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April 09, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-09

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"You Think He Might Get Interested In Us If We
Moved To South Africa"

Seventieth Year

'Home from the Hill'

Licks Stature

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all,reprints.

JETRO Goldwyn Mayer which has been indulging itself for the last
couple of months in some unusually trival wide-screen color en-
tries has another disappointment to account for in Sol C. Siegle's static
and intermittantly interesting offering, "Home from the Hill."
Only for a few minutes or so is the new film able to transcend its
remarkable shallowness and crackle, splutter and smoulder all over
the place. But these moments are altogether too brief and come too
late in the proceedings to generate sufficient interest and concern.
And even if the sequence were able to successfully jolt its audience
out of their deserved lethargy, the melodramatic climax would be too
diffuse to effectively illuminate the subtler shading of characters

'Equality at the Best Price'
Is the Cry in South Africa

A NEW HOPE for settlement of the racial
conflict in South Africa has emerged this
Some of South Africa's business and indus-
trial leaders have appealed to Prime Minister
Hendrik F. Verwoerd for settlement of the
racial violence by a modification of the re-
strictions on the Negro population, especially
with regard to the identity pass rules.
As in any emergency of this type, the exact
losses to industry cannot be measured, but it
is evident that the country has suffered great
monetary losses and can look forward to con-
tinued economic troubles should the present
situation continue.
Experts estimate the losses due to the strikes
at $60 million and the Johannesburg Stock
Exchange has suffered a $300 million drop in
the value of stocks traded.
The situation facing them has been enough
to make these leaders demand radical changes
in the present apartheid regulations.
THUS FAR, the only method of ending the
strikes and boycotts has been violence,
which has in turn bred more violence. Leaders
of the Pan-African Union have said that their
economic and labor boycott was broken by
terror and not by hunger.
Clearly, racial tensions may boil over again
oson and businessmen would be much happier
i fsome sort of concessions were granted to the
Negro population.
The proposals which the business leaders sent
to the Prime Minister include:
1) Immediate consultation with the African
leaders by the Government.
2) Discussions with the African people to
find out what they are thinking.
3) Complete mobility for African workers,
except in areas which have an employment

4) Modification of identity passes and easing
of restrictions on Africans' freedom.
ALTHOUGH the first two recommendations
offer the most toward the Africans' strug-
gle for first-class citizenship, the latter two are
concessions of a tangible nature which all the
native people can experience directly and
thereby feel that they have achieved some-
thing tangible for their courageous demonstra-
tions of the recent weeks.
This latest proposal comes from a surprising
source, for the businesses have usually been
strong supporters of government policy,
However, it is not the plea for equality. It
is merely the cry of those who have been
denied their profits by government policy. In-
dustry has been hurt by the racial outbreaks,
and thus it is profitable and expedient to
prevent their recurrence.
THEIRS IS NOT an unexpected cry. When-
ever business is hurt by government regula-
tions, there is a strong protest by industry for a
"fair-break." This particular time in South
Africa it is directed toward the Pan-Africanist
point of view. The next time it may equally
well be in the opposite direction.
The plea was not even vaguely disguised as
an attempt to gain equality for the Negroes.
It was simply a protest against an economic
loss that was only coincidently connected with
civil rights.
Perhaps these recommendations can be wel-
comed with the hope that time and the in-
creasing world pressures for equality will make
the South Africans see that this policy of
discrimination cannot continue forever.
Until this time, unfortunately, the Negro
population of South Africa will not hear the
cry "Equality at any price," but rather "Equal-
ity at the best price."


4090-V 1 °s~ { ?a' -

which are so obviously lacking in
the piece.
"HomneFrom The Hill" which is,
adapted from a novel by William
Humphrey deals with an adulter-
ous husband's fervent attempt to
reconcile with his'beautifully frig-
id wife, as well as the unusual re-
lationship which develops between
the legitimate and bastard sons
the husband has sried. Although
there istconsiderable talk about
immorality and an attempt at an
inherent sensationalism, there is
nothing particularly fresh or stim-
ulating in the treatment.
vincing as the adulterous gentle-
man who is also the head of a
Texas dynasty. Let us just say
that EleanorParker as his titian
haired wife is beautiful in techni-
color and spare her any further
A newcomer to the screen,
George Hamilton is very effective
as the sensitive legitimate son
Theron, and he is certainly given
considerable support by George
Peppard as Theron's half brother,
and Luana Patten as the girl
Theron gets into trouble.
But despite the competance of
the younger contingent with their
considerably lengthly roles, the
most affecting performances are
contributed by those on the peri-
phery of the action.
The lonely middle-aged whore
which Constance Ford presents to
us is a moving interpretation in-
deed and Everett Sloane plays
with convincingly alternating un-
derscoring and gusto as a father
who discovers his un ma rr ie d
daughter torbe preganant.
But despite the potential bounti-
ful treasure of rich character and
plot development, "Home From
The Hill" is remarkably one di-
Only the color beautifully spills
over on the screen. The emotions
are insufficiently developed.
-Marc Alan Zagoren
New Books at Library
Johnson, A. H., ed. - White-
head's American Essays in Social
Philosophy; NY, Harper, 1959.
Josephson, Matthew - Edison;
NY, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1959.
Kramish, Arnold - Atomic En-
ergy in the Soviet Union; Stan-
ford, Calif., Stanford Univ., 1959.
Menninger, Karl, ed. - Psy-
chiatrist's World; NY, Viking
Press, 1959.
Miller, John C. - Alexander
Hamilton; NY, Harper & Bros.,
Torres, Tereska - The Golden
Cage; NY, Dial Press, 1959.

Terry Southern, Random-House,
Italo Calvino, Random House,
BOTH THE "Magic Christian"
by Terry Southern and' the
"Baron in the Trees" by Italo
Calvino are social satires. Here
the resemblance ends.
Southern's book is brief but not
brief enough. It stars billionaire
Guy Grand whose hobby is "mak-
ing it hot" for mankind.
This includes items like throw-
ing thousand dollar bills into
huge cauldrons of boiling manure
in order to try the souls of money-
mad Chicagoans, and inciting
riots in Boston by having signs
slandering the city's racial groups
flown over the city.
* * *
AFTER SEVERAL similar epi-
sodes, detailed in clear succinct
prose, the reader is tempted to
express his opinion clearly and
succinctly by heaving the book at
the nearest'trash can.
The culmination is the most en-
joyable luxury cruise in ages.
These twenty pages make reading
the rest of th ebook almost worth-
while. Almost.
"THE BARON in the Trees" on
the other hand is worth reading
more than once. This beautifully
written little novel manages to be
both a satire of 18th Century life
ahd letters and a general com-
ment on Man.
The youthful Baron rebels
against life by living permanently
in the trees. He leads a useful
life, corresponds with the greats
of Europe, ,becomes famous, has
fantastic adventures with armies,
Spaniards, pirates, spies, rela-
tives and his people.
The best of life is imported into
the trees including books, goats,
women by the carriage load and
one extraordinary woman in par-
ticular. The moral seems to be
that life is not only better in the
trees but that the perspective is
unbeatable, too.
-S-. Rowley



Kennedy Reaches Maturity

SGC Probes Voting Rights

WHY SHOULD the student population of
Ann Arbor have no voice in the city gov-
ernment whose laws they obey and whose
services they enjoy?
Since many students live in Ann Arbor most
of the year, why are they not given local voting
Student Government Council will seek an-
swers to these and related questions from the
City Council and the University Board of Re-
gents in the near future.
THE COUNCIL voted to request the Regents
and the City Council to take action to
secure local voting rights for students of voting
age who are not registered elsewhere.
The problem was presented to the Council as
one of interpretation of the law as set forth in
the state constitution. The City Clerk main-
tains that in order for students to be allowed
local voting rights, "you'll have to change the
state constitution first."
He based his remark on Article III, Sec. 2 of
the Constitution, which lists residence qualifi-
cations for elective franchise. The section reads
"No elector shall be deemed to have gained or
lost a residence . . . while a student at any
institution of learning,..
In listing other qualifications, the Constitu-
tion states, "no . . . student while in attend-
ance at any institution of learning ... shall be
deprived of a vote by reason of absence from
the township, ward or state where he resides."

AL HABER, maker of the motion, explained
the ambiguity as he sees it. Students may
technically and legally register to vote where-
ever their families live. It is almost always in-
convenient or impossible for students to go
home to vote, however.
If a student is not registered elsewhere,
Haber said, and if he has lived in Ann Arbor
for six months, it is up to the city to decide
whether he shall be allowed to vote locally,
since he has neither gained nor lost his claim
to residence by virtue of being a student.
It was pointed out that students are counted
as residents of Ann Arbor on the state tax rolls,
and indeed in almost every area except for
voting. After all, a town of 12,000 should not
be able to work around a student population of
24,000 whose relationship to it is vital.
FROM THE Council's action in communicat-
ing with the Regents as well as the City
Council, it seems apparent that the diverging
views of Council members the City Clerk were
While there are arguments for and against
student voting rights in Ann Arbor from the
city's and the students' points of view, the
discrepancy pointed out at the meeting the
problem deserves serious evaluation. Such con-
sideration could do much to promote under-
standing and good will between the groups

WASHINGTON-The most im-
portant factor to watch in any
young man who has traveled fast
in politics is stability. Young men
who travel fast toward the great
goal of President are inclined to
be opportunistic. They cut corners
to achieve their goal. They need
the stability that comes with age.
Tom Dewey, for instance, would
have made an excellent Presiden-
tial candidate if he hadn't jumped
into the race much too young.
Harold Stassen was a good Gover-
nor of Minnesota until he got
presidential ambitions and lost
his political balance. Vice Presi-
dent Nixon, when under 40, en-
gaged in all sorts of McCarthy
tactics to get elected to the House
and the Senate.
Therefore, in gauging Jack Ken-
nedy, 42-year-old candidate for
President, you have to scrutinize
not his profile or his popularity,
but his growth pattern. You have

to trace the line of his maturity,
see which direction it's leading,
and in what areas it is hardening,
* * *
IF YOU TRACE the Kennedy
growth line you will find that in
the past Jack has wanted to please
both sides. He has straddled. This
is not unusual in a young politi-
cian. It's especially understand-
able when a young Senator has
been pushed forward both as a
boy and as a public servant by an
aggressive, wealthy father who
has become an economic royalist.
When young Senator Kennedy
voted with the Republicans some
years ago to restrict one of Roose-
velt's prize projects, the Tennes-
see Valley Authority, Senate Dem-
ocrats asked him why. Jack was
frank. "I guess I've been listening
to father's friends in Palm Beach,"
he said.
Again when the frequently criti-
cized Americans for Democratic

To The Edito

Wisconsin rimary

T IS ONLY the morning after the Wiscon-
sin primary as this article is written, and
there are not yet available detailed analyses
of the vote. No doubt they will throw a little
more light than we had before on how at this
moment the voters are disposed to vote. But
even without these details it is evident that
the result in Wisconsin is indecisive, that for
Kennedy, Humphrey, and for Nixon as well, it
has brought forth a Scotch verdict of "Not
proven." The nomination of the Democratic
candidate and the outcome of the national
election will not be forecast, as some have
said, by the Wisconsin primary.
Thus, as against Humphrey, the Kennedy
vote is 56 per cent. But while this is a sub-
stantial victory, it throws very little light on
the national election. Kennedy's vote, for ex-
ample, Is around half-a-million. This is only
about one-third of the total Eisenhower-Stev-
enson vote cast in Wisconsin in the national
election of 1956. Moreover, though there is
evidence that Kennedy's half-a-million con-
tain a percentage of Catholic Republicans who
would probably stay with him in November,
there is no way of telling how many of
Tlm _ch n-,_ vika n-fa i -ni .t urtili vn

for President. The attempts to use a few hap-
hazard and scattered primaries as a decisive
test for the nomination is, it seems to me, an
attempt to short-circuit the deliberations of
the convention, and to stampede it.
The theory that the nomination should go to
the man who wins the most primaries rests on
a number of dubious assumptions. One is that
these few scattered primaries with their very
different rules are a true sample of the whole
national electorate. There is no reason to think
that they are since we know from past experi-
ence that in a state like Wisconsin, for example,
the primaries do not reliably predict the out-
ocme in November.
Another dubious assumption is that the best
candidate and the best President will neces-
sarily be a man who has the time to enter the
primaries, who has the money and the energy
and the endurance to fight them, and who has
an appetite for the trivialities and the half-
truths and the special pleading and the per-
sonal exhibitionism which are almost the whole
of the actual campaigning. It is not so, and the
Wisconsin primary campaign, like the Steven-
son-Kefauver campaign of 1956, has reduced,
it has not raised, the Presidential stature of the

Segregation.. .
To the Editor:
I AM A native Alabaman, I have
followed the segregation -de-
segregation uproar with something
more than a casual interest; and it
occurred to me that my reaction
to the KKK letter printed in the
April 5th issue of The Daily might
interest a few of your readers.
My first comment on the letter
is that the letter itself really de-
serves no comment. I was amused
by the letter when I read it. It
probably would have attracted no
j more than casual interest in any
southern newspaper. Most mature,
intelligent southerners have be-
come inured to such nonsense and
pay no more attention to it than
they do to the rantings of a street-
corner evangelist.
BUT IF the letter deserves no
comment, the people who write
such letters surely do, for they and
some of their effects on the south-
ern community are but dimly un-
derstood here in the north; and
their influence back home in Ala-
bama is to my way of thinking far
out of proportion to their numbers
or their importance. I may en-
deavor to furnish such comment at
a later date-when I am able to
stop laughing.
--Samr eBlack, Grad.
Education ,
To The Editor:
I would like to try to put so-
called "higher education" in its
proper perspective. Someone has
to try it sometime.
At this university, there seems
to be a vast morass of stuff, stuff,
and more stuff presided over by
compiling and annotating pedants
-that students must swallow in

DID THE "A" fellow get edu-
cated better than the "C" fellow?
Whose mind really got the most
lasting worth out of it all?
There is a subtle, though most
e. cient system at work in the
institutions of "higher learning"
that weeds out true originality,
freshness and genius from the
ranks of a mediocre student body
playing harmless little intellectual
games.'A real genius might cause
some unrest.
Education has nothing to do
with A's. B's, C's and so forth.
The word "education" comes
from the Latin "eoucare," mean-
ing "to lead out." That is all it
means. Does an A, B, C, D or E
show how well a student has been
"led out," has developed mentally,
morally, spiritually and all the
LET THE student look at him-
self, educationally, as an indi-
vidual-if he has the gumption-
not as part of the mass, as he is
encouraged to do. If. as an indi-
vidual, he feels that his personal-
ity, his w~lole being, like the light
hidden under the bushel basket,
is not being led out, then he is not
being enlightened, not being edu-
cated. Something else is taking
place. So let's call a spade a
spade. If the daily, weekly and
monthly round of classes is not
felt to be "higher education," in-
stead higher compiling, higher
annotating, higher memorizing-
all in all, higher pedantry-let's
call it "going through the mill"
or something like that. Not edu-
There comes the time when a
student feels that satisfying the
requirements of the holy faculty
and competing for grades no long-
er "lead him out." (Maybe that
is why Robert Frost said he left
ponlle eto imnrove his mind.) But

Action gave Kennedy a high liber-
al rating, he squirmed over being
put in the same category as Sena-
tors Douglas, Morse, and Humph-
rey. This was good politics in the
north but not in the south. He
was especially worried when the
Charleston, S.C., News and Cour-
ier editorialized on his liberal rec-
* * *
HOWEVER, t hat letter was
written five years ago. In the in-
terim, Jack Kennedy has grown.
He has grown further and fur-
ther away from the political in-
fluence of his father, further away
from the conservative wing of the
Catholic Church.
There was a time when his fa-
ther and some elements of his
church influenced Kennedy on one
of the most vital questions of the
decade-McCarthyism - and his
straddle on that Issue still hurts
him. McCarthy got his strongest
support from Boston. McCarthy
also got heavyfinancial support
from Jack's father, And at one
conference at the Kennedy home
on Cape Cod, the elder Kennedy,
Cardinal Spellman ,and McCarthy
mapped the latter's strategy.
So young Jack, caught between
his father and the Boston Irish,
ducked. This evasion, which has
been highlighted by Mrs. Roose-
velt, one of the most powerful
persons in the Democratic party,
has left lasting scare.
* * *
HOWEVER, what you have to
watch in a young politician is his
growth line. And Kennedy's growth
line is good. It has become firm
and courageous. The vacillations
have been ironed out. And it has
consistently followed a left-of-
center direction.
This is true despite the fact
that old Joe Kennedy continues to
be one of the most important fac-
tors in Jack's life. During the last
Massachusetts election, Joe rented
a suite at 82 Beacon Street for
$1,000 a month, installed a dozen
phones, and worked night and day
rolling up a big vote for his son.
Few people know that the elder
Kennedy is a terrific organizer.
He kept telling his associates:
"Don't mention my name to your
friends. If you do it'll hurt my
It was this careful, behindgthe-
scenes organization which helped
Kennedy roll up a record re-elec-
tion vote. And it's the same kind
of intensive buildup which has
put him out front today in the
Democratic bid for President.
* * *
scheme of things buildups are
are necessary. In the last analy-
sis, however, there must be a real
product behind the buildup. And
Jack Kennedy, despite his youth,
has become a product of sub-
You feel this coming through
when you talk with him. There's
a quiet determination, a depth of
understanding which was not in
the same Jack Kennedy a few
years ago.
Critical Senators who watched


The Daily Official Bu,1letin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes. no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before p p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, No. 136
General Notices
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for dropping courses without
record will be Fri., April 8. A course
may be dropped only with the permis-
sion of the classifier after conference
with the instructor.
The final day for removal of incom-
pletes will be Fri., April 8. Petitions for
extension of time must be on file in
the Recorder's Office on or before Fri.,
April 8.
Major Medical Expense Insurance:
Please return Major Medical enrollment
cards to your department representa-
tive or to The Staff Benefits office,
Room 3057 Ad Bldg. Ext. 619.
June Graduates: Last two days to
order commencement announcements.
Thurs., April 7 and Fri., April 8 from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m., Student Activities Bldg.
School of Music Honors Program: Ap-
plications now are being received for
the first semester, 1960-1961. Forms are
available in the School of Music office.
Deadline for receipt of applications by
the Honors Council, Fri., April 22.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
comning week-end. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval
for social events are due in the Office
of Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the
April 8-
Alpha Omicron P£, Alpha Phi, Butler
House, Delta Gamma, Huber House,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Kappa,
Stockwell & Williams House, Tau Delta
Phi & Delta Phi Epsilon, victor vaugh-
an, Greene House.
April 9 (one o'clock closing hour)-
Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Delta Phi,
Alpha Kappa Lambda, Alpha Phi Ome-

Summary of Action Taken by Student
Council at its Meeting April 6.
Approved minutes previous meeting.
Interim action: Approved Pershing
Riles, Company D participation in the
1960 Cherry Blossom Festival, repre-
senting The University of Michigan.
Appointed delegates to the NSA Re-
gional Assembly to be held April 8-10 at
Central Michigan College.
Approved: Recommendation of five men
and five~ women, selected from among
junior honor students, from whom two
will be selected to serve on the Honors
Convocation Committee for 1960-61.
Adopted motion requesting all Coun-
cil members to submit written sugges-
tions regarding a proposal relating to
discriminatory membership restrictions
in student organizations. Suggestions
are to be submitted to the sub-com
mittee by Friday, April 8. The sub-com-
mittee will present to the Council (a)
motion stating the regulation as it is to
appear in the regulation book (b) a
motion to establish a commission, giv-
ing name, composition, formal charge
(c) a series of procedural recommenda-
tions from the Council to the Commis-
sion (d) a statement giving the objec-
tives of the regulation as seen by the
present Council.
Endorsed the Conference on Human
Rights in the North, to be held on cam-
pus April 28-May 1 sponsored by the
Student- for Democratic Society, with
the Political Issues Club as local af-
Heard report on Yale Colloquium and
authorized payment for advertisement
in Daily to publicize meeting for con-
sideration of organization of a program
on this campus similar to "Challenge"
instituted at Yale of which the "Col-
loquium" attended by a student dele-
gation last week-end was a part.
Reviewed request for temporary rec-
ognition from Indian Chemical and
Metallurgical Engineers' Association,
postponed further consideration, until
next week.
Approved: April 8-May 2-SGC-ISA,
Essay Contest, "The International Stu-
dent. A Misfit or a Blessing?" April 12-
14-Political Issues Club, Intercoopera-
tive Council, Congregational Disciples
E and R Guild, Fund Drive in behalf
of legal defense and scholarships for
participants in the "~sit-in" protests in
the south. April 21-Folklore Society,
Concert, Union, 8 p.m. (Subject to ap-
proval of Auditor of Student Organiza-
tions). May 10, 1l-World University
Service Fund Drive, sponsored by SGO
and CSRO.
Postponed consideration of election

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