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March 08, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-08

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Students Protest Segregatio

'Erroneous, Mis leading'

Survey Shows Negroes
Cut from VotingRecords

(EDITOR's NOTE: A survey by the
Associated Press showed only one
eounty in the South having more
registered Negro voters than whites.
The following is an account of an
on-the-spot inquiry into the possi-
bility of Negro political domination
which led to discovery that the
votng list had been rsed and most
of the Negro majority removed.)
HINESVILLr, Ga. ()-Revision
of voting lists has cut 1,000 per-
sons, mostly Negroes, from rolls
in the only county in the South
having more Negro than white
registered voters.
But voting-board registrars in
Liberty County in southeast Geor-
gia, say Negroes of the rural
county face loss of potential po-
litical dominance through lack of
interest in voting, not through dis-
Negro spokesmen agree their
race is permitted to register with
a minimum of restrictions.
A Vote Is a Vote
A survey by the Associated Press
showed the Georgia county, 35
miles from Savannah, was the only
one in the South with more Negro
than white registered voters.
Nine Southern states reported'
131 counties with larger Negro
population than white. Georgia
has 36 counties in which there is
a white minority.
Liberty County, predominately
Negro, registered 2,472 Negroes
and 2,128 white persons for the
1958 state Democratic primary.
The 1950 census placed the Negro
population at 5,100, the white at
The specter of possible Negro
political dominance frequently is
advanced in hot political cam-
paigns in the South.
Liberty County officials were
unanimous, however, in declaring
that this fear had nothing to do'
with trimming voting lists.
One who would not be quoted
intimated that some incumbents
in the county solicit votes of Ne-
groes, encourage them to register

and remain in office through
their support.
One of the incumbents even
agreed with this, saying a vote,
Negro or white, is a welcome vote.
Under Georgia law, persons who
fail to vote over a two-year period
are removed from the rolls.
Mrs. Lucille Wood, chairman of
the registrar board in Liberty, said
letters are sent out every two
years to persons on the list who
have not voted in the past two
' The letter warns that they will
be dropped if they do not appear
and request that their name be
kept intact.
"If they do not appear we drop
their names and that's all there
Is to it."
After the revision, registration
for two special county elections,
brought the rolls up again.
Mrs. Wood estimated current
figures balance white and Negro
voters at about 2,150 for each
A Negro spokesman, however,
contended his race now had 200
more eligible voters registered than
the total of white voters.
Mrs. Wood and Negroes say
there has been no concentrated
drive to register, that registration
of more Negroes is due to their
larger population.
Negro Talks
There has been some discussion
by Negroes about entering a candi-
date for a county office but none
has offered for election.
Several of those interviewed are
engaged in business or hold jobs
by appointment. One said he did
not care to jeopardize his business
by becoming too active in politics.
He was among those who also
agreed with others that relations
between the races were good.
Most of the residents workin
lumber or pulpwood industries and'
many are employed at Fort Stew-
art, a 30 - acre reservation for
training anti-aircraft and tank
crews and National Guardsmen.

... tanned and chipper
Ike Returns
After Tour
WASHINGTON () -- Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower flew
back to Washington yesterday,
ready to give the nation a report
on his 15,500-mile tour of South
Eisenhower will speak over the
radio and TV networks tonight
for 15 minutes, beginning at 7
p.m. EST.
The President, who had been
tired and hoarse during part of
the tour, looked and sounded fit
on his arrival by jet airliner this
Speeds Away
Finally Eisenhower hopped into
a waiting White House limousine
and, with Nixon by his side, sped
off toward the White House along
roads that still had snow and an
ice bank along the edges.
Press Secretary James C. Hag-
erty reported later that Eisen-
hower and Nixon were together
an hour and a quarter in all. He
said the President wanted to take
this first opportunity to give
Nixon a first-hand account of
what he saw and heard in South
The Eisenhower chat with Nix-

Herter Says
Denies Involvement
In Ship Explosion
States yesterday denounced as
"baseless, erroneous and mislead-
ing" Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
Castro's implication that the
American government was respon-
sible for the explosion of a French
munitions ship in Havana Harbor.
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter in unusually blunt lan-
guage summoned Cuba's top diplo-
mat to the State Department and
told him:
"This government vigorously re-
jects and protests this unfounded
and irresponsible attitude on the
part of Prime Minister Castro."
Question Faith
Herter said that in view of the
grave accusations the United
States "finds itself increasingly
obliged to question the good faith
of Your Excellency's government
with respect to a desire for Im-
proved relations between our gov-
The Department made known
the full word-for-word transcript
of Herter's remarks, some of the
sharpest ever directed to a foreign
diplomat, within a few minutes
after the 20-minute conference
The Cuban, Charge d'Affairs
Enrique Patterson, clearly upset
at the session, left hurriedly after-
ward. He told newsmen only that
he would report Herter's com-
ments to Castro without comment.
Talk at Burial
What aroused Herter's ire was
a speech Castro gave at a burial
ceremony for some of the esti-
mated 46 victims of the explosion.
Castro made it clear he considered
the United States government at
least indirectly responsible for the
sudden blast which wrecked the
French freighter Le Coubre.
The vessel was reported to have
46 tons of grenades and other
arms aboard which were loaded
at the Belgian port of Brussels.
Commenting on Castro's grave-
side address, Herter said:
"In view of our genuine sym-
pathy and sorrow, the government
and people of the United States
were profoundly shocked when
Prime Minister Castro in his
speech and the burial ceremony
for the victims of the explosion
indicated his belief that the United
States government was responsible
for the explosion.
Calls Provocative
"The tenor of Prime Minister
Castro's remarks on this occasion
was extremely provocative and ap-
parently calculated to transform
the understandable sorrow of the
Cuban people into resentment
against the United States."
Castro's remarks can only wors-
en the "unhappy deterioration" of
Cuban-American relations, Herter
The Secretary recalled that
Castro's regime has called for
calm, friendly negotiation of dif-
ferences in a note Feb. 18. In re-
plying, the United States expressed
readiness to begin such discussions
but not under terms demanded by
The State Department said Her-
ter informed the Cuban diplomat
that the United States would send
a formal note of protest to the
Cuban government later this week.
Herter's comments were made
orally to the Cuban representa-
tive. No note was exchanged at
this meeting but a transcript was
made of Herter's remarks and
then made public at a news con-
ference afterward.

In his funeral oration, Castro
said flatly the ship explosion was
set off deliberately by parties in-
terested in keeping arms from
Cuba. Among those interested
parties, he shouted, were "officials
of the United States government."

... sees new party
'Japan Sees
Rise of New
Thnd Party
A new center party is forming
in the previously bi-polar world of
Japanese politics.
Elements of the new agglomera-
tion, which will soon be strong
enough to cast the deciding vote
in elections, will come from right-
wing socialists and "liberal con-
servatives," former dean Sterling
T. Takeuchi of the Kwansei Ga-
kuin University law school said
Speaking in the Rackham Bldg.
under sponsorship of the Japanese
studies center, former dean Ta-
keuchi outlined "Basic Trends in
Japan's Post-War Policy."
The Socialist contingent in the
new party, he said, will come for
elements who reject the monopoly
of organized labor in the party.
They feel need to appeal to farm-
ers and small businessmen if the
party is ever to become the ma-
Presently Ignores
The conservatives will join be-
cause they want to take up inter-
ests of farmers and small busi-
nessmen, whom the big business-
oriented Liberal Conservative
party presently ignores.
The party system must face up
to several problems, notably se-
curity, growth of democratic sys-
tems and economic questions.
Takeuchi discussed the consti-
tutional problem in relation to
that of security.
Permits Alliance
The December Supreme Court
decision permitting Japan to make
defensive alliances was important
in the negotiation of the new
United States-Japan mutual se-
curity pact.
The court held that a defensive
alliance did not constitute crea-
tion of Japanese war potential,
which is banned by the constitu-
tion. Further, the majority held
the courts have not the right to
examine treaties, which are emi-
nently political questions, unless
they are obvious constitutional
They pointedly abstained from
making a decision on the right of
Japan to maintain self-defense
forces, leaving it for political
Conclude Agreement
Since alliances were, in effect,
supported, the Japanese negotia-
tors in Washington were able to
conclude the new agreement
quickly, which was prompted by
the change in Japan's interna-
tional position.
The moot question raised by the
new treaty is whether the prior
consultation provision will be an
effective check on American de-
sires to deploy their Japan-based
Opponents of the treaty a:o
argue, Takeuchi added, that ine
new treaty is more like an alli-
ance, since it was freely concluded.
T; Japanese could say the 1951
pact was forced on them by the
circumstances of American occu-
pation and the Korean war.
Also, the long-term alliance may
hinder other Japanese polic, e -
pecially since cold war tensions
seem to be dying down.

Student anti-segregation dem-
onstrations highlighted the col-
lege scene at several campuses
last week:
Green, president of the Michigan
State Chapter of the National As-
sociatalon for the Advancement
of Colored People, led a demon-
stration on an S. S. Kresge varie-
ty store because chain members
in the South won't serve Negroes.
Green, first Negro graduate of
Little Rock's Central High School,
said the demonstration was suc-
cessful "because of an awareness
of discrimination in the South."
The pickets carried signs read-
ing: "We can eat here. Why can't
they eat there?"
Other placards termed discrim-
ination in the South un-American
and asked that all Americans be
made first class citizens. Sign car-
riers were about equally divided
between white and Negro.
A lone picket from Birming-
ham, Alabama, picketed the pick-
ets with a sign saying that the
whole demonstration was
The manager of the local store,
who said nearly 40 per cent of his
lunch counter sales were to Ne-
groes, said the three-hour de-
onstration had little affect on his
Foreign students at the univer-
sity took an intense interest in
the demonstration and a couple
took movies and pictures which
they planned to send back to
their country.
East Lansing, ' Lansing and
State Police were watching from
the background but then retired
after a "No trouble" report was
relayed to them.
MONTGOMERY -- Governor
John Patterson of Alabama has
ordered the president of Alabama
State College to expel all students
participating in any sit-in strikes
at dime store lunch counters.
Gov. Patterson said if the pres-
ident fails to comply with the or-
der, state funds to the college will
be immediately cut off.
After the action, students
marched on the capitol building.
USNSA has sent telegrams to
Governor Patterson protesting
this action, and to President
Trenholm of Alabama State urg-
ing that he stand behind his stu-
MADISON - A crowd estimat-
ed at 550 students attended a stu-
Think Volcano
RABAT, Morocco (R -- Scien-
tists suggested yesterday the
earthquake that destroyed Agadir
may have stemmed from the
birth of a boiling submarine vol-
cano off the coast.
Mariners in the area report the
floor of the Atlantic heaved up
almost 800 feet.
Since the first two giant shocks
wrecked the sparkling resort city
a week ago and killed an estimat-
ed 12,000 people,,six more after-
shocks around Agadir have been
recorded by the seismological ob-
servatory at Berrichid, near
To University of Michigan seniors
to discuss your future with the City
of Detroit on Wednesday, March 15,
we are interested in majors in En-
gineering, Economics, English, Physi-
cal Education, Mathematics, Ac-
counting, Fine Arts, social science,
chemistry, city Planning, Psychol-
ogy, Nursing and Public Health.
See your Placement officer or write
Ralph Mueller

Detroit Civil Service Commission
612 City-County Building
Detroit 26, Michigan

dent demonstration to express
concern over recent southern dis-
criminatory actions.
The speakers at the demonstra-
tion defended the right of South-
ern sit-down strikers to hold sim-
ilar assemblies.
A member of the Wisconsin
Student Association student wel-
fare committee told the group
this problem doesn't concern us
that money was being collected to
bring Southern student leaders to
the University to participate in
forums and discussions.
The opening speaker reviewed
the current situation in the South
and stressed the fact that the
students have the right to as-
Several sudents carried plac-
ards with such signs as "Equality
is indivisible;" "Legal protection




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for Negroes;" "Protest racial v
The second speaker stated th
"It's time that the South begs
to realize that the first amen(
ment means that these people ci
meet peaceably."
* * *
OBERLIN - Cleveland polii
officials have denied three Obe
lin College students a permit -
hold a silent march in sympatil
for the aims and methods <
Southern students in sit-in den
onstrations at lunch countei
The Student Council, whit
authorized the march, ha
planned a demonstration i
Cleveland Public Square.
The special committee dealir
with the march plans to reapp
to the Cleveland Police depar

SHIRT ,... for the
particular student


Motion Pictures In Natural Color
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on covered particularly
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presidents of the South
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I ____________

It was two weeks ago yesterday
that Eisenhower took off from
Andrews for state visits to Brazil,
Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.
He topped off the tour with a
three-day stay in Puerto Rico,
where taking it easy was in order
most of the time.
His rest in Puerto Rico seemed
to have refreshed him and off i-
ials said he voice should be up
to the task of speaking for 15
minutes tonight.
He has already made a sort of
report, in a Friday speech at Dor-
ado, in Puerto Rico. His voice was
husky then, and grew worse as
he went on.
Arabs Protest
Visit to U.S.
By Ben-Gurion
WASHINGTON tom)-Ten Arab
nations yesterday protested an
impending United States visit by
Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-
Gurion on the ground "it might
be exploited to attain ... political
Diplomatic representatives, in-
cluding eight ambassadors, made
known their views in a 40-minute
conference with Secretary of
State Christian A. Herter.
Ben-Gurion is to reach the
United States this coming week-
end on what has been described
as an informal visit with its prin-
cipal objective his acceptance of
an honorary degree from Bran-
deis University at Waltham, Mass.
However, the Israeli leader is
expected to come to Washington
and perhaps to confer with Presi-
dent Eisenhower. The State De-
partment said Herter will arrange
an appointment with Ben-Gurion
if one is requested but none had
been up until yesterday.

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Second Front Page
Tuesday, March 8, 1960 Page 3

for all LEAGUE positions
committee positions
committee chairmanships
executive positions

RABBI IRWIN GRONER in the first of his 2-lecture series


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