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March 13, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-13

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'en Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Yes Sir-That Was A Great Double Bill"

To The Editor



Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daly ,

13, 1960,



You Can't Tell the Able

Without a Platform

reserves the rght toedit or wit hol any eter
Discrimination... Frate
To the Editor: To the
RACIAL discrimination is every- BEING
body's business. Its very presence a dE
in our country is indicative of a to readi
sickly moral fiber in the great reading
American fabric of democracy. I hav
The fact that it is openly toler- to my f
ated-if not actually condoned- excellen
suggests that the sickness is by sermons
no means limited to a few indi- I wou
viduals. It exists in all regions of to sit d
the country, and we can hardly dents a:
criticize our southern states ef- ternity
fectively if we in the North don't With
protest discrimination with the soeiate
same actions we recommend and Bu r
approve in the South. .iBut
We, as students, supposedly tme w
sensitive to the dignity of all men
and conscious of the damage such
a malignancy inflicts on our poli-
tical system-both internally (in
being contrary to our avowed prin-
ciples of equality and democracy)
and externally (in terms of foreign
disapproval and censure)-should
be the first to act to destroy this
'Ala aiel s .

rnities .
G VICTIM of an 18 hours
ay schedule I usually get
ing The Daily late (often
four or five at a time).
e just seen the refutations
raternity article. Some are
A, some remind me of my
s- irrelevant and thin.
uld relish the opportunity
own with# a group of stu-
End think through the fra-
the rise and popularity of
m and totalitarianism may-
eriities are doomed.
I'd like to see them- con-
ith all their faults.
--Rev. Fred E. Luchs

ELECTIONEERING for Student Govern-
ment Council is very much like running an
obstacle course-the most agile win. Occasion-
ally, the most agile coincide with the most
The question for the voter is how to know
the -difference.
Through the dubious medium of the candi-
date open house, a pitifully small percentage
of voters have been able to observe-in per-
functory fashion-a pitifully small percentage
of candidates.
For those faced with voting, a few words of
caution might be in order.
BEWARE the man with one idea-no matter
how good it may be, it cannot last an en-
tire year. It is fundamentally important for a
Council member to have the flexible ability to
evaluate the merits of rather diverse issues
from calendaring conflicts to academic free-
A man with a "mission," whether it be bet-
ter public relations for SGC, a specific dis-
crimination policy, or investigation of resi-
dence hall practices, may be admired for his
zeal and thoroughness in that particular area.
The test of his value as a Council member is
what he is able to do the 99 per cent of the
time that his axe is not being ground.
The voter might scrutinize the candidates'
platforms to see if their thinking extends be-
yond pet ideas.
BEWARE the man with mind set who, like
one of Pavlov's animals, has been condi-
tioned to think in terms of specific organiza-
tions or areas of concern. Such a man might
respond to the question: "What should be the
relationship of SGC to other student organi-
"The Michigan Union must be preserved-
Similarly unfortunate is the candidate who
is so oriented to "the educational goals of the
University" that he neglects student services
or ignores vital administrative functions of the
BEWARE the man who sees only the obvi-
ous-the discrimination issue is foremost in
the candidates' minds as it is on the Council's
agenda, but the best candidates should have
iniative not only to know current and past
Council concerns, but to recommend new lines
of action, If currently incapable of envisioning
new programs-a person new to Council ac-
tivities may be hesitant here-the candidate
should be able to evaluate the efficacy of
proposed policies.
If all a man c'an do is uncritically list the

ideas of others and chant: "I like them, I like
them," he is of dubious value to the Council.
Beware pedigrees-a lengthy list of past ac-
tivities may indicate useful experience. It may
also indicate that the candidate has "joined"
a number of organizations without showing
what he has done as a member.
Beware the man with the "gimmick" whether
it is a photograph of himself, biceps bulgingly
exposed or an "idealistic" stance on the num-
ber of voters who must cast their ballots be--E
fore he will take his Council seat.
. H E COMMENTS above apply primarily to
those candidates who have not run forĀ¢
SGC previously. The very nature of the cam-
paign sometimes leads new candidates into
unfortunate tactics. Lack of experience in a
campus-orieited organization may tend to lim-
it their viewpoints and their ability to evalu-
ate Council policies thoroughly.
Incumbents must be viewed in a different
light. They should be familiar with issues,
should have a University-wide orientation as
opposed to an interest group orientation. They
should be judged not only on their campaign
statements but on their performance as Coun-
cil members.
BEWARE the incumbent who leads "the ex-
amined life"-who does not appear to have
evaluated the significance of student govern-
Beware the incumbent who deals in glitter-
ing generalizations about "campus problems"
without coming to grips with specific issues.
He should be able to discuss the problems and
potentials of legislation currently before the
Council in specific terms. If he fails to do so,
the voter may well wonder about his value
when re-elected.
Beware the man with the glib answer-
who is quick with a quip or a quote. Wit can
mislead the voter in two ways. It can make
him think a question has been answered when
it has been avoided or it can blind him to the
sound thinking hidden behind unnecessary
verbage and cleverisms.
DECIDING between the candidate with prom-
ise and the one with only promises is not
an easy task for the voter in any election. Vot-
ers in SGC elections don't have LIFE Maga-
zine to help them decide by showing them "The
Candidate at Home," but they do have access
to the candidates' ideas.
A cautious evaluation of those ideas is the
job the conscientious voter undertakes to sepa-
rate the agile from the able, thus getting the
best of all possible candidates.
Contributing Editor
...Philip Power
is merely devoting care and serious thought
to the issue the questioner is raising.
NIXON SEEMS to have a clear, well informed,
N legally trained mind. He speaks clearly, with
little hesitation, and never seems to get con-
fused. He doesn't seem to want to deal much
with abstractions, compared to someone like
Adlai Stevenson, but prefers to deal with the
pragmatic facts of a situation.
Nixon seemed to be making a conscious effort
throughout the conference to keep a light touch.
He tried to tell one joke, which got pretty in-
volved toward the end when no one seemed to
get the point, and he seemed to be making a
mental effort to smile each time he started to
answer a question. In this respect, he suffers
by comparison with the Democratic candidates.
But he has an excellent command of the
facts, history, and important trends in the
issues he discusses, and he gives an effective,
vigorous presentation of his point of view. He
made an excellent impression on those who
heard him at a later speech
THE VICE-PRESIDENT seems to be conduct-
ing a very careful campaign. He weighs
each word before answering questions, and is

careful to qualify many of his statements. He
is worried about being misquoted or quoted
out of context: "I must watch every phrase so
it isn't taken out of context and I would be
embarrassed," Nixon remarked at one of his
speeches. He seems to be aware of his prestigious
position as the incumbent Vice-president, and
doesn't want a mistake to lose him that pres-
He appears to be basing his campaign on
his experience, his undoubted political and
administrative ability and his identification
with the Eisenhower administration. He doesn't
want to get his personality involved in the cam-
paign, partly because he doesn't think it is
appropriate, and partly because he senses that
he is most vulnerable in this area.

len-Gurtion's Real Missiont

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Drew Pearson's
column, Washington Merry-Go-
Round, will appear regularly in The
R EAL REASON why Prime Mini-
ster David Ben-Gurion of Israel
suddenly flew to the USA, despite
the concentration of Arab troops
on his borned, was to make an-
other urgent appeal to President
Eisenhower for an Israeli-Ameri-
can defense alliance.
Not since the Suez war in 1956
have so many Arab troops been
concentrated on Israeli borders.
At that time Ben-Gurion figured
on certain Arab attack, so beat
the Arabs to it. He was abruptly
stopped by Eisenhower. Now, faced
with the same situation, he is

hastening to put his case before
Eisenhower first.
Shortly after Ike stepped into
the Suez crisis in 1956 and de-
manded that Israeli troops leave
the Suez Canal, he made a public
pledge that Israeli shipping would
be guaranteed the use of the
canal. In a nationwide TV-radio
address, Feb. 20, 1957, Ike told
the world:
"We should not assume that if
Israel withdraws, Egypt will pre-
vent Israeli shipping from using
the Suez Canal. If unhappily
Egypt does hereafter violate the
armistice agreement, then this
this should be dealt with firmly
by the society of nations."

Governor Williams
Praised in Study


THE SURPRISING results of the recent New
Hampshire presidential primary elections
have once again brought to light the question
of the merits-and demerits-of Richard Nixon
as an individual campaigner.
Before the election, some Democrats had
hoped that Nixon would have real trouble pre-
senting himself to the electorate, as President
Eisenhower's coat-tails were no longer avail-
able to hang onto. But both Democrats and
Republicans were surprised when Nixon ran
ahead of even Eisenhower's previous vote.
The following is a necessarily impressionistic
discussion of Nixon as an individual on a cam-
paign, derived from my participation in a Nixon
press conference held in Detroit several weeks
OVERALL, NIXON has a smoothly, profes-
sionally, competently organized campaign.
In fact, organization seemed to be a dominant
element of his stay in Detroit.
There were none of the slip-ups which too
often mar flying political visits. From the point
of view of the press, nothing had been emitted:
coffee and rolls were available (at no charge)
in the conference room; we were briefed about
Nixon's plans while in Detroit by his press
secretary; mimeographed time schedules for
Nixon's stops were passed out; advance copies
of his speeches were available.
Seemingly, Nixon (or whoever organizes his
appearances for him) left nothing to chance.
WHEN THE Vice-president came in, he joked
for a short moment with some friends in
the press corps, and then quickly asked for
questions. At first impression I was struck by
two things: Herblock's characatures of Nixon
are really accurate, especially the famed five
o'clock shadow, which was prominent even at
nine in the morning; and Nixon isn't as tall or
imposing as one gathers from most of his pic-
tures-he's about average size and build.

IGAN: Fighter for Progress, by
Frank McNaughton, Oceana
Publications, Inc., New York
City, 1960, 13.50, 246 pp.
PERHAPS Governor G. Mennen
Williams has "led Michigan
down the road to a Socialist hell."
Perhaps he has effected one of
the most spectacular reforms of
state government in the history
of the nation.
* * *'
NO PERSON who is both sane
and reasonably well-informed
really believes that Gov. Williams
is the "puppet" of United Auto
Workers President Walter Reuth-
er. But what is the relationship
between the governor and organ-
ized labor?
Gov. Williams has been allied in
many fights with August Scholle,
head of the state A.F. of L.-C.I.O.
Defenders of the governor give
two reasons for this alliance:
1) They have both been fight-
ing the influence of James Hoffa
and Teamsters Union in state
Democratic politics.
2) They have the same general
views on social and political is-
THIS SEEMS like a plausible

explanation, but perhaps their re-
lationship is really only one of
political expediency. After all,
many peovle believe that "Wil-
liams has never made an uncalcu
lated, non-political move."
And no one has yet presented
a calm and thorough analysis of
what may have been the most bi-
zarre political phenomenon of the
century: Michigan's cash crisis.
Finally, there is the enigma of
the governor's personality.
Governor Williams is one of
the most unique men in public
life. It would be fascinating to
learn what kind of person he
really is -- after the propaganda
and counter-propaganda is torn
* * 4
McNaughton's Mennen Williams
of Michigan, Fighter for Progress
fails to answer any of these ques-
tions. The book combines ridicu-
lous over-praise, glittering gener-
alities, awkward writing, poor
editing and defective printing.
The field is still open for a
legitimate study of the governor
and his regime. McNaughton has
not written that book, but some-
body should.
-James Seder

SINCE THEN, not only t h e
United Nations but the United
States have run in the other di-
rection when Nasser has repeated-
ly blocked Israel at Suez. When a
Danish ship, the Inge Toft, tried
to pass through Suez with a cargo
of Israeli cement, and was stopped,
the American Embassy in Cairo
belatldly sent its No. 2 man
around to the Egyptian Foreign
Office to explain gingerly that the
embassy was duty-bound to pro-
tect American property because
the ship had been chartered to
a New York company. Otherwise,
it was implied, we would keep
hands off. After nine months of
waiting the cargo was unloaded.
On top of this it became known
that for two years the U.S. Navy
was refusing to charter any ves-
sels which had ever entered an
Israeli port.
Finally the SS Astypalea, carry-
ing an Israeli cargo, was stopped
at Suez last December. It is still
being- held.
In other words, Ike's pledge of
Feb. 20, 1957, regarding Israeli
shipping through the Suez Canal!
meant absolutely nothing.
Congressman Adam Clayton
Powell of Harlem may be guilty of
a lot of political finagling, but
he was telling the truth when
he accused Sen. Jim Eastland of
Mississippi of abusing Congres-
sional free mailing privileges to
urge segregation just as flagrant-
l; as Powell had used his free
mailing privileges to urge anti-
segregation rallies.
On December 2, 1955, this col-
umn reported: "Various groups in
Maryland, Virginia, and other
states have been borrowing en-
velopes from Senator Eastland's
office, stuffling the franked en-
velopes with copies of his speech-
es attacking the Supreme Court,
and mailing them out wholesale."
It's against the law for some-
one else to use a Congressman's
frank, and he has no power to
transfer it. U.S. Code, Sec. 335,
and U.S. Code, Sec. 1718 specify
that a Senator cannot "lend said
frank or permit its use by any
committee, organization, or as-
However, since the Justice De-
partment let Eastland get away
with his violation of the frank-
ing law, it can't 'Very well crack
down on Congressman Powell.
(Copyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate)

vile disease.
THE following is a clipping from
the Brandeis University newspap-
er, "the Justice." Tritely, "let
your conscience be your guide."
Following is a list of the major
national chain stores against
which the student movement in
the south is directed. It is urged
that you boycott the branches
of these chains in your com-
munity, and participate in the
letter writing campaign to per-
suade others to join in a boy-
W. T. Grant Co.
H. L. Green Co.
Kress Co.
Liggett Drug Co.
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Walgreen Drug Co.
F. W. Woolworth Co.
Martin Lipp, '62
A Protest...
To the Editor.:
paying citizens of Ann Arbor
we would like to protest formally
our objection to the University
charging $7.00 a year for "allow-
ing" us to drive our own cars. We
feel that we are being discrimin-
ated against.
It is understandable that non-
resident students who bring cars
into Ann Arbor might cause ad-
ditional problems for both the
University and the Ann Arbor
Traffic Department. Whether ev-
en this is a justification for the
levying of the $7.00 "registration"
is questionable. But, without a
doubt, such afi argument Isnot
valid for Ann Arbor resident stu-
dents who would be driving cars
in town in any case.
, , ,
ON WHAT BASIS then does the
University justify such a taxa-
tion? "As University students, you
receive benefits which other Ann
Arbor residents do not." This un-
doubtedly is true, but we obtain
the privilege of these benefits
through the payment of our tui-
The registration fee can't be
justified on this basis.
It seems to us that this is one
more case where the University
assists the city of Ann Arbor in
making "second-class citizens" of
J. William Wenrich, Grad.
B. Todd Jones, Law, '62
Harvard . . .
To the Editor:
NOTICE in this week's Time
Magazine that Grinnell Col-
lege of Iowa is supposed to be "the
Harvard of the Midwest."
Students of Michigan arise! Of
course, you all know this is the
Harvard of the Midwest.
-R, Rosin, MIT (Harvard
of Back Bay) '57
-R Terkhorn, Wesleyan
(Harvard of the Connec-
ticut Valley) '58
-N. Lyle, Amherst (Harvard
of the Holyoke Range) '59

The Daily Official Bulletin 18 an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, MARC H 13, 1960
VOL. LXX, NO. 32
General Notices
The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire-
land, again offers through a reciprocal
arrangement with the University an
exchange scholarship for a graduate
from the University. The scholarship
will provide fees, board and lodging for
the next academic year, plus $400 to
Partially defray cost of round trip
travel. Economics, geography, mathe-
mastics, medieval history, .philosophy,
political science, and Romance lan-
guages are suggested as especially ap-
propriate fields of study. Further in-
formation Is available at the Fellow-
ship Office of the Graduate School.
Applications should be filed with tea
Graduate School by March 31, 1960.
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
students wishing to apply for a Resi-
dence Hall Scholarship for the academic
year 1960-61 for Helen Newberry House
may do so through the' Office of the
Dean of Women. Applications must be
returned complete, by Mon., March 4.
Students already living in this residence
hall and those wishing to live there
next fall may apply. Qualifications will
be considered on the basis of academic
standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative
average), need, and contribution to
group living.
Program of American Music: The Al-
pha Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota will
present its annual program of Ameri-
can Music in Aud. A, on Sun., March
13, at 8:30 p.m. Students participating
in the recital are Joe~len Bonham,
piano; Patricia Martin, flute; Martha
Rearick, piano; Nancy Grawemeyer, vi-
olin Susan McKinney, viola; Carolyn
Halik, cello; Joan Olson, piano; Alice
Camp, English horn; Susan Tanner,
piano, Mary Ellen Henkel, contralto;
Joanne Wiseman, soprano. The Sigma
Alpha Iota Choir, directed by Mrs.
Harold Duerkson and accompaniedby
Rosemary "Coman, will present works
by Howard Hanson and William Schu-
man. Compositions by Randall Thomp-
son, Persichetty, Kenan, Paul Cooper,
Menotti, Gordon Jacob and Schuman
will be performed, and the recital will
be open to the, general public.
Radiation Laboratory Lecture Series:
"Dynamic Similarity and the Solution
of Diffraction Problems" is the title of
the lecture to. be given by Prof. V. M.
Papadopoulos of the Div. of Engrg.,
Brown University on Mon., March 14
at 4 p.m. In E. Engrg., 2084.
Lecture: Shinichi Ichimura, Prof. of
Economics, Osaka University, Japan
and Visiting Prof. of Economics t
Johns Hopkins University, will speak
on "Cultural Framework of Japanese
Economic Development" at 8:00 p.m.,
Mon., March 14, W. Conf. Rm., Rack-
Lecture: Prof. Stephan Toulmin, vis-
iting lecturer at Columbia University
will lecture on Mon., March 14 at 4:00
p.m., Aud. C on "Prediction and Ex-
Miss Grace P. Slocum, Personnel Of-
ficer,' Free Library of Philadelphia, Pa.,
will speak on "Library Work with
Young People" at 11:00 a.m. on Mon.,
March 14, in Ies Multi-Purpose Room
of the Undergraduate Library.
Mr. W. D. Snodgrass, an American
poet and critic who now holds an aca-
demic appointment at Wayne State
University, will speak on "Tact and the
Poet's Force" on Tues., March 15 at '
p.m. In the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Lecture: Dr. M. Demerec Director,
Carnegie Institution of Washington
will speak on "The Fine Structure of
the Gene" on Tues, March 15 at 4
p.m. in the third level amphitheater,
Medical Science Bldg.
(Continued on Page 5)



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