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February 09, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-09

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enate GOP To Advance
roposal for Vote on Tax

mest Cuts

For Budget
Two Republican senators last
Friday proposed a long series of
possible budget cuts.
Sens. Clyde H. Geerlings (Hol-
land) and Lynn 0. Francis, (Mid-
land) suggested ways to cut the
budget by almost $44 million
though they emphasized they were
not sponsoring the proposals of-
Geerlings commented, "Adoption
of the program can squeeze a Nia-
gara of water from state expendi-.
tures. At the same time, it may
amputate limbs the government
should not lose."t
One of the big items in the pro-
posal is a 10 per cent boost in tui-
tion fees at state colleges and uni-
versities, which the Senators say
would net $2 million.
Other major items include the
1) Save $10 million by reducing
by two per cent the state's consti-
tutionally mandated contribution
to the school employee's retire-
ment fund.
2) Save $9 million by transfer-
ring costs of the State Police uni-
form division to the highway fund.
(The saving would be for the gen-
eral fund only, not across-the-
3) Save $9 million by recaptur-
ing intangibles tax revenues.
4) Save $6.25 million by cut-
ting out state aid for veterans
bnmestead exemptions.
5) Save $4 million by adding au-
ditors to the Revenue department
to reck tax returns.
6) Save $36 million by recaptur-
ing liquor tax license fees from
local governments.

POLARIS SUBMARINE-Figuring prominently in the Navy's
future plans are the Polaris missile and atomicsubmarine launch-
ing platforms which are able to travel undetected to anywhere
beneath the sea.
U.S. Can Beat Enemies
Now; Future Uncertain

of Naval Operations yesterday sup-1
ported the view that right now the
United States could destroy any
aggressor. But the future, added
Adm. Arleigh A. Burke, holds dan-I
More than three-quarters of the
United States fleet will be so old
in five to eight years that the1
ships could fall apart "like the old
one-horse shay," he said.
And at the present rate of con-
struction, he added, it will take 15
years to produce the number of
missile-firing submarines the Navy

Dies Upsets
GOP Power.
Senate Asks Increase
In Sales Tax Limit
Senate Republicans will push the
four per cent sales tax proposal
this week.
The move, which would send the
House a plan to put the new rate-
question on the November ballot,
is expected to pass, though a two-
thirds majority is needed.
Last week, Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams said the Democratic party
might ask yet another proposal be
put before the voters, but he de-
clined to name it.'
Sen. Garland B. Lane (D-Flint)
explained why he would vote for
the Republican proposal, appar-
ently unmasking Democratic strat-
Unmasks Strategy
"I am voting to place the four-
cents sales tax proposition on the
ballot for just one reason. I don't
want petition circulators - they'll
be Republican - standing around
the factory gates getting signa-
"For every signature they get,
they'll give a Republican campaign
speech, and I don't want that."
Meanwhile, in the House, the
death of Rep. Emil A. Peltz (R-
Rogers City) upset the balance be-
tween Republicans and Democrats.
Control iouse
The latter now control the
House by 55-54.
It was the fourth death during
the present session, the third Re-
It is believed the Democrats will
not attempt to reorganize the
House, though Rep. Joseph J.
Kowalski (D-Detroit) Democratic
Floorleader scheduled a caucus for
Wednesday to make a final deci-
Observers listed possible reasons
why the Democrats will not want
to take control:
1) It takes 56 votes, a majority
of all representatives elected to,
pass a bill.
2) The Republicans will still
control the Senate.
3) The Democrats have always
blamed the state's present troubles
on the Republican-dominated leg-
islature and may not be ready to
take control when there is a hos-
tile Senate.
In other legislative action this
week, the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee will begin hearings Thurs-
day on all plans for a constitu-
tional convention.
Sponsors Resolution

Ike Wants
To Lower
WASHINGTON (M - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower will send to
Congress today a special farm
message that is expected to insist
upon legislation to curb a mount-
ing and costly sur'plus of wheat.
But whether the Presildent will
stnd firm on past recommenda-
tions calling for lower price sup-
ports and elimination of controls
on this crop is a question.
Congress members are looking
ahead now to this year's Presiden-
tial and Congressional elections.
What they do about farm legisla-
tion will have political implications.
Some political and farm leaders
speculated Eisenhower might
adopt a more conciliatory attitude
toward opponents of his policy.
The message had been scheduled
to go to Congress last Thursday,
but was held up because of pres-
sure from some farm state Repub-
lican congressman for Eisenhower
to modify past requests for lower

He rter
By The Associated Press
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter yesterday took a stand
against any one-sided action by
Russia regarding Berlin before full
negotiations with the West.
At the same time he expressed
doubt that a two- or three-day
summit conference could end the
bitter East-West dispute over Rus-
sia's demand the allies pull out
of the Western zone of Berlin.
At a Washington news confer-
ence, Herter foresaw the need for
a followup foreign ministers meet-
ing and perhaps another.summit
parley on the Berlin issue.
Herter made clear he was con-
cerned over what he agreed was a
toughening in Soviet Premier Ni-
kita S. Khrushch1ev's talk about
his plans for Berlin.
Does Not Expect
But, he said, he does not expect
Khrushchev to present President
Dwight D. Eisenhower with a take
it or leave it ultimatum about
Berlin when they meet May 15 in
Any Soviet action against Ber-
lin before then, he said, would'
constitute a violation of Khrush-
chev's pledge to Eisenhowe to
avoid threats prior to talks.
Khrushchev made this agree-
ment with Eisenhower at their
September Camp David confer-
Comment in Bonn
Western officials in Bonn said
yesterday they expect the Russians
to grow "noisier and nastier" in
dealing with the Berlin problem
between now and the Summit
These officials said the Russians
are likely to aim increasingly
heavy verbal fire at Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer. He has been a
prime Communist target for the
past month or so and there is little
sign of a letup.

Adenauer has been pictured as a
warmonger, the architect of the
Cold War and a villain fighting
efforts to bring harmony between
East and West.
Does Little
So far this campaign by the
Soviet Union and Communist East
Germany appears to' have done
little more than stiffen the West-
ern stand against concessions on
President Eisenhower last week
told a news conference a grave
situation would exist if the Rus-
sians were to try to limit Western
occupation rights in Berlin. The
Eisenhower statement was cheered
by political circles in Bonn.
There were reports the major
political parties might come up
with a unanimous resolution on
Berlin in a foreign policy debate
in Parliament tomorrow.
Adenauer, the Christian Demo-
crat leader, has been working in

Assays Summ

... comments on summit


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feels are required to maintain!
United States superiority.
Burke told the House space com-
mittee the Polaris-firing sub-
marine is the key, to successful
retaliation in event of nuclear war.
Once Russia gets large number of
intercontinental ballistic missiles,
"any fixed targets in known loca-
tions can then be destroyed," he
Impossible to Destroy
But the Polaris-equipped sub-
marine, Burke said, will be impos-
sible to destroy by ballistic missile.
"When the Polaris submarines
come along, there will be nothing
Russia can do to destroy that
striking power. If she starts a var,
she will be destroyed," he added.
Burke said final tests of the
Polaris missiles are expected this
July, after which the solid-fueled,
1,200-mile range missile should be
operational. The first submarine
designed to launch the missiles
will be ready for sea this fall, he
said, and another should be added
before the end of the year.
Could Turn Out
Given a year to make ready, he
said, the Navy could turn out one
missile-firing submarine a month.
The 1961 budget provides for
three, making a total of 12 which
have been either authorized or
under construction.
Burke did not criticize the
Navy's defense budget, however.
He said he both accepted and sup-
ported it.

,ar r.

. to give farm speech
price supports. These Congress
members said midwestern farmers
do not like the idea of lower sup-
The message is expected to go to
Congress at noon. GOP Congres-
sional leaders -will have a last-
minute discussion of it with the
President at their regular morning
conference this morning.
Wheat and tobacco may be the
only major commodities directly
affected by the President's r.ecom-
mendation. He may seek lower
supports for' both.
The Administration has indi-
cated it is willing to stand pat
for the time being on present
programs for cotton, corn and
other price-supported crops.
The message is expected to
recommend a three-year extension
and enlargement of the present
soil bank land retirement program.
It may call also for an expanded
food for peace program for moving
more farm surpluses into under-
developed areas abroad.
More aggressive research to de-
velop new markets and new uses
for farm products is expected. to
be urged.
The message may call also for
an expansion in the government's
rural development program. This
program is designed to help low
income farm families find better
opportunities on and off the land.

eCI n £an Dl
Second Front Page
Tuesday, February 9, 1960 Page 3
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