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March 02, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-03-02

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Second Front P(
March 2, 1960

Page 3

Says Latins
Have False


Denies U.S. Coddling
American Dictators
SANTAGIO, Chile (M-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
assailed what he said were several
serious misunderstandings of
United States policy in Latin
He singled out for sharp answers
criticism that the United States
slights this region in handing out
economic assistance, plays along
with dictators and drives hard
bargains f-- its own enrichment,
The President's remarks at a
meeting of Americans in Chile in a
downtown theatre, were part of a
full day in which he addressed the
Chilean congress. He assured Con-
gress that a strong United States
is ready to come to the defense of
any Lat: American victims of ag-
Knowledge of Facts
In off-the-cuff remarks to 1,200
Americans and members of Chi-
lean-American groups, Eisenhower
declared, "before individuals who
do not carry great responsibility in
the world make decisions and
spread information, or what they
x call information," they should
make sure of the facts.
In his speech prepared for the
occasion, he replied to three criti-
Calls Charge 'Astounding'
It was astounding, he said, to
hear time after time that the
United States is helping other
areas of the world more than
Latin America, and "nothing
could be more erroneous."
A statement heard in several
countric that the United States
"crushes the economies of Latin
America in order to enrich itself,":
he said, was a falsehood that
"soon becomes apparent to any
thoughtful person."
It was "ridiculous," he declared,
to say that the United States sup.,
ports dictators, adding. "We re-
pudiate dictatorship in any form,,
right or left."
Distrrbing Letter
An event which apparently dis-
turbed the President was a letter
he received from the Federation
of Students of Chile, which claims
a membership of 25,000. The ma-
jority are reported to be Social
Christians of the moderate left,
but there are some Communists
among them.
Eisenhower got off a letter to
the Federation president, Patricio
Fernandez, telling him that while
some of his "critical claims are
justified" others showed a "serious
lack of comprehension of United
States positions and responsibili-

MIXED WELCOME-President Dwight D. Eisenho wer yesterday was received with cheers by Chileans,
but spent most of the day refuting criticisms of United States good neighbor policy and lack of
economic assistance to Latin American nations.
Court denies Hearing on E.xulsion
1 C

By University Press Service
Twenty-four year old Arthur
Steier, who was expelled from
Brooklyn College in 1956, lost
another round yesterday in his
battle for reinstatement.
Chanting, hymn - singing Negro
students, continuing their anti-
segregation protest, demonstrated
yesterday at the state capitol,
where the Confederacy was born
99 years ago.
An estimated 600 or more men
and women from Alabama State
College marched two-by-two to
the capitol for a brief rally, then
returned to the campus and ulti-
mately to classes after a second
get-together on the college
It was the fourth public gather-
ing of the protesting students
since they started a sitdown dem-
onstration Thursday at the white
lunchroom in the Montgomery
There was no disorder, but the
demonstration attracted a group
of white spectators who shouted
catcalls at the Negroes.
When the students marched
back to the college, one of their
leaders told them, "there will be
no further action today, but you
will be notified."
As they disbanded, the students,
by that time numbering some 2,-
000, chanted, "Can't go Alabama,
we go Auburn." It was another
threat to seek enrollment at one
of the state's two white univet-
sities if Alabama State is closed
as Gov. John Patterson has hinted.

Bill Asks
By University Press Service
1138) calling for the extension of
educational benefits to veterans
who serve in the Armed Forces
between January 31, 1955, and
July 1, 1963, is expected to be
brought to the floor of the House
of Representatives within the next
two weeks.
The bill, referred to as the Vet-
erans Readjustment Act of 1959,
was introduced by Sen. Ralph
Yarborough (D-Tex.) during the
first session of the 86th Congress.
It passed the Senate by a vote of
57 to 31 last July, and is now in
the House Veterans' Affair Com-
USNSA Support
The United States National Stu-
dent Association has come out in
full support of S. 1138, and is pre-
paring to testify before the House
committee. Don Hoffman, presi-
dent of the Association, issued a
statement urging USNSA member
schools to take action on the pro-
posal and to contact their Con-
gressmen regarding their views.
"In our opinion, every student
body in the country would benefit
greatly from the passage of this
bill," Hoffman said. The question
of veterans' education, he noted,
has been of major concern to stu-
dents, first in terms of World War
II veterans, then in regard to
those who served during the Ko-
rean Emergency.
Basic Question
"The basic question in regard
to the bill," Hoffman said, "is
whether or not the educational
benefits granted to wartime vet-
erans should be made available to
the millions of Americans who are
required to serve in the peacetime
Armed Forces, under the Selective
Service Act.
"This is a new question in that
large peacetime Armed Forces,
substantial overseas and outpost
service in peacetime, and compul-
sory service other than in time of
war are all phenomena new to the
United States."

By University Press Service
Congressman Henry Ruess' (D-
Wisc.) bill to establish a Point
Four Youth Corps as an alterna-
tive to military service has drawn
editorial support from Queen's
College, N.Y., Lehigh University in
Bethlehem, Pa., and the Universi-
ties of Colorado and Utah.
The plan would permit a young
man to serve his period of obliga-
tion to his country by working on
development projects in underde-
veloped countries. To avoid at-
tracting opportunists interested
only in the draft exemption, corps
members would be excluded from
veterans benefits.
Editors of the Colorado Daily
have cited the plan as "construc-
tive and meaningful - Youth's
chance to serve our country and
tl:., world." Queen's College, N.Y.,
called it "one of the more exciting
and worthwhile bills before this

Support Given Youth Corps

session of Congress" and the Utah
Daily Chronicle said it is "certain-
ly worthy of consideration."
Draws 'Retorts'
Editorial presentation of the
plan at Colorado brought a stormy
letter from one veteran which, in
turn, drew irate retorts from sev-
eral other undergraduates.
Veteran Kenneth Green said
that, though he did not question
the program's overall objective, he
did question the source of motiva-
tion which would prompt people
to join. "I believe that the average
non-ROTC college man--at least
on this campus-has little sense
of patriotic responsibility, and that
he detests the idea of having to
serve in his country's armed
While he agreed that a sense of
purpose is not always inspired by
service in the armed forces, Green
insisted "the fact remains that

Quake Rocks Morocco

men have to be trained to fight so
that if difficulties arise, they can
be recalled through the compul-
sory reserve program.
Feels Benefits 'Overrated'
Finally, he doubts the effective-
ness of excluding Corps members
from veteranebenefits, since he
feels such benefits are overrated.
"Since the Korean conflict, veter-
an benefits have been greatly de-
creased, and because of various
employee compensation programs,
the average veteran in peacetime
service seldom has to take advan-
tage of veteran benefits."
Green's letter brought vigorous
retorts from several students. To
his comment that the non-ROTC
man doesn't want to serve, one
student replied: "Yes Ken, I detest
the idea of serving in my country's
armed forces. This is my last year
of a long four-year haul, and I
would like to use what little I have
learned. Do you think the army
will give me a chance to do so?
I already know how to dig ditches,
peel potatoes, wash dishes and
shine shoes. Of course, I'm a little
rusty at bathing dogs and greeting
dinner guests of officers."
Another student, Warren Hern,
questioned the real value of train-
ing fighting men, reasoning that,
"The next war will not only use
missiles instead of manpower . .
but it will be over before the
Pentagon could go through the red
tape of calling us back to service

Steier, who claims he was dis-
missed arbitrarily, failed yesterday
in his attempt to get the Supreme
Court to hear the case. The Court
refused to grant a req'uest for a
writ of certiorari which would
have assured reconsideration of
Steier's plea.
Steier previously received ad-
verse decisions in District Court
and the United States Circuit
Court of Appeals.
The former political science
major immediately announced
plans to file for a rehearing within
25 days. Steier admitted that his
chances for the rehearing are not
good, but he seemed optimistic
about the possibility of having the
case remanded to the Circuit
Court where all seven justices
would sit in judgment.
Could Not Agree
His confidence stems from the
fact that the three judges who
originally heard the ca:e in Sep-
tember, 1959, could not agree on
the subject of jurisdiction.
Steier brought the case before'
the Circuit Court, contending that
the conditions of his dismissal, for
disciplinary reasons, constituted
an abridgement of his constitu-
tional rights under the Fourteenth

Amendment, in that he was de-
prived of his liberty, denied due
process and refused equal protec-
tion of the law. Chief Justice
Charles Clark upheld him in a dis-
senting opinion.
The former student was dis-
missed under Section 155 of the
by-laws of the Board of Higher
Education, which state, "Each stu-
dent must conform to the require-
ments of good manners."
'Never Informed'
Steier, who was a member of
Students for Campus Democracy,
a group devoted to "promote a
more democratic student govern-
ment and a greater degree of stu-
dent responsibility," when at
Brooklyn, claims that he was never
fully informed as to the charges
against him until after he was
During his period of attendance
at Brooklyn, Steier's constant and
outspoken criticisms of the ad-
ministration caused him to be sus-
pended twice.
Steier's second suspension, in
September 1956, followed by one
day the publication of a letter
he wrote to the college paper
describing the conditions govern-
ing his attendance. He was ex-
pelled in December of 1956.

CASABLANCA, Morocco (W -
A death-dealing triple assault by
two earthquakes and a great At-
lantic tidal wave - followed by
fire - turned the gay beach re-
sort city of Agadir yesterday into
a mass of entombing ruins.
Hundreds of both living and
dead were buried under debris.
Spouting smoke and agonized
screams from the injured people
who lay trapped measured the
depth and expanse of the dis-
aster for the first rescue workers
from the outside.
Moroccan officials said there
were 1,000 dead - obviously a
guess at the stage rescue opera-
tions had reached last night -
and many more injured.
Last night the entire city of
40,000 - or what was left of its
removable people - was being
evacuated, the Moroccan radio
American, French Spanish and
Italian armed forces and Red
Cross experts rushed to the aid
of Moroccan rescue teams to
help survivors. Ten to 12 United
States Navy aircraft, including
helicopters, were assigned to res-
cue work and ferrying medicine,
tools, tents, clothing and other
supplies from United States,

European and African bases. A
Navy medical field team was
sent from Naples.
Bulldozers dug mass graves for
victims in Agadir while injured
were being flown out to Casa-
blanca, Rabat and other cities.
Dazed survivors told of a night
of horror following the violent
tremors that, brought the first
devastation around midnight.


[1 7


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