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April 06, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-06

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"Don't Sit There Looking At Me Like That"

Seventieth Year

ten Opinions Are Free
truth Will Prevail"

State Seeks Mediator
To End Funds Hassle
Daily Staff Writer
THE CONFLICT between the Legislature and the state's colleges and
universities over higher education and appropriations has taken a
new turn during the past week. The point of interest has shifted from
appropriations per se to whether universities and colleges should be
supervised by a governing body appointed by the state.
The idea is not a new one. It was proposed last year by Republican
Elmer R. Porter, chairman of the Seniate Appropriations Committee.
The presidents of Michigan's nine state-supported colleges and uni-
versities are meeting to choose their own medaitor, but are set against

ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must, be noted in all reprints.

DAY, APRIL 6, 1960


Panhellenic Elections:
There's Gotta Be a Better Way

PANHELLENIC Association is talking about
changing its election procedures. It's about
ne. For here's how the twenty-two sororities
lected the new Panhellenic officers Monday
ght . .
In each house, the president stands, an-
unces there will be Panhellenic elections
is evening. What? Slight undertone of "I
n't know anything about the girls, I should
At vote" along with mixed laughter.
She advances names of the two girls slated
r Panhel for the particular office. Either she
the house delegate to Panhel proceeds to
unmarize the platforms, and in most cases
)ints out how she thinks the vote should go.
liked so-and-so, she was dynamic." The
atforms of each condidate have been printed
> by Panhel and distributed to the houses.
)ERHAPS someone in the house knows one
of the two girls who will be selected for
is office, in which case she may add her yay
nay. Often no one but the president and
legate knows of the candidate. They happen
know because they went to a meeting Mon-
ay afternoon and heard the candidates speak.
r at least representatives from all but four
. the sororities attended.
House president calls for a vote. It is likely
be unanimous, except for those who don't

raise their hands. It is also likely to favor
the girl for whom the house president or dele-
gate speaks most positively. .
Repeat this simple little election procedure
about ten times, once for each Panhellenic
position, including the public relations official
and the secretarial manager. Repetition breeds
YET THESE elections are important. Pan,-
hellenic is head and voice of female affiliate
opinion. Its president sits on Student Gov-
ernment Council and its policy makers mold
that amorphous ruler of men and minds called
To the girls who are slated for Panhel offices
the election results will mean a lot. They have
already given their time in attendance at an
open house for prospective candidates, in
drawing up platforms, in speaking at the pre-
vote meeting. All were interviewed by Panhel-
lenic's executive council before being slated.
To each candidate, winning the election
means the opportunity to be active on campus
in the way she prefers.
But the girls in the houses can do nothing
but sigh and laugh a little while casting their
votes. Indeed, the vote is democratic, so is
choosing straws.
There's gotta be a better way.



Conversation with Kennedy

the state's appointing one over
Porter's plan would call for a
board which would handle not
only appropriations requests from
the schools, but would also have a
voice in the internal problems of
the schools, such as curriculum
selecting. The constitutionality of
this in regard to the University
and Michigan State is dubious, as
both institutions were originally
set up under the authority of the
state constitution.
* - * *
BUT AS PORTER pointed out
Monday, the Legislature's reaction
to these schools refusing to com-
ply with their wishes might be
very strong if they did not subject
themselves to the proposed gov-
erning board (should one be es-
The backers of Porter's ideas
in the Legislature are not strong,
but there is a general feeling that
something must be done about the
conflict which arises every year
among the schools, and then be-
tween the schools and the legisla-
It is evident that the proposed
board or supervisor will exert
pressure on the schools to get
them to give up conflicting claims
to the appropriation dollar. The
schools would be deprived of the
right to present their own budget
requests, thereby giving the state
much greater control over Michi-
gan's institutions of higher educa-
A QUESTION arises as to why
the state should not control its
schools completely. The answer is
a fear that the educational sys-
tem may become involved in poli-
To give an example, had the
state possessed power over the
University ten years ago, there
would have been strong pressures
exerted on the legislators, and
therefore on the schools, to end
courses dealing with Communism
on the grounds that they are sub-
* * *
want a mediator to do research
on the needs of the schools so a
fairer allocation of funds might
be managed. As the schools will
not be bound by the decision of
their' mediator, many legislators
feel that the proposed $25,000 a
year position is an absolute waste.
The president's plan does seem
too weak to be of much use except
for research. This does not seem
likely to solve the problem of
quarrels over appropriations. But
for the universities the idea of a
state board is too strong, as most
people agree that ' though the
schools are organs of the state,
they should'not be under the di-
rect control of the Legislature.
-No one has found a plan that
would offer enough control with-
out too much control, and in this
case it is doubtful that any action
is better than no action at all.

An d The
Marston Bates, Random House,
New York. $3.95.
IT HAS, apparently, become a
tradition to preface the review
of a Marston Bates book with an
incantation to Aristotle, Darwin,
Whitehead, or all three at once.
This practice serves not only to
dazzle the readers, but also to
put the author in the company of
the demi-gods, of the literary-
fringist science world.
Too bad the practice is only
wasted on Bates, whose books,
especially this one, hold their col-
lective own magnificently.
"The Forest and the Sea" is a
deceptive book at first. Bates's
style, while not exactly 'pellucid,'
is by and large Thurber-prose.
And it is this kind of simplicity
which belies the thorough control
and scholarliness implicit in the
BATES summarizes the mutual
scorn betweenscientists working
on the same phenomena at differ-
ent levels: "This only shows that
scientists are human beings, and
science another human activity."
This is one sentence of "The
Forest and the Sea"; yet I have
heard an emminent anthropolo-
gist take two lecture hours to say
the same thing.
As everyone knows, Marston
Bates is available to all, in person,
in the form of Zoo.. 38, a course
highly-touted alternately by the,
inter-fraternity grapevine and the
Michigan folk singets. This kind
of ' breadith in admirers parallels
Bates's own range of interests.
He stands lonely exponent of the
position that attempts to ignore
the artificial boundaries of biol-
ogy and look at "behavior" all at
once; a position that serves as
point-of-departure for this book.
FLANKED by Mrs. Bates at one
side and the great white dog
Grundy at the other, Marston
Bates generally spends one eve-
ning a week leading thesseminar
which, according to the dedica-
tion page, made the book partly
possible. The seminar characteris-
tically devotes itself to the kind
of interdisciplinary ventures
which ,inspire "The Forest and
the Sea" into a position quite
more than a fine book of ecology.
Thus, "The Forest and the Sea"
succeeds at several different levels
and makes it a worthwhile invest-
ment in both time and money.
-Dick Pollinger



SOUTHERN REPLIES to Student Govern-
ment Council's letters supporting Negro
"sit-ins" have consistently noted Michigan's
need to clean up its own discrimination first.
While these letters ignore SGC's point that
it protested against the mistreatment of stu-
dents in the South, they do point up one of
the shames of this Northern state.
A number of Michigan communities, partic-
ilarly in suburban Detroit, bar prospective
non-white residents,
A particularly obnoxious example is the
Grosse Pointe rating system, in which all
would-be buyers are rated not only according
to clothes but also race and religion.
An article in Sunday's Detroit Times sums
up a questionnaire "admittedly used by prop-
arty owner groups and others to screen pros-
pective buyers of homes."
(The questionnaire was among evidence
introduced in a damage suit involving a Wind-
mill Pointe property transaction which is being
heard by St. Clair County Circuit Judge Hal-
lord I. Streetor of Port Huron.)
Under the name of the Grosse Pointe Prop-
erty Owners Association, an investigator em-
ployed by the property owners and by the
Grosse Pointe Brokers Association seeks an-
swers to three pages of questions.
REGARDING appearance, the questionnaire
reportedly asks the following (blanks to be
flled in with checks):
Mr. ...... Swarthy: Very .. .. .. Medium
,......Slightly ...... Not at all...... Mrs.
Swarthy: Very....... Medium ......
Slightly...... Not at all......
Other questions included:
Accent - pronounced, medium, slight or
Names typically American?
Typical of own race?
COn ferenC
Associated Press News Analyst
THE GENEVA disarmament conference has
degenerated early in life to its expected
evel of deadlock.
After the London' disarmament conference
he big powers were put under heavy pressure
Df public opinion in the United Nations to keep
mrsuing the dream, regardless of the existence
n the world of a new type war which could
produce shooting at any time.
The Soviet Union refused to have any more
o do with the idea as long as she was outnum-
bered at the conference table. Some of her
;atellites were then admitted to the circle, as
3yelorussia and the Ukraine, wholly integrated
Soviet States, had been admitted to the United
Kations originally. The current 10-nation dis-
ussion is the result.
SOME SLIGHT hopes for agreement were
entertained in the West because of a belief
hat Russia, finding she was still far behind in

Dress -Neat or slovenly, conservative or
General education-Good, fair or poor?
A perfect score on the entire questionnaire
would rate the applicant 100 points. But in
the education category, the maximum is only
five points.
Occupation and position within that occupa-
tion have a maximum of 20 points.
"Fourteen points are involved if his friends
are predominantly American or otherwise,"
according to the Times.
(The questionnaire leaves a blank, in which
the buyer's religion is filled in, under supple-
mental information-no points are involved.)
If the purchaser is considered "highly rep-
utable" by the investigator, he can gain eight
points; if the family is "highly thought of in
previous neighborhoods."
S OL LITTMAN, Michigan regional director
of the B'nai B'rith Anti - Defamation
League, who distributed copies of the ques-
tionnaire, explained the interpretation of the
points :
"Under this system if you are Jewish you
need 85 points.
"Italians need 75 points, Poles 55. Negroes
and Orientals are not given any consideration.
The questions and the manner of obtaining
answers are un-American and Fascist in con-
"Personally I think the charters of the
Grosse Pointe Brokers Association and the
Grosse Pointe Property Owners Association
should be revoked."
While situations such as this exist, and it
should be kept in mind that Grosse Pointe is
not an isolated example, there will be need
for concerted efforts by citizens of Michigan
to solve their own discrimination proolenis.
The challenge of the Southern It ter-writers
must be met,

WASHINGTON - Whether you
like Jack Kennedy or not,
you can't help giving him credit
for being frank and forthright in
his willingness to answer embar-
rassing questions. And the more
you talk with him the more you
like him.
Point by point I raised the
a r g u m e n t s which critics are
making against him. One was re-
garding his youth.
"People are inclined to say,
'Well, Jack has time to run four
years or eight years from now.
He'll still be young enough.' By
the way, how old are you?" I
"Forty-two," the Senator re-
plied. "I recognize that my age
is a handicap, but you can look
at it in two different ways. Some
say you need an older man to
negotiate with Khrushchev. Per-
haps a younger man could do
better. A lot of people believe thAt
what we need right now is youth

and vigor. I believe the country
is ready for some vigor and some
WE DISCUSSED the religious
question. I told Kennedy that I
had read the criticism of him in
the Catholic press after his Look
Magazine article made clear his
position for the separation of
Church and state; and that some.
of my friends at Fordham report-
ed that the Catholic hierarchy
generally were much opposed to
having a Catholic run for Presi-
dent. Kennedy said he was aware
of this.
Rather undiplomatically, I re-
minded him that a lot of Demo-
crats were sore at him because
they said he was blackmailing the
party into either accepting a
Catholic candidate or having the
Democratic party appear anti-
Catholic. He countered by saying
that when he was asked on "Meet
the Press" whether he would run

o The Edito

-e Unreal


economic ability to fight a cold war both at
home and abroad, wished to shift the balance
between her economic and military power.
There were demands in Russia as well as in
other underdeveloped countries for some reali-
ration of economic dreams long deferred.
The slight hopes snowballed into a world
clamor for peace, ignoring world situations
which, if frozen in their present shape, could
only be expected to pen up pressures for later
violent explosions.
Public opinion was directed toward an end
rather than toward the means to an end.
The Baltic States and Eastern Europe re-
mained subjugated. Germany, Korea and Viet-
name remained divided. The people of main-
land China continue to protest against their
Red rulers. More and more these rulers at
Peiping insist on their enmity toward all the
non-communist world.
THIS NON-COMMUNIST world, led by the
Western powers, does not believe these situ-
ations can or should be frozen.
International Communism not only believes
they can h frzen but that new and similar

Strangled ..
To the Editor:
AT their last meeting in March,
the SGC strangled two vital
motions with procedural red-tape
and a lack of penetrating debate,
The two motions were (1> permis-
sion for a fund raising drive for
the southern students who have
incured financial difficulties due
to their involvement in the lunch
counter sit-ins, and (2) an en-
dorsement of student picketing^
and economic boycott of the local
branches of the Woolworth and
Kresge chains to protect their
policy on lunch counter discrim-
Two points in Tom Turner's
editorial of April 5 are worth re-
peating. "A broad base of national
support for the demonstrators is
needed also in terms of the prac-
tical politics of the impasse. Only
by a national boycott can the
variety stores be forced to recon-
sider their position on service to
"Only by national fund raising
can the Negroes who now have
fines to pay and meals to buy
be supported; only with money
behind them will other Negroes
join them in the demonstrations."
* ', *
(Daily April 5) to an SGC letter
sent to the Governor of Alabama
indicates the kind of mentality
that threatens our fellow students
in the south who are seeking the
elemental right to meals at a
public lunch counter. They have
shown courage and responsibility
in their non-violent protest even
when lighted cigarettes were put
down their necks while they sat
waiting for equality and the ac-
ceptance of their human dignity.

To serve as the official repre-
sentative of the University stu-
dent community . . . to the out-
side student and world commun-
ity. (SGC plan)." The fund rais-
ing drive and boycott need SGC
approval and endorsement. We
hope that our SGC and campus
will not be guilty of "washing
their hands" of the issue as the
dime store chains have done.
We strongly urge the SGC to
reconsider its action.
Brereton Bissel
Alan Dragoo
Simon Katzenellenbogen
Proposal . .
To the Editor:
lishing foreign language houses
on the campus have slipped into
the universal but human fraility
of being myopic to the over-all
effect as they focus all their atten-
tion to one aspect of the issue.
It is only too painfully true that
there is very little of mingling
between students in different fields
of concentration. Students in en-
gineering, law, medicine, business
administration, literature etc. tend
to limit their acquaintance to
members of their own school.
It is only the girls who pic-
turesquely float around like free
electrons between the nuclei of the'
members of various academic
fields in the process of social dat-
ing, giving the otherwise socially
isolated schools a somewhat physi-
cal continuity. Apart from this the
only intermingling that takes
place between students of different
schools is in residence halls and
other group-living units.
*m A I' 'n* n

for anything except President, he
had to say no.
"Once you begin running for
Vice President," Kennedy ex-
plained, "You're licked."
However, he emphasized that in.
no way was he trying to black-
mail the Democratic party into
nominating a Catholic, and that
he would go out and campaign
to show his good will for any
man who was nominated.
* * *
vote. I pointed out that Kennedy's
voting record in the Senate had
been rather lame; that although
the question was complicated,
farmers were exacting and the
farm vote would be essential for
him to win as the Democratic
"On the other hand," I said,
"Humphrey has a great record
with the farmers and would run
a "That's true," Kennedy con-'
ceded, "and in my opinion Hubert
would be an asset to any ticket.
"I suppose my farm vote could
be a handicap in some areas," he
continued. "But I have found that
by being frank with people you
can usually win them over. From
1952 to 1955, I voted in- the Sen-
ate for a degree of flexibility as
a method of preventing overpro-
duction. In fact, I took the same
view as Sen. Clinton Anderson,
the able Secretary of Agriculture
in the Truman Administration.
However, it became obvious that
as the support prices dropped the
production increased rather than
decreased. My view for theĀ° last
five years has been that support
prices with effective controls is
the best way to curb overproduc-
* * *
ports that Chester Bowles, for-
mer Governor of Connecticut and
Ambassador to India would be-
come Kennedy's Secretary of
State in return for supporting
him now.
"Chester Bowles and I have
never discussed the matter," Ken-
nedy replied. "I would think that
Adlai Stevenson, if he were not
the nominee, would probably be
asked to be Secretary of State by
any Democratic President. But I
must say I am fortunate to have
Chester Bowles' help."
"I understand Congresswoman
Edith Green of Oregon believes
she is to be your Secretary of
Health, Education, and Welfare,"
I prodded.
"She certainly would make a
good one, but we have never dis-
cussed the matter," Kennedy re-
plied. "She certainly has stuck
her neck out for me. She took on
a good many struggles in her own
state when she agreed to head my
campaign. The situation is par-
ticularly complicated now that
her friend Wayne Morse is run-
ning for the Presidency."
We talked of other things-the
libel suit that Kohler was bring-
ing against his brother Robert
for the obvious purpose of em-

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due


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