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March 03, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-03

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egAtr igal tDt
Seventieth Year

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevan"

Students' Minds
In Straight Jackets
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the first of a two-part series of
articles discussing the state of education in East Germany.)
(from the Antioch College Record's "University Series")
"WE MUST SAY it quite clearly that all those students who are not
loyally and unconditionally devoted to the cause of the socialistic
construction in the German Democratic Republic, must no longer have
the right to study at our universities and colleges."
Dr. Girnus, State Secretary for Higher Education, thus admitted
that political reliability is more important than academic standing.
This was in May, 1957, when the ban on travel to NATO Germany, was

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, MARCH 2, 1960


Some but Not Enough
From the City Council

TrrY COUNCIL accepted a Human Relations
Commission report Monday night involving
alleged racial discrimination in the Cousins
Shop. Their action allays somewhat the suspi-
cion that the present Council has been strange-
ly cautious concerning human relations prob-
lems. But it doest not fully allay the doubt.
The suspicion has been provoked by two sit-
uations: first, the Council's apparent reluctance
(for six weeks) to make the Commission's re-
port part of the city's privileged proceedings,
which would allow local papers to print the
name of the store concerned; second, the Coun-
sil's failure to officially consider a report on
liscrimination in Ann Arbor housing made by
the Commission in March, 1959.
T'HE FIRST situation was cleared Monday
night when the Council made the report on
the Cousins Shop part of official proceedings.
[ts suspected "reticence" was explained as a
series of reasonable procedural delays. To cite
an example, the Council requested a supple-
mental report of a phone conversation between
Mrs. Cousins and the chairman of the Com-
The second matter, the 1959 report on hous-
ing, still has not been brought up before the
Council, and probably will not be brought up

in the very near future, at least not until the
April elections have passed. The report pre-'
sented evidence of discriminatory practices in
housing and advocated legislation be passed
against such practices, although making no
specific recommendations.
A COUNCIL committee, headed by A. Nelson
Dingle, has reportedly held four meetings
on the housing report since itwas filed 12
months ago. But the Commission has not
heard the Council's feelings about the report.
Some have suggested that the committee and
the Council are "sitting on" the report inten-
Continued delay here would not only increase
the feeling that Council is too sluggish in the
area of discrimination, but it will also curtail
the Commission's activity in housing problems.
This is unfortunate since housing is a particu-
larly sensitive problem, requiring constant
attention from city administrative units.
If the Council is actually sincere in wishing
to make progress in the area of human rela-
tions, simple acceptance of the Commission's
report, as was the case Monday night, will not
be enough. The Council should show greater
moral concern regarding the housing report-
and soon.

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joint Judie: A Step Forward
DICIARY COUNCIL has certainly been held when the load of traffic cases was
ood sense in instituting its new sys- great.
ocessing first-offense violations of HE NEW SYSTEM, should not affect the
regulations. possibility of a student's receiving justice at
system, still on a trial basis, pro- the Council's hands, for if he feels that he is
each student accused of a first vio- not guilty of the offense, he may have a hear-
be sent a letter giving him the ing before Joint Judie just as he would have
aying the fine specified for the vio- under the old system.
of having a hearing before Joint Nor should it affect the ability of the Council
to act as a "peer-counselor," for only those
.ne tstudents who are perfectly aware of what their
ws students who feel that they are violation is and who agree to their guilt will
or who feel there were extenuating pay their fines without a hearing. This means
ces surrounding the case to have that those who need "peer counseling" will still
heard; but keeps student who are receive it during the hearing on their case.
ware of their violation from having And those for whom conviction would be a
heir time attending a Joint Judic second offense or more, which may indicate
that they should be "counseled," will still be
cess should also save the Council dealt with just as they were under the old
nual "coolie labor" and may prevent system.
daily meetings that have previously --ROBERT FARRELL
Ike and the AlbatrOss
LHI-The current Latin-American afterward, much as they lived with the Car-
y of President Eisenhower cannot denas regime.
ove as successful as his Asian trip, But Castro's self-image will not allow it.
uple reason that your neighbor is In his ignorance of economics he has piled up
re suspicious of you than someone problems which cannot be solved by revolu-
n a distant exotic city. tionary slogans or decrees. As his headaches in
trip was a good idea because it in- Cuba have increased he has enlarged his revo-
atin-American countries to appraise lutionary field of action to include all of Latin
and intent of their big Northern America. For this he requires an enemy symbol.
xactly when a Caribbean leader is He once had Batista. Now he has made the
world to believe that the United United States the enemy symbol, and has tried
wicked imperialist ogre. to spread it as such from Mexico to Venezuela
whether even the doughtiest pro- and Argentina. While the United States is his
s along Eisenhower's route will dare enemy symbol, his real targets are the demo-
ncidents as they did on that hapless cratic regimes of Latin America under hard-
Vice-President Nixon. The thorny working realistic leaders who may condemn the
setting Ike is not that of street United States'for particular blunders and illib-
Ions, but what to do about Castro eralisms but accept the fact of its power. Castro
n in an embrazza, and the prospect does not.
a jet-bombers and "technicians"
ver Cuba in a sugar-arms deal. HJE IS A MAN of strong passions, which lead
him to gestures rather than judgment. In
LY no American can be proud of his gesture of embracing the Deputy Prime
llar diplomacy" phase of the history Minister of the Soviet Union, and striking an
n policy. But what is past is past. economy-military deal with him, his strategy
was over by the time of the New was obvious. If the United States cracks down
was succeeded by Roosevelt's "Good and cuts the sugar quota, he will depict it as a
policy, and that in turn by the reactionary imperialist bully. If the United
n of American States. States stays calm and does nothing, he will
ch is clear enough. Yet in dealing depict himself as the man who defied the
American the United States in the Colossus of the North and got away with it.
has never been able quite to decide The course for United States policy is clear-
about the vestpocket Caesars and not to be trapped into making a martyr of
ts who have seized porer and hold Castro, but to let his people decide what they
guile and force. It has alternated think of a leader who brings Russian power
ie policy of treating the tyrants into the Caribbean to redress a real or fancied
nd that of handling the rotten grievance about the United States. The fact
he real indictment of United States that Mikoyan had to be kept almost in hiding
ot that it has been imperialist but during his visit is a sign of the lack of popular
not been a policy. Cuban enthusiasm for a Communist alliance.
If yesterday Castro was almost defied, to-
E of Batista and Castro is an illus- morrow he may be defied-but that is some-
The United States held on to thing to be settled between himself and his
ger than the Castro partisans would people.
d, but it was a half-hearted support
t Castro today pretends or prefers THERE MUST however be an end to the end-
iow much support he got from the 1 less American innocence and romanticism
he United States. about revolutionaries who replace an old ty-
a strong sentimental attachment ranny with a new one, who place cruel burdens
Americans have toward any dra- on their people, and who hold no means too
lutionary movement. As for Cuba, ruthless to achieve their grandiose dreams. Like
be people of the United States any other fact of political life a revolution
Castro before he won power, and must be judged by the vision it embodies in

imposed on students - the first
travel restriction since June 1953.
Reports made by The Research
and Information Commission of
the International Student Confer-
ence during 1955-56 and continu-
ously supplemented since that
time indicate both tightening of
power and increasing ideological
opposition. They have received
little comment from the east
G e r m a n Youth Organization.
This is not surprising, since these
reports have consisted mainly of
quotations from East German
authorities themselves.
ALTHOUGH open resistance
has not been displayed since the
Berlin riots of 1953, the number
of students who actually accept
Commnism is estimated at no
more than 20 or 30 per cent. It
has become impossible to distin-
gish between real loyalty and
mere conformity, which is the
easiest way to avoid pressure.
Most students develop a sort
of "schizophrenic" personality as
a result of complete detachment
of their personal lives from their
political lives. Those who less suc-
cessfully hide their animosity are
shifted from university to univer-
sity in an attempt to destroy op-
(Continued from Page 2)
Today at 4:10 p.m. the Dept. of
Speech will resume its Laboratory Play-
bill series with a performance of Maur-
ice Maeterlinck's "The Intruder." The
performance will be given in the Arena
theatre, Frieze Bldg.
Ushering: Sign-up sheets for people
who wish to usher for the next Dept.
of Speech Playbill production are on
the bulletin board outside Rm. 1502,
Frieze Bldg.
Lecture in journalism Thur., March S
at 3 p.m. in Rackham amphitheatre.
Speaker will be John Scott, special
assistant to the publisher of Time mag-
azine, on "Russia Revisited".
Lecture: Dr. Hewson Swift, Prof. of
Zoology, University of Chicago, will
speak on "Nucleic Acid and Cell Mor-
phology" on Thurs.. Mar. 3 at 4 p.m..
In the third level amphitheatre, Medical
Science Bldg.
Lecture: Dr. Torbjorn Caspersson,
Director of the Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden, will speak on
"Nuceo-ctoplasmic Relationships in
Cell Function and Growth," on Fri.,
March 4 at 4 p.m. in the third level
amphitheater, Medical Science Bldg.
Sigma Xi Lecture: Dr. William N.
Hubbard, Jr., Dean of the Medical
school will speak on "Medical Educa-
tion - For What?" on Wed, March 9
at 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater,
Academic Notices
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Stephen
S. Fox will speak on "Sensory Depri-
vation and Maintaining Sensory Input
in the donkey.- on Fri., March 4 at
4:15 p.m. in Audd. B.
(Continued on Page 5)

position groups. Student bodies
are. infiltrated and student mail
The Socialist United Party
(SED) is gradually securing firm
control over East German univer-
sities and colleges. These univer-
sities do not suffer from lack of
official recruitment policy; regu-
lations concerning admission, ef-
fective since February 1958, have
been laid down by the State Sec-
retariat for Higher Education.
Admission to a university or col-
lege requires a party-loyalty at-
titude, activity in mass organi-
zations such as the FDJ (Freie
Deutsche Jungend-Free German
Youth), and willingness to under-
go military training.
AT THE THIRD Conference on
Higher Education of the SED,
which took place in Berlin in
early 1958, the central power of
the State Secretariat was empha-
sized. An official publication, Das
Hochschulwesen, said:
"Universities and colleges train
the future intelligentsia to be-
come supporters of the develop-
ment of socialism in the German
Democratic Republic. University
and college graduates will fill re-
sponsible posts in industry, in gov-
ernment and in the political and
cultural life of our Workers' and
Peasants' State.
"Therefore, the permission to
study at a university or college
must be considered a high dis-
tinction and a reward for the
prospective student's model be-
havior while doing political and
professional work in industry, in
the armed units, or school."
* * *
ment in admissions requirements
is an enforced year in industry.
This idea, first announced in May
1951, was incorporated into legis-
lation in October of that year by
the State Secretariat. ". . . any
future admissions to university
studies will be obligatorially de-
pendent on the applicant's having
worked in a socialist enterprise,
either, industrial or agricultural
. .. By 1960 our programme will
be fully implemented and only
those students who have done
their practical year will be en-
rolled at our universities.
"The main purpose of this
practical year is not to familiar-
ize the high-school graduate with
the technical details of the pro-
duction process. It is to instigate
the student to establish close ties
with the workers' class and the
entire process of socialistic pro-
"For example, it will do no
harm to a student of German lan-
guage and literature to learn how
to handle dung on a people's-
owned farm. On the contrary, it
will help him later on during his
professional study to come to un-
derstand much better the import-
ance of the farmer for the entire
field of literature."

"YOU BEGIN with a musical
image-a rhythmic pattern, a
curve, or some group of sounds
with a persistence of their own.
The nature of the image and the
quality of its persistence imply a
musical form and precipitate de-
velopment toward that form."
This is one of the few ideas
which several of a group of young
composers-in search of an audi-
ence-,seem to share. These six,
David M. Schwartz, Melvin Kan-
gas, Ed Coleman, 'Robert Ashley,
Gregory Kosteck, and Roger Rey-
nolds, all students of composi-
tion, are preparing works for Com-
poser's Forum, which is scheduled
for Auditorium A, Angell Hall,
Sunday, March 6, at 8:30 p.m.
Composers' Forum is an occa-
sional presentation sponsored by
the School of Music, designed to
allow young composers to have

their works performed. The Uni-
versity community, blessed with
indigenous and imported musical
offerings, from the most delicate-
ly intimate chamber literature to
the largest choral and symphonic
works, is not particularly attuned
much to contemporary music.
* * *
CONTEWPORARY music cannot
be defined by the traditional vo-
cabulary of music. The audience
should try to accept contemporary
music on the composers terms,
which reflect the musical spirit of
our times. The greater the lag in
understanding between composer
and audience, the more difficult
it becomes for the composer to
write at all." (Ed Coleman).
To help close this gap in ex-
perience and hence understand-
ing is the raison d'etre of Com-
posers' Forum. Two faculty com-

-Daily-Michael Rontat
A rehearsal of the Composers Forum takes place. The Forum offers University students the opportunity
to have their works performed to the public.
"Iegin with a Musical Image

To The Editfor_. .
Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter.

Students as Citizens.. .
To the Editor:
WONDER if anyone can explain
why (logically) Ann Arbor can
count students as citizens for pur-
poses fo tax rebates and practical-
ly refuse ,them most other civi-
lized considerations?
I can, of course, guess why but
maybe someone can come up with
an answer that doesn't raise my
blood pressure so severely. I, for
one, will resist cooperation with
this census though I'm sure the
city's retaliation will be severe.
Name Withheld by Request
Activities .
To the Editor:
r E PROBLEMS faced by the
many student organizations
were quite well analyzed by Caro-
line Dow, in her editorial of Feb-
ruary 28. As a freshman, she ap-
parently has seen enough of cam-
pus activity to realize what is
happening, however, her explana-
tion of the current situation is

"Ain't It Terrible About Those Sit-Downs?"

lacking an honest appraisal which
is truly needed.
My personal experience with
The Michigan Daily has not only
given a basis for a clearer inter-
pretation, but has brought me in
contact with many organization
representatives over the past three
years. The problem is clearly stat-
ed: there are not enough workers
willing to put in the required time
to effectively carry out the aspects
of the many organizations.
a . * *
THE REASONS for this plight,
however, are not as obvious as
Miss Dow makes out. To say that
the students interested in extra-
curricular games are busier now
than they were three years ago,
and for this reason are running
to the books to study is not so.
The truth, I feel, is that there is
not the great need for such di-
verse undertakings which tax the
student B.M.O.C.'s to their limits.
The various organizations get
bogged down with a profusion of
committees, sub-committees, and
paper work, that might rival any
governmental bureaucracy.
A basic change is required in
the outlook of our clubs. Giving
new "organization men," greater
responsibilityand less window
dressing, while cutting back on
the great variety of interests in
which they are apt to lose inter-
est, furnishes a partial answer to
the personnel problem.
* * *
TO ACCOMPANY this well de-
served re-evaluation of organiza-
tion functions, there is needed an
emphasis on the values of "play-
ing" at Campus Leader. The val-
ues are real, intangible, and
grossly overlooked by both leader
and follower-to-be. The well
rounded education (we are told)
goes beyond the UGL coffee
Lounge, Angell Hall, and Hill Aud-
Many of the most valuable
hours a person can spend on this
campus lie in doing something a
slight bit more than the three
popular retreats, just noted, are
able to offer.
It is doubtful that there is an
active seniorin any of the organ-
izations here operating, that
would not substantiate the truth
of this point. Of course time is
required, and even some creative
thinking (if that is not demand-
ing too much,) might be expected,
but the wealth of possibilities so
many students write off as Mickey
Mouse, is incredible.
THE PRACTICAL gains, and
many less obvious benefits which
exist, should be incentive enough
for many "apathetic students"
(excuse the stigma attached to
this word, but the truth should be
so painted) to get out and do
something' worthy of their tal-

posers, Professors Leslie Basset
and Roberta Gerhard, will be pres-
ent at Composers' Forum to lead
and invite discussion of the works,
all of which will be receiving their
premier performances.
"The twelve-tone technique is a
natural evolution from the highly
chromatic music of the late Nine-
music, the basic tone row con
teenth century. In twelve-tone
veys no more information than the
C-Major scale conveys about Beet-
hoven's First Symphony." (Ed
AMONG the works programmed
for Sunday night's forum will be
a complete string quartet in three
movements by Roger Reynolds.
This quartet will be performed
by Lloyd Brackman, first violin;
Virginia Stumm, second violin;
Elizabeth Lichty, viola and Marge
Ramsey, cello.
The Reynolds quartet is based
on a kind of rhythmic pulse; it
does not utilize the twelve tone
technique. Growing from a basic
musical image, the total form of
the quartet is related to the in-
ternal thematic development.
Also scheduled for performance
is Melvin Kanga's quartet for
clarinet, viola, cello, and double
bass. The work is made offour
short movements which the com-
poser has described as a personal
kind of phantasy.
Another work, a piano sonata,
will be performed by its com-
poser, Robert Ashley.
* 9 *
"ON VERY rare occasions a
whole work comes by inspiration
and can be written down in a very
short time. Most of the time you
start with an inspired idea, and
developing it is hard work, often
drudgery." (Melvin Kangas).
"For one studies composition in
much the same way that one stu-
dies an instrument. You take a
lesson every week, during which
you present newly-composed ma-
terial as well as return revised
work to the instructor. The in-
structor tries to point out weak
spots and attempts to lead the
student to new solutions for the
problems he encounters." (Prof.
a concentration of new experi-
ences. For the composer, it is a
matter of hearing his work per-
formed for the first time, and in
circumstances for which he wrote
it. He is able, further, to guide
the performers in their interpre-
tation of his work. For the exe-
cutant, Composers' Forum is an
opportunity to premier a work
that is challenging, contemporary
and unhackneyed by the tradi-
tion that repeated performances of
any work inevitably accumulates.
For members of the audience,
Composers' Forum provides the
rare experience of witnessing and,
in the question-and-answer period,
of participating in the working out
of the creative process.
"The contemporary composer is
not restricted in that he doesn't
he must compose. While this fr
have prescribed molds within
which he must compose. While
this frees the composer in one
sense, it also makes for a con-
stant concern and problem in
composition. A work Writes itself,
depending on how clever the com-
poser is, or on how pregnant is
his idea." (Roger Reynolds).
Charlotte Davis
Quartet for Clarinet, Viola,
Cello and Bass
Performed by:
Rolf Legband, clarinet
Elizabeth Lichty, viola
Donald Tracy, cello
su Malone, double bass
String Quartet
Performed by: The School of Mu-
sic Scholarship Quartet

Lloyd Blackman, violin
Virginia Stumm, violin
Elizabeth Lichty, viola
Marjorie Ramsey, cello


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