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February 27, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-27

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Seventieth Year

Walking the Narrow Line


Opinions Are Free
th Will Prevail'

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

?AY, FEBRUARY 27, 1960



Foreign Language Houses:
Just a Pipe-Dream ?

PLANS SIMILAR to that for foreign language
houses have been suggested to the University
community quite often, but few are ever put
into practice.
The reason for this is usually found in the
stage between the drawing board and final go-
ahead. For after the first enthusiastic approval
of such plans, comes the sobering question, "Is
it practical?"
In the case of the language houses, there are
good indications that, if modified, the plan is
practical, if all administrative red tape can be
waded through.
rPOGET FINAL acceptance and implementa-
numerous administrative areas must give
their approval to this plan which will have
students speaking only a foreign language in
the dining room, lounge and other social rooms
of the house.
Among these groups are offices of the Deans
of Men and Women, the Residence Halls busi-
ness staff, the Residence Halls Board of Gov-
ernors, the heads of the language departments
and the Dean of the literary school. Other
groups concerned might be the graduate school
and the International Center. Student groups
that may be needed to deal with this program
would probably be a special committee from
Student Government Council, foreign language
clubs, Assembly Association and Inter-House
All this, needless to say, is rather a large
number of groups to work well together on this
IN ADDITION, it is quite probable that hous-
ing accommodations for the proposal are not
going to be entirely satisfactory. Because of
the probable small number of students initi-

ally participating in the language houses, and
because of the largeness of the houses in the
residence hall system, probably only two houses
-one for men and one for women-will be
available. Instead of only one language being
spoken in the language houses, several would
be spoken in the same places. Hence some
apportionment of time for the use of these
rooms may be necessary. This seems unfortu-
nate and unpractical.
Another difficult problem is finances. The
residence halls have been having some difficulty
in getting capable staff members without im-
posing the additional requirement of fluency in
a foreign language. Hence a supplementary
salary will probably be necessary. Somebody
will have to provide this money, and whether
it is the students, the language departments,
the residence halls or a foundation grant, it
still places an additional obstacle in the way.
IT MIGHT ALSO BE helpful to attract natives
and language instructors to live in the house
or eat at language tables of offering them free
room and/or board as an incentive. This has
been tried at the English Language Institute
tables in South Quadrangle, where ELI in-
structors teach while they eat free meals.
However, although difficulties, may appear
formidable, a little cooperation and hard work
may well set up this plan by the fall of 1961.
Babs Miller, a member of Student Government
Council, who originally proposed the plan has
expressed a desire for all those interested to
contact her, so that an implementation com-
mittee may be formed.
Maybe this committee can prove that the
problems are not as insurmountable as they

"FOREST INTERIOR" -- This painting with its "lurking presence
of intensity," is part of the show, currently at the Forsythe Gallery,
of Prof. Albert Mullen's works.
Mullen Painting Show
Exhibits Intuition

Local Autonomy: The Answer?

THE STUDENT Government Council's recent
discussion on discrimination in student or-
ganizations clearly involves the idea of local
autonomy for fraternities and sororities.
Up to now, the best way to eliminate dis-
crimination in these organizations has appeared
to be either to withdrawal of University recog-
nition or a time 'limit on the existence of the
"bias clause" in the organizations' constitu-
tions. But both these methods only cause
further problems and do not remove discrimi-
In a resolution passed last November, the
Regents stated that the University shall work
for the elimination of discrimination In private
organizations recognized by the University."
OBVIOUSLY the University can never elimi-
nate the personal prejudices of individuals
nor control the subjective method in which
fraternities and sororities choose their mem-
bers, but it can work towards the removal of

outside influences which tend to produce dis-
Local autonomy in the selection of members
would enable local chapters to comply with the
1949 ruling or any new ruling which SGC may
adopt, and therefore a real beginning in the
elimination of discriminatory practices on cam-
LOCAL AUTONOMY means that if a chapter
decides to pledge a person whose pledging
is presently prohibited by the "bias clause," the
local chapter could pledge this person and not
be censured by the national convention. After
all it is the local chapter which is going to
live with this "undesirable" and not the thirty
or more chapters spread across the country.
It is difficult to believe that the fraternities
and sororities are nationally bonded by the
restriction of members to a certain ethnic

The Travel Habit

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Prof. Albert
Mulen of the Art Department is ex-
hibiting a group of drawings and
paintings in various media at the
Forsythe Gallery, Nichols Arcade
through March 14.)
THE CURRENT exhibit of Al-
bert Mullen's work is an ex-
cellent opportunity to view his
development of style. The paint-
ings cover a number of years and
were painted in an assortment of
locales, notably the Southwest.
The work includes a diversified
range of media: exquisitely de-
tailed pencil drawings; bolder,
more caligraphic ink sketches;
lush, rich temperas; and color
saturated oils. All have nature as
the basic area of study, a nature
that is sometimes lyrical, occa-
sionally intricate and delicate, at
times forceful, but always infused
with a characteristic intimacy.
THE EARLIER paintings are
lighter and more airy. "Golden
Meadow" is a fine example. It is
expressive in a lyric sense, suf-
fused with atmosphere, a nervous
linear element set against open
color patterns. The latter works
move away from this concern
with an abstract impressionism
and become denser, s w i r 1i n g
masses moving in a thickened ka-
leidascope of color.
All the work establishes a rap-
port with physical elements and
has an intuitive comprehension of
the conditions that impel and
order the physiogromy of nature.
Mullen is concerned with the
forms and forces that lie behind
the surface aspects of landscape
-- with growth, movement and
other organic qualities.
. « *
YET, IT IS obvious that the
fused fragments of many remem-
bered landscapes are also impor-
tant, if only unconsciously, in the
painting. Added to this is the
painter's concern with the mani-
pulation of colors, textures and
other formal painting elements,
sometimes for their own sake.
There is sometimes an incon-
sistency in the work, though this
is more the result of a vigorous
search than the reflection of skill.
Mullen often sets himself difficult
painting problems and just as
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
aty of Michigan for Which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial respoibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 189l
General Notices
Science Research Club meeting:
Tues., March 1, at 7:30 p.m. In Rack
am Amphitheater. Papers: Louis J.
Cutrona, EE, Muitichannel Computing
by the Use of a Coherent Optical Sys-
tem." John E. Bardach Fisheries, "The
Bounty o y the Mekongr"
Student Recital: David Wickham will
present a French horn recital on Sun.
Feb. 28 at 8:30 pan. In Aud. A. His ac-
companist will be Karen McCann, pi-
anist, and he wili be assisted by Clary
Stolsteimer, trumpet, and Kay Miesen,
trombone. For his recital, which will
be presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree Mas-
ter of Music (Music Education), he has
chosen to play compositions by Sak-
loinikoff, Beversdorf, Chabrier Mozart
and Poulenc.
Student Recital: Jerry Hakes will
present an organ recital at Hill Aud

often is as apt to explore a re-
lated tangent as he is to insist on
a myopic and channelized "main"
This is the mark of a knowing,
mature, but exploratory nature.
It results in a synthesis of under-
standing in such a work as the
loosely brushed "Forest Interior."
The painting has a subtly intuited
color, an open, free kind of stroke
and a lurking presence of in-
tensity, growth and mystery that
is felt in the play of the light
THE PAINTINGS run a gamut
of nature. The staccato-like "Over
Water" is inescapably a probing
of blue depths as well as a reflec-
tion of surface facets. "Improvisa-
tion (Spring)" is an even more
successfd work, a bursting forth
of vernal energy, a vibrant pat-
tern of colors and nervous gusto.
The soft gentle lavenders and
purples of "Desert Pink" reveals
another response, one that de-
lights in small growth and the
myriad bloom of things even in
the arid stretches of a desert.
"Anoyo Hondo" offers us a gar-
land of ebullient color that play-
fully becomes the perimeter of a
strange, gray light.
Though the later oils move into
a heavier vein, the recent temperas
are a sparkling, spontaneous lot,
quick and naturally facile, they
are full of an immediate response
and a kinship with the organic
In all, the exhibition is a very
good one. It offers some full and
joyously lavish painting.
--Irving Kaufman
College of Architecture
and Design

Daily Staff Writer
have your cake and eat it, too"
is not as incontestable as some
people would have it believed. In
fact, Texas is challenging that
proposition right now.
First, Texan Lyndon Johnson,
the Senate majority leader, en-
tered - or was entered - into
the race for the Democratic presi-
dential nomination. But Johnson's
Senate term expires this year. Or-
didinarily, Johnson would have to
choose between "playing it safe"
and concentrate on getting re-
elected or take a go-for-broke
gamble on winning the presiden-
tial nomination and election
or face retirement to his ranch.
But the Texans hit upon a de-
vice which assured Johnson's re-
election to the Senate and still
left him free to go after the presi-
Last summer the Texas legisla-
ture passed a law allowing a man
to run simultaneously for both the
presidency and for the Senate. Re-
cently, the deadline for entering
the Democratic senatorial primary
passed, and (lo!) only Johnson
was entered. Thus he is assured
of both the nomination and the
right to run - even if he is also
running for the presidency. Since
Republicans don't often win elec-
tions in Texas, Johnson is assured
of being back in Washington next
year even if he does not become
* * *
THERE IS another cake that
Johnson wants to have and eat,
too. Because he is from the South,
he can reasonably expect South-
ern support in his bid for the pres-
idency. But Southerners don't get
presidential nominations, so John-
son must secede from the Confed-
eracy and become a Westerner.
In some respects this is a rela-
tively easy thing to do. He can go
to "Western" political conferences
and he can concern himself with
the particular problems of the
West such as conservation, power
and mining.
But Southerners have a repu-
tation for being those nasty people
who prevent Congress from pass-
ing any liberal legislation. And
everybody knows that Johnson
and his "mentor" House Speaker
Sam Rayburn (also from Texas)
control Congress. If Texans are
really Westerners, why don't they
get some liberal legislation passed?
This is a very good question and
Johnson and Rayburn know it,
so all of a sudden, Congress has
gone liberal.
PART OF this switch had little
to do with Johnson and Rayburn.
The Civil Rights Commission pro-
posed liberal legislation that
needed looking into and so did At-
torney-General William Rogers.
Also, northern Democrats, partic-
ularly those running for President,
were agitating for a forum from
which they could broadcast their
But perhaps the most liberal
event of this session ofsCongress
was the prospect that a Negro
would become chairman of a ma-

"Seven Thieves"

. . .0

jor Congressional committee. If
Rep. Graham A. Barden of North
Carolina, the chairman of the
House Labor and Education Com-
mittee, goes through with his an-
nounced plan to retire at the end
of the year, Rep. Adam Clayton
Powell of New York, a Negro, is
likely to succeed him. Needless to
say, many Southerners are a little
disturbed by this prospect.
* * *
RAYBURN IS almost exclusive-
ly responsible for a movement to
dislodge an Administration-backed
omnibus civil rights bill from the
House Rules Committee. The
Southern-dominated Rules Com-
mittee had the bill effectively
pigeon-holed, when Rayburn con-
spicuously pointed out that a peti-
tion signed by the majority of the
House would force the bill to the
This sparked a liberal drive to
do just that. Even if the move
does not succeed, it might gener-
ate enough po'wer to force the
Southerners to compromise and
bring some civil rights bill to the
Likewise, Johnson pulled a stra-
tegic maneuver which will allow

Rogers' bill, which woild guaran-
tee Negro voting rights, to reach
the floor. Instead of assigning the
bill to Sen. James Eastland'sr Ju-
diciary Committee - where it
would never be released, he as-
signed the bill to the Senate Rules
Committee which is headed by
the more liberal Sen. Thomas
Kennings, Jr.
* *
ALTHOUGH Johnson Is cer-
tainly eating his cake, the South
is beginning to show signs that it
won't let him keep it, too. Sen.
Strom Thurmond of North Caro-
lina is worried that Congress is
turning "radical." Georgia's two
Senators, Richard Russel and
Herman Talmadge, found 4
necessary to pay a quick trip home
to reassure constituents that this
civil rights business will not get
out of hand.
So far, Johnson and Rayburn
have been able to placate the
Southern Congressmen by saying
that they must accept the John-
son way or inevitably they will
get a more militant liberalism.
But if the South ever rebels
against this theory, the Johnson
cake will disappear.

TWO OF THE "Seven Thieves" working out at the State Theater this
weekend concur to solve one of Hollywood's dilemmas: how to ex-
ploit the entertainment possibilities of people living outside the law
while paying homage to the demands of conscience. The solution, one
could almost call it the moral, though ingenious, mars an otherwise
exciting movie.
Edward G. Robinson, an aging scientist, dethroned from the seat
of learning because of criminal affiliations, wants to perform one more
experiment that will "make the world gasp." For success he needs the
assistance of Rod Steiger and five other assorted technicians.
THE EXPERIMENT is to rob Monte'Carlo. The stakes are higher
than the Brinks robbery, and the plans as involved. And because of
conscience, plus the common sense most viewers would have shown (the
bills were all marked), they did not get a chance to spend the money.
So there was no need to punish the guilty.
The moral resolution is merely to allow those siding with the thieves
to leave the theater with a sense of well-being. The whole movie is the
plan and execution of the robbery. Everything else, including Joan
Collins' legs, only adds more meat to a frame already overweight with

"Circus Stars" .. .



PR CHILDREN of all ages, "Circus Stars" offers the glitter and
excitement of the Big Top, Russian-style. Part of the cultural ex-
change program between the United States and Soviet governments, the
film offers a look at some of Europe's finest circus performers.
Currently at the Campus Theatre, "Circus Stars" is a well inte-
grated series of acts designed to amuse, mystify, and frighten., Some
of the performers and performances are well known to American
audiences, but many of the superbly executed feats were surprises even
to seasoned circus fans.
A trained hippopotamus, a coquettish lion-tamer, and a juggler
who balances adroitly on a galloping horse are all features of the film
which is remarkable for its lack of propaganda.
* * * *
THE CLASSIC feature of the Russian circus-the bear that walks,
fights, and bicycles like a man-appears prominently in "Circus Stars."
After an interminable short subject which attempted to show that
Russians are really people after all, it was refreshing to see a film that
had no scythes to grind. All the film does, and all it sets out to do,
is show expert performers expertly performing.

Fraternities-Brotherhood of Bigotry


MR. ROBERT LOVETT, who has been Secre-
tary of Defense and Under Secretary of
State, is one of the very ablest public officials
of our times. It is a reflection on the way we
run the government that he was allowed to
escape from Washington and take refuge in a
banking house in Wall Street.
But on Tuesday he came back to testify
before Sen. Jackson's Sub-Committee on the
policy-making machinery of the government.
It is plain even from the incomplete reports
which are available that, watching Washington
from a distance, he has had a hard time hold-
ing on to himself. On Tuesday he let himself go.
Lovett, should stay at home and run his
department. To handle international negotia-
tions and meetings there should be created,
he suggested, a new Cabinet officer to be called
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
This new official would be, presumably, sub-
ject to the orders of the Secretary of State or
to the orders of the President acting with the
advice of the Secretary of State. If the Minister
of Foreign Affairs were not under orders, he
and the Secretary would be running the De-
partment of State.
But if the Minister of Foreign Affairs is
himself Number Two and the Secretary remains
Number One, then the Minister is in substance
no more than a roving Ambassador. He will not
in fact be the equal of the other Foreign Min-
isters at international meetings, no matter
what his title and where he sits at official
Thus, while I believe Mr. Lovett's diagnosis is
correct and long overdue, we shall have to look
further for the remedy.

Foreign Affairs, to be a substitute for the Secre-
tary of State at international meetings. On
serious questions foreign governments will insist
upon talking directly with the makers of policy.
If the American makers of policy will not go
abroad to see their peers, the Foreign Ministers
will probably come to Washington to see them.
Much of modern diplomacy is conducted at
the summit by the heads of governments or
near the summit by Ministers of Foreign
Affairs, and the habit, once it is formed, is
hard to break. If foreign governments, or for
that matter Congress, get used to talking to
five-star generals, they will not want to talk
to two-star generals.
IF THERE is a remedy for this inefficient sys-
tem, it will have to come, I think, through a
breaking of the habit and from a re-education
in the way international affairs are conducted.
As we realize that the President cannot go
everywhere and still be in fact the Chief Execu-
tive, that the Secretary of State cannot go to
every meeting and still run his department, we
shall have to carry on much of our interna-
tional business at lower levels. We are now
suffering from a congestion at the top, accom-
panied by the downgrading of the Ambassadors
and a neglect of the normal channels of di-
My own view is that a President and a Secre-
tary could break the habit if they were resolute
about it. They should make attendance at
international meetings a rare, not a common-
place, occurrence. They should swear off on this
continual round of travel.
Even in the most difficult case, which is that
of the Soviet Union, it might not be impossible
to open up bettter channels of communication
than those which are now used. Did we make

To the Editor:
WHATEVER ELSE Christianity
has accomplished or failed to
accomplish, it does seem to be the
case that certain Christian think-
ers have succeeded in rendering
deeper and broader our concept
of brotherhood. In the light of
this, I was disturbed to read the
remarks of the Rev. E. Luchs on
this subject, for they seem to me
to be distinguished only by their
Mr. Luchs states that "Frater-
nity men live together not as ro-
bots but as brothers. They have
knelt at the same altar and in
fraternity ritual paid obeisance to
the same God. Each man is 'broth-
ered' to the other with holy ties."
It seems relevant to point out
that others are denied the possi-
bility of kneeling at this altar and
entering into these "holy ties" for
reasons which seem irrelevant to,
indeed antithetical to, the concept
of brotherhood.
MR. LUCTIS says that "the
bigot is enveloped in brotherhood,"
and I would tend to agree with
this. In the fraternity the bigot is
enveloped in a brotherhood of big-
It is not clear to me that "col-
lege ought to prepare a student to
live with people" but insofar as
this is true, it would seem that it
ought to prepare students to live

with people without regard to
color or creed.
I doubt that fraternities further
this purpose.
A. Hugh Fleetwood
Teaching Fellow
Philosophy Department
Abusive . . .
To the Editor:
rHE LETTER by Prof e s s rs
Brazer and Stolper recently
appearing in The Daily, dealing
with a statement by Mr. Peter
Stuart in the issue of February 12,
deserves thoroughgoing condem-
I don't know anything about
Mr. Peter Stuart, and I only took
time to glance at his "editorial"
when it appeared, but the plain
fact is that the professors are the
ones who are "spouting nonsense"
when they assert baldly that
"there is no evidence that there
has been an outward migration of
industry" from Michigan - as-
suming that they are referring to
the relative positions of this state
and our neighboring states with
respect to the decisions being
made in recent years by people
with funds to invest either in the
form of expansion of existing
plants or the launching of new
enterprises. Even a very limited
inquiry - to say nothing of such
a careful study as that made by

Professor Yntema of Hope College
-will disclose very clearly that
either the professors are incred-
ibly ignorant in this area or that
they are not above a bit of de-
liberate misrepresentation.
ONEhWONDERS, moreover, just
what the professors have in mind
in suggesting that Mr. Stuart gets
his impressions "from any of a
number of well-known special-
interest propaganda mills." I wish
they would define the expression
"special-interest p r o p a g a n d a
mills" and justify its use in their
letter, and I think they should be
asked to list at least a few of these
many "mills" that are so "well-
Or are they simply indulging in
careless and intemperate language
with nothing more substantial to
back them up than the irritation
engendered by discovering that
one student on the campus has the
effrontery to disagree with their
own party-line views?
One also wonders where the
professors get the notion that
Daily "editorials," with the excep-
tion of Mr. Stuart's, are the re-
sult of "thoughtful research"
which makes use of our "fine li-
braries" and our "offering of
courses in economics, government,
and public and business adminis-
Indeed, where do we find edi-
torials, in any newspaper, that

meet these exacting specifica-
* * *
IF IT COMES to a choice as to
which item - Mr. Stuart's effort
or the professors' letter - can be
said "to constitute a disgrace" I
nominate the letter.
Our professors are supposed to
be a cut above our students when
it comes to knowledge, poise, and
objectivity, but this assumption is
not supported by the abusive Braz-
er=Stolper outburst.
WV. A. Paton
Professor Emeritus
of Accounting and Economics
Kin gston Trio . .
To the Editor:
tainly seems to have listened
to the Kingston Trio on record
many times.
Has she never looked at the al-
bum cover?
The number she referred to as
"Weam Away" is in truth a "Zulu
hunting chant" (quotation from
"The Kingston Trio At Large")
which is entitled Wimoweh.
Don't your critics check their
material before you print it?
The Kingston Trio will probably
be "getting away" with repeating
numbers for a long while - be-
cause the renditions are fresh and
lively and so are the boys. More
power to them.
Pamela Hughes, '63

... by Michael Kelly

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