personality, something over and
above the individual members in
'Sense of Exclusive,
This sense of "the house's sep-
arate identity" can be attributed
to a desire for a "sense of exclus-
ive" can be attributed to a desire
for a "sense of exclusive member-
ship, primary social interaction,"
and "the rituals and symbols of
A generally optimistic outlook
was indicated when well over half
of those questioned disagreed that
"there's little use in writing to
public officials" and that "every-
thing these days is a racket."
Optimism Tempered
On the other hand, this opti-
mism is tempered by a sense of,
sobriety-more than 90 per cent
rejected that old adage, "Since'
life is so short, we might as well
eat, drink, and be merry."
Although close to half of those
questioned claimed to be political
independents, Prof. Goldsen said
that independence does not actu-
ally indicate rejection of the tra-
ditional political parties, but thatJ
"when it comes to choosing up
Sides on specific issues, they are

Also Picket Cousins
Leaflets were also handed ou
before the Cousins Shop. Th
S t a t e Street store has bees
charged with discriminatory prac
tices in a Human Relations Com
mission report to City Council
The fifteen arrested, including
women, were not formally charge(
but were released and ordered t
appear at police headquarter
again next Tuesday morning t+
learn if charges would be made.
The picketers have agreed tha
if charged they will stand mute
according to David E. Utley,
Pontiac attorney, who will repre
sent thehgroup. Utley %aid h
doesn't think the case will stanc
up--that there has been no vio,
lation and that all should go free
Cites Court Decision
John Leggett, Grad picket co-
ordinator. said "The United States
Supreme Court has held that th
passing out of leaflets is withir
the scope of the first Amendment
to the Constitution and is pro
tected as an exercise of free
Donald Thomson, '63L, said
that he has talked with Harold
Norris, director of the Michigar
branch of the American Civ2
Liberties Union, about the arrests
He said Norris gave him the
complete support of his branch
of the ACLU and said that stop-
ping the handing out of handbills
is in direct opposition to the first
Amendment.k .
Sixth Week of Picket
Local picketing first began six
weeks ago.
Last week the demonstrators
began to hand out leaflets. One
of the students, Jack Ladinsky,
Grad., said he and others were
told they were violating a city
ordinance, but continued to dis-
tribute the material.
James A. Lewis, University 'vice
presidentAin charge of student
affairs, said that the major con-
cern of the administration is that
such demonstrations should op-
erate under the law.
"But," he said, "if there is any
indication that the ordinance is
wrong, it should be tested, and
this is a good way."
Lewis, a member of the Human
Relations Commission, said he
was "concerned about anything
that stands in the way of equal
treatment to all students."
John Bingley, assistant dean of
men, said he did not have suf-
ficiant information to discuss the
arrests, but that with regard to
the picketing he, "goes along with
Student Government Council," re-
fering to SGC's recent decision to
support picketing of the Cousins
Shop, but not the demonstrations
against Kresge's and Woolworth's.
[ai Team

campaign against segregated lunch
t counters into the Easter weekend.
e The Savannah violence occurred
n during mounting racial tension in
the coastal Georgia city where
- merchants reported a Negro boy-
cott was hurting Easter business.
d Fight Begins
o Roving bands of Negroes and
s white persons moved through the
o downtown area where extra police
were on duty. The fire department
t sent two engines into the shop-
, ping district in case of trouble.
a Hoses were fastened to hydrants
- but were not used.
e Police said John McMillan, a
d 25-year-old Negro, sat down at a
lunch counter in the S. H. Kress
& Co. downtown store with other
demonstrators. A white man de-
scribed by officers as about 20
s walked up and knocked him off
e the stool, then fled.
t Picketing took a new twist in
- Savannah during the tense day.
Negroes marching in front of
stores were picketed in turn by
several white men carrying signs.
One sign read "cut out welfare
checks and we'll be rid of them"
in apparent reference to the Ne-
Arrest White Man
At Raleigh, N. C. a fiareup be-
tween onlookers and Negro and
white persons protesting lunch
counter segregation in downtown
stores led , to the arrest of a
white man.
Raleigh pickets marched in
single file and carried smaller
signs in accordance with a new
city ordinance adopted at a spe-
cial session of the City Council
Friday night. One of the signs
read "wear last Easter's bonnet."
Picketing in sympathy with Ne-
groes seeking integration of lunch
counters in the south occurred in
Massachusetts and in this state.
u College students, - instructors,
clergymen and groups of uilon
leadersmarched quietly outside
15 F. W. Woolworth chain stores
in greater Boston.
Civil Rights
Leaders Ask
Mission Recall
WASHINGTON (P) -Seventy..
three American civil rights leaders
urged yesterday that the United
States recall Ambassador Philip.
Crowe for consultation and sus-
pend gold purchases from South
Africa in protest against that
government's racial policies.
The group, incluing Mrs. Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt and leaders in
organized labor, religious, legisla-
tive and other fields, made its pro-
posals in a letter to secretary of
state Christian A. Herter.

Air Force Believes Capsule
Discoverer Still in Orbit
VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. W)-The capsule from
the Discoverer XI satellite is "probably still in orbit," the Air Force
announced last night.
A spokesman said that the recovery force waiting for the instru-
mented capsule to fall into the sea near Hawaii "never had a chance"
to snare it-because it didn't come down.
The Air Force said that it was the most successful test in the Dis-
coverer series to date. A spokesman said: "Some unknown malfunction

Spring Comes for Man, Beast

Soccurred at a critical point just
after separation (of the capsule
from the orbiting rocket which
carried it aloft).
"Telemetry data indicates that
the separated capsule is probably
still in orbit."
Plans had called for the second
stage of the Discoverer to make
17 passes around the earth, then
pop out the 300-pound capsule on
radio orders, dropping it by para-
chute into Hawaiian waters.
The Air Force said that the
latest Discoverer was "exceptional
in its performance, and it at first
appeared that for the first time
the re-entry vehicle would possibly
land in the impact area."
Planes waiting to snare the fall-


Wains Debate

,:.;. ..: .- ;. .

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