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April 09, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-09

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42 a t
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Partly cloudy, not much change
in temperature, scattered showers.

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


House Defers Action
On Sales Tax Ballot
Senate Approves Bill To Establish
Grand Rapids Four-Year College
By The Associated Press
LANSING-The House yesterday put off action on the Republican
proposal for a sales tax referendum.
At the same time, the Senate approved the Grand Valley (Grand
Rapids) college bill and passed several other financial measures.
Another vote on the sales tax was scheduled for next Tuesday
and chances for approval appeared good.
"I think it'll pass," Democratic leader Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski
(D-Detroit) said, who forecast Wednesday that two roll call votes
would be needed for the senate-approved proposal to clear the
house. House passage would authorize a November vote on raising

Committee Sets SABAddi.tio,


* * discusses 'U' situation
More Funds
Vice-president and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin L. Niehuss yester-
day said the University expected
increased appropriations from the
Legislature after this year.
The administration expects the
m increased sales tax proposal to be
approved by the voters in the No-
vember elections, furnishing the
state with enough funds to support
its colleges and universities.
"There has been no question of
the Universty's needs by the leg-
islators. It has only been a ques-
tion of there not being enough
money to support state agencies
as they should be," he explained.
Niehuss pointed out that the
Legislature is increasing the state
deficit by appropriating as much
as they have for the coming aca-
demic year.
Pass Other Measures
Should the sales tax increase not
pass, he predicted the Legislature
would then pass other tax meas-
ures to give the state an income
adequate for the support of its
agencies on the pre-tax crisis level.
Salary increases for the faculty
were again stressed by Niehuss as
essential for the coming year. No
decision has been made on wheth-
er or not to increase tuitions he
added, but raising student fees
would be desireable if the alterna-
tive is not giving the faculty a
pay raise.
Niehuss stressed that should.
tuitions be raised, part of the
funds would go toward increasing
the scholarship funds so that no
qualified students with real need
will be forced to terminate his at-
tendence at the University.
Legislators have commented sev-
eral times this year that the Uni-
versity should raise tuition in or-
der to ease the educational burden
on the strained general fund.
Niehuss said that enrollment
pressure had not yet reached the
point that the University was
turning down enough qualified in-
state students to warrant cutting
the present in-state out-of-state
ratio of approximately three to
He said the University feels that
out-of-state students were "es-
sential" to the University, but
noted that a question could arise'
as to how many out-of-state stu-
dents would fulfill the need.

the sales tax ceiling from three to
four cents.
It attracted a 70-34 vote today,
but needed 74 votes-two-thirds
of the membership - to pass.
Seventeen Democrats joined with
the 53 Republicans present to
vote for a referendum. One Re-
publican was absent.
Republican floor leader Rep.
Allison Green (R - Kingston),
blasted Democrats for delaying a
final vote till next week.
"We've been stalling for week
after week," he said.
To Circulate
If Democrats continue to block
a referendum, Green said, Repub-
licans and various interested or-
ganizations will circulate petti-
tions to put the proposition on
the ballot.
The Democratic caucus Wed-
nesday told its members to vote,
as they please on the referendum
By a 27 to one vote the Senate
returned the Grand Valley bill
to the House for agreements to
minor amendments.
Assuming approval there and
the governor's promised signature,
the legislation will pledge state-
chartering of a four-year insti-
tution on condition backers raise
one million dollars and approve
a site.
Defer Action
They deferred action on the
controversial legislative pay pro-
Earlier, political fireworks stalled
action on a House vote on the
$16,773,000 public health appro-
priations bill.
With the help of Rep. George
W. Sallade, maverick Republican
from Ann Arbor, Democrats added
a $150,000 allocation to furnish
free polio vaccine for children.
Green accused Sallade, a can-
didate for the Republican Lieu-
tenant Governor nomination, of
"trying to make political hay." i
"It's shameful for a candidate'
for Lieutenant Governor to line
up with the Democrats this way,"
he declared. "I don't see how
people can vote for him."
Sallade, who frequently has1
bucked GOP House leadership to
vote with Democrats, stood his

... new Panhel president
Group Picks
T-o Preside
Barbara Greenberg, '61, Alpha
Epsilon Phi, yesterday was elected
president of Panhellenic Associ-
Other officers elected included
Lou Monroe, '61, Alpha Omicron
Pi, first vice-president; Kathleen
Bennett, '62, Kappa Alpha Theta,
second vice - president; Carlotta
Maize, '62, Alpha Xi Delta, sec-
retary; Andrea Patterson, '62,
Alpha Chi Omega, treasurer. Miss
Greenberg ran unopposed.
Miss Greenberg said that she
believes Interfraternity Council
and Panhel should continue to
work closely in such areas as
scholarship, social functions, rac-
ial .and religious toleration, and
cooperation with other campus
"All these should be worked on
together, without stressing one
more than another. They compli-
ment each other.
"I hope to be able to cut down
on the time spent on unneeded
social activities, and try to put
this time into intellectual func-
tions. This might correct the
present imbalance.
"Panhel has already started
going through their calender, con-
solidating social functions. We are
not eliminating events but de-
termining if they serve a valuable
purpose, and if not, deciding what
could do a better Job."
Miss Greenberg commented that
the faculty is unaware of the
progress that is being made in
sororities toward a more schol-
astic atmospher-e.
Also elected were Mary Schaef-
er, '62, Alpha Chi Omega, chair-
man of rushing chairmen; Joan
Myers, '61, Sigma Delta Tau,
chairman of rushing counselors;
Susan Stillerman, '62, Alpha Ep-
silon Phi, chairman of public re-
lations; Pamela Chapman, '62,
Alpha Delta Pi, secretarial man-

Must Vote
On Proposal
The University yesterday re-
ceived authorization from the Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee for
the construction of an addition to
the Student Activities Building.
The new wing will house ad-
ministrative departments that deal
primarily with student affairs.
These departments include the
admissions office, the placement
bureau, the veterans affairs office,
the office of religious affairs and
the bureau of appointments.
The $975,000 structure is part
of a package proposal which calls
for $7,440,000 for the construction
of self liquidating building pro-
jects in six of the state's colleges
and universities. The work will be
financed from bonds payable from
fees and other revenues derived
from the buildings.
The three story structure will
be built on the lot behind the SAB.
Also included in the bill, which
must be approved by the Legisla-
ture, are a $1.4 million residence
hall unit for Central Michigan
University and a student center
for Northern Michigan University
costing $1.3 million.
U'Men Riot
Over Shows
"I'm going to close the snack-
bar and turn off the television set,
until these boys can learn how to
behave," the attendent of South
Quadrangle's Club 600 announced
shortly following a small uprising
last night.
The riot started when approxi-
mately 150 residents of South
Quadrangle disagreed over the
choice of a television program.
Several men wanted to watch the
championship hockey game be-
tween Toronto and Montreal, and
several others wanted to watch
When the trouble began, the
doors leading to the lobby in which
the club is located, were closed to
outsiders and the electrical circuit
to the television set was turned
Angered by this action, several
residents began rioting and pro-
ceeded to destroy a few chairs and
tables. A few resident advisors
quickly tried to quiet down the
crowd of rowdy students.
One student was caught trying
to steal a cigarette machine while
others were occupied with break-
ing furniture and yelling "to the
hill!" A resident advisor said that
disciplinary action might be taken
in the case of the student who
tried to remove the machine and
in other unusual cases.
Eventually the students were
quieted down. They watched the
last half-hour of "The Untouch-
ables" after taking a voice vote.
After this program, the students
resumed watching the champion-
ship hockey game.
Leonard A. Schaadt, business
manager of the residence halls
said that the disturbance will not
affect the remodeling of the snack-
bar this summer. "I'm sorry this
had to happen."










U' Cyclotron in AEC Bi


SGC To Ask
Voting Right
From Cit
Say Students Entitled
To Ann Arbor Vote
Student Government Council
Wednesday passed motions re-
questing the Ann Arbor City
Council to take action to allow
students of voting age to register
to vote here if they are not reg-
istered anywhere else.
In a connected motion, the
Council asked the Regents "to
seek to attain local voting rights
for students of voting age and not
elsewhere registered."
Al Haber, '60, the motions spon-
sor, said that there were two basic
reasons that this action should
be taken.
The fact that students living in
Ann Arbor must obey the city
authorities and regulations en-
titles them to a franchise, he said,
and the fact that they are counted
as residents for the purpose of
distributing the state tax money
to communities also justifies the

-Daily-David Giltrow
NEW OFFICERS-Dan Rosemergy (seated), '61, was selected
new president of Inter-Quadrangle Council last night. Dave
Catron (left), '61, and Michael Mason, '61, were named vice-
president and secretary-treasurer, respectively.
* i
Inter-Quad Council Affirms;
RIna'mo'ra'v fair PPr..Q*Pnt




Name Panels .5. X
In other action, SGC named
five men and five women to Dan Rosemergy, '61, unoppose
panels of students from each of Council president, was officially elec
which one student will be chosen As IQC operates on the slate
by the administration to serve on executive offices were automatical
the University committee for the serve as vice-president and Michae
Honors Convocation. "One advantage of coming ini
The women were: Susan A. Deo, said, "is that we have had a whole
'61; Nancy A. French, '61; Linda work on problems. We should have
S. Hiratsuka, '61N; Karen E.
Klipes, '61SM; and Ronnie I. Pos- a very workable structure."
ner, '61. ;Rosemergy said the ultimate
The men were: Robert F. Ber- goal of IQC should be to give
land, '61; John D. Gillanders, something of value to those who
'61E; Kerrt E. Kilpatrick, '61E; move into the residence halls, even
Richard J. Sideman, '61; and Jon those only staying a year or two.
Select Committee "Students must realize they get
The Council also selected Nancy as much from an organization as
Adams, '61; John Feldkamp, '61; they put in it."
Roger Seasonwein, '61; (all of He commented that IQC will
SGC), Pat Backman, '62; Dick need men besides a new constitu-
Gissell, '62; Casey King, '62; and tion. "Already four or five men
one other student to be selectedhaeo eady toure rdfasedmif
by the executive committee to go have come up to me and asked if
to the National Students Associ- they could work on committees.
ation Regional meeting this week- "Good committees are essential.
end. I am also going to work closely
The Council also passed a with house officers to help acquire
motion to investigate the possibil- good officers for the lower levels
ity of having student organiza- in IQC.
tions have a phone rate other "I expect to work very closely
than the presently enforced com- with house presidents in the com-
mercial one. ing year. I am now writing a hand-
The author of the motion said book for presidents. Many men
that "the effectiveness of an or- wish to run for office but aren't
ganization depends on its ability sure just what they would do in
to reach means of communica- office. I hope that this booklet will
tion." be of guidance for them.

ed candidate for Inter-Quadrangle
cted last night.
system his choices for the other
ly elected. David Catron, '61, will,
l Mason, '61, as secretary-treasurer.
to a new organization," Rosemergy
year to sit back and evaluate and
School Sets
Study Plan

House Group
Notes Need
Of Physicists
Meader, Scientists
Testify at Hearing
To Authorize Plan
Special to The Daily
Three University scientists and
Rep. George Meader (R-Mich.)
urged Congress yesterday to build
a $1,800,000 cyclotron at the Uni-
"We asked the House subcom-
mittee on public works to do some-
thing somewhat unusual by add-
ing this item to the Atomic Energ
Commission budget in committee,'
Meader said. "I felt the reactior
of the committee was very sym-
The cyclotron which Vice-Presi-
dent for Research Ralph A. Saw-
yer, and Professors David Denni-
son and William Parkinson of the
physics department described i
Washington will be a unique ma-
chine. Blueprinted by the physici
department as a medium powe
accelerator, it would fill gaps i
the study of heavier element.
Study Lighter Elements
Existing meditim power cyclo-
trons can study only lighter ele.
ments, while the big billion voli
machines explode the nuclei, leav-
ing nothing at all to be studied.
"We were assured a cyclotro
for the University had high prior.
ity on the list of the AEC's re
search division," Meader said.
The proposal has been on the
commission's books since 1958
when it was "favorably received.
But since the Michigan legislature
had not appropriated money fo
a building to house the machine
the proposal was never acted on.
"We testified that the stat
Legislature now has before it a
capital outlay bill which woul
allot $1,050,000 to construct i
building for the cyclotron out or
the North Campus," Meader de,
"The University is guaranteeltU
it will provide a building, if no
through funds from the Legisla,
ture, then from other sources."
'Arbitrary Decision'
He pointed out that the AE(
made an "arbitrary decision" i
eliminating all funds for newr
search projects from the budge
it sent to Congress. '
Meader said in February he un
derstood the commission was mak
ing an effort to keep expenditure
from mushrooming, trying not t
engage in new and extensive Yen
A decision from the House sub
committee, headed by Rep. Lou
C. Rabaut (D-Mich.), is not ex
pected till some time in May. Fron
there a proposal would have t
go to the Senate where a subcom
mittee handles AEC appropriation
especially, Meader indicated.
"I am going to arrange to hav
these gentlemen from the Uni
versity appear before the Senat
subcommittee too." Several month
ago he pointed out that the Ben
ate "has traditionally been fa
more ilberal" than the Hous
toward such proposals.
Sawyer told the House subcom,
mittee the cyclotron would "fl
an important gap in existing cycl
trons." He said it "is a basic re
search tool which, in capabl
hands, will increase our basi
knowledge of the structure of nu
clei and of their energy level
Its foreseeable useful life will ex
tend over many years."

Set Picketing

Department To Celebrate
Fiftieth Anniversary Today
The political science department will celebrate its fiftieth anni-
versary today and tomorrow, sponsoring a group of visiting speakers
eld by Gov. G. Mennen Williams and Rt. Hon. Lord Bridges, perma-
nant undersecretary of the British Treasury,
Bridges will speak at 8 p.m. in Rackham Auditorium on "The
Status and Prospects of Political Science as a Discipline."
A seminar on "Political Science Instruction as Preparation for
Participation in Public Affairs and Public Service" is scheduled to
open the celebration. President
John A. Perkins of Deleware Uni- R ACES
versity will present the intro-
ductory paper of the seminar, at
2:30 p.m. in Rackham AssemblyV
A second seminar, tomorrow, H o ffa
will deal with "Issues and Prob-
lems of Political Science Re-
search." Prof. V. 0. Key of Har-
vard University, currently a Ford
Foundation Research professor of
government, will present the in-
troductory paper at 9:30 a.m. In
Aud. A, Angell Hall.
"Political Science at Michigan"
is the theme designated a lunch-
eon tomorrow, which will conclude
the celebration. Speakers will be
W i11i a m s, University President
Harlan Hatcher, Prof. Amy Van-
der Bosch, presidept of the Mid-
west Converence of Political Sci-
entists; Evron Kirkpatrick, execu-
tive secretary of the American
Political Science Association and
Prof. James Pollock, chairman of

The Medical School will launch
a Special Studies program for cer-
tain entering students beginning
next fall.
Dean William N. Hubbard, Jr.
said about 10 per cent of the 200
students entering Medical School
will be invited to participate. They
will be chosen on the basis of
motivation, special interests, and
exceptional intellectual capacity.
Prof. John M. Weller, of the in-
ternal medicine department, has
been named coordinator of the
The Special Studies plan is an
attempt to provide a more chal-
lenging medical education for the
superior student. It is similar to
an undergraduate honors pro-

ws T o Fight Landrum-Grif fin Labor Bill

teamster President James R.
Hoffa last night called the Land-
rum-Griffin labor reform bill "the
most ill-advised, ill-worded law in
Speaking to about 400 Univer-
sity faculty members and law
students, he said the act would
destroy the American labor union,
and "was born out of a desire to
elect a president" in apparent
reference to Sen. John F. Kennedy
(D-Mass) who was instrumental
in the passage of the bill.
Attacking the bill's "ambiguous
language," Hoffa promised the

be allowed to choose its own of-
"We must disregard the ques-
tion of public inconvenience and
resist governmental pressure to
give up the right to strike," Hoffa
went on.
He said the public fear of the
power of his union to cripple
transportation throughout the
nation has influenced the govern-
ment to bring the Teamsters
under stricter federal control.
'.Must Keep Right'
"But," he argued, "we must
keep the right to strike in order
to avoid becoming second-class
citizens at the bargaining table.
"No corporion nr very~nme nth.-

"We have survived the greatest
barrage of vicious publicity in
America," Hoffa said. "After three
years of investigations, the insin-
uations against us have not been
"We have successfully combat-
ted the investigations because
union members have been helped
by the union, not by the legisla-
Traces Growth
Hoffa briefly traced the growth
and spread of his union to its
present nation-wide structure of
over one and a half million mem-
He related it to the expanding

I ID - -- - -1 ir--


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