"Dear, I Don't Want To Seem Like A Square, But--"
31w S~idpian Baily
Seventieth Year
When Opinions Are Fre
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
HE CAMPAIGN against lunch-counter dis-
crimination has reached the point of no
The combatants have committed them-
;elves. Thousands of Southern Negroes, many
of them college students, have participated in
,he "sit-ins." They have committed them-
selves financially, in that many fines have been
levied on them.
The students among them have committed
hemselves still more crucially, in terms of
heir much-prized educational opportunities.
At Baton Rouge's Southern University, for
example, thousands have refused to return to
school until student leaders suspended for "sit-
in" activity are reinstated.
THE OTHER combatants in the South have
committed themselves also. Local authori-
ties have used the power of various "discre-
tionary" arrests-disturbing the peace and
trespassing, for example-to quell the demon-
In Virginia, the state went so far as to adopt
tougher anti-trespass laws to meet the threat
to the existing order.
The national chain stores, Woolworth, W. T.
Grant, Kress, Kresge and the rest, have
adopted a stand-pat approach, waiting until
such time as they see a necessity for change,
Some educators, Southern Universities again
providing the best example, have acted swiftly
against the young demonstrators.
There is, in short, something of an impasse
at present, with most of the strong cards being
held by the pro-segregation forces.
AS THE IMPASSE has developed, the issue
has taken on significance beyond the simple
question of whether or not Negroes receive
equal service in variety store lunch-counters.
The place of the young educated Negro in a
South changing too slowly to accommodate
him is a social question being answered.
The effectiveness of boycotts to achieve what
cannot be accomplished by words is being
And what may be equally important, the
eyes of the world's press are now fixed on the
conflict in the South. As in the case of Little
Rock, world opinion is providing a conscience
sometimes lacking at home.
HE IMPASSE on lunch-counter service will
be resolved in favor of whatever side has
the greatest staying power. For the segrega-
tionists, primary and secondary, the passage
of time will probably be an advantage.
The young Negroes will want to come back
to school. When administrations move as did
that of Southern to bring their parents in
(refusing to accept withdrawals without par-I
ental consent) the pressure on the young dem-
onstrators grows.
The only way in which the balance can be
made to tip toward the side of the demonstra-
tors and the social progress which they repre-
sent is for the rest of the country to show
strong support for the demonstrations.
LEADERSHIP on the part of the student
community is particularly appropriate in
that students in the South are so deeply in-
It is particularly needed since the President
-a person in a position to exercise consider-
able moral leadership - has declined to be
forthright. (His answer to a reporter's question
as to whether or not he would agree with Gov,
LeRoy Collins' declaration that stores should
not take Negroes' money in some departments
if they are not prepared to provide equal serv-
ice in all departments was singularly ambigu-
A broad base of national support for the
demonstrators is needed also in terms of the
practical politics of the impasse. Only by a
national boycott can the variety stores be
forced to reconsider their position on service
to Negroes.
Only by national fund raising can the Ne-
groes who now have fines to pay and meals to
buy be supported; only with money behind
them will other Negroes join them in the
If the impetus toward social change estab-
lished thus far is allowed to dissipate, it will
mark a betrayal of the American ideal of
equal rights for all by Americans who could
have been in a position to actualize that ideal
in an important way.
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SRort a Failings
Chicago Symphony:
Fine Tone, Fine Program
IT IS A NEVER-FAILING sourse of wonder that the standard com-
plement of instruments comprised in a given symphony orchestra
can acquire a personal tone which distinguishes it from others. The
Chicago Symphony Orchestra during its recent years under the baton
of Fritz Reiner has attained a sound unique in my memory.
At some risk of seeming esoteric, let me call it an intellectual
tone-for it is brilliant without being lush, clear and distinct without
being strident, and flexible enough to accomplish considerable articu-
lationi without becoming disjointed. The achievement of this sonority
it a credit to Mr. Reiner, and particulary suits his orchestra for the
presentation of the sort of music
performed last night.
THE FIRST IiALF of the pro-
gram illustrated well the history
of modern orchestration. Both be-
gan with Berlioz; the program,.in
particular, with the Benvenuto
Cellini Overture. How much in-
deed had Berlioz advanced beyond
Rossini in orchestration! But how
much in trn should he have
learned from Beethoven about
music! What a poor piece! There
are, true, some tunes which might
have been pleasant after a trip
to the woodshed; there are three
tympanists to kee up the beat;
there is the curiosity of a theme
for basses and contrabassoon-
but withal no structure. There is
a sequence of grim crescendos,
each followed by an awkward
pause while one wonders idly
what will come next. The silence
just before the last gasp was hor-
ribly inept. One laughed.
By merest coincidence, my com-
panion and I had been chatting
after dinner about two kinds of
laughter: the derisive guffaw at
the inappropriate and the glowing
long-held smile brought on by
appreciation of the superb. After
guffaws at the Berlioz-oh well,
there is a place for the noisy cur-
tain raiser-Strauss' Don Juan
was true pleasure.,
Richard Strauss knew every-
thing about orchestral color that
Berlioz did, and he added some
music. His dynamic outlines were
far more varied than those of
Berlioz. He had learned from
Beethoven the use of the "decres-
cendo" as well as the "cresendo."
Due credit for the effectiveness
of the piece must be given to Mr.
Reiner and his orchestra. The ex-
tremely complex score was pro-
jected with admirable clarity; de-
tails often lost in a sea of mush
were cleanly delineated. This pro-
jection is a result of balance,
both dynamic and son-orous; it
was achieved superbly.
AND THEN RAVEL: the master
of orchestration per se. La Valse
is really rather thin musically
but one's interest does not flag.
The constant modulation, the in-
credibly fluid sonorities, the
masterfully distorted rhythm
which is nevertheless always and
inexorably a waltz keep one ever
awake. At the end one may wo-
der what has happened, but dur-
ing the process one is not bored.
It is, as the late Carl Engel used
to say, somewhat like being
After intermission we heard the
Peacock Variations of Kodaly.
Among Hungarian composers this
one certainly comes out second to
Bartok, both as a musician and as
a Hungarian. Bartok is intensely
nationalistic; he adapts his music
to expression of these feelings.
In the Kodaly variations the
reverse seems to happen. The poor
little folk tune is smothered by
miscellaneous intrusions. There
are sections that sound like
Ravel, one variation sounded
Chinese, and the conclusion
sounded like movie music, or at
best Gustav Holst.
-J. Philip Benkard
(Continued from Page 2)
Detroit, Michigan (Redford Union)
-English, Eng./Spanish or French.
Wed., April 6
Albion, Michigan-Elem.; Eng./Hst.
soc. Stud./Reading, Eng.
Athens, Michigan-elementary: Jr
HS Soc. Stud./Eng./Geog.; H Band/
Clio, Michigan-Elem. Vocal: home
Ec., Eng./French, Dr. Ed., Math/Soc.
Stud./Coach (track & cross country)
Grand Rapids, Michigan° (N e w h at1I
PS) - Elementary (K-6).
Parma, Ohio - Call later for fields.
Thurs., April 7
Bay City, Michgan -.Latin, ng.,
Firls Phys. Ed., Math, WorldBat.'
Erie, Michigan (Mason Consolidated)
-Call later for fields.
Ypsilanti, Michigan - lenm; Jr. HS
Bus. Ed., Eng./SS, Sci./Math, Eng./
Span.,- Eng. / Home Ec, Eng. / Math,
Math, Instr. Music; Spec. Ed.: Ment.
Fri., April 8
Belding, Michigan-Eng./ Eng/Journ.,
Girls PE, Football Coach, Eng./Span.,
Speech Corr.; Ment. Hdcp.
Carsonville, Michigan - Math/Sci.,
Comm./ Soc., Stud.; Band/Vocal Music,
Home Ec.
Ypsilanti, Michigan-See above.
For any additional information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administratio
Building, NOrmandy 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Summer Placement
Attention: To all students looking
for summer jobs. It is not too late.
Jobs are coming in every day and we
have morem obs than students. Come
to the summer Placement Service In.
Room D528 of the S.A.B., every after-
noon from 1:30 to 5, and Friday a.m.
from 8:30 to 12.
April 6, 7 and 8. Ken Smith of Camp
Charlevoix will be at the Summer
Placement to interview for Tennis In-
structor, a Nurse, and general counsel-
April 7. Fresh Air Society and Camp
Hamarack will interview for both male
and female ounselors. Mr. Sam Skolm-
the is looking for bus drivers, camp
craft supervisor, and Asst. Village Sup-
ervisors. Good pay.
April 7. Miss Colleen McEwain of
the Saginaw Girl Scouts will interview
women Counselors along with Mrs.
Brinkert of the Huron Valley Girl
April 5-8. The Director of Summer
Placement will interview men students
for waiters jobs at Clar Lake Lodge,
Clark Lake, Michigan, between Napo-
eon and Brooklyn on Route 127. Inter-
views will be held every afternoon from
1:30 to 5:00. The manager will see you
at the Summer Placeent Service on
Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m., Room
Contact the summer Placement Ser-'
vice concerning th following requests
for summer help.
Sid on St. Clair River, near Alganae
wants 2 hostesses, 3 waitresses and 2
bus boys.
SDinner Bell Inn, Inc., at Rehoboth
Beach, Delaware, wants waiters, wait
resses. bus boys, room clerks, hostesses.
A very busy place and you mndke
money. You must be 21 or over in the
dining room.
Sturtevant Lodge,. Palisades Park,
Mich., is looking for First and Secon
cooks, pastry cooks, bell boys and por-
,Hotel Harris, Harrison, Maine is look-
ing for 6 waitresses. Good pay and tiPs.
We have applic.ations.
We have applications from the Mich-
igan Employment Security Commission
for jobs in Muskegon, Mich. This 41'
for both men and women.
The following companies will inter-
(Continued on Fage 5)
Unplanned Summit
ON TUESDAY Sen. Gore was surp
worried when Secretary Hertert
that there is no agenda, no under
about what is to be talked about at th
meeting in May. Instead of a plann
tiation the four heads of governmen
hold "two or three days" of conversat
of it so private that not even their
Ministers will be present. Sen. Gore
seem to realize how much things have
in Washington since the death of Joh
Dulles who used to insist that the
Ministers ought to agree, or to be i
agreement, before the heads of govern
allowed to meet at all. Since the Pres
taken charge of foreign affairs, he has
this doctrine completely and has putl
faith in direct personal contact with t
of all foreign governments.
This is not the only reason why
Herter admitted, there is no plan fort
mit- The other reason is that fort
being at least the President is not tI
of the Western alliance. He is unable
about an agreed Western policy on 'W
lin and Germany, or indeed on any o
stantial issue. For Bonn and Paris
have a veto on Western policy, and th
want any negotiation on the German
THIS VETO was first used effective
tober, shortly after the Nixon visitt
and the Khrushchev visit to the Unite
The veto was used to prevent a summi
in December or January for the pu
preparing the way for negotiationso
lin. Both Gen. de Gaulle and Dr.I
were determined to avoid a summit
until the momentum of the Soviet-
conversations had been dissipated.
This pressure campaign reached i
in Dr. Adenauer's recen.t visit to this
While he was not wholly successful
as Secretary Herter told Sen. Gore t
dent can still talk about anything
summit-the campaign had succeede
venting any serious negotiation of a
Western position at the summit. Ther
of the "planning" that Sen. Gore wi
because our French and German pa
not want any plans. They want to15
on the status quo.
W HY? BECAUSE any genuine ne
about Berlin, even though it gu
the fr= 0r nm . +..a r~A iwa .,
rised and almost inevitably have to bring in the East
told him German government.
rstanding This is the concession which Dr. Adenauer
e summit wants at all costs to avoid, especially before
ed nego- the German elections in 1961. He insists upon
nt are to preserving the fiction that the East German
ion, some state does not exist and is untouchable and
Foreign unmentionable by the Western allies. In this
did not stand France, for its own reasons, supports
s changed him.
hn Foster
Foreign WHEN HE SPOKE at the National Press
n virtual Club in Washington Dr. Adenauer indi-
iment are cated why he thinks there is no risk in refus-
ident has ing to negotiate with Mr. K. about Berlin. It is
reversed "my firm conviction," he said, "that Khrush-
his main chev . . does not want war .. . and will not
;he heads risk his entire work, the development of the
Soviet Union and the seven-year plan." Con-
, as Mr. vinced of this, Dr. Adenauer does not fear
the sum- the threat which Mr. K. has made about
the time Berlin. The threat is to sign a separate peace
he leader treaty with East Germany and then to let the
to bring East Germans and the Allies argue with each
Nest Ber- other about the right of access. For in Dr.
ther sub- ARdenauer's views, if the East Germans did
together in fact interrupt the traffic of the Allies, the
ey do not Allies would push through the obstacle, and
question. the Soviet Union would not go to war about
ly in Oc- This is the calculated risk which Adenauer
to Russia and de Gaulle are prepared to take. I think
ed States. the calculation may be justified, especially if
t meeting we think of the East Germans attempting an
urpose of actual blockade and not merely a perpetual
over Ber- and varied harassment. Even then, I believe
Adenauer we could live with it. It is not because I fear
meeting the physical blockade of Berlin that I think
American we ought now to attempt a serious negotiation
about its long term status.
ts climax
country. WHAT I FEAR is the decline of the Western
-in that position as compared with the growing
he Presi- power, not only the growing military power,
g at the of the Communist world. It is going to take
d in pre- more than a few billion dollars put into mis-
n agreed siles and a better air lift to right in our own
*e is none favor the over-all balance of power. It is
vould like going to take a national revival in this country
rtners do which only the more far-sighted among us
stand pat are beginning to talk about, a national re-
vival which is far from having reached the
point where it is being translated into popu-
egotiation lar language and political action.
uaranteed The Western position in Berlin is not likely
nme fr,- to crnw stronger. vt i nlravfra.0na nd
W ASHINGTON-Declaring that
"the honeymoon is over," a
Senate report soon to be published
charges that the small business
investment program has become
bogged down in red tape and ad-
ministrative secrecy.
The report, still stamped "con-
fidential," accuses the Small Busi-
ness Administration of (1) allow-
ing investment companies to
charge small businesses as high as
15 per cent for loans: (2) failing
to publish "the rules of the game"'
as required by law; (3) taking an
unimaginative, ultra-conservative
approach ' to the investment pro-
Drafted by the Senate Small
Business Committee, the Report
reviews the administration of the
Small Business Investment Act
adopted in August, 1958. By last
month, 79 investment companies
had been licensed under the pro-
gram to help finance struggling
small businesses.
the report charges, sought "the
respectability of a government li-
cense to cover too high rates of
interests. The Small Business Ad-
ministration has apparnetly abet-
ted this by adopting a private rule
it will allow a real interest cost
to small business of 15 per cent."
Several other licensed investors
have suspended operations, the
report claims, "because of what
they consider the unsympathetic
actions and attitudes of SBA..
"Obstacles have been placed in
their way needlessly. The law has
been strictly construed; the rules
adopted by theSBA have been
similarly stringent. Worse than
that, however, these rules or 'red
tape' have not been currently
published in the federal register
as required by law. This failure to
publish the rules of the game, as
much as the restrictive contents
of the regulations themselves, has
created an undercurrent of re-
WHAT THE program needs, the
report suggests, is "courageous,
flexible and imaginative adminis-
tration. Therefore your committee
expects those officials responsible
for officially guiding the program
to proceed with both diligence
and aggressiveness."
Kennedy Interview .. .
DURING the height of the Wis-
consin primary Sen. Jack Ken-
nedy flew home for an important
Senate vote, and next morning I
talked to him.
I asked Kennedy some very
blunt questions about his record,
his family, his religion. He an-
swered with genuine frankness.
"I have heard that you think I
am against you because of your
religion," I began the conversa-
tion. "On the contrary I think it
would be healthy to break reli-
gious taboos and have a Catholic
_ . : ._ _T .:1 . .... . C k . w w +
I recalled what Gov. David
Lawrence had told me about his
election as the first Catholic ever
to become governor of the indus-
trial state of Pennsylvania and
the fact that his religion had cost
him 100,000 votes.
"Dave read the New York Times
survey that said he was going to
win by 200,000," replied Kennedy.
"And because Dave didn't win by
200.000 he blames it on the fact
that he is a Catholic. But the fact
is that Lawrence ran far ahead
of Governor Leader who was run-
ning for the Senate. And Leader
is a Protestant."
* . *
I TURNED TO rather a delicate
subject, Jack's father, Joseph P.
Kennedy, onetime ambassador to
Great Britain, onetime admirer
of and contributor to Sen. Joe
McCarthy, and one of the 20 or so
wealthiest men in America.
"I confess to being skeptical
about your father's influence over
you." I said. This is a tough state-
ment to throw at a man who has
been close to his father, but Ken-
nedy took it with good humor.
"Well, father wants me to be
President all right," he said. "He
tells everyone that I'm going to
be President. But as far as influ-
encing me, I think my voting rec-
ord in the Senate speaks for itself.
He and I have disagreed on for-
eign policy and domestic issues for
many years, but always very
* * *
"WHAT ABOUT reports that
your father poured money into
the New Hampshire primary?"
"Father didn't spend a penny
in New Hampshire and my sup-
porters spent only $15,000," Ken-
nedyreplied. "I would have been
foolish to spend a lot of money
in New Hampshire even if I'd
wanted to. It's a sniall state and
all my friends were out bursting
with energy and working without
any money.
* * *
"IN WISCONSIN I'm spending
a lot more," Kennedy volunteered.
"I'll probably spend around $120,-
000. And Hubert will spend about
the same."~
"How can you tell what Hum-
phrey is spending?" I asked.
"You know what the cost of
billboards is and the cost of TV
spots, so you can pretty well add
up what the opponent is spend-
' ing."
"How are you and Humphrey
getting along?' I asked. "Will you
still be friends after Wisconsin?"
"Oh, I think so. We have been
careful not to go after each other
personally. We have to be friends
(Copyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate)
Alabama Ku Klux Klan
Replies to SGC
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
letter postmarked Centre, Alabama..
and adddressed to "Att; Students
& Facuality (sic.), University of
Michigan, Lansing, Michigan," was
received in Ann Arbor during the
spring recess. The letter is presum-
ably a response to that sent by
SGC to Alabama's Governor John
Patterson, deploring the treatment
received by the anti-segregation
demonstrators at colleges through-
out Alabama. The Daily hererprints
the letter exactly as received.)
IROM: Ku Klux Klan and
White Citizen Council
and White Citizens of Alabama.
To: Students & Facualty.
University of Michigan.
Dear Students & Facualty:
I 'write for the Ku Klux Klan of
Alabama as to a reply arid a
warning to you about the recent
letter Governor John received
from you recentely; We, the
people of our great State think
that we can run our own affairs
and are capable of it without
interference of outsiders; We, the
people of the State of Alabama
are proud of our superb advance
in education.
The Coons in our great State
of Alabama, have, at present,
School facilities above the whites,
and also Employment above
whites such as At Goodyear, US.
Steel And Allis Chalmers-
Magnum Snipperscope bullet with
the head of the N.A.A.C.P.s Name
on it I am a Sharpshooter with
all weapons including the Thomp-
son Sub machine Gun, Grease
Gun, 30 & 50 Caliber Machine
Guns and the others are Qualified
with anything from hand Gren-
ades, and Poison Gas; We say
Clean up Detroit, and Michigan,
and then tell another State how
to run its Affairs; Thank You.
(P.S.) N.A.A.C.P. is the Con-
tributors to Communism, Naziism,
and such as to cause Caos within
the Constitution of the United
K.K.K- of Alabama
Certified Teacher .. .
To the Editor:
ARE THERE families who share
with these concerns for the
education of their children?
1. A procedure where each child
progresses at his own pace.
2. The stressing of learning for
the satisfaction of learning itself
instead of for rewards, thus elim-
inating the concept of grades and
promotion and retention.
'The Hypnotic Eye' .
FOR AFTER-VACATION amusement, the Michigan Theatre is pre-
senting one of those shockers designed to impress early high school
students. "The Hypnotic Eye" revolves around the mutilation of pretty
young maidens, in glorious black and white.
The formula is a box-office drean. The old but mysterious theme
of hypnosis, a name Jacques Bergerac), a few women, a beatnik cafe
,for that exotic touch, and a moral to end the movie on a note of hope.
For a mystery, this one has two interesting touches. First, you
know from the start that that wicked hypnotist Desmond is involved
with the crimes. Secondly, you never find out why Wesmond is mixed
up in the crimes a all.
,* * *
ACTING? No comment.
"Touch-O-Vision" won't get as many laughs as "Emergo" did last
year, because it is something that most TV shows have been doing for
If you have seen the other two shows in town, and want a plot
which depends on 12 hacked-up faces, this movie will be worth the
'Solomon and Sheba'
' OLOMON AND SHEBA" is a vast, expensive, monumentally dull
movie. This result seems a pity because such effort must have
spent upon it.
Yul Brynner (Solomon) exerts his rock-like scowl masterfully.
George Sanders (Solomon's war-loving older brother) is his usual evily
oily self. Marisa Pavan is charming and innocent and nothing. Gina
Lolobrigida heaves her mammery appendages, flares her nostrils, and
slithers Ahant disnlaving acres of decollete. These people should have