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March 17, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-17

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-Associated Press Wirephoto
TOAST--West German Chancellor Kcnrad Adenauer drinks a toast during a visit to the AFL-CIO
headquarters in Washington. Top union leaders were his hosts.
Russians Reveal Proposals

GENEVA (A) - The Russians
yesterday proposed an interna-
tional control system to police a
general disarmament agreement,
but insisted on the right to veto
any charges of violations brought
against the Soviet Union.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian Zorin told the 10-nation
disarmament conference that the
Russian plan for total disarma-
ment provides for controls to be-
gin functioning with the first cuts
in men and arms.
Introducing the rival Western
plan, British Minister of State
David Ormsby-Gore stressed that,
judicial arrangements and sanc-
tions -- a control system with
teeth -- would be necessary to en-
force disarmament.
Underlines Demands
He also underlined another
basic Western demand - that
nuclear space vehicles capable of
dominating the world must "nev-
er be put into orbit by anyone."
Zorin accused the United States
of blocking an agreement to sus-
pend nuclear weapons tests. He
said the Kremlin regards the pro-
hibition of such tests as a neces-

sary prelude to general disarma-
With American backing, Orms-
by-Gore denied Zorin's charge
that the West was unwilling to
conclude a nuclear test ban.
Links Problem
By linking the test ban prob-
lem with general disarmament
Zorin clearly sought to blame the
United States in advance for any
failure of the newly convened
disarmament conference.
Both the Western powers and
the Soviet Union proposed three-
stage plans for complete disarm-
ament. Although these rival pro-
posals' have a surface similarity,
they contain three major contra-
1) The international disarma-
ment organization proposed by
the West would have machinery
to judge if a violation had taken
place and sanctions to apply
against a violator. The Soviet
plan would refer violations in the
last resort to the United Nations
Security Council, where Russia
has a veto.
2) The Soviet program, would

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not touch nuclear stockpiles until
the third stage. Thus the really
important weapons would be left
until last. At the insistence of the
French, this problem has been
given greater priority in the
Western plan.
3) The Russians, aiming par-
ticularly at United States opera-
tions abroad, insist on abolishing
all foreign bases in stage two.
There is nothing in the Western
plan about bases.
A rgentines,
Stage Raid
ernment staged mass arrests in
Peronist strongholds yesterday in
hopes of stemming rising terror-
ism. The problem was dramatized
by the explosion of a bomb out-
side the provincial military head-
quarters at Villa Maria, in Cor-
doba Province. No one was in-
jured, but nearby homes were
Thirteen persons were killed in
Cordoba Province last month by
a bomb blast that police blamed
on supporters of Juan D. Peron,
the ex-dictator now in exile in
Round Up
Sixty persons were rounded up
before dawn by 600 police and
national guardsmen in two work-
ing clas districts around Buenos
Aires. The two sections, General
Belgrano and Los Perales, con-
tain a number of low-cost hous-
ing developments Peron built to
solidify support among the peopleI
he used to call "the shirtless
Fifteen persons were arrested
Tuesday at a secret meeting.
Three were once high in Peron's
The raids were carried out un-
government councils.
der supervision of the army,
which threw out Peron in 1955
and wants to be sure civilian gov-
ernment remains. Police and
guardsmen armed with subma-
chine guns rolled through theecity
in armored cars. They visited 1,-
500 homes.
No Explosives
No explosives were found in
any of the homes, but a large
cache of ammunition and explo-
sives was discovered in a vacant
lot. Pro-Peronist pamphlets also
were seized.
President Arturo Frondizi's re-
gime has accused the Peronists
and some Communists of trying
to create chaos and force cancel-
lation of the March 27 Congres-
sional elections. All parties deemed
nondemocratic, including those
two, have been barred from cam-
paigning in public.

1 1 11
Predicts Full SupportI
Of Joint Occupation
man Chancellor Konrad Adenauer=
yesterday called on the Western
powers to arrange a quick plebis-:
cite to demonstrate that West
Berliners "absolutely reject" Rus-I
sia's demand that allied troops
pull out.I
Adenauer coupled his surpriseI
proposal with a blistering attack
on Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev. He said Khrushchev7
seeks to deny West Berliners the
freedoms he professes to want for
Asians and Africans.
Furthermore, Adenauer accused
the Russians of cruelly persecuting
churchmen, farmers and others
in Communist ruled East Ger-
Expresses Interest
Top Administration officials
promptly expressed keen interest
in Adenauer's prebiscite idea.
With swift teamwork, they said,
it might be possible to arrange
such a vote before the May 16
East-West summit conference, as
Adenauer proposed.
The 84-year-old German leader
spoke out at a National Press Club
luncheon in his honor.
Some 600 guests frequently ap-
plauded his remarks as Adenauer
made it clear he has not changed
his no-concessions approach in
dealing with Russia.
In answering questions, Ade-
nauer said he has not proposed
his plebiscite plan to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower in their
talks Tuesday because he thought
of it only this morning.
"I recommend to the Western
powers, who advocate the right of
self-determination, that a plebis-
cite be held in West Berlin even
before the summit conference,"
the German Chancellor said.
Requests Vote
"The question to be voted on
must be phrased quite simply, per-
haps somewhat like this: do you
want or you not want the present
legal status of Berlin to continue
until reunification?"
Adenauer predicted an over-
whelming majority of West Ber-
liners would vote against any
yielding to Soviet demands.
He cautioned that if the West
gave in to Russia's Berlin de-
mands, free world prestige would
tumble while Soviet prestige would
shoot up.
Joy Filled
Eisenhower's words to him, in
private yesterday and at a news
conference today, "filled all of us
with great joy and satisfaction,"
Adenauer told his listeners.
A few hours before Adenauer
spoke, Eisenhower said he was
ready to discuss Berlin's fiture at
any time-but only with the un-
derstanding it would not change
th6 allies' legal rights in the di-
vided city.
Replying to Khrushchev'R fre-
quent bitter attacks against him,
Adenauer derided the Soviet lead-
er's ideas of how to ease interna-
tional tensions.
Khrushchev's idea, the German
leader said, seems to be to talk
peace while firing missiles into the
Pacific and loudly demanding the

United Statem return to Latin
America the lootrit allegedly plun-
for the
in town
always try
State St. at North U.

AEC Plans
To Smother
Atom Blast
WASHINGTON (P)--The United
States announced yesterday it's
gearing up for an underground
nuclear blast in New Mexico.
It said it would welcome ob-
servers from Russia and other
nations at the show.
The Atomic Energy Commis-
sion announced it has given the
go-ahead on construction and
site preparation for a proposed
detonation of a nuclear explosive
deep underground in salt forma-
tions 25 miles southeast of Carls-
bad. The project has the code
name "Gnome."
It would be a new phase in the
AEC's "Plowshare" program-de-
signed to explore the possibility of
using nuclear detonations for
such peaceful uses as producing
electric power, , blasting out har-
bors, tapping oil from oil-bearing
shales and tar sands, digging ca-
nals, and controlling surface and
underground water resources.
Commission Authorized
The commission said final
authorization to detonate the nu-
clear explosive -- which would
pack the punch of 10,000 tons of
TNT - would be the decision of
the President of the United
But Sen. Clinton P. Anderson
(D-N.M.), chairman of the Sen-
ate-House Atomic Energy Com-
mittee, said he understood the
shot is planned for sometime in
January 1961.
The AEC, in its announcement
of plans, said site construction is
estimated to take about a year,
and to cost about one million dol-
The Commission said detailed,
studies and experiments have
been conducted to assure the safe-
ty of the- planned blast. Sen. An-
derson said no contamination of
the atmosphere with radioactive
fission products is expected be-
cause the detonation would be
deep underground.
Not Weapons Test
Sen. Anderson said the project
would not be a weapons test, and
the AEC declared in its statement
"During the current nuclear
test suspension negotiations in
the Geneva, the United Kingdom,
the United States and the Soviet
Union have agreed in principle
on the use of nuclear explosions
for peaceful purposes.
"The scientific results of Proj-
ect Gnome, like all Plowshare
projects, will be made available
on a worldwide basis and* the
United States will welcome ob-
servers from the United Nations
or any of its member countries
which are interested in the proj-

WASHINGTON (A)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower nailed it
down yesterday: "Yes, very defi-
nitely" Vice-President Richard M.
Nixon is his man for the presi-
Eisenhower said so at a news
conference. Afterward, he got
Nixon on the telephone in New
York and told him what he had
said. This didn't mean Eisenhow-
er was taking sides within his
own party, since Nixon has the
Republican presidential nomina-
tion all but locked up. Yet it was
the first time the President had
openly endorsed Nixon.
High Regard
Previously he always had ac-
companied an expression of his
high regard for the Vice-Presi-
dent with word that there were a
number of good Republicans of
presidential caliber.

House Adopts Amendment
To Safeguard Negro Vote

voted 188-120 yesterday to nail
new Negro-voting assurances into
its civil rights bill.
It adopted an am'endment say-
If Negroes or others who have
been kept from voting apply to a
federal court referee, and their
cases are still unsettled on elec-
tion day, they will be allowed to
vote anyway.
Their ballots would be impound-
ed until their cases were settled,
and then counted.
Attracts Support
The amendment was drawn to
attract support for the Eisenhower
Administration voting referee plan
from the sizable group of Demo-
crats who pushed a plan of their
own yesterday with some tem-
porary success.
Southerners resisted, with Rep.
Howard W. Smith (D-Va.) pre-
dicting that in some places the
impounded votes might be held
in reserve "until they see how
many votes they need."
The amendment's author, Rep.
James G. O'Hara (D-Mich.), said
the vote-now-count-later system
was intended to prevent stalling
"so as ti nullify the right to vote."
Leads Forces
Rep. William M. McCulloch (R-
Ohio), leading the administration
forces in the House, said they
found the O'Hara amendment
While the House maneuvered
and the Senate debated on civil
rights, President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower called for "the best bill
the Congress will give me."
The House on Monday, in its
first major actions on the bill,

Second Front Page
Thursday, March 17, 1960

Page 3




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If Nixon wants him to, Eisen-
hower said, he will do what he
can in the campaign. But he said
he thinks there are limits, be-
cause no candidate wants it to
appear that someone else "put
him in his position of promin-
In that connection, Eisenhower
said he didn't know whether it is
likely that he might deliver the
keynote address at the Republi-
can National Convention.
July Convention
The convention opens July 25
in Chicago. Eisenhower said he
hasn't been invited to deliver the
keynote speech - a statement
which left the door open to a bid
from the convention arrange-
ments committee.
Politics was the lead-off topic,
and a lively one, at the Presi-

dent's first news conference in a
month. The question and answer
session produced several high-
Eisenhower said he regards
some of the Negro demonstrations
against segregation in the South
as proper and constitutional ex-
pressions of the aspirations of a
No Promise
He said he has had no promise
from Soviet Premier. Nikita S.
Khrushchev not to stir up any
trouble before the United =States
presidential election in Novem-
ber. He said, too, there is no
agreement with Khrushchev to
avoid rocking the boat in advance
of an East-West summit confer-
ence in Paris in May.
There were signs the United
States intends to take a tough
stand on West Berlin at the sum-
mit session. Eisenhower said he
had told Khrushchev this coun-
try won't abandon its rights
there, although with that under-
stood he is willing to discuss Ber-
lin and Germany at any time.
To a question whether he fore-
sees negotiations with Red China
on disarmament, the President
replied that armaments of the
Chinese Communists eventually
must be taken into account but
"we are not yet into that stage."
There will have to be a great deal
of progress first, he said.
Policy Regarded
On another touchy foreign pol-
icy matter, Eisenhower said there
is no justification for Cuba to re-
gard as a reprisal his request to
Congress for authority to cut the
Cuban and other import quotas
for sugar.
Many Cuban activities, he said,
could endanger a source of supply
of some three and one-half mil-
lion tons annually, and he should
have the right to go elsewhere to
make sure this country gets the
sugar it needs.

knocked down two Administration
One of these would have given
legal status to a presidential com-
mission to press for Negro em-
ployment rights on jobs under
government contracts.
The other would have authorized
grants of federal money and tech-
nical assistance to areas trying to
desegregate their public schools.
Eisenhower was asked whether
he would urge his Senate lieuten-
ants to try to resto'e these two
points. He replied:
"I am trying to find a moderate,
reasonable path that points to
progress and so I believe in this
bill, and I'm going to ask for it.
"Now of course I want the best
bill the Congress will give me in
this very troublesome and sensi-
tive area."

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President Backs Nixon




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