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March 10, 1960 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-10

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
oficial publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 119
General Noices
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
tudents wishing to apply for a Resi-
ence Hall Scholarship for the academ-
: year 1960-61 for Betsy Barbour House
nay do so through the Office of the
lean of Women. Applications must be
eturned complete, by Mon., March 14.
tudents already living in this resi-
fence hail and those wishing to live
bere next fall may apply. Qualifica-
Lons will be considered on the basis

of academic standing (minimum 2.5
cumulative average), need, and con-
tribution to group living.
Travelogue. Andre de la Varre, pho-
tographer, will narrate his film "Eu-
rope in your own car" on Thurs., March
10 at 8:30 p.m., Hill Aud.
March 10, 11, 12-Gilbert and Sulli-
van Society presents "Iolanthe" 8:30
P.M. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mati-
nee: March 12, 1:30 P.M.
Today at 4:10 p.m. the Dept. of
Speech will present FRATRICIDE PUN-
ISHED in Trueblood Aud. FRATRI-
CIDE PUNISHED is an anonymous,
pirated edition of HAMLET which was
played on the continent, during the
17th Century, by English players who
could not get work in England. No ad-
mission will be charged.
The list of persons who passed the
language exam for the MA in history
is posted in the office of the Dept. of
History, 3602 Haven Hall.



in Ann Arbor
62 Voice, A Cappella Choir
North Dakota State College, Fargo, N.D.
Sunday, March 13, 8:30 P.M.
featuring first Ann Arbor Performance of Richard
Weinhorsts' "Seven Words of Christ" plus a pro-
gram of 16th, 17th, 19th, & 20th century compo-
sitions of Handel, Morley, Gibbons, J. C. Bach,
Zoltan Kodaly, and others.

Tickets now on sale by mail order
for forthcoming Playbill productions,
presented by the Dept. of Speech.
William Congreve's "The Way of the
World." to be presented April 6-9,
Wed.-Sat.): $1.50, $1.10, 75c.
Ketti Frings' adapttion of the
Thomsa Wolfe novel, "Look Homeward,
Angel," to be presented (if available)
April 27-30 (Wed.-Sat.): $1.50, $1.10, 75c.
The premiere performance of an ori-
ginal play, to be presented Fri. and
Sat., May 13 and 14. 75c.
To order tickets, send check, pay-
able to Play Production, with self-
addressed stamped envelope and first,
second and third preferences of per-
formance, to Playbill, Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre, Ann Arbor. For furth-
er information, NO 3-1511, Ext. 3383 or
Student Recital: William Osborne
will present an organ recital in Hill
Aud. on Fri., March 11, at 8:30 p.m.,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ment for the degree Master of Music
(Organ). He will play compositions by
Vierne, Messiaen, and Bach, and the
recital will be open to the general pub-
Concert. Guiletta Simionato, mezzo-
soprano of the Metropolitan Opera,
will be heard Sun., March 13, at 2:30
p.m. In Hill Aud. She will be accom-
panied at the piano by John Wutman,
in a program of operatic arias "The
Barber of Seville" (Rossini); "Rinal-
do" (Handel); "La Favorita" (Doni-
zetti); and "Don Carlo" (Verdi); anc
songs by Spontini Bellini, Verdi, Pa
vara, Tomasi, Donizetti and Granados.
Tickets are on sale at the offices of
the University Musical Societ in Bur-
ton Tower until noon Saturday; and
will be on sale at the Hill Aud. box
office Sun., at 1:30 p.m.
Lecture: Dr. Philip Sekevit, The
Rockefeller Institute, New York, will
speak on "The Relation of Cell Struc-
ture to Metabolic Activity" on Thurs.,
March 10 at 4 p.m. Third Level Amphi-
theater, Medical Science Bldg.
A Lecture by Prof. Marc Raeff of
Clark University, Worcester, Massa-
chusetts on "The Political Tradition
in Imperial Russia" on Thurs., March
10 at 4:10 p.m. in Aud. A. The lecture
is open to the public.
Academic Notices
Social Seminar - The Institute of
Public Administration and the Univer-
sity chapter of the American Society
for Public Administration will hear
Dr. Robert W. French, President, Tax
Foundation, Inc., New York City, and
former director of the Port of New
Orleans, on Thurs., March 10, 8 p.rtj
in the E. Conf. Rm,, Rackham Bldg.
His topic will be "Port Operation and
Management - The New Orleans Ex-
perience." Coffee hour to follow. The
public is invited.
Seminar - High temperature gases.
A combined session with the Applied
Mathematics seminar will be held in
Rm. 246 W. Eng. at 4 p.m. Thurs., March
10. Prof. O. Laporte will speak on
'Riemann Invariants for Magnetohydro-
dynamics." (The group has been in-
vited to coffee at 3:30 p.m. in the
Math. office, Rm. 274 W. Eng.)
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
Otto LaPorte will speak in a joint meet-
ing with the Physics Gas Dynamics
Seminar on the subject: "Riemann In-
variant of Magneto-Hydrodynamics," at
4:00 p.m. in Rm. 24 West Engineering,
on Thurs., March 10. Refreshments will
be served at 3:30 p.m. in Room 274 West
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
will meet Thurs., March 10 at 4 p.m.
in Rm. 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. Donald
Jones will continue a discussion of
Chapter 5 in Fraser's "Nonparametric
Methods in Statistics."
Placement Notices

(Free will offering to be Received)


N.Y. Crit
" .r i m ean t" " B e s t F o re ig n L

0 8-6416

ics Award
Language Film!"





(man); Art; HS English, Girls Phys.
Inkster, Mich. (Dearborn Dist. No. 8)
-Elem.; Ment. Ret., Visiting Tchr.; Jr.
H$ Sci, Math; HS Ind. Arts, Instr.
and Voc. Mus., Home Ec., Guid., Eng.,
Physics/Math, Art, Phys. Ed.
M a r s h a ll, Mich. - Debate/Eng.,
Physics/ Math, Girls Phys. Ed., Choir/
Eng.; 5th Grade (man), 1st and 3rd
White Plains, N.Y. -- Elem.; Ment.
Hdcp.; Home Ec., Bus. Ed., Voc. Music,
HS Band (MA), Librarian, Girls Phys.
Ed., Eng. (MA) Sc. (ES), Math (MA),
Soc. Stud. (MA); Elem Art.
Wed., March 16:
Battle Creek, Mich. - Elem.; Jr. HS
Eng./Soc. Stud., Gen. Sci., Art, Span.,
Ind. Arts; HS Eng., Math., Home Ec.;
Speech Corr.; Ment. Ret.
Grand Rapids, Mich. - Elem., Phys.
Ed., Voc. Mus.; Spec. Ed.: Orthopedic,
Ment. Ret., Deaf; Jr. HS Librarian;
HSG Librarian; HS Girls Phys. Ed.,
Span./Eng., Latin/Eng., English; Jr.
Co l. Math,tChem.
Wyandotte, Mich. -- Elem., Library,
Voc./Instr. Mus.,,Art; Jr. HS Ment.
Ret., Speech Corr., Girls Phys. Ed.; HS
Beginning with Thurs., March 17,
the following schools will have repre-
sentatives at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments to interview for the 1960-61
school year.
Thurs., March 17:
East Detroit, Mich. - Elementary
Monroe, Mich. (Custer School) --
Elem. (K-3), Phys. Ed.; Jr. HS St./!
Math or Math/Coach Football, Music,
Art, Speech Corr.
St. Clair Shores, Mich. (Lakeview
Schools) - Elem. (K-6); Visiting
Tchr., Homebound, Ment. Ret., Hard
of Hearing; Jr. HS Soc. Stud./Eng.,
Sci ./Math.
Trenton, Mich. - Elem. (K-6).
Fri., March 18:
Lincoln, Mich. (Alcona Schs,)-Elem.
(K-4); HS English, Soc. Stud., Comm.
Mt. Clemens, Mich. (L'Anse Cruise
Schools) - Elem.; HS Home Ec.,
Comm., Math., Girls Phys, Ed.; 7th
Grade Unified Studies.
Saginaw, Mich, - Elementary and
Rocky River, Ohio - Elem.; HS Eng.,
Art., French, Math., Soc. Stud,
For any additional information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
The following companies will inter-
view at the Bureau of Appointments,
4001 Admin, Bldg. Call Ext. 3371 for an
interview appointment.
There are only two more weeks of
interviews before spring vacationI It
is not necessary to register with our
office in order to interview any of the
organizations scheduled to visit the
office. We will require that you com-
plete our College Interview Form just
so the employer can have application
information for your interview. To be
registered is to your advantage, to
have complete information on your
background and letters of recommen-
dations so employers don't have to
spend time contacting past employers
or professors. These records are perman-
ent and are not only for interviews -
if after graduation you are dissatisfied
with your position you may again con-
tact our office for leads or any spe-
cific openings we may have on file plus
your recommendations which will al-
ways be on file.
Mon., March 14:
American Hospital Supply Corp.,
Evanston, Ill. Location of work: Evan-
ston and ultimate relocation to other
areas of the country. Graduate: June,
Aug. The largest manufacturer and
distributor of hospital and scientific
equipment and supplies. A) Hospital
Supply Division. Sales representatives.
Men 22-28 Draft exempt* with degrees
in Liberal Arts or Business Adminis-
tration. B) Scientific Product Division,
Sales Representatives. Men, 22-28, draft
exempt* holding degrees in any bio-
logical science or chemistry, also med-
ical students or medical technologists.
C) Parenteral Products Division. Sales
representatives to contact and service
hospital accounts in the sale of intra-
venous solutions and accessories. Re-
quires men 22 to 28. draft exempt
with degreesin pharmacy, biological
sciences, or pre-medicine. D) Interna-
tional Operations. Foreign represent-
tives, Men, 24 to 28. draft exempt
holding either a bachelor's or master's
In any field. E) Staff Management
Trainees. Men. 22 to 28. draft exempt
with a degree in Liberal Arts or Busi-
ness Administration. F) General Man-
agement. Program is conducted to
train management candidate to serve
as office managers for regional opera-
tions. Requires men with degrees In
Business Administration or Liberal
Arts, 22 to 28, draft exempt', Should
have a minimum of four hours ac-
counting. Positions require 2-4 yrs.
training in American's general head-
quarters, Evanston, Ill, and other re-
gional offices. Ultimate assignment will
involve high levels of responsibility.
*American will consider men enrolled
in the six months armed forces re-
serve program.
.Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
City, N.Y. Location of work: N.Y.C.;
Twenty-three branc:es In foreign
countries. Graduates: June. Commer-

cial banking. Et. 1799, Employs 13.600.
Men with a degree in Economics or
Business Administration for Training
Program. Positions for which we nor-
mally employ college graduates: SeniojA
investment Analyst, Credit Analyst,
Branch Platform. Operations Asst., Cor-
porate Trust Admin. Asst., Personal
Trust Admin. Asst., Foreign Arrange-
ments Senior Analyst, District Repre-
sentative (Commercial and, Banking).
Aetna Life Insurance Co., Saginaw,
Mich. Location of work: Flint, Sagin-
aw, Port Huron, Midland, Bay City and
all of northeastern Mich. Graduates:
Feb., June, Aug. Nature of Business:
insurance. Salesmen: Special sales
work with Estate Control Plan, Group,
and Business Insurance.
Tues., March 15:
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Le-
mont, Ill. Location of work: Headquar-
ters -- Washington, D.C.; Offices -
New Mexico; Lemont, Ill.; Grand Junc-
tion, Colo.; Richland, Wash.; Idaho
Falls, Idaho; Cincinnati, Ohio; New
York, N.Y.; Oak Ridge, Tenn.; Pitts-
burgh, Pa.; Oakland, Calif.; Aiken, So.
Carolina; Schenectady, N.Y. Gradu-
ates: June. Nuclear energy research,
development, management and pro-
duction. Est. 1946. Employs 6,700 1)
Men and women with a degree in Bi-
ology, Chemistry, Physics, or Engrg.
(except Civil) for professional intern-
ships. 2) Men and women with a de-
gree in Public Admin., International
Affairs or Business Admin. for man-
agement internships.

tion of work: Detroit, Mich. Gradu-
ates: June, Aug. Municipal corpora
tion: Transportation, water supply,
public works, public lighting, police
recreation, health, hospitals, fire and
all other general municipal services. 1)
Men and women with a degree in Lib-
eral Arts or Science for Technical Aids
(General) for Executive Training in a
variety of professional areas and lead-
ing to jobs such as: Personnel Admin.,
Planning, Testing, Financial Admin.
and Public Relations. 2) Men and wo-
men with a degree in Bus. Admin. for
Technical Aid (Bus. Admin.) to work
with the administrative staff of a
municipal agency with jobs leading to
Acctg., Appraising, Auditing, Budget-
ing, Purchasing or Research. There are
a number of opportunities for work
in social work for women with an un-
dergraduate degree who would like to
work part time and attend graduate
school to work toward a Master's de-
gree in Social Work.
Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of N.Y.,
New York City, N.Y. Location of work:
New York City, N.Y. Graduates: June,
Aug. Nature of Business: Banking.
Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or
Business Administration for Around-
the-Bank-Training-Program. The pro-
gram consists of a rotation program
for one year for graduate students and
1= yrs. for undergrads.
Wed., March 16:
Wayne County Bureau of Social Aid,
Detroit, Mich. Location of work: De-
troit-Wayne County. Graduates: June,
Aug. Social aid to dependent persons.
Men and women with a degree In So-
ciology or Social Sciences for Social
Workers to determine eligibility for
Public Assistance and to provide some
casework services.
Hardware Mutuals, Grand Rapids,
Mich. Location of work: Grand Rapids,
or Detroit, Mich. Graduates: June,
Aug. Accident, automobie, burglary,
extended coverage, fire, general liabil-
ity, group and health, inland marine,
glass and workmen's compensation in-
surance. Men with a degree in Liberal
Arts or Business Administration for
Claims or Underwriting.
Laboratories for Applied Science,
Museum of Science and Industry, Chi-
cago 37, Ill. Location of work: Chicd,
go, Ill. Graduates: June or Aug. Ope
ations Research (Weapons Research)
for U.S. Air Force research and devel-
opment plan. Men and women with
an MS or PhD in Mathematics or
Physics for Operations Research.
Thurs., March 17:
The Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Location of work: Mich., Ohio and Ind.
Graduates: Feb., June and Aug. Na-
ture of business: Manufacture and
distribution of fine pharmaceuticals.
Men with a degree in pre-medicine,
pre-dentistry, biology, chemistry, phar-
macy, bacteriology, biochemistry or
liberal arts and science background
for pharmaceutical sales representa-
Northern Trust Co., Chicago, Ill. Lo-
cation of work: Chicago, Ill. Gradu-
ates: June, Aug. Nature of business:
Banking and related services - Bond,
trust, savings. Men with a degree in
Liberal Arts or Bus. Admin. for com-
mercial banking, investment portfolio
management, trust admin., bond mer-
chandising, operations, admin. Start-
ing assignments are usually in credit
analysis, securities analysis, securities
trading, operating procedures, trust
administration, accounting auditing,
cost acctg., methods and machine re-
search, or trust estates, with ultimate
assignment in one of the six major
business careers listed above,
Mutual of New York, New York City,
N.Y. Location of work: New York. Field
offices throughout the United States
and Canada. Graduates: June. Nature
of business: Life insurance. Men with
a degree in Economics, Political Sci-
ence, English, History, General Chem-
istry or Mathematics for actuarial,
electric computing, sales or home of-
fice work in insurance, management
training or office management. Wo-
men with a degree in Liberal Arts or'
Business Administration for training
program In insurance.
Sears Roebuck and Co., Chicago, Ill.
Location of work: Mich, and midwest-
ern 10 states; operations all over the
U.S. Graduates: June, Aug. General
retail merchandising. Men with a de-
gree in Liberal Arts or Business Ad-
ministration for management training
Procter & Gamble Co., Overseas Div.,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Location of work:
Belgium, France, Italy, Mexico, Phil-
ippines, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Ven-
ezuela. Graduates: Feb., June, Aug. I)
(Continued on Page 4)

Coeds numbering 585 pledged
membership to one local and 21
national sororities at the end of
the spring rush period.
#mong pledges are coeds from
Michigan, 26 other states, the
District of Columbia, Canada,
Puerto Rico, and Brazil.
Susan Elizabeth Allen, '63; Molly
Beamer, '63; Linda Joan Benn,
'63; Lynne Catherine Bernard, '63;
Diane Louise Bessert, '63; Jeanne
Mary Clohset, '63; Betsy Ann
Conn, '63; Susan Ann Dye, '63SN;
Patricia Gayle Golden, '63; Carol
Jean Gray, '63; Lynne Nota Grath-t
wol, '63; Mary Margaret Hagglund,
'62; Joyce Lily Harlan, '63; Janet
Helen Hogberg, '62; Linda Jane
Homan, '63; Janine Louise John-
son, '62E; Margaret Ann Johnson,
'63; Gretchen Ann Jones, '63A&D.
Linda Lloyd Jones, '63; Anne
Marie Lindgren, '63; Suzanne
Martinson, '63; Marilyn Melody
Mix, '62; Diana Louise Neitring,
'63; Jane Thirza Nicholson, '63;
Patricia Fern Ondrus, '63A&D;
Diane Faith Orr, '63; Andrea
Marie Smart, '63; Sandra Lacey
Swift, '63; Deborah Atkinson Wat-
son, '63.
Diane Kay Almon, '63; Sharon
Ann Artz, '62SN Martha Ann
Benedict, '62; Lydia Ann Bishop,
'63N; Susan Brelsford Boynton,
'62; Shirley Anne Branch, '63;
Judith Ann Brebner, '63; Kaye
Joann Clark, '63; Vi Mary Dimeff,
'63Ph; Anita Marie Fecht, '63SM;
Beth Louise Ferguson, '63; Mary
Susan Heaton, '62; Roxanne Louise
Lackey, '62; Elaine Catherine Les-
ko, '63; Susann McClintock Male-
cek, '63; Patricia Jean McKee, '63;
Judith Ethlebell McKinley, '63N;
Phyllis Lamona McKnight, '62;
Patricia Ann Park, '62; Gertrude
Mabel Proefke, '63; Linda Estelle
Roe, '63; Carol Andrea Rouse, '63;
Gay Swan, '63Ph; Sandy Lee Voss,
'63; Polly Rebecca Walker, '63;
Beverly Jean Wartena, '62; Janice
Woodbridge Zeder, '62.
Mimi C. Berman, '63; Judith
Ann Berne, '63; Marilyn Kay
Grossman, '63; Mary Beth Hein-
rick, '63; Betsy Mae Holleb, '63;
Rochelle Kaufman, '6; Phullis
Beryl Lerman, '63; Laury I. Lip-
man, '63; Linda Jo Newman, '63;
Judith Ann Novitsky, '63; Phyllis
Joan Plotkin, '62; Elaine Sharon
Portner, '62; Barbara A. Portnoy,
La Sociedad Hispanica, reunion,
March 10, 8 p.m., 3050 FB. Programa,
baile, refrescos. Vengan todos.
Mich. Christian Fellowship, Bible
study, March 11, 7:15 p.m., 2432 UES.
Political Issues Club, direct non-vio-
lent action: The CORE program for
Integration, March 10, 8 p.m., Union,
3rd floor conference room.
Univ. Coed Horseback Riding Club,
meeting, March 10, 6:50 p.m., WAB.
* * *'
U. of M. Skating Club, end-of-the-
season skating party. You may bring
guests. March 11, 8-10 p.m., Coliseum.
* 4' 4'
WAA Golf Club, first spring meet-
ing, March'10, 7:15 p.m., WAB down-
Campus Elections: Polls workers
needed for campus elections March 15-
16. Sign up for a time and place, SO,
headquarters, SAB, Call NO 3-0553 or
come in after 3 p.m.

'63; Rhoda Leya Pregerson, '63;
Susan Rae Rogovy, '63; Suzanne
Irene Rosenfeld, '63; Jean Seins-'
heimer, '63; Judith Louise Sofen,
'63; Anita Beth Tamakin, '62;
Gail Louise Winski, '63.
Julia Marie Arment, '63SM;
Karen Marie Bethke, '638N; Ethel
Mae Birch, '63; Judy Ann Boddy,
'63SN; Bonnie Viola Burnett, '63;
Diana Elizabeth Bush, '62; Kay
Marie' Clancy, '63SN; Ann Dan-
nell, '63SN; Jean Ellen Dorsey,!
'63E; Sheila Marie Fredericksen,
'63; Suzanne Gasnier, '63; Sandra
Sue Gould, '63SN; Nancy Scott
Heavner, '63SN; Ann Sinclair
Hodges, '63; -Carol Marie Hough-
ton, '63; Patricia Huntington, '63;
Sharon Kay Jones, '63S; Patricia
Elise Kline, '63SN; Mary Louise
Kristek, '63Ed.; Darlene Joyce
Laidlaw, '63; Patricia Ann Lloyd,
'63SN; June Annette Lonbreg, '63;
Jacqueline Louise Macartney, '62;
Sharon Ann Malczynski, '63Ph;
Gloria Jean Mushe, '63; Joy Mar-

cia Olsen, '62; Barbara Anne Paul,
'63SN; Mary Lucretia Rowell,
'63SN; Janet Lorraine Strening,
'63; Jo Ann Helen Stypula, '62;
Judith Ann Tlnkham, '63,
Carolyn Marie. Adams, '63SM;
Claudia Marie Borders, '62; Judith
Ann Caplan, '61; Kathleen Ann
Engle, '63SN; Margaret Anna
Fallan, '62; Barbara Julia Finoc-
chi, '63E; Evelyn Sue Johns, '61
A&D; Carole Anita Junker, '63;
Sharron Gail Lalik, '63; Jean
Reiko Matsunami, '62; Katherine
Dallas. McConkey,.'63; Marcia Ann
Moorhead, '63A&D; Susanne Marie
Parssinen, '63SM; Jo Ann Piercy,
'63SN; Carol Belle Sommer, '63;
Marcia Alice. Styer, '63SN; Jean-
netta Katherine White, '62; Eliza-
beth Beaumont Worth, '62.
Carol Ann Anderson, '63; Carol
Ann Bain, '62; Susan Elizabeth
Brauer, '63SN; Harriet Harris
Comstock, '63; Sandra Yerkes
(Continued on Page 3)




NO 5-6290




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£ ; J..*
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t's so much cooler
I can hardly
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Summer Placement
Interviews-Thurs., March 10
Camp Hillton, Walloon Lake, Mich~
Mr. Bauerle will interview for men and
women counselors from 1:00 to 5:00.
Camp Arbutus, Mayfield, Mich. will
interview from 10 a.m. on fortstudents
interested and capable of teaching:
swimming, sailing, riding (eastern),
icanoeing, handicraft, and nature. Mini
mum age of 19 and 2 complete yrs. of
Interviews held in the Summer
Placement Office, D528 of the SAB.
Beginning with Mon., March 14, the
following schools will have representa-
tives at the Bureau of Appointments
to interview for the 1960-61 school year.
Mon., March 14:
Baldwin Park, Calit. - Elem. (K-8);
English, Soc. Stud., Math., Science.
Grand Haven, Mich. - Elem., Music;
Spec. Ed. (Ret.); Biol./Sci., English,
For. Lang./Latin, Speech Corr., Gen.
Set.: Dir, of Guid.; Hist., Eng./Soc.
Grand Rapids, Mich. (Godwin
Heights)-- All fields.
Tues., March 15:
Fremont, Mich. -- Elem.; 6th grade


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