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February 10, 1960 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-10

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See Page 4


Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

:43 a t I

Snow flurries tonight with some
wind, little temperature change


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Two Fraternities
Withdraw in East
Wesleyan, Syracuse, Dartmouth
Chapters Involved in Bias Issue
Two eastern chapters of Sigma Nu fraternity and the Dartmouth
chapter of Phi Delta Theta have elected to drop their affiliation with
their national organizations.
The chain of withdrawals began in November when the Sigma Nu
chapter of Wesleyan College, Middletown, Conn., suspended its na-
tional charter.
The Wesleyan chapter felt that it could not accept a "statement
of principle," intended to inform "each prospective member . .. that
(Sigma Nu) has membership limitations based on race, in order that
no one may pledge who is not in
agreement with them."
Backed by Alumni
The Wesleyan chapter was fully
backed by its alumni association,1
and was commended by college
officials for their action, pointing
out that all Wesleyan fraternities'
were now free of racial bias
charges, Sigma Nu being the last"
holdout after Sigma Phi Epsilon
dropped its national discrimina-
tory clause in 1959.
The Syracuse chapter of Sigma
Nu, prompted by the developments
x. at Wesleyan, stated that they will
continue to fight for elimination
of the organization's racially dis-
criminatory clause at its national
~ ' convention this summer.
"We can appreciate and sympa-
thize with the problems of the
Wesleyan chapter," Syracuse chap-
ter President Norman A. Govoni
PAUL BAGWELL noted, pointing out that his chap-
...meets Senators ter has supported proposals for
elimination of the discriminatory"
C o ferenlceclause at the last four national
Working for Elimination
"We have been working con-
A llev ites stantly and sincerely within our
national fraternity to eliminate
" social discrimination, with which
G O P "Rift1we do not agree on any grounds,"
Govoni said.
Withdrawal action was also
EAST LANSING (AP) - A group taken by the Dartmouth chapter
of Republican' Senators and Paul of Phi Delta Theta as a result of
D. Bagwell agreed yesterday their a referendum issued by the univer-
party is big enough for both re- airyernd iey4
gardless of differences on consti- siThe in 1954.
tutinalconvntin an ta is- Thereferendum was explicit in
tonal convention and tax is- its content, asking each fraternity
GUgs. .m to agree that any fraternity chap-
Bagwell, GO? governor nominee trsol efe opeg n-
in 1958 and likely repeater this ter should be free to pledge any-
fall, and 10 Senators held a 90- -one.
minute breakfast session on the Dartmouth chapter Vice -Presis-
Michigan State campus. dent James Poch stated that "dis-
Afterward, he and Sen. Frank crimination is practiced by some
D. Beadle of St. Clair, GOP Ma- chapters, particularly in the South
jority Leader, said the session had and the constitution does not ex-
gone a long way toward repairing hlicitly prohibit this." Pch added
a rift climaxed two weeks ago by that his chapter "culd not agree
a "dump Bagwell" dinner of Sena- that no chapters practiced dis-
torsr crimination," and. was subse-
Called Successful quently asked to withdraw their
"It was successful in building national charter.
mutual respect and confidence," Bill Studebaker, local Sigma Nu
said Beadle. Bagwell nodded his president, stated that the situa-
assent. tion in the East was unknown to
Among those who attended was him. He admitted knowledge of
Sen. Perry W. Greene of Grand the national's discriminatory
Rapids, who chaired the dinner clause, and stated "We feel no
confab Jan. 29 at the Lansing pressure here. Our chapter rushes
Country Club. everyone that comes along."
Differences on constitutional Local Phi Delta Theta officers
convention a favorite Bagwell is- could not be contacted.




Considered by


Indian Student Views U.S. Life, Study,

... scores twice

'M' Skaters
Lase 4=3,
In Overtime
special to The Daily
EAST LANSING - Michigan'
State's Real Turcotte drilled home!
a 15-foot slap-shot at the three
minute mark of the overtime per-
iod here last night as the Spartans
came from behind to defeat Mich-
igan's icers, 4-3.
"We had it in our hands and it
slipped away from us," said Wol-
verine Coach Al Renfrew after the
game in the locker room. The
shocked and somber coach was the
only persori to be heard as defeat
hung heavy in the room.
The Spartan team earned the
victory by coming from behindM
2-0 and 3-1 deficits and forcing
the contest into the overtime
It was just one of those futile
nights for the Michigan sextet as!
they carried the play constantly;
into the Spartan defensive zone,:
only to see the puck go wide of'
the goal mouth.
Both teams tried line changes
for the evening's meeting. Spartan
Coach Amo Bassone, who has
found scoring punch of recent
weeks in the sticks of two smooth-
skating imports from Montreal,'
Turcotte and Claude Fournell,'
split up these two in attempting
to have scoring potential on the
ice at all timhes.
But it took these two working
together to click for the winning
tally, as Fournel passed the puck
to Turcotte in the extra frame for
the deciding tally.
The game started at a fast and
furious pace, with the Wolverine
squad looking as if they intended
to take charge from the beginning
and not let up. It wasn't until
midway in the opening frame that
the Spartans caught the spirit of
the game and tried to skate with
the invading Michigan squad.
See ICERS, Page 6

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first in a series of five interviews
with international students from
various areas of the world. Because
the issues discussed are of a per-
sonal nature, the subjects are not
named. The first interview is with
a representative of the 163 Indian
students at the University.
Some University professors
have -been heard to say that
Indians are "just no good," a
graduate chemical engineering
student from India commented.
He explained that he himself
had never experienced any dis-
crimination in the classroom,
but some of his friends had in-
structors who did not like stu-
dents from India.
But, he added, it may just
be that the students are not
working hard enough or have
some defect that warrants cri-
He added that there had been

some instances of discrimina-
tion against Indian students by
Ann Arbor landlords, although
the International Center usu-
ally sends students to those
landlords who will accept them
Reports Bias
He reported that when he
first came to the University, he
talked on the telephone to a
landlady who accepted him as
a tenant. But when he arrived
at the apartment in person 20
minutes later she informed him
that the apartment was al-
ready rented.
Explaining why most Indian
students prefer private housing
to dormitory living, he said
that it is not primarily because
of their vegetarian eating hab-
its, contrary to popular belief.
The main reason for apart-
ment living is the same for In-
dians as American students-
it is cheaper to cook for them-

selves. Although many Indians
are vegetarians, they are able
to eat canned vegetables in the
dormitories, but they prefer
their own recipes.
He continued that another
reason for discrimination
against Indians is their lack of
knowledge of . housekeeping.
Since most of the students who
come to this country are from
prosperous families, they are
simply not used to cleaning or
caring for an apartment.
These things are left to ser-
vants in India.
Asked if he knew of com-
plaints of Americans who ob-
jected to the smell of Indian
spices, he said the situation
just called for more under-
standing on both sides.
"If the Indians can put up
with Americans, surely Ameri-
cans can put up with Indians,"
he chuckled.

In the academic area, the en-
gineer commented that most
Indian students have no prob-
lems with classwork because
they have been taught English
throughout their years in
school at home. Although it
was required in the past, it is
now an elective subject and
some of the more recent gradu-
ates have trouble passing the
English quialification test for
entrance into the University.'
Cites Fault
He approved of the English
test as a prerequisite for ad-
mission, but thought that it.
could be administered more ef-
feciently. Under the present
system, the student attends
classes even if he has to take
special instruction in English
so he isn't helped much for the
period until he gains some lan-
guage proficiency.
See INDIAN, Page 2

Raise in Tuition Discussed



Hopes ,Rise
For Building
This Yeaqr
Education Budgets
Near Lansing Floor
Compiled from Daily Wire Services
LANSING - A sdore of bills, in
cluding multi-million dollar mone
measures to keep the state oper
ating during the next fiscal yea
were started through the Legisla
ture yesterday.
As the long process began, son
observers saw a possible chanc
for resumption of state construe
tion this year, financed by bonc
The University, as well as othe
state schools and agencies, ha
warned that another year witi
out buildinfunds could be disas

The University should raise:
tuition, if legislative appropria-
tions are also increased, Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss said yester-
He declined further comment
on proposals by Republican Sena-
tors that tuitions at state uni-
versities might be raised to save
If appropriations are increased,
Niehuss said, it would be fair to
ask students to keep up the ap-.
proximately 25 per cent share of
instructional costs they now pay.
'Traditional View'
However, "the view we've taken
is that, if public education is to;
keep the character it has tradi-
tionally had - that it is put with-
in the reach of all capable people
-we do not want to price people
of limited means out of the mar-
Regent Eugene B. Power said
he expected the present tuition-
appropriation ratio to be con-
tinued. "Traditionally, students at
public institutions have paid less
than those at private ones. Those
who feel they should pay more
should realize it is necessary and
desireable for state universities
to have low tuition fees."
The Regents, he said, will not
consider tuition questions until
the state appropriations are voted;
if boosts are then needed to make
up for possible lowered state aid,
this will be considered then.
Need More Scholarships,
He concluded in the event boosts
are necessary, scholarship aid
should also be increased.
Niehuss said he is "surprised at,
the number of people who think
raises in tuition are desireable."
Though he emphasized his ideas
are rather indeterminate, Niehuss
added he does not see "as great
sentiment in the other direction
as I would like,"
Niehuss' comments came on the
heels of a suggestion by Sens.
Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Holland)
and Lynn 0. Francis (R-Midland)
to cut state appropriations by al-
most $44 million, of which $2 mil-

lion would come from a boost in!
tuition by the state's colleges and(
Geerlings' Idea
In Lansing, Geerlings said he
suggested for study the tuition in-t
creases because "the legislature
gives $1,200 per student, while
the average tuition is only $250,1
so we felt it should be studied as
to ten per cent."
"It's too early to predict pre-
Jiminary sentiment in the legisla-
ture, though over the years many;
legislators have had the feeling
the schools could boost tuition."
Niehuss emphasized the Regents
must decide on tuition questions,
not the legislature.
Effect on Enrollments
He said experience showed tui-
tion boosts did not discourage
total enrollments, though facts
were hard to determine; he re-
emphasized the concern over pos-
sible "economic selection."
"The University is supposed to
be nearly free for instate stu-
dents and there are not enough
outstate students to raise amounts
of money" if tuition boosts were
to fall solely on them.
Geerlings commented there are
many people in the state who can
Group Passes
Education Bill
For Building
education subcommittee gave all-
but-final approval yesterday to a
975-million-dollar, three-year pro-
gram of federal aid to classroom
The subcommittee is expected to
complete the bill in time for full
committeetconsideration next
The House measure would allow
no federal money for teacher
salaries, in contrast to the $1,-
834,000,000, two - year bill the
Senate passed last week.

afford to pay more tuition. "Public
education is being taken advantage
of; I want to see kids go to col-
lege who should."
He called for increased scholar-
ship aid if tuition is boosted.
Suggests Exchange
Geerlings said he had nothing
against "exchanging" students
with other mid-Western states,
whose universities also have low
tuition fees. But he objected to
students coming especially from
New York and New Jersey, which
have no comparable public uni-
"The question for study is
whether it is the right thing for
Michigan taxpayers to pay. The
question should be worked out be-
tween the legislature, the adminis-
tration and the universities.
"It is not fair for the university
administrations to say the legis-
lature won't give them money. A
meeting of minds is needed."
There are at last count, Geer-
lings said, about 5,500 cars at the
University and 7,200 at Michigan
State University. "I realize they
aren't all Cadillacs, but it shows
there is plenty of room for study."
"I'm basically for education, I
have been an educator all my life,
but I think it is unfair to Michi-
gan taxpayers when there are so
many people who can well afford
Geerlings concluded "We haven't
made any direct proposals; there
is nothing in writing. We have
simply outlined a field we thought
should be studied if any cuts in
the budget are to be made."

Not Paid
LAN§ING (R) - State Adminis-
trators divided up available cash
again yesterday, leaving the Treas-
ury's General Fund bare and the
three major state universities still
waiting for February operating
Treasurer Sanford A. Brown said
that after authorizing payments of
12.4 million dollars the fund still
would be more than 59 million
short of meeting backed-up obli-
Brown said the 6% million dol-
lars due the University of Michi-
gan, Michigan State and Wayne
State probably will be disbursed
about Feb. 25 or 28.
Approved for immediate pay-
ment by the State Administrative
Board were 4.4 million dollars for
Thursday's State payroll, 1% mil-
lion in payroll withholding, 1.8
million in employees pension con-
tributions and 12 million in past-
due bills of State suppliers.
Another 3.2 million was put
aside to start building a special
reserve for meeting a 14-million-
dollar debt service obligation duef
March 15.
At that time, another payment
must be made on World War II
veterans bonds.

Change Position
Lansing sources say the recent
"Goldberg incident" has at least
moved some legislators, particu-
larly Republican Senators, to re-
consider their "hold the line" posi-
tion, oh spending for construction.
Two weeks ago University Prof.
Leo Goldberg resigned after de-
ploring the lack of research fa-
cilities here. The University's
planned expansion has been halted
by a three-year moratorium on
The resignation, along with ris-
ing complaints from state agencies
in this election year, may make
some legislators more receptive to
building requests, early speculators
They even relate the approval
of bonding programs for construc-
tion to possible increases in tui-
tion at state schools. A substantial
number of lawmakers are inter-
ested in seeing higher tuition
costs at the nine institutions, and
may be willing to permit new
buildings if tuitions are raised.
In legislative action yesterday,
the largest money measure in-
troduced called for $229.5 million
in restricted funds.
Government Bill

sue in 1958, were extensively dis-
cussed. Some Senators feel that
con-con is dividing Republicans
and will hurt the party in the
general election.
"Do you feel a candidate in each
district has to agree 100 per cent
with the candidates for state of-
fice?" Sen. John H. Stahlin (R-
Belding) demanded of Bagwell.
Bagwell Answers 'No'
"The answer would be 'No,"'
Bagwell replied. "I don't see the
millenium where we're going to
be 100 per cent in agreement."
Beadle said the Senators sought
out the confab with Bagwell as a
"potential candidate" for gover-
nor, "the same sort as we would
have with any other candidate who
Asked if he knew of any other
candidates, Beadle said that he
He belittled statement of some
of the 19 Senators who after the
country club dinner said its pur-
pose was to develop other candi-
dacies for governor.
Candidacy Unannounced
Bagwell pointed out he has not
formally announced but left the
clear impression that he will be
ready to jump into the Aug. 2
primary about April 1.
By that time, he will be over
the hump for the coming school
year in his job as MSU Director of
If he runs, opposition will be
welcome, he said.
Termed 'Me-Too' Candidate
Bagwell was asked if there was
discussion of criticisms, voiced

Professors List Proposals
For Atomic Law Problems
Nine years ago three University law school professors began work
under the Phoenix Memorial Project on the legal roadblocks to peace-
time use of atomic energy. Today their work, which has made the law
school the world's leading center for study of legal problems in atomic
energy, has culminated in a 1500-page study called "Atoms and the
The book asks for legal changes to keep step with the surging
emphasis on atomic energy and the new problems it creates. Particu-
arly it suggests ways to care for persons injured by radiation hazards.
Authored by Dean E. Blythe Stason, Prof. Samuel D. Estep and
Prof. William J. Pierce, all of the law school, the study is "the only

one of its kind in the field," Prof.*
Estep indicates.
Ask Injury Fwn
Among their major proposals,
the experts ask establishment of a
"contingent injury fund" which
would pay for injuries from radia-
tion and other atomic hazards.
Since these injuries may not be
noticed when they occur, and their
extent may take years to deter-
mine, they are not now covered by
theories of legal proof.
They also suggest legislation to'
clarify the liabilities involved in
various types of atomic activity.
In this way it would be possible to
work for a balance between the
value of atomic advances to so-,
I ciety and the hazards of atomic
energy to humans.
Revision of workmen's compen-
sation laws to cover atomic cases

Daily Seeks Tryouts for Thre

Students To Pass Petition
Against NDEA Provisions
A group of University students expects to circulate a petition
protesting the loyalty oath and disclaimer affidavit provisions of the
National Defense Education Act next week.
The petition, if enough students sign it to make it worthwhile,
would probably be sent to a member of either the House or the Senate
in order to further make them
aware of student positions on the
issue, Lewis Coburn, '61, spokes-
man for the group said.
Harvard Notion
The idea of circulating such a
e S taf s petition was given the group by
the campaign at Harvard asking
It's tryout time again at The students to write their Congress-
men protesting the disclaimer affl-
Daily. davit, Coburn said.
"But The Daily doesn't have In contrast with the Harvard
tryouts exactly; we take everybody, campaign, the petition here will
And everybody gets to work on the protest both the affidavit and the.
newspaper doing real journalistic loyalty oath.
work," Charles Kozoll, '60, per- The group feels "that affidavits
sonnel director, revealed, of disbelief and loyalty oaths such
The Daily needs all kinds of peo- as these are not in accordance
pIe - writers, photographers, bud- with the American traditions of
ding advertising men. Each of the academic freedom and freedom of
three staffs - photography, edi- , belief.

Also introduced was a bill for
general government seeking $17
million for operation of such
branches of government as the
Senate, House, State Supreme
Court and Attorney General's and
Auditor General's divisions.
A mental health appropriation
bill recommended $75.3 million for
the next fiscal year.
Action on the higher education
bill is expected to begin within the
coming two weeks. Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams has asked a total of
$113 million.
As in the past, University offici-
als will be called to Lansing to
appear before Senate appropria-
tion committees to explain their
budget requests.', The University
seeks over $38 million for the next
fiscal year.
By mid-April, all appropriations
are scheduled to be made. In the
meantime, Democrats on the gov-
erning boards of the state's col-
leges and universities will meet
with Democratic legislators in East
Lansing Thursday.
University Regent Eugene B,
Power, Ann Arbor, calls the met-
ing a "briefling session," meant to
clarify the long and short-range
problems facing the schools.
SGC To0 View
Rule Changes
For Elections
Student Government Council
will consider changes in election
rules at tonight's meeting.
A return to the $25 campaign
budget and display pictures or
posters is proposed. The SGC fall
election, for which these campaign
measures were discontinued, drew
a record low turnout of voters.
SGC sponsorship of a "Know
Your Candidates" booklet con-
taining each candidate's response
to The Daily questionnaire is also
included in the motion.
Daily Editor Thomas Turner,
'60, will propose to ask Lewis Co-

torial and business -- has a train-
ing program for new members. No
previous experience is necessary.

'No Confidence'
"Further," Coburn continued,
"the presence of such a require-


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