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March 22, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-22

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Seventieth Year

'Sure We Have Two Parties-The Quick And The Dead"
I e...

Opinions Are Free
h Will Prevalr

Vidar on Exhibit
A lumni Museum
MONT ATHOS is a theocratic federation of 20 feudal monasteries
on a peninsula at the northern end of the Aegean Sea. Its isolation
has preserved a world and culture centuries old. It was at Mont Athos
that Frede Vidar began the work which is now exhibited at the Alumni
In the artist's words, "Athos is an anachronism . . . a state of
mind as much as a state of being." In regard to the exhibit he states,
"I have accepted all the flexibilities of the Byzantine compromise .
Specific approaches to individual problems rather than one general
approach toward the entire subject have been used."
Acuriousfeature of this exhibit is that as the pictures progress
stylistically from the representational to the abstract their frames

printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


ARCH 22, 1960


World Faces Grave
Population Problem

r OFTEN PROVES true that political sores
are not nearly as serious as they seem and
ten will heal themselves if the public and the
gislators refrain from picking at them.
On the other hand, there are those that
ntinue to grow and fester even after public
ror has subsided, until they can be ignored
o longer.
The population of the world increases by over
e and one-half per cent per year. If this rate
ntinues (it will probably increase), and if the
ath rate remains constant (it will probably
down), there will be six and a half billion of
in the year 2000-more than twice as many
today. One hundred years later there will be
The problem is not that people insist on
aving children, but that once the children
rive they want to stay alive as long as pos-
ble. Since 1650 the average life expectancy
as risen from 30 to 70 years. In other words,
hile the birth rate has remained more or less
instant the death rate has varied sometimes
pward, but usually downward.
rHE RESULTING explosion in population is
because of all the cultural revolutions-
rban, industrial, medical, etc. - that have
lade life easier and safer, and has taken place
i Western Europe and America to a far
reater degree than elsewhere.
This does not mean that there are more
eople in Europe than in India, for example. It
oes mean that the population of Europe is
resently increasing at a much greater rate
ian that of India.
Most of the underdeveloped countries in
frica, Asia, Central and South America are
bout in the position Western Europe held in
650. These countries have not really felt the
npact of the several "revolutions"; their death
ates have not started to decline significantly.
ni India the birth and death rates are fairly
lose together, and the average life expectancy
only 32 years.
)UT IT WILL not take three hundred years
to cover the ground the Western nations
ave covered before. Since Ceylon was com-
letely sprayed with DDT in 1946, virtually
liminating malaria, the death rate has halved
nd the life expectancy increased from 40 to
0 years. Similar changes are going on now
r are feasible elsewhere.
They are going on in India, where we can
xpect the death rate to halve in 30 years,

which will result in 400 million more Indians
in 1986 than today. Because of their youth,
most of these will be consumers and not pro-
ducers, and per capita income now around $60
per year will have to be divided among them.
This will lead to reduced savings per capita and
will have a crippling effect on the economic
development that India wants and needs.
The obvious answer to this problem is to
persuade people that they don't want five or
six children, and to make available for them
facilities for birth control. But the social
structure in underdeveloped countries is such
that large families are most absolutely essential
for income and social security in sickness and
old age. Until these necessities are provided by
other means families will be big; and until
families are smaller, it will be very difficult
to make enough economic progress to provide
them. This, obviously, is somewhat of a dilem-
ASSUMING that small families became prac-
tical for everyone and everyone agreed to
have only a few children, population would still
be a serious problem.
In the United States, for example, large
families are not necessary. The average family
includes about three children. But in our
healthy, comfortable society nearly everyone
survives to bear children, and nearly everyone
marries. and reproduces. Consequently our birth
rate increases at about the same speed as the
world's as a whole, and at that speed (one and
six-tenths per cent per annum) there will be
650 million Americans by 2050 A.D.
The world population problem is by no means
critical-yet. With an improved social and eco-
nomic structure several times as many people
can be supported today. But even so, such im-
provement is constantly accompanied by lower
death rates. Sooner or later there will be the
grave threat of having just too many people.
The recent brief domestic political contro-
versy about giving crowded countries means
for birth control gives us a glimpse at the
growing problem. The controversy seems to
have subsided, but that it all: the real problem
continues and grows. Sooner or later it will
have to be met on a world-wide basis by an
organization far more powerful than the United
Nations is today.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: All of the statistics and mo't
of the conclusions drawn herein were presented by
Prof. Ronald Freedman at the SGC seminar March


ropirr 40,w

change from horizontal to vertical.
The four paintings "Coenobic
Structure," "Athos Structure, "Idi-
orhythmic Anachronism," and
"Imagery in Retrospect" are the
most abstract, having no human
figures or literal representation.
They are all in vertical frames.
The next most abstract, contain-
ing human and animal figures
structured with various cruciform
and cruciate figures, are five in
number, and all but one in vertical
Continuing from the abstract to
the representational, the next pic-.
tures, "To Theodorius," "To St.
Athanasious," "Vatopedi," and
"Devastation Docheiarion" are
horizontal. The first two are an
uncomfortable clutter of figures,
cruciforms, and cubistic buildings.
Their only interest is that one is
a kind of mirror image of the
other. The last two are predomi-
nantly representational.
There are three striking por-
traits, "Anchorite I," "Anchorite
II," and "Mentor." The Anchor-
ites are, in their particular way,
two of the best works in the show.
"DIONYSIOU" and "Simopelia"
are both -scenes characteristic of
Mont Athos: high rock buildings
on the hillsides. These paintings
are cleverly executed, being pre-
dominantly of a thick, chalk-white
surface. The details of the build-
ings and foliage are almost carved
out of this surface. Views at the
white heat of midday.
The most representational work
is in numerous facile studies of the
Athos landscape.
Four pictures are difficult to fit
into this progression. "Sectional"
and "Transition" are liquidly or-
ganic, a strange couple isolated
from the rest of the exhibit.
"Flight to Athos" is in byzantine
colors, several very stylized men
in a very stylized boat. "Panagea"
is unusual because it is the only
female (the Lady of Athos) in the
entire exhibit.
Frede Vidar's wide range of
diversetechniques and styles des
not essentially distract from or
weaken the unity of the exhibit.
The spectrum between the extreme
poles of the representational-ab-
stract duality perhaps reflects the
state of mind of this artist as he
journeyed from 20th century civil-
ization to the anachronism of
incredible Athos.
-Gordon Mumma

The Chinese Dragon's Shadow

,4Talk with UINu,
- - , W - - w

NEW DELHI-On April 1 the new Burmese
Parliament will meet, and U Nu will once
again become Prime Minister. I had a talk with
him here on the occasion of his two-day visit
to New Delhi. He was sitting in the bedroom
of a modest guest suite at Nehru's house, and
during the half-hour of our talk he sipped a
glass of cold water and talked of a wide range
of things, his face still almost boyish-smooth
and unflawed, his eyes gentle and laughing
despite his quarter-century of political struggle.
Later that afternoon, at a Burmese-Indian
Friendship Society tea, U Nu denied that he
had come, to India to confer with Nehru and
Khrushchev when all three met at Calcutta.
It was sheer chance, he said, that brought him
to the right place and the right persons at the
right time, there would have been broad smiles
of disbelief. But U Nu's angelically pure smile
almost melts your disbelief. Everything he does
seems to partake of the ceremony of inno-
cence. That is probably .why his political op-
ponents have found him a difficult man to beat.

v o viva v Nk-If A. i WOW

I ASKED U NU, in our morning talk, whether
the size of his electoral victory as leader of
he "Clean" faction over the "Stable" faction
had surprised him. He agreed that it had. But
he added, "The people evidently liked us," and
grinned as he said it.
I asked about the Burmese Army, since it was
well known that Gen. Ne Win and the high
Army Command-although officially neutral in
the elections-leaned toward U Ba Swe and U
Kyaw Nyein, of the "Stable" faction, who had
accused U Nu of being ineffectual in dealing
with the Communists. U Nu refused to talk
about the Army. But he did talk of certain
"resistances" he had faced in the election, and
his meaning seemed clear.
But this was only for a fleeting moment.
Then his Dale Carnegie affirmations triumphed.
The past, he sad, must now be forgotten. From
now on the slate will be wiped clean, and both
factions must start afresh as friends. I was
reminded of Jefferson's triumph in 1800 over
the Federalists, and of his First Inaugural
sentence, "We are all Federalists, we are all
Republicans." I fully expect U Nu to say "We
are all Cleans, we are all Stables."
My own guess is that the struggles will go
on. U Nu's real problem when he resumes his

munists in check. If he fails, Ne Win is still
there to intervene as he did earlier. The fact
that he laid down his power voluntarily and
held civilian elections, from which he excluded
himself and the Army, means there will be no.
doubt about his good faith.
ASKED U NU how he felt about the United
States now, and the future relation of the
Asian states with the American government.
They will be good, he said, provided the United
States follows a policy of non-interference in
their internal affairs. Again he refused to be
any more specific, but he didn't need to. Burma
is clearly another case where the Eisenhower
Administration picked the wrong horse, guess-
ing that U Nu was through, and putting its bets
on the "Stable" faction and the Army.
This led me to the question of aid. The
United States gave a grant to Ne Win's gov-
ernment, for a motor road and for some Uni-
versity buildings. I asked U Nu whether he
would continue this policy of accepting eco-
nomic aid. He answered that he would go
through with the projects that Ne Win had
started, and honor the commitment. But as a
broad policy he still stuck with his old posi-
tion, which we had discussed when I was in
Rangoon five years ago-loans, Yes; aid, No.
Behind this, I should guess, is the old fear
that to take aid is to become vulnerable to
American pressures, and to swerve from the
non-alignment position which U Nu holds along
with his good friend Nehru. Perhaps there is
also the fear that it would invite reprisals from
the Communist Powers.
It is worth noting however that the Chinese
Communists offered to settle their boundary
dispute with Ne Win, and made the deal with
him even though he had shown his leaning to-
ward the United States.
HOW DOES U Nu now feel about the Sukarno
agitation for getting Asia nations at the
summit conference, I asked, and gave my own
guess that Russia would not enjoy having
China represent Asia. "But China is China," he
answered, "and China can only represent
China. How can it represent Asia?" (Shades of
Bandung, I thought.)
How about Burma? I asked. Burma, he said,
is a small nation, and doesn't presume to repre-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Although the
United States does not recognize
Red China, the U.S. Department of
state has concluded the colossus
of the East cannot be ignored any
longer. Here is a report on Com-
munist China's military might.
drawn from intelligence sources.)
Associated Press Writer
gon now casts a lengthening
There is no longer much doubt
that Red China is developing into
the third greatest military power
on the globe after the United
States and Russia.
For the time being, China's mili-
tary power is chiefly defensive
and confined to the Asian conti-
nent, but .. .
Pentagon intelligence officers be-
lieve: t
(1) Red China will become an
atomic power within 10 years.
(2) Red China already has a
short - range missile capability,
supplied by the Soviet Union
which also retains control of the
atomic warheads.
(3) Within 10 years Red China
will have developed a long-range
missile capacity roughly compar-
able to that now possessed by the
United States.
WITH SOVIET technical aid,
Red China is already building jet
airframes and assembling com-
pleted aircraft, using power plants
supplied by the Russians. The
shipyards just north of Shanghai
are learning to build long-range
submarines of the Russian "W"
The "W" class boats are diesel-
powered snorkel types capable of
operating off the United States
west coast for two weeks at a
time. The "W" class can include
missiles, probably deck launched,
although it currently is doubtful
whether these missiles are in Red
China's arsenal.
China has an army of 2,600,000
men-150 divisions-equipped with
a hodgepodge of World War II
weapons, some American made
and seized from the Nationalist
This emergence of China as a
world power is finally being recog-
nized in the West.
Ten nations-five each from the
East-West camps-met last week
in Geneva to talk disarmament.
The United States, Britain, Can-
ada, France and Italy represented
the West. Russia, Bulgaria, Po-
land, Czechoslovakia and Ro-
mania, the East.
* * *
BEFORE the meeting, the U.S.
Department of State conceded
that any agreement by the 10
nations would simply be a prelude
to a second, enlarged conference.
Without Red China any agreement
on disarmament would be mean-
Red China's foreign minister,
Chen Yi, has told the National
People's Congress that "while
China is ready to commit itself to
international agreements, any

RED CHINA 'has a 2,000 jet air
force, including approximately 500
light bombers of the sub-sonic
IL28 type, which have a range of
1,200 miles. The 7,500-man naval
aviation unit flies these light
bombers almost exclusively.
The Chinese Communist navy,
consisting of about 250 ships of
all types-has almost no large
offf'ensive capability though it
does have harassment value.
The fact that the Chinese are
developing a submarine building
and repair capability, however, in-
terests the U.S. Navy mightily.
Some intelligence personnel
think Chinese submarines are part
of a long-range plan by the Com-
munists to blackmail Japan into
The fierceness of Russian and
Chinese attacks in late January on
the Japanese - American mutual

defense treaty seemingly would
substantiate this belief.
, * *
AS FOR the Chinese army, it'
has some armored units, but it is
primarily an infantry force-and
with good reason.
In the first place, China now
produces only 50 per cent of her
oil needs, and mechanized armies
consume an enormous amount of
petroleum. In the second place,
China is unbelievably mountain-
ous. There are few areas where the
highly mechanized armies of the
West could operate efficiently.
China's greatest military asset,
of course, is its manpower.
There are 85 million fit men in
the military age bracket, 18 to 40
years. Some 500,000 Chinese are
conscripted annually for three
years of army service.

The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan- Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 129
General Notices
Bicycle Control Program-All bicycles
Impounded prior to Jan. 1, 1960 will
be sold at auction on Sat., April 9. Any-
one wishing to reclaim one in this
group must do so before the begin-.
fing of Spring Vacation (March 26).
Persons who have lost bicycles dur-
ing the past two years are urged to
check the impounded bicycles as many
of these either have no license or one
that has been defaced.
The Bicycle Storage Garages, located
on the south side of East Washington
St. between Fletcher and Forest, are
open Mon., Tues., and Tur., between S...
and 8 p.m. and Sat. from 10 a.m. to
noon. For further information ,regard-
ing the Bicycle Control Program, call
Ext. 314.
Bicycles must be stored at the owners' I
place of residence during vacation.
Campus racks will be cleaned out dur-
ing the Spring Vacation. May we also.
remind all bicycle owners that, to
comply with City and University regu-
lations and to protect your property,
you must register yourtbicycle at the
City Hall and attach the 1960 liese.
Regents' Meeting: Fri., April 22. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than April 12. Please
submit nineteen copies of all com-
Students who are definitely planning
to transfer to the College of Literature,
:Science, and the Arts, School of du-.
cation, School of Music, School of Nur-
ing, College of Architecture and De-
sign, or the College of Pharmacy in June
or September from another campus
unit should come to the Office of Ad-
missions, 1524 Administration Building,
immediately to make application for
LSA students planning on doing col-
lege work during this summer at other
educational institutions should immedi-
ately file the proper summer oure ap-
proval form. These forms are avalble
in the Office of Admissions, 1524 Ad.
Building. May 16 is the last day for
presenting these forms.
International Student and Family Ex-
change. Open Thursday mornings each
week, 9:30-11 a.m. at the Madelon
Pound House (basement), 1024 Hill St.
Topcoats and sweaters for men and
women. Infants equipment and cloth-
ing and children's clothing. These are
available for all Foreign Students and
Families needing the above Items.
Graduate Students in Linguistics:
The preliminary examinations for the
doctorate will be given on Friday and
Saturday, May 13 and 14. Students in
tending to take the examinations must
notify Prof, Marckwardt by nonlater
than Fri., April 8.
June teacher's certificate candidates:
All requirements for the teachers cer-
tificate must be.completed by May 2nd.
These requirements include the teach-
er's oath, the health statement, and
the Bureau of Appointments material.
The oath should be taken as soon as
possible in room 1439 U.E.S. The office
is open from 8-12 and 1:30 to 4:30.
The German Department Announces
Prize Competitions for students en-
rolled in sophomore, junior, and senior
German classes.
stipends of $50 and $35 for first and sec-
ond place respectively Is intended for
students enrolled in either German 31.
32, 35 or 36. The Competition will con-
sist of a translation from German to
English and of a Comprehension Test.
ITION with a prize of $75 to the first
place winner is open to students en-
rolled in German 81, 82, 91 or 92. It
consists of an English essay on a lit--
erary work treated in these courses.
TITION with stipends of $100 and $50
to the first and second place winner Is
open to seniors concentrating In Ger-
man. An essay in English and one in
German on subjects of a literary na-
ture will make up this Competition.
All the Competitions are open only
to students of American High School
and College training and will be held
on Thur., Mar. 24, 1960 from 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. in the Frieze Building. Stu-
dents interested in participating In
these competitions snould contact their
instructors in German for further de-

tais.The deadln frapplicatin
(blanks available in the German 'De-
partment Office) is noon, March 23,
History 30 Midsemester, March 22,
9:00 a.m. Valone and Hanna's sections,
Aud A, Angell Hall; Simpson's sections,
231 Angell Hall; Zahniser, Gerber, and
Holli's sections, N.S. Aud.
Sports and Dance Instruction-Women
Women students who have completed
the physical education requirement may
register electively on Tues. and Wed.,
March 22 and 23 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45
a.m. Registration will be held on the
main floor of Barbour Gym.
Agenda, Student Government Coun-
cil, March 23, 1960, 7:30 p.m., Council
Room, 3540 SAB, Constituents' Time
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer Reports: President, Procedure:
Execi-ve Vice-President, Remarks ;,Ad.

To the Editor:
T rHE DAILY'S editorial policy
had implied a rather sarcastic
attitude, often being iconoclastic
merely for the'sake of its novelty.
But this is editorial freedom, and
as long as no great injustices or
wrongs are committed, there are
no grounds for strongly criticizing
However, Tuesday's SGC edi-
torial evidenced an appaling viola-
tion of editorial rights. The Sen-
ior Editors have not only over-
stepped their bounds, but done so
in an obnoxious and oppressive
In the first place, there was no
common criterion by which the
candidates were judged. One was
evaluated for his "original" views
on discrimination; another on his
attitude about SGC. But there was
no common ground on which all
candidates were judged, making it
difficult - almost impossibly.so -
for the reader to impartially de-
cide for himself on the merits of
the editorial's views.
* * *
THIS LEADS to another point:
it was obvious that the editors
knew some of the candidates much
better than others - hardly mak-
ing justifliable many of their im-
pressions and definitely coloring
their feelings. At the same time,
by resorting to such practices as
the twisting of facts and taking
sections of platforms out of con-
test they were able to hamper the
chances of the candidates whom
they did not know as well.
And to further go beyond the
boundaries of good taste, this same
editorial was placed on the front
page. A rational for this action
could be that the importance of
the election warranted it. A better
rational might be as follows: since
only a small minority of the stu-
dent body (even of those voting!)
actually take the time to read the
candidates' platforms, an easy way
for them to use some basis for

feel righteously powerful and im-
portant -- but did- you consider
the injustice you have done Michi-
gan students by the biased, in-
comprehensive views you expressed
about the candidates? Is this edi-
torial freedom or is it, perhaps,
better described as editorial tyr-
Certainly an injustice has been
done, an irreparable act which
makes one doubt the integrity and
wisdom of the Senior Editors.
-Richard Helzberg, '62
To the Editor:
ONCE AGAIN we see that Ann
Arbor does in reality want the
students. The city wants us so
much that Mr. Larcom, the City
Administrator, has said that full
time students will be counted as
residents of Ann Arbor in the
coming census. This sounds rea-
sonable until one finds out how
hard it is to obtain a vote in this'
Come now, are we or are we not
It would seem that residents
should have a vote and yet they
wish to withhold this right -from
us. They want us as residents for
the simple reason that if we are
counted they get an additional $11
per year for the next ten years
for each student who is counted.
This hardly seems like fair treat-
We wish to be counted in our
home towns.
* * *
IT DOES NOT seem logical 'iot
to be able to vote here and yet
have the city derive the benefits
from us as if we were residents.
And furthermore, just what are
these benefits that we derive from
city? According to Mr. Larcom's
plan, we are non-voting residents
of Ann Arbor, paying out of state
Let's be one place or the other.

dents' will is not taken into con-
sideration and SGC moves on,
oblivious to the plebiscite of
silence. May I suggest that by
refusing to vote, we (and we are in
a majority), have, indeed, taken
a stand against the very existence
of our campus-wide debating soci-
It might well be pointed out that
what SGC can do is immaterial,
any extension of this would be
-Ron Rowley, '61
To the Editor:
AS PRESIDENT of Scott House,
I was highly amused at the
recent attempt of The Daily to
explain Scott's original rejection
of the IQU constitution.
The editorial of March 17
(signed by Kenneth McEldowney)
asserted that Scott -was errone-
ously misled in believing that
dues were an innovation of the
IQC. However, the slightest in-
vestigation on the part of The
Daily would have shown that
Scott has been deeply involved in
dues controversies before and was
certainly aware of their previous
existence. The reason for the re-
jection was based on fears of 'the
highly centralized structure of the
new IQC. Following an interview
with IQC President Tex Chertkov,
Scott reversed its original deci-
* * *
IF THE DAILY is going to at-
tempt explanations of campus ac-
tivities, it should concern itself
with actual facts instead of mak-
ing unenlightened assertions with
the apparent purpose of filling
editorial space.
-John DeVries, '61
President, Scott House
To the Editor:

Daily Editorial Policy Unfair'

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