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March 23, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-23

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r Discusses
Summit 'G


House Adopts Referee Artil



Soviets To Accept Nuclear Controls

GENEVA, ( ) - Soviet Deputy
Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin
said yesterday, without spellingE
out details, that his government
will accept international controls
over nuclear disarmament.
Zorin suggested to the 10-na-
tion disarmament conference that
nuclear disarmament could come
either early or late in a phased
program for complete abolition of
weapons or warfare.
Interest was aroused in the
Western delegations by the unex-
pected flexibility the Soviet Un-
ion appears to be following in its
approach to the nuclear problem.
West Explains Move
Western delegation sources of-
fered various theories as to why
Zorin was following this tack. The
most generally accepted one was
that the Deputy Foreign Minister
war trying to get his government's
program for total disarmament
within four years accepted as the
basis for negotiation rather than
the three-stage Western plan
which mentions no time limit.
It was also suggested that the
Kremlin now might be so confi-
dent of its strength that it felt it
was immaterial whether conven-
tional or nuclear cutbacks came
Ike, Herter Confer
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Secretary of State Christian
A. Herter will confer today and
probably again discuss the nuclear
test ban proposal.
In reply to questions, Presiden-

. , . Soviet Delegate
Read the Classifieds

tial Press Secretary James C. Hag-
erty said he assumed Eisenhower
and Herter would discuss, among
other things, the Soviet Union
plan for a formal ban on all big-
ger nuclear test shots and a mora-
torium on small underground
blasts which are difficult or im-
possible to detect.
No Decision
Earlier, Hagerty said Eisenhower'
has reached no decision as to
what position this government
will take on the Russian proposal.
Hagerty said the plan is under
serious consideration.
The five Western powers--the
United States, Britain, France,
Italy and Canada-would find it
difficult to make radical shifts in
their own program. The briefs of
their delegations are closely tied
to expert military advice.
Different Approaches
There is a difference of ap-
proach, however, in the Western
camp. It was spotlighted in a
speech by French delegate Jules
Moch said France believes that
something more comprehensive
than a suspension of atomic and
hydrogen weapon tests is needed
to open the road to nuclear dis-
Moch's definition came at a
time when the Americans, British
and Russians are more deeply in-
volved than ever in their 17-
month-old effort in a separate
Geneva conference to negotiate a
nuclear test ban treaty.
France, not represented in the
first ban talks, has emphasized
that it will not regard itself bound
by any treaty resulting from those
negotiations. France is now an
atomic power, having exploded its
ownatomic device on Feb. 13.
Soviet Leader
Flies To Meet
With de Gaulle
PARIS, (A')-Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev flies into Paris today
for a pre-summit visit. His every
movement throughout France for
12 days will be protected by police
and soldiers.
PresidentCharles deGaulle will
personally greet the first Russian
government chief to visit France
since Czar Nicholas II called here
with Czarina Alexandra Oct. 6,
Until Khrushchev's return to
Moscow April 3 they will have a
dozen hours of conference on such
delicate subjects as disarmament,
nuclear standstill, Berlin and Ger-
man reunification.
About 200,000 of France's five
million who vote Communits ex-
pect to help welcome Khrushchev
at his last important meeting with
a Western official before the
East-West s u m m i t conference
opens here May 16.

Also Seeks
Aid Approval
Pushbutton Weapons
Make Talks Essential
WASHINGTON, (M)-Secretary
of State Christian A. Herter con-
ceded yesterday the summit meet-
ing is a gamble and said he is not
optimistic it will yield much pro-
gress toward settling East-West
But in this era of pushbutton
weapons "there are too many;
chances for miscalculation, of mis-
understanding, to risk taking the

adopted the administration's vot-r
ing referee section of the civil
rights bill yesterday and moved
on toward early passage of the
whole measure.
The vote, 199-104, could mark
the beginning of the end of the
long Congressional bpttle over civ-
il rights which began in earnest1
more than a month ago.
The voting section is the key
one in the bill, most members
Provides Federal Agents
It would provide for federal
agents, called referees, to be ap-
pointed by federal judges to ov-
ersee registration, voting and vote
counting in areas where system-
atic discrimination against Ne-
groes is found.
It would apply to state and lo-
cal elections as well as federal.
The Administration asked for
the referee plan, and its backers
contended it was necessary to per-
mit all qualified citizens to vote.
They said it had been established
that in some Southern areas Ne-
groes had been clearly prevented
from voting.
Opponents, most of them
southerners, argued that the pro-
posal would mean unconstitution-
al federal interference with local
affairs. They charged it was
pushed primarily to attract politi-
cal support from Negroes.
Similar Senate Bill
Similar legislation is pending
in the Senate, which has appeared
to be awaiting House action be-
fore pressing for final passage.
The Senate might adopt the
House bill so as to bypass its ju-
diciary committee which has not
cleared civil rights legislation in
this congress.
Today's 199-104 House vote was
on a teller count, which does not
show how individuals voted. A
technical confirming vote was
Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY)
tried unsuccessfully to write into
the bill a ban on the poll tax as
a requirement for voting on fed-
eral officers. Fiverstates have such
The presiding officer, Rep.
Francis Walter (D-Pa) ruled that
Cellar was out of order. Walter
said the proper course for Cellar
would be to propose a Constitu-
tional amendment.
A voice vote defeated a South-
ern move to require that the vot-
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. . . discusses summit
position that we will not sit down
and talk with anybody," Herter
told the Senate Foreign Relations
Supports Aid Also
Discussion of the coming sum-
mit meeting overshadowed Her-
ter's main reason for appearing-
to urge approval of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's $4,175,-
000,000 foreign aid program.
Under sharp questioning by Sen.
Albert Gore (D-Tenn), Herter said
Eisenhower is going without a for-
mal agenda to the May 16 meet-
ing in Paris with Soviet Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev and British
and French leaders.
To Discuss Berlin
But Eisenhower is ready to dis-
cuss the Berlin stalemate, Ger-
many, disarmament or other is-
sues, the Secretary said.
Gore told Herter he was deeply
disturbed that the United States
is going to the summit "without
purpose, without plan, without
hope of success."
"It's a gamble," Herter ack-
"You are gambling with high
stakes and it seems to me in a
rather reckless manner," Gore re-
Herter said he was "very frank
to admit I'm not too optimistic
that the summit will produce very
great results."



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Second .Front Page

Vacation 2i 4I

Wednesday, March 23, 1960

Page 3



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