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March 10, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-10

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

:43 a t

Hiigh -29
Continued cold with possible
snow flurries in late evening.

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I 4

Prepare Debate
On Civil Rights
WASHINGTON (-The House cleared decks yesterday for a civil
rights debate many members expected to be decisive:
Although the Senate has been debating civil rights bills since
Feb. 15, much of the time in around-the-clock sessions, the House
still is in position to write the version with the best chance of
becoming law. The big fight will come, probably next week, on the
Eisenhower Administration's proposal that federal judges appoint
referees to help Negroes who report local officials won't let'them vote.
The House devoted most of yesterday to disposing of three
pending bills in which Southern opponents of civil rights legislation
-'had demanded time - consuming

. .on ethical decisions
Shows Ends
Are Means
No end may be adopted as final
. because "any end is desired part-
ly for its own sake and partly as
a means to something else," Prof.
Charles L. Stevenson of the phil-
osophy department said last
Opening a series of nine Hillel
Foundation lectures entitled
"What's Worth Living For," he
explained that anyone's ethical
decisions are guided by focal
aims, which economize all desires
by providing means to as many
small ends as possible.
"Big principles are big because
they are means to a great many
little ends."
Adopt Survival
While adopting an end such as
survival, one is also adopting it
in part as means to other ends,
Prof. Stevenson said. For ex-
ample, people eat not only just
to live but also for the enjoyment
of it.
The way anyone arrives at an
ethical judgment is by enacting
"a dramatic rehearsal in his
imagination," as p h i l o s o p h e r
John Dewey pointed out, in which
he imagines all possible conse-
quences of the alternatives.
"By examining all the conse-
quences, he hopes to find some
reinforcement which will lead
him to a decision."
Study Consequences
But studying all the conse-
quences is so extensive a job that
people frequently generalize the
problem to simplify it.
Prof. Stevenson noted, however,
that qualifications and exceptions
must be made to any broad ethi-
cal generalization, just as legal
statutes must be made defeasible.
"Some extraordinary case can
always be found as an exception
to any generalization," he said.
"So where one wishes to say 'all'
he should be careful to say
Making ethical decisions is a
full-time job, requiring "the
whole of a man," according to
Prof. Stevenson. It is a task of
selecting and sorting relevant
fUI t'7A T A tlZ

roll calls.
Eulogized Neuberger
The Senate interrupted its civil
rights debate to eulogize Sen.
Richard L. Neuberger (D-Ore.),
who died yesterday, and then re-
cessed until 9 a~m. =today when it
will resume the civil rights grind.
The Senate is to vote at 2 p.m.
today on a motion to limit debate
and thereby end the Southern
senators' filibuster. But the mo-
tion was given virtually no chance
of garnering the necessary two-
thirds majority.
Today, however, the House takes
up a relatively mild bill which theI
bipartisan forces pushing civil
rights legislation hope to broaden
by amendments on the floor.
Plan To Delay
Southerners are ready with de-
laying tactics, even though the
rules of the House, unlike those
of the Senate, do not permit an
actual filibuster. The Southerners
may begin by insisting on the
tedious and usually skipped read-
ing of the preceding day's journal.
House leaders, knowing the
Southerners can stretch the al-
lotted 15 hours of debate into
several days, have scheduled a rare
Saturday session.
Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.)
predicted yesterday the final vote
will come about Wednesday. He
promised everyone will have a
reasonable amount of time to
Passage of some sort of legisla-,
tion strengthening the civil rights
law, especially on voting, is gen-
erally expected on both sides of
the Capitol.+
Nevertheless, Southerners in the
House as in the Senate are pass-
ing up no opportunities to delay
or harass the bills.
The biggest remaining asset of
the Southern opposition is Con-i
gress' determination to adjourna
before the July Presidential Nom-1
inating Conventions.4

Local Group
Will Picket,
City Stores
Several University students will
picket The Cousins Shop, 309 S.
State, on Saturday afternoon be-
cause it "engages in anti-Negro
The group announced yester-
day they will also picket S. S.
Kresge and F. W. Woolworth
stores, both charged with dis-
criminatory practices in Southern
The picketing is part of the
state and national boycott and
"sit-in" campaign being carried
on by civil rights groups, 'John
Leggett, Grad., one of the co-or-
dinators of the local picketing,
Picket Stores
Kresge's and Woolworth's are
not being picketed because of dis-
criminatalon in Ann Arbor but
for the practices of southern
members of their national chain,
Leggett said.
But the Cousins Shop has dis-
criminated against an Ann Arbor
Negro shopper, he said, as shown
in the recently-released report of
the City Human Relations Com-
He said "no organization or
group of organizations" are be-
hind the picketing. The idea
emerged from "about a dozen in-
Issue Statement
An official statement prepared
by Leggett announces "On Sat-
urday, between 1 and 5 p.m., a
group of students and other par-'
ticipants will picket the Cousins
Shop. This store engages in anti-
Negro practices.
"We will also picket Kresge and
Woolworth stores in Ann Arbor.
The picketing of these stores is
part of a nationwide boycott and
sit-in campaign being conducted
by civil rights groups. The goal of
this campaign is to eliminate dis-
criminatory practices against Ne-
"You and your friends are in-
vited to take part in this peaceful
demonstration. At 12:30 p.m., we
will meet briefly before the dem-
onstration at 341 E. Liberty,l
apartment 3 . . . If you cannot
take part in the demonstration,
come and be a friendly witness."


Student Government Council
last night took action to discourage
examination files after voting down
a motion to abolish the SGC exam
The motion passed encourages
the Dean's Conference to "take
such action as will discourage the
Negro Group
At Lansing .
LANSING VP) - Some 400 dem-
onstrators rallied by the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People (NAACP) staged
a march on the Capitol yesterday
to urge stronger civil rights legis-
The demonstration fell short of
its objective. It was timed to coin-
cide with a hearing in the House
State Affairs Committee on bills
which would expand the authority
of the State Fair Employment
Practices Commission to take in
education, public accommodations
and private housing.
The hearing was held but com-
mittee chairman Lloyd Gibbs (R-
Portland) ducked out of the Capi-
tol before the committee could
vote on releasing the bills for
House debate. All died automati-
cally under a deadline for meas-
ures to clear committee.
May Force Bill
Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski (D-
Detroit), Democratic floor lead-
er, said an attempt would be made
to force the bill from the commit-
tee by a special vote. The move
would require bipartisan support.
The placard - carrying crowd,
mostly Negroes, cheered civil rights
speakers and sang hymns and
patriotic songs for more than an
hour in bitter 23-degree cold. The
good - natured throng saved its
biggest applause for Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams, long-time advocate
of more extensive civil rights legis-
Representatives of real estate
and property owners groups urged
Gibbs' committee to reject pro-
posals covering private housing,
Warns of Gestapo
Donald Sargent, vice-president
of the National Civic Association,
which claims a membership of
some 40,000 Detroit area home-
owners, said the proposals would
create "a Gestapo commission" as
far as property rights are con-
"It would do nothing but give
a special group of citizens special
privileges," Sargent said. "In pro-
posing to eliminate discrimination,
they're setting up new standards
of discrimination."
"Negroes have to learn to be-
have themselves, and then they'll
be accepted," Sargent said.
Harold M. Davis of Lansing,
vice - president of the Michigan
Real Estate Association, termed
the demonstration "a show of

free circulation of exams and
repetitious use of an exam by a
It further encourages each pro-
fessor to provide study questions
to aid his students in preparing
for exams. Al Haber, '60, maker of
the motion, termed it "positive ac-
tion" against the "academic lazi-
ness" fostered by examination
Roger Seasonwein, '61, who
moved to abolish the SGC exam
file, called the exam file "an abom-
"An exam file is not part of the
University as an educational in-
stitution," he asserted. "It adds
to a situation I feel to be an in-
tolerable one. A good deal of the
learning process is figuring out
what will be on the test."
He added that the first step in
abolishing such files "is getting
rid of our own."

Aid Students
Other members felt that exam-
ination files aid students in learn-
ing the basic questions and areas
of emphasis in courses, that
many professors freely distribut-
ed exams, and that since such
files do exist, doing away with a
public one would take away any
equalizing influence it might
"All the evils of cheating aren't
in the examination file," one
member said.
Seasonwein drew a parallel be-
tween cheating and the exam file
in that if everybody were to
cheat, class grade curves would
not be affected by anyone's un-
fair advantage, "Therefore, if
everybody has access to exam
files, you'd say it's good."
"If faculty people want to be
lazy and set up examinations that,
are not really academically
healthy, we don't have to help
Morrill Knocks
Proposed Ban
By Directors
University of Minnesota Presi-
dent James L. Morrill came out
Tuesday against the proposed Big
Ten ban of post-season NCAA'
He has long been an opponent
of Big Ten participation in the
Rose Bowl.
Morrill issued a statement say-,
ing he felt "confident that the
action forbidding participation in
the NCAA championships will be
rescinded-and I hope sincerely it
One of the reasons given in
favor of the ban by the faculty
representatives and athletic direc-
tors who tentatively approved it3
at the Big Ten meeting last week-
end was that it is consistent withl
the decision to drop the Rose1
If post-season competition is cut
in one sport, it should be cut in1
all sports, it was pointed out.

SGC Votes on Exam Files

The motion failed, as did a mo-
tion to reconsider it later. Council
members expressed the feeling
that while they had endorsed the
principle that examination files
should be discontinued, they do
now exist and the SGC file can
be of use to the student body
until the practice is generally
A member voiced his opinion
that it is "inconceivable to say
you're opposed to something in
theory and then practice it," but
the motion to abolish the file was
not reconsidered.
Cuba Wrong,
Herter Says
WASHINGTON RP) - Secretary
of State Christian A. Herter com-
plained yesterday that as soon as
United States-Cuban relations take
a turn for the better, Premier
Fidel Castro and .his aides "seem
to go out of their way to make
them more difficult."
Herter spoke about Cuba -
America's No. 1 Caribbean head-
ache-in his first news conference
since returning from a two-week
trip to Latin America with Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The United States foreign af-
fairs chief said the United States
has given "no consideration to
breaking off diplomatic relations
with Cuba.",
Wants Diplomatic Solution
And he expressed hope that'
such circumstances would not
arise, and that troubles with Cuba
can be solved through diplomatic
means even though United States
Ambassador Philip W. Bonsal is
presently here on recall from Ha-
Herter reaffirmed Eisenhower's1
position that the United States1
will not make economic reprisalsI
against Cuba. He declined to di-
vulge the administration's proposal
for new sugar legislation, whichj
some members of Congress hope
to use as a weapon against Castro.1
Despite his general tone of re-
straint, Herter was clearly un-
happy over the latest attacks byt
Castro against the United States.
The Secretary rejected a Cuban
protest that he had used insultingt
language in dressing down a CubanI
envoy here Mnday.
Lodged Complaint
Herter said his words "were
carefully chosen ... not insulting
at all" when he complained to
Cuban Charge d'Affaires Enrique
Patterson about what Hertert
trme eCastro's baseless charge
that the United States was re-
sponsible for last Friday's Havana
munitions ship explosion that cost
more than 50 lives.
Herter said Castro had "un-
happily tried to turn the very1
real grief that the Cuban people
have and that we have, over that
hideous explosion in Havana har-t
bor, to animosity against thes
UJnited States ."
He said a formal protest wouldc
be dispatched to Havana by thec
end of this week.t

cates that GOP finance strate-
gists have taken the position that
the state colleges and universi-
ties will have to raise tuitions if
they intend to get the funds they
say are needed.
Stress Salary Raises
University administrators have
stressed the necessity of raising
faculty salaries to combat "raid-
ing" by other schools.
The legislature has planned to
finish with appropriations bills by
the middle of next month. Uni-
versity administrators are ex-
pected to return to Lansing to ap-
pear before the House Ways and
Means Committee within the
next few weeks.
The University's request for
capital outlay funds is scheduled
for report by the Appropriations
Committee today. Observers in
Lansing said the appropriataion
may be enough' for the Univer-
sity to resume expanding facili-
ties. The Institute of Science and
Technology, the second section of.
the Fluids Engineering Labora-
tory and the Astronomy and
Physics building have been men-
tioned by University officials as
the most necessary of the build-
ings planned.
It has been three years since
the University has, been, appro-
priated funds for the construe-
tion of a new building.
MIass Culture
Lecture Set
Prof. Bernard Rosenberg of
the City College of New York will
speak on "Mass Culture, Mass So-
ciety and Politics" at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Multipurpose Room of
the Undergraduate Library.

Committee Asks
$1.6 Milion Rise
Amount Falls Short of Minimum
Required for University-Hatcher
The Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday recom-
mended a $1.6 million appropriation increase for the Univer.
sity, about $3.5 million less than asked by administrators for
the coming academic year.
University President Harlan Hatcher called the appro-
priation "inadequate," saying it "falls short of the minimun
requiren ents that would enable the Unviersity to hold to
its present responsibilities."
"Not Surprised" .
President Hatcher added, however, that he was "not sur-
prised" by the committee's recommendation. He mentioned
the sentiment among several"-T
legislators that the Univer-
sity should raise tuitions to
meet part of its increased
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss said
recently that if the legislature
did not increase its appropriation
by $1.5 million, he would urge an
increase in tuition.
And word from Lansing indi-

S. . unity for peace

'Arab Cia i

Lab Playbill To Present
'Fratricide Punished'
"Fratricide Punished," a one-act piracy of Shakespeare's "Ham-
let," will be presented on the Laboratory Playbill series at 4:10 p.m.'
today in Trueblood Auditorium at the Frieze Building.
"This play is interesting not only for its own entertainment value,
but also for its great scholarly value," Al Katz, Grad., play director,
said. "The script tells many of Shakespeare's intentions in 'Hamlet'

Unity Needed
Numerous avenues for Middl
Eastern and world peace can 1;
opened by Arab unification, Faye
A. Sayegh, former director of th
Arab States' delegation to th
United Nations, said last nigh
Speaking at a lecture co-spon.
sored by the International Stu
dents Association and the Ara
Club, Sayegh demonstrated tha
Arab unity could be viewed as
necessity for world peace.
Sayegh, who is author of "Ara
Unity," listed six benefits towar
peace that could accrue fror
Arab unity.
Sees Benefits
The first benefit would be t
fulfill a psychological craving c
a majority of Arabs for unity
and thus allow them to devot
more energy toward other prob
lems such as economic develop
ments and democratization.
Another advantage of this ful
fllment would be that the Arab
would brood less on their dis
memberment by some of th
Western powers and thus tend t
overcome their hostility toward
A third benefit of unity would
be to further the economic devel
opment of the Arab world b:
having a unified economy, by re
moving customs barriers and
duplication of industries and by
permitting larger industries by
expanding markets.
Economic Advance
This, economic unification is
not probable without politica
unity, he said, in light of lack o
Arab political sophistication.
In addition, this increase i
economic development will fur-
ther world peace as well as Mid-
dle Eastern by a campaign against
poverty and underdevelopment a
a fight toward peace. The United
Nations, he said, recognizes tha
world peace requires economic as
well as political action.
A fifth force toward peace is
the lessening of friction between
Arab governments by uniting

and also gives us an indication of
how the play affected its seven-
teenth century audience."
This particular version was
written by Elizabethan actors and
scribes from their memory of a
Shakespearean performance.
"Every element of the original
'Hamlet' is evident in the pirated
version. Only the expression is
"Only the bare plot remains in
this production. This plot line it-
self provides a rousing and enter-
taining melodrama, but half the
fun of the performance is being
able to recognize the equivalents
of Shakespeare's great speeches
whiz by in five or ten seconds."
Katz said he neither cut nor
changed the original Elizabethan
script. "Nothing is done to mask
the constant changes of mood be-
tween tragedy and ludicrous farce
-an accepted concept of Eliza-7

r s
'Tolantlie': Problem of Being Half-Mortal..
t~ x
"One of the problems of the hero, Strephon, is that he is a fairy
to the waist and mortal below," Jim Bob Stephenson, director of the
Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, "Iolanthe," said.
The operetta opens at 8:30 p.m. today, and will continue through
Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. At 1:30 p.m. Saturday
there will be a school matinee.
So that Strephon, who is not deemed sufficiently important to
marry Phyllis (the ward of the court of Chancery) can acquire the
necessary prestige, the fairies get Strephon elected to Parliament and
then take on the House of Lords.
r" "Considering what is happening in our Senate now I could only
wish a fairy could appear there. In the parliament of Chancery any
bill which Strephon proposes has to be passed by both Houses,"
Stephenson added.
7 "At first Strephon tells the Fairy Queen that he couldn't go into
.;parliament because one-half of his body is conservative and the other,



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