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February 28, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-28

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e M~ign e N
Seventieth Year

Opinons Are Free
th. Will Preail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Suddenly Last Summer':
ANNESSEE WILLIAMS' "Suddenly Last Summer" is not just another
film in the current trend in Hollywood toward the "adult." It is art.
Many viewers may be repulsed by this film and find it highly
unpleasant because it deals with homosexuality, insanity, cannibalism,
and an abnormal mother-son relationship. No one would deny that
any one of these things would be sufficient, enough to make any other
movie distasteful.
But the same artistic powers which enabled Sophocles to raise
"Oedipus" from being a play about murder and incest have enabled
"Suddenly Last Summer" to become a cinema milestone. The highest
tribute that can be paid to this movie is to say that it should silence
forever those -who say that Hollywood cannot produce movies of depth
and sensitivity that are in the same class as those of Bergman and
Gore Vidal, who collaborated with Williams in adapting the original
play for the screen, said this film is entirely symbolic. Thus, it can be


Y, FEBRUARY 28, 1960


Student Activities: Too Much
Work, Too Little Fun

;HY ARE almost all student activities find-
ing difficulties in recruiting and retaining
Perhaps the major worries at the Student
tivities Building is finding new talent for
;ivities. Interest is so low that only three
ople showed up at the recent Student Gov-
iment Council mass meeting.
Theoretically, extra-curricular activities are
neficial to and popular with students. The
ginal benefits, however, have been submerged
d lost in the increasing complexity and
ount of work required. Even the social aspect
activities has been stifled by the amount of
rk. Workers are too tired to be alluring.
[n addition, the really interesting jobs are
complex that it takes an expert to handle
em. This proficiency can only be attained by
ining in unimportant or routine jobs, thus
aning candidates on drudgery. The largest
op-out rate comes in the freshman year with
wcomers feeling useless and being subject to
ode pressure.
' THE STUDENT survives this, however, he
usually lasts until his junior year when he
gins to get interesting work, a lot of inter-
ing work. As soon as he can handle the job
is overworked, and his long-suffering grades
ke the loss.
The second big dropout comes in the junior
ar. As one organization woman put it, "the
3lization that I had a year and a half left
take advantage of the University facilities
A the growing impossibility of doing a good
i on either my studies or activities, made me
ke a good look at the continuing value of
tra-curricular activities." Studies often win
HY IS IT BECOMING impossible to handle
studies and outside activities? Originally,

students worked in extra-curricular activities
to take a breather from studies, meet people,
gain notoriety, and train themselves for re-
sponsibility in society. Combining these aims
with student government, students gained these
benefits while expressing their opinions and
bettering theirĀ° lot. Nevertheless by far the
major reason for extra-curricular activities was
and still is the balancing of studies with re-
laxation and outlets for creative energy.
"Studies are really cutting into my extra-
curricular activities. I think I am going to have
to take some easy courses next semester" a
student complained recently. This is one way
OTHERS CURTAIL their activities when they
find them taking too much time, thus put-
ting more pressure on those left in. The nu-
cleus of every organization becomes over-
burdened as the rosters grow thin. Work turns
into drudgery and produces another rash of
casualties. Entering students see these over-
worked personnel, measure their cla s .work by
them and fail to join the activity. With no
recruits, the vicious circle tightens. At present,
the libararies are bustling while the activities
offices are half empty.
Student activities have thus become too com-
plex to allow relaxed dabbling and too hectic
and time-consuming to draw enough workers to
ease the pressure. The pressure is heightened
as the University tightens up on the academic
requirements and the concept of the gentle-
man's "c" becomes discredited, requiring even
more academic effort from the students.
The remedy for this situation is easier in
theory than in practice. More people partici-
pating in activities would ease each work load.
As it , stands now, however, student activities
appear not to offer enough for the amount of
work they require.

Cassara Etchings Experiment

Cassara, Associate Professor
in the School of Architecture and
Design, currently displayed in the
University Museum of Art, offers
the viewer carefully conceived and
faultlessly executed etchings that
form his Rackham Grant Exhibi-
"Summer Interlude," a large
intaglio printed in brown and ex-
hibited together with its plate,
introduces the show and suggests
in itself many of the techniques
and images developed further in
the remaining works of the show.
Carefully composed in a complex
rhythm of dark and light planes,
peopled by images of pause and
meditation, skillfully slurred in
printing to suggest the ambiguity
rather than the clarity of the
emotion it evokes, "Summer Inter-
lude" is, as a result of all these
considerations, an intimately sug-
gestive observation on man's per-
sonal isolation and the reminiscent
nature of introspection.
In this same mode, the artist
further explores the overtones of
tender melancholy in his "Musi-
cian" and "Music Maker." of which
the latter better illustrates his
faculty for stretching a web of
planes across the neutral surface
of the relatively unworked plate,
thus achieving a delicacy of bal-

ance that suggests the ephemeral
nature of the emotion he deals
In a somewhat less representa-
tional vein, Cassara develops
glimpses of Nature into such works
as the delicate "Mountain Mist"
and the fleeting "Divergent
Growth." Completely abstract, but
equally impressive, are. the swirl-
ing forms of "Vortex" and "After-
IN HIS DEALINGS with these
intimately felt and quietly appeal-
ing emotions, contained for the
most part in impressionistic Na-
ture images, the artist is at his
best. Other works, however, re-
veal a conscientious exploration of
both imagery and technique that
testifies to a continuing search.
He carefully extends his investi-
gation of imagery toward the tra-
ditional ("Mother and Child")
and the non -representational:
tries his hand at both large and
tiny formats; works on both cop-
per and zinc, as well as the less
common aluminum. Cassara briefly
considers the possibilities of bril-
liant color and embossed surface
obtained by cutting deeply into
or completely through the plate
("Configuration No. 2"). He creates
a haunting visceral image of man
in his "Configuration"-'by stencil-

ing a variety of somber colors on-
to the surface of the plate; and
thoroughly investigates the poten-
tials of a more spontaneous ex-
pression of emotion and creation
of form than is common in the
traditionally disciplined etching
IT IS IN THIS last area of in-
vestigation that Cassara has been
most consistently concerned, since
the development of a new ground
that permits the etcher more im-
mediate expression was the speci-
fic objective of the Rackham
Grant of which this show is, so
to speak, the final report. In this
respect, the show is an unqualified
success. Many of the prints could
have been achieved with no other
Whether further development
of such immediate expression in
his etchings will be productive in
artistic terms is a question Cas-
sara alone can answer, and he
only by continued work. In the
meantime, the new possibilities
his experiments reveal are of im-
mediate interest to the etcher and
his prints worthy of careful and
appreciative viewing by artist and
non-artist alike.
--Dave May
History of Art
Teaching Fellow

said, that Violet (Katharine Hep-
burn) is not simply a depraved
mother procuring young boys for
her son, Sebastian. She is the
amoral soul of her artist-son which
enables him to do anything neces-
sary for his creativity.
THE KEY to this highly complex
film, is there is one, may be the
long monologue in which Violet
tells of the voyage to the South
Seas in which she and Sebastian
witnessed newly-hatched sea tur-
tles being preyed upon by great,
black birds as they tried to reach
the safety of the water. The birds
would overturn the baby turtles
and eat them by ripping open
their soft undersides.
So too, Nature destroys helpless
mankind. Over and over this de-
struction theme is reiterated. Vio-
let feeds flies to her pet Venus
fly traps. Sebastian is torn to
pieces by the urchins he has used
in his debauchery just as Orpheus
was ripped to shreds by dogs.
All three stars-Miss Hepburn,
Elizabeth Taylor, and Montgomery
Cif-are excellent beyond descrip-
Joseph L. Mankiewicz's direction
and Oliver Messell's decor capture
every shade and nuance in this
perverse tale. The sequence in
which Miss Taylor tells of Sebas-
tian's death is photographed with
exceptionally expressive camera
-Patrick Chester
(Continued from Page 2)
let Spectroscopy of the Sun" on Tues.,
March 1 at 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Am-
Botanical Seminar: Dr. Frederick L.
Crane. Univ. of Texas, will speak on
"Comparative Biochemistry of Quin-
ones" on Mon.. Feb. 29 at 4:15 p.m.
1139 NS. Refreshments will be served
at 4:00 p.m.
Placement Notices
Summer Placement Service:
The Summer Placement Service will
be open every afternoon from 1:30 to
5, and all day Friday from 8:30 to 12
and from 1:30 to 5. Rm. D528 of the
Student Activities Bldg.
Beginning with Thurs., March 3, the
following schools will have represen-
tatives at the Bureau of Appointments
to interview for the 1960-61 school year.
Thurs., March 3:
Deckerviile, Mich. -- Physics/Chem.,
Biol./Gen. Sci., 6th grade.
Monroe, Mich. (Custer School) --
Elem. (K-3) Elemn. Phys Ed.. Jr. HS
Math/Coaching Football or Sci./Math,
Music Art, Speech Corr.
Fri., March 4:
Lincoln, Mich. (Alcona Comm. Schs.)
-Comm., 1HS English, Soc. Stud.;
Elem. (K-4).
(Continued on Page 5)

SUDDENLY, last summer, a Gar-
goyle wandered into the din-
ing room of a somewhat well-
known sorority, gobbled up six
final desserts, and vanished. Ac-
tion was soon to follow.
A coalition of Michigan Leaders
were swift to point out that they
firmly believed that participation
in college education is not avail-
able to its fullest extent throuogh
WHAT ABOUT this Gargoyle?
Superficially, it looks like a Read-
er's Digest, with the same crust,
but a new filling. Certain of the
destable features of the real Read-
er's Digest are duplicated in Gar-
goyle, like the (shudder) Personal
Glances, Life in Some United
States and Humor from Uniform.
Unfortunately, the traditional
Gargoyle advertising departs from
the Digest format, hence a schizo-
phrenic division between satire
and extraneous advertising styles.
But, as Nixon often is supposed
to have said, is not consistency
the sign of a weak mind?
Mostly, a satire of the Digest is
in trouble, because the Digest it-
self is already a travesty. Gar-
goyle's satire keeps its head above
water with material which, while
not really satirical in itself, some-
how lends to the net effect, Inas-
much as the overall effect may be
said to be a function of not only
the innately satirical matter, but
almost everything else.
ENOUGH OF THIS improbably
explanation; on to Gargoyle.
After an, amazing mast-head,
full of unlikely contributors, the
magazine turns tq more intimate
material, most of which is written
out at great length, taxing the
limited attention span of the poor
reader. Soon after, material of
predominantly local interest be-
gins to compete with the Digest
idiom, and we have a miniature
but traditional Gargoyle, at length.
Midway is a fold-out, with an
image of the Haven-Mason hall
region, full of astonishing detail.
Turned over, this becomes a Play-
mate of the Month, condensed
from Playboy.
Moving on, one can encounter
succession of curious but invigorat-
ing verbiage, eerily vulgar and al-
ways faithful.
Thus emerges a Gargoyle (three
syllables, please), on the surface
a glib parody, but behind its quiet
boyish smile, cesspools full of rot-
ting monsters. It satisfies.
--David Kessel

A Privileged Nation

4.1 BILLION DOLLARS which the Presi-
dent is asking Congress to appropriate for
mutual security, or in plainer English for for-
eign aid, will help to pay for a variety of pro-
grams in many countries. These programs have
a common purpose. It is to prevent the expan-
ion of Communism beyond the frontiers which
t reached before 1945 and 1954.
In Europe this frontier is the line of the
armistice of World War II, including the special
case of West Berlin. In the Far East the line
s that reached by the Chinese Communist
'evolution when it conquered mainland China.
t is also the line of the armistice in the Korean
War and the line of the armistice in the Indo-
Chinese war.
The object of American policy, which was
irst formulated by President Truman, is to
ontain the Russians, the Chinese, the North
Koreans, and the Vietnamese at this frontier
between the two great coalitions. The main
nilitary instrument of this policy is the over-
all military power of the United States. But
in order to exert this power efficiently, we
'equire the support of allies like Britain and
France and the use of bases in many other
ountries on the periphery of the Communist
oalition. The foreign aid program is made up
n order to finance those allies and other coun-
ries who will not or cannot wholly finance
ALTHOUGH these programs are all designed
for the same purpose--to contain the spread
f Communism-they have become much more
ophisticated and complicated than they were
>riginally. At the time of the seizure of Czecho-
aovakia in 1948, the blockade of West Berlin
.n 1948, and the attack on South Korea in
950, our policy of mutual aid for collective
efense was directed against overt military ag-
ression. In the last years of Truman and the
Irst years of Eisenhower our military planning
was based on the idea that what had happened
when the North Koreans invaded South Korea
was likely to happen in Europe and in the
diddle East.
This was the period when Gen. Eisenhower
was the Supreme Commander in Western Eu-
ope. It was then that he approved plans for a
Vest European army which would have been
pore than twice as big as the best that NATO
ias ever been able, to achieve.
Since those days, since the early fifties, the
asic military situation in the world has
hanged greatly. The Soviet Union has achieved
arity in nuclear weapons. This has reduced
ur nuclear power from that of an instrument
I world diplomacy to a national deterrent
gainst attack on the United States. At the
ame time the Soviet Union has developed a
igh rate of economic growth which acts as a
ery powerful example and magnet in the un-
..r nr.,....+dra ... rofl. 4.. a,.nnnA a aiti ann

spread of Communism. For one thing, the
threat and possibility of overt military aggres-
sion by the Soviet Union has declined almost
to the vanishing point. There is, as a result,
something unreal about building up armies on
the Soviet frientier to fight the Red Army. It
is unreal because there is no likely threat from
the Red Army and it is doubly unreal because
these armies would be impotent if there were.
Yet, and this is a crucial although sophisti-
cated point, in the underdeveloped countries it
is the armies that make and unmake the gov-
ernments. We have learned that lesson in Iraq
and elsewhere. What is described as military
aid and defense support in our appropriations
is in a very considerable degree a subsidy to
keep the army on the side of the government.
SINCE THE PURPOSE of these subsidies is
not wholly or essentially military, adminis-
tration is often extravagant and wasteful.
Worse still, because of the conspicuously high
standard of life which prevails in the American
armed forces abroad, our military aid is an
almost certain recipe for getting the United
States disliked. Nevertheless, these subsidies
are a political necessity, and they cannot be
discontinued until there has been organized a
substitute in place of them as the source of
We shall have to go with the subsidies for
the present. But we should do this with a clear
understanding that they cannot go on very
much longer, that the United States cannot
expect for the whole future to pay for a coali-
tion of small client states in Asia.
THE FAINT beginnings of a new and better
system to replace the existing one are indi-
cated in the President's message. One of the
indications is the emphasis he gives to a greater
use of the World Bank and other international
agencies to which the richer nations can con-
tribute. Another indication, and a most en-
couraging one, is that economic aid is not to
be scattered about but is to be focussed and
directed upon key countries, particularly upon
India, Pakistan, and Taiwan, where there is a
good prospect of proving that poverty can be
conquered without totalitarianism.
Still another indication is to be found in the
last two paragraphs of the President's mes-
sage. They strike a new note in the whole
discussion. Here the President states the truth
which will outlast all the changes of our
policy. It is that we are "a privileged nation"
and because of that we have a duty to the less
privileged nations.
This is, it seems to me, the right ground on
which to stand. It is better than to try at every
point in the argument to find some shred of
selfish self-interest to mask our impulses of
generosity. And I have a strong conviction that

Honors Program Failures Cited

To the Editor:
IN READING Robert Farrell's
February 16 editorial criticizing
the literary college honors pro-
gram, I feel that he was mistaken
in the points he chose to make
while missing very salient prob-
lems. As a participant in the
freshman-sophomore honors pro-
gram who declined participation
in the junior-senior program of
my Department, I should like to
note those criticisms he apparently
I believe a more constructive
and fruitful line of criticism of
the honors program is; first, are
the classes in the program being
instructed by the top men of the
various departments of the Uni-
versity; and second, is the honors
program designed to serve the
needs of all students who might
be interested in taking it?
I had the distinct feeling as I
took both honors and non-honors
courses in my freshman and soph-
omore years that the honors
courses were not markedly differ-
ent in terms of interest and stimu-
lation than the non-honors
courses. I did not note the best-
known instructors, the depart-
ment chairmen, or the instructors
whom students valued highly as
among the honors instructors. I
think the program can be con-
siderably improved in terms of the
instructors who participate in it.
* * *
SECONDLY, I do not feel that
in all cases the honors program--
especially the junior-senior de-
partmental programs, are designed
to suit the needs of all students
who enter them. In the Political
Science Department, requirements
for an honors degree include two
semesters of political theory and
four semesters of seminars during
which much of the semester is
spent in dealing with such theo-
retical aspects of political science
as "the problem of power" and
"federalism." I realize that it is
very difficult to construct a pro-
gram to meet the needs and de-
sires of all the students in it, but
I feel further effort can be made
in that direction hv the hnnors

Satire . .
To the Editor:
WE WOUD like to thank The
Daily for printing Rev. Luchs'
obvious satire of fraternity life.
With so much bombast being
printed every semester during
Rush, it is always pleasant to read
someone with a real sense of
-Torre Bissell, '61
--Brereton Bissell, '61
--Donald Smith, Grad.
-Donald Larkin, '62
--Simon Katzenellenbogen, '61
Tax the Rich.. .
To the Editor:
REGARDING the recent letter
by Messrs. Nithammer, Lyons
and Boodt, and the editorial "Sales
Tax vs. Income Tax," by Mr. Stu-
art, I feel that a few facts ought
to be straightened out.
1) A sales tax taxes the amount
of money that is spent; not the
amount earned.
2) The higher a person's in-
come, the smaller the percentage
of it is spent.
3) For any given income, the
more dependents a person has, the
higher the percentage of income
that is spent.
From these facts, we can draw
the conclusions that since low in-
come citizens spend a larger per-
centage of their income, they pay
a higher percentage of their in-
come in tax. Also, the more de-
pendents a person has, the higher
is the percentage of income that he
pays in taxes.
THUS, IT appears that we are
taxing the people with the high-
est number of dependents, and
the people with the lowest income
-the people who can least afford
it-at a higher percentage of their
income than the people with high-
er incomes.
Compare this to a state income
tax which taxes the people with
the higher income, and the peop'le
with the least number of depend-
ents-the people who can afford
it-at the higher rate.
It therefore seems to me that
the only people who would sup-

in Michigan" which is presented
every Sunday from 5 to 6 p.m. as
a courtesy of the WHRV Radio
This program presented in both
languages, English and Spanish,
features news, music and songs;
dissertations about historical, cul-
tural, and current topics, and in-
terviews with special guests.
The program, prepared and car-
ried out by Venezuelan students
on Campus, is intended as a means
to help develop a better under-
standing of Venezuela and other
Latin American countries.
--Jose Gilarranz, President
Venezuelan Students Asso.

"Off We Go-"

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