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March 02, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-02

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Seventieth Year


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"When Opinions Are Free
Truth WM Prevail"

possible Production.
Das Rheingold' Superb
LAST NIGHT the School of Music and Department of Speech pre-
sented Wagner's prologue to the mighty Ring, "Das Rheingold," at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and
heard it with my own ears, I could never have believed it. It was superb!
When this work was announced earlier this year, the cries of
disbelief and dismay mounted rapidly-"It can't be done here." But it
is being done this week.
Prof. Josef Blatt conducted a performance that brought forth the
highly colorful score splendidly. Mistakes there were in plenty, but the

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
University Housing Facilities-
Te Fourth Force: Co-ops

FRATERNITIES and dormitories are not the
only possibilities for living on the Univer-
sity campus. Mention is often made of the ad-
ditional choice: apartments. But the mention
is usually pejorative: apartment living is por-
trayed as devastating loneliness. It seems to
me actually that apartment living is the ideal
choice for those few individuals who have
achieved sufficient maturity to satisfy their
needs for human relationships with depth
rather than numbers.
There is yet a fourth way of living which
combines some of the advantages of dormi-
tories and fraternities. It is possible to live in
a moderate sized house with a small group,
while still retaining the personal freedom
found in dormitories; it is possible to escape
some of the restrictions and bad food of dor-
mitories without having to subscribe to a cult.
One can join one of several groups with a long
tradition of open membership by living in a
student cooperative.
pletely owned and operated by students,
has built during the past 25 years a system of
low cost eating and housing facilities serving
about 250 students. This has been accomplished
without outside assistance of any kind. There
are at present four rooming houses for single
women, two for single men, and one apart-
ment house.
Probably of primary interest to undergrad-
uates are the facilities for single students. The
Inter-Cooperative Council. ICC, rents its
houses solely to groups of students with the
understanding that they will be run on a co-
operative basis. The ICC collects rent from the
several houses and maintains an office in the
Student Activities Building where those inter-
ested can obtain information and sign living

contracts if they wish. Any student who wishes
to may join. The only membership restriction
is the requirement of student status. No loy-
alty oath is required.
Open membership is one of the guiding prin-
ciples of all cooperatives. Another is democ-
racy. Each house is operated entirely by its
members. They take turns cooking, washing
dishes, and cleaning the common areas of the
house. All decisions about house policy - what
type of meals to serve, whether to have quiet
hours for study, how many hours of work a
week each member is to contribute -- are
made at house meetings, each member having
one vote.
THIS TYPE of living is a valuable experi-
ment for anyone who expects to live later
in a democratically operated country. The di-
versity of membership guaranteed by non-
discrimination helps provide in the small all
the problems that beset larger forms of gov-
Demagogues arise from time to time, hold
brief sway, and ultimately tumble; policy fluc-
tuates in a seemingly random fashion from
year to year; from time to time staff sociolo-
gists wander among the members making ob-
servations and learned remarks.
The most remarkable thing about it, and on
cold reflection this has amazed me more than
once, is that it works. There is no . phony
friendship, no artificial oaths of brotherhood;
people are bound only by the common neces-
sity of accomplishing a simple job: providing
themselves with food and shelter. And it works.
The organization has grown slowly over the
years and always has its doors open to in-
terested students.
Daily Guest Writer

!Qt 1v-r *' f .

spirit of the performance overcame
tions of the stage and orchestra
pit, the production was a chal-
lenge from the beginning. That
the staging problems were largely
solved is to the credit of Ralph
Duckwall, the designer, and his
USING A BASIC floor structure
throughout, Duckwall varied the
lighting and auxiliary fixutres to
create the needed effect in each
scene. The first and third scenes
(in the Rhine and under the earth
in Nibelheim) were almost suc-
cessful. The other two scenes on
the mountain top proved less so.
Valhall appeared as a rather gi-
gantic bunch of ripe bananas.
The costumes were adequate (the
Rhine maidens were fine) and the
direction of Jack Bender served
the singers well most of the time.
* * *
IN THE orchestral introduction
Wagner paints a marvelous musi-
cal picture of the bottom of the
Rhine. In this performance the
Rhine appeared a little murky at
first (musically), but with each
measure the orchestra picked up
confidence and spirit and turned
in a performance of extraordinary
The three Rhine maidens (Janet
Ast, Karen Klipec, and Murial
Greenspon) were lovely in sound
and sight and were as graceful as
could be desired.
The role of Alberich, the mal-
evolent dwarf, was brought off
with honors by Jerry Lawrence.
This role is by far the most de-
manding, physically and vocally,
in the score. Mr. Lawrence is to
be commended.
Wotan, the chief god, was per-
formed by Charles Simms with
imposing stature but not quite
enough voice. The other gods:
Fricka (Joanne Wiseman), Freia
(Judith Hauman), Froh (Jerry
Hakes), and Donner (David Smal-
ley) were all ably handled.
* * *
MILLARD CATES brought his
experience and excellent stage
presence to a fine performance
of the crafty god of fire, Loge.
Just as flames flicker in constant
movement, Mr. Cates covered the
stage with his continuous motion.
The two giants, Fasolt and Faf-
ner (Donald Ridley and Richard
Kretchmar) towered above the
others physically and carried off
their parts precariously, but well.
Muriel Greenspon, doubling in
the role of Erda, dominated the
stage in her brief scene.
The Nibelungs were fine and
screamed frightfully.
An amateur performance? I
suppose it must be designated as
such, but it is a fine one.
-Robert Jobe

them all. With the terrific limita-
to the
Brotherhood ..
To the Editor:
THE FOLLOWING article was
printed last year in a neigh-
borhood newspaper in Chicago. It
was written by Rev. David H. Cole,
minister of the First Universalist
Church in Chicago:
"It is one of the signs of the
sickness of our times that we have
Brotherhood Week, and all the
trappings that go with the ob-
servance. Perhaps no other ac-
tivity displays our weakness so
"Brotherhood Week could only
be observed in a society which has
no brotherhood and where race
relations are dispicable. Naturally
if we had created a society where
people were treated as people and
races were recognized as the super-
ficial thing they are, there'would
be no need to make a fetish of
** *
"BUT WE LIVE in a sick so-
ciety. People have prejudice.
Groups are discriminated against.:
Second-class citizenship is granted
to a large number of Americans.
And so a minority of people go
through the rituals of Brotherhood
Week and pose the ideal of har-
mony among people and speak of
what a nice world this would be
if we would only love one another.
"Why do we hate and despise
one another? It is because we are
sick and because we are insecure.
It is because our irrational and
distorted feelings jnake us deny
the ideal of brotherhood and block
us from the salvation that comes
only when we love one another.
"AND BECAUSE we are this
kind of people, the minority who
believe in brotherhood must go
through the rituals and hold the
rest up to shame. And .little by
little, we hope the rituals will rub
off, and people will no longer be
Jews or Negroes, or Irish, or Mexi-
cans, or Puerto Ricans.
"We will all be human beings
and the unity of man will be dis-
covered to be more of a blessing
than the division created by our
"May God speed the day when
we can all be spared Brotherhood
Week because brotherhood AS a
--CarI Goldberg, '63

American Goals Committee

More .Dragons for Romney

GEORGE ROMNEY'S Citizens for Michigan
movement may be facing an unexpected,
and perhaps insurmountable obstacle.
Results of the State Legislative Research
Project show that legislators with college de-
grees are more prone to be receptive to pressure
groups. And Romney's main point is to remove
the alleged powers of state pressure groups by
what in effect amounts to an educational cam-
Perhaps more relevant, though, are other
results which, if correct, may mean a legisla-
ture, under present conditions, can never be
reformed along Romney's lines: a Legislature
of statesmen concerned with only the general

LEGISLATOR'S who are better thought of by
their colleagues, who have served longer and
who know more about the "game" of the Legis-
lature are all more receptive to pressure groups,
the survey indicates. These legislators are, ob-
viously, the leaders of the legislature, the form-
ers of its character and philosophy.
It is not good to condemn a movement so
noble and highminded as Citizens for Michigan;
but it must be pointed out that a conceivably
insurmountable obstacle faces it. It derives not
particularly from the character of the Michigan
Legislature, but is perhaps applicable to all such
bodies. Romney has yet another dragon to joust

Daily Staff Writer
tional purpose" used to be a
concept that columnist Walter
Lippmann and a few liberal econ-
omists tossed around and every-
body else ignored. Recently, how-
ever, Washingto:n as a whole has
become concerned with the na-
tional goals question.
The economic writer of the New
York Times has summarized the
argument for concern like this:
"There is something wrong with
a country that has bigger and
better tailfins at the same time
that it has a second-best defense
posture, a worsening slum prob-
lem, dirty rivers and streams, in-

a d e q u a t e health services and
wretched under-financing of edu-
THIS IS the intellectual aspect
of the problem, but there is also
a non-intellectual concern. Briefly
stated, this argument goes, "The
Russians are ahead of us in the
missile race, they have a larger
army and they seem ahead of us
in space exploration. In addition,
they seem to be catching up with
us in consumer production. What,
in Heaven's name, are we going
to do?"
Whichever way we approach it,
it is becoming increasingly appar-
ent that our rate of growth is
much too slow to fulfill our rea-

New Face Welcome

ThePresident Decides

TJHETEXT of Mr. Robert A. Lovett's testi-
mony before the Jackson subcommittee of
the Senate has now been made public. It deals
with the question of how a President is sup-
posed to decide the great interrelated questions
of defense and of foreign policy. No President,
no matter what his experience in military and
diplomatic affairs, can possibly know the an-
swers to all the great questions of policy.
If he was a soldier in the World War, his
military experience antedates the gigantic
technological revolution in weapons which has
occurred since the World War. If he dealt with
foreign affairs in the 1940s, his experience
antedates the change in the balance of power
which has occurred since in 1949 the Soviet
Union broke our monopoly of nuclear weapons.
His experience antedates also the appearance
of Red China as a formidable power in the
world, and the rise in all the continents of
the submerged masses of mankind.
There is nothing so likely to cause wrong
decisions of high policy as old soldiers reliving
the last war and old retired diplomats who
think that the last good days were the days
when they were still in office.
A PRESIDENT, whoever he is, has to find a
way of understanding the novel and chang-
ing issues which he must, under the Constitu-
tion, decide. Broadly speaking, as Mr. Lovett's
testimony shows, the President has two ways of
making up his mind. The one is to turn to his
subordinates-to his Chiefs of Staff and his
Cabinet officers and Under Secretaries and the
like, and to direct them to argue out the issues,
and to bring him an agreed decision. On the
whole this is President Eisenhower's method.
The other way is to sit like a judge at a
hearing where the issues to be decided are
debated. After he has heard the debate, after
he has examined the evidence, after he has
heard the debaters cross examine one another,
after he has questioned them himself, he makes
his decision. This is the method intended by
the authors of the National Security Act, who

It is a much harder method in that it sub-
jects the President to the stress of feeling the
full impact of conflicting views, and then to
the strain of making his decision, fully aware
of how momentous it is. But there is no other
satisfactory way by which momentous and
complex issues can be decided. The alternative
is to smother the issues and not to decide them
if it is possible to evade them.
WHEN WE TALK about choosing between the
two methods, we must remember, of course,
that no President will or can use any one of
them exclusively. There are some issues which
he can leave to the decisions of his subordi-
nates. There are other issues which he has to
decide after hearing the debate.
But some Presidents will use one method
more than they use the other, and Eisenhower
is the kind of President who expects that
normally his "staff" will bring him an agreed
decision. As a staff officer in the Army he
learned that this is the way the military
business is transacted. His bent in favor of the
agreed decision has, of course, been much ac-
centuated by his illnesses, by the need to pro-
tect him against the strains and the stresses
of the Presidency.
A President with a different training and a
different temperament would use differently
the policy-making machinery of the govern-
ment. For while the machinery can be im-
proved, as Sen. Jackson's studies may show, it
is a truism that no government machinery is
automatic and that the way it operates will
depend upon the man who operates it.
IN CHOOSING a President there are few
things more important to look out for than
the evidence of what the candidate has done
and what he shows he is likely to do in
operating the machinery by which decisions
are reached. It is very hard to be sure that one
has made the right choice since the office of
President is enormously more difficult than

'WHE I showed a friend my
review-copy of Generation,
the first thing that struck him
was the change in format. "It
used to be about the size of the
New Yorker," he mused. "Now it's
more like the Reader's Digest."
I don't know whether I prefer
the oldorathe new format, butI
know that I like most of the
changes that have been made, and
if this issue indeed looks more
like the Readers' Digest, it has the
undeniable virtue of looking less
like the New Yorker,
One thing is certain: The maga-
zine looks different. A lot of us
have complained over the last few
years that Generation and its edi-
tors were too heavily inbred, with
Generation-type people writing
The Daily official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO, 112
Tonight: Richard Wagner's opera,
"Das Rheingold,'" presented by the De-
partment of Speech and the School of
Music. Box office open 10 a.m. Perform-
ance 8:00 p.m.
International Student and Family Ex-
change have moved to new quarters at
the Madelon Pound house (basement)
1024 Hill St., open Thursday mornings
each week. 9:30-11 a.m. Topcoats and
sweaters for men and women. Infants
equipment and clothing and children's
clothing. These are available for all
Foreign Students and Families needing
the above items.
Martha Cook Building applications
for residence are due March 10, 1960.

Generation-type stories. This is
certainly contradicted by the
present issue; it seems that the
editors have set out to prove
something. And if they have not
proved that a new form can be
evolved with one issue, they have
proved that old forms can at least
be destroyed.
I LIKE the fact that the new
Generation provides a better bal-
ance of stories and articles and
that the articles are less self-con-
sciously erudite and esoteric than
many we have seen in previous
I like the range which the
stories encompass; there is one
here which is anything but a
"Generation-type" story; it is
"When Dry Summers End," by
Lewis Horne, and for me it is the
best thingeinthis issue of the
magazine. It is a story about
growing up, but it avoids the
cliche; the characters are appeal-
ingly unique and real and there
is a glimpse of the best kind of
professionalism in the handling
of different, but subtlely different,
modes of dialogue.
I LIKE less "Craig Key" by
Harlan Underhill; it is well writ-
ten, but overwritten and under-
played, or both. There is an enor-
mous inherent interest in the
characters, bt they move slowly
and painfully through a swamp of
syntax. The impulse of the reader
is to get out his machete and
hack out a clearing in the tropical
I like the two poems by Nathan
Lyons, "The Healing of a Wound"
and "The Swine Butchering."
Some imagery goes astray, but
they are rich and ordered . . .
natural and yet disciplined, the
difficult balance.
* * *
I DON'T like "Partisan Song."
It reminds me, in its causiness, of
all those "love-me-love-my-bren-
gun" songs from Russia and Is-
,.'O ,z.

sonable social objectives and
maintain an adequate defense
structure. Our present average
gain in our gross national prod-
uct is around three per cent; most
analysts of the situation maintain
that this growth rate must be in-
creased to around five per cent.
* * *
ANOTHER aspect of the prob-
lem - a more controversial one--
is over the use to which the "na-
tional product" should be put.
This problem was called to pub-
lic attention a few years back
wth the publishing of The Afflu-
ent Society, written by liberal
Harvard economist John Kenneth
Galbraith maintains that too
high a proportion of the national
product is going to the "private
sector" of the economy (consumer
products) and too little is going
to the "public sector" (schools,
roads, missiles, etc.).
The Administration has been
following the President's some-
what grammar schoolish approach
to the state of the nation: every-
body's happy, the Russians are
still afraid to attack us and we
are still way ahead of the Soviet
Union in everything. Therefore,
the true American way of life
must bemaintained. What's good
for General Motors is good for
the nation (only don't say it in
* * *
FORTUNATELY, the President
seems to have been pursuaded to
take a somewhat more rational
look at the problem. He has set
up a nine-member Commission on
National Goals to "identify the
great issues of our generationtand
describe our objectives in these
various areas." The Commission,
headed by Dr. Henry Wriston,
president emeritus of Brown Uni-
versity, contains men of outstand-
ing ability.
The President said, "The com-
mission has the opportunity to
sound a call for greatness to a
resolute people, in the best tra-
dition of our founding fathers."
Although the President's rhet-
oric can be discounted, the com-
mission should be useful in fo-
cusing attention on the entire
problem of national goals.
HOWEVER, the idea of setting
up a nine member group to de-
cide on the national goals is some-
what fuzzy. People, at least in a
democracy, don't decide their ob-
jectives by listening for clarion
calls from commissions. The pro-
cess is not that simple. They
choose their goals by reading ori-
ginal thinkers like Lippmann and
Galbraith, and being prodded by
them into thinking and being
dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction
leads to an honest probing for an-
swers. If and when an answer
merges, it is not formulated by a
committee or a commission.
There is certainly n o t h i n g
wrong in itself, with setting up a
commission to look into the na-
tional goals problem. In fact the


'The 400 Blows' . .


ONE OF THE most winsome young actors in any country today is
the juvenile star of "The 400 Blows," Jean Pierre Leaud.
Leaud shines through the grey-and-white wide-screen cinema-
tography of the film, although the lack of color does contribute quite
a bit to the wintry atmosphere of the picture. Set predominantly in
Paris, the story records the events in young Doinel's (Leaud) life which
lead to his final, irrevocable decision at the conclusion of the film.
HIS FATHER (Albert Remy) and his mother (Claire Maurier)
turn in convincing performances as a pair of frustrated parents who
have no idea why their son is becoming a juvenile delinquent. School
fails to interest him, and the day he plays hookey, he discovers his
mother with her lover.
After a few more traumatic encounters, with his teacher (who
looks and acts like an older Art Carney) and his father, Doinel is
expelled from school. He and his comrade-also expelled-use "bor-
rowed" money to live la vie gal en Paris-until they decide to pawn a
typewriter from Doinel pere's office, and get caught returning it.
Doinel is then sent to an observation center, and one of the best
episodes of the film is his interview with the psychologist; here Leaud
is at his expressive best.


'Sink the Bismark!'.


THERE ARE sea stories and sea stories and sea stories by C. S.
Forester. "Sink the Bismark" is a marvelously good adaptation
of one of his finest.
Adapted from a semi-factual novel, "The Last Nine Days of the
Bismark," Forester tells the story of the combat life and death of what
was then the world's most powerful battleship.
Director Lewis Gilbert shot the film in black and white-much the
same way as Forester wrote his story. Without neglecting the fact that
human beings have human emotions which color their efficiency as
fighting men, the film does a superb job of describing the intricate,
chess-like logic of the machinery which traced the course -of the
Bismark into the Atlantic and, ultimately, shaped her destruction.
THE STORY is told, almost entirely, from the bridges of the
Bismark, the British warships opposing her and the headquarters of
the Chief of Naval Operations in the Admiralty Building, London.
The two major decisions made were-() to strip convoys of escort
vesse~~ls and nmecthP + h in..-~ , hint th l-a Di,,r, sandA(2)to +I. Aaeh

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