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February 27, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-27

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Senate Votes



WASHINGTON () - Senate
hearings on drug industry prac-
tices were suspended indefinitely
yesterday with a statement by
Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.),
that slanted advertising claims
present an intolerable situation.
Kefauver said it was clear from
testimony that disagreements be-
tween medical and advertising
men over advertising claims were
not always settled in favor of. the
Situation Bad
That this is a bad and Intoler-
able situation is recognized by the
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Assn. in its own code of ethics,
Kefauver said. Quoting the code's
declaration that all medical
claims in promotional material
should have "medical review" be-
fore being released, Kefauver said
rigorous enforcement of the code
"would be a good place to begin."
"If they do not do so," Kefauver
said, "I have no doubt that the
Congress, or an agency of gov-
ernment, will do it for them."
Kefauver is chairman of an
Antitrust and Monopoly Subcom-
mittee that has been investigating
pricing and other practices in the
drug industry.
Hearings Impossible
He said it was impossible to
continue the hearings under pres-
ent conditions which forced the
subcommittee to meet early in the
morning and late at night to avoid
conflicts with the Senate debate
on civil rights legislation.
During the civil rights debate,
the Senate is enforcing a rule that
committee meetings may not be
held while the Senate is in session.
Kefauver said that unless the
Pharmaceutical Code gives medi-
cal men clearcut authority over
advertising claims it is just
"meaningless double talk" which
at best would cause confusion and
at worst would present "a source
of danger to the patient's health."


Break Filibuster

OVERCROWDED -- This young
live in tenements and packing-
constant influx of immigrants,
The housing problem, severe no
Hong Kong Colony.
Discusses Life
Of Hong Kon
By World University Service
Imagine the life and problems
of the three million people who
live in the 390 square miles of the
colony of Hong Kong.
Life here has changed so much
since 1949 that the inhabitants
themselves hardly know what to
make ofit. The problem is not
only one of housing and feeding-
they cannot find a flat piece of
land for new houses.
CCity blocks are leveled to build
15-story resettlement blocks.
Crazy huts, made of packing cases

TO APRIL 12, 8:30 P.M.
Tickets issued for February 27 will be honored April 12.

g man is one of many forced to
-box huts by the pressure of a
driven there by many motives.
w, is being slowly solved by the
and driftwood, cover the hillsides.
In the town, there is no living
space but bed spaces which may
be occupied by several users in
one day and night.
Face Problem
Hong Kong is not completely
bewildered by this problem; it is
facing up to it. After its founding,
it developed excellent urban serv-
ices, and educational facilities in
western style. This stable devel-
opment ended with the Japanese
invasion. After four years of pri-
vation and neglect, refugees began
to flood in.
This flood, which has trebled
the population, soon overwhelmed
the local community, and with it
came the Korean War. New in-
dustries and civic projects have
been started, but inevitably the
development and welfare pro-
gramshave lagged behind the
In higher education an entirely
new problem has emerged. After
1949, if you had been educated in
a Chinese-speaking school you had
no chance of going to university
unless you were prepared to go
to the mainland; and probably
never return.
Start Schools
Refugees started new schools in
Hong Kong which carry on the
traditions of former mainland
universities, but they are still new
and insufficient.
Generally, the 4,000 students,
whether refugees or not, range in
financial circumstances from poor
to utterly destitute. If they receive
no education, as laborers they can'
expect to earn no more than $10
a month. Furthermore, neither
their overcrowded homes or their'
inadequate school libraries furnish
ample study facilities.
Their educational problems are
intensified by the necessity in
even "Chinese Colleges' to acquire
at least a reading knowledge of
English. These students have
little or no time for relaxation,
plus the psychological stresses of
being uprooted from their homes
and anxiety about their families.

Try To Stall
Civil Rights;
All-Day Sessions
Will Start Monday
ate voted 67-10 yesterday to back
up plans of leaders of both par-1
ties for around-the-clock sessions
aimed at cracking a Southern fili-
buster against civil rights legisla-
Majority Leader Lyndon B.
Johnson (D-Texas) said he forced
the vote because "I do not want
to have the blood on my hands"
if, as he put it, any accident
should befall someone during
nonstop sessions due to start
The vote was not a clearcut
test. The quarterback of the
southern forces, Sen. Richard B.
Russell (D-Ga.), called Johnson's.
maneuver "a straw man erected
to be knocked down."
Vote on Meeting
The vote came on the question
of whether the Senate should
meet only until 5 p.m. on Mon-
day instead of staying in session
around the clock.
Johnson said he made a motion
to adjourn at that hour so that
the majority of the Senate could
express its will. Johnson himself
voted against it.
On the roll call vote, 45 Demo-
crats joined by 22 Republicans
voted against the motion. The
southern Senators split 8-8, with
Russell among those opposing the
motion. Two Republicans voted
for it.
Calls Responsible
Johnson told the Senate it had
been saidthe leadership would be
responsible if an accident should
befall someone in any 24-hour
sessions. He said he hoped all
Senators could remain in good
health, but went on to say he
didn't want to take all the blame
if this should not prove to be the
Southern forces earlier had
adopted a new tactic in their fight
a g a i n s t new Administration-
backed legislation to help guar-
antee that southern Negroes can
vote in areas where they say they
are now illegally kept from the
Sen. A. Willis Robertson (D-
Va.), announced he has called off
hearings scheduled to begin next
Tuesday by an appropriations
sub-committee he heads on the
annual money bills for the Trea-
sury and post office departments.
Southerners head a number of
appropriations subcommittees. If
others follow Robertson's ex-
ample, their action would threaten
leaders' plans to push the annual
money bills through quickly in a
drive to adjourn Congress before
the July political conventions.

IHo f fa's
ate Rackets Committee said yes-
terday it has shown up as com-
pletely dishonest President James
R. Hoff a's repeated pledges to
stamp corruption out of his
Teamster's Union.
It portrayed him* as a man un-
der deep obligations to the under-
After making his promises, the
committee told the Senate in a re-
port, Hoffa set up in Miami what
it termed a "Racket Local," No.
320. It said he installed Harold
Gross, whom it called a convict-
ed extortionist and known fixer,
as the local's president. Hoffa has
been pumping $3,000 a month sub-
sidies from his union's funds into
the local, the report said.
Committee Charges
The committee charged that a
purported anti-corruption com-
mission set up by Hoffa at the
union's expense was a coverup op-
eration. Former Sen. George H.
Bender (R-Ohio), resigned re-
cently as the commission's head.
Bender's commission, the report
alleged, "was formed merely for
purposes of deception - to con-
ceal from the committee, the
courts and the public generally
Hoffa's dependence on and obli-
gations to these (racketeer) ele-
In sum, it said, Hoffa is con-
temptuous of law and order.
The report is the first of four
which the committee is issuing on
its 1958 and 1959 investigations in
various labor-management fields.
In one section, the report said
the committee is unanimous in
viewing payoffs exacted by racke-
teers from some big metropolitan
newspapers and publishing firms
as a "potential threat to freedom
of the press."
Review Findings
The findings reviewed testimony
that payoffs had been extorted as
a price for labor peace, to avert
costly stoppages of the wholesale
delivery of newspapers, newspaper
supplements and magazines.
The report said payments ag-
gregating $307,136.60 had been
made to Gross and Cornelius (Con-
nie) Noonan, his labor union ally,
by The New York Times, The New
York Mirror, The Neo-Gravure
Printing Co. of Weehawken, N.H.,
and the American Weekly, owned
by the Hearst Publishing Co., Inc.
It said American Weekly paid to
protect its deliveries of supple-
ments to The New York Journal-
American. There was no comment
on the report by the newspapers.
Noonan is head of the Inland
Terminal Workers Local No. 1730
of the International Longshore-
men's Assn.
The report also charged that
racketeers had extorted large sums
from New York area wholesale
distributors of newspapers and
magazines, and had infiltrated
some of the firms and unions with
which the delivery firms bargain.
Jarry's savage burlesque
(Gopotty Rex)

"'The Surrealists invented
nothing better."
-Andre Gide
SAT. & SUN., MARCH 5&6
8:30 P.M. Admission 95c
Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg.
Buy tickets at Bob Marshall's

Princess Tells
Nuptial Plans
To. Conmoner
LONDON () - Princess Mar-
garet last night put the shadow of
a broken romance behind her and
announced her engagement to a
commoner, Anthony Armstrong-
Jones, photographer for2Britain's
royal family. Both are 29.
The princess' betrothal came
just a little more than four years
after she renounced her love for
Group Capt. Peter Townsend -
and two months after his mar-
riage to his Belgian secretary.
Armstrong-Jones, educated at
Eton and Cambridge in a classic
pattern from Britain's upper
middle class, has moved for two
years in the exclusive set of com-
moners around the throne. As a
court photographer, he has been
a constant escort for the princess.
Together they have spent many
hours together in the palaces and
country retreats of the royal
Armstrong-Jones is just five
months older than the princess.
Her marriage will not affect her
position as fourth in line of suc-
cession to the throne, after Queen
Elizabeth's three children.

February 27, 1960

Chrysler To Remain in Michigan
LANSING (A') -- Chrysler Cor-
poration"hasnopresen pans to complaints and make a report, moderate rate of
move out of Michigan," L. L. (Tex) Miriani said he would do the same. maximum, or both,"
Colbert, president, declared yes- The meetings stemmed from an tion of discrimine
terday. attack on Detroit's property tax Michigan firms doin
The auto firm head twice made and the state tax structure last number of states.
that pronouncement after confer- week by William C. Newberg, Tax Sour
ences on Chrysler's tax worries Chrysler's executive vice-president. Colbert maintaine
with Gov. G. Mennen Williams and He said the company couldn't be activities tax was "ba
Mayor Louis C. Miriani of Detroit. counted on to maintain the ma- He rejected William
He said he will so inform Gov. jority of its operations in Michi- a corporation incon
Michael Disalle of Ohio, who in- gan without some tax changes. unstable revenue pr
vited the company last week to Colbert made these recommen- tuating in times of
shift its operations to Ohio. dations: and bad.
Colbert also declared, however, 1) A revision of Detroit's personal Colbert declined
that Chrysler suffers from "seri- property tax assessments, which he recommendations fo
ous shortcomings" in state and said were "much higher percentage the revenue that w
local tax laws. He asked Williams of value than real property." As a his proposals were
and Miriani to start action to result, he said, the company paid "We don't propo
correct the situation. a tax penalty of $10 million in the tion," he said. "We
Names Committee three years from 1958 to 1960. ing the facts."
Williams said he had named a 2) Legislation to exempt from Asks Refa
special study committee headed by personal property taxation tools, Williams, report
his legal adviser, Alfred B. Fitt, dies, jigs and fixtures, -utting progress" from his
to port over the company's tax Michigan in line with Ohio. Colbert and other



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