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February 24, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-24

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Dirksen Backs Defense Policy

erett M. Dlrksen (R-Ill.), accused
Democrats yesterday of falsely
picturing President Dwight D.
Eisenhower 'as worshipping "an
irridescent dollar sign in the sky"
at the expense of national defense.
In polite but pungent language,
Dirksen, the Senate Republican
leader, took Sen. Stuart Syming-
ton (D-Mo.) to task for saying
the Republican Administration
had been "willing to juggle the in-

telligence books to balance the
budget books."
"It is best to be careful about
throwing stones around in this
man's town and in this political
arena, because the book rises up
to haunt one," Dirksen told the
Senate in a soft, paternal voice.
He said he is not going to re-
main silent while defense "be-
comes a political issue and it is
made to appear that this Admin-
istration and the present com-

State Senator Asks Testing
To Determine Achievement

LANSING (P)-State-wide test-
ing of fifth graders to make sure
all are being well grounded in
basic subjects was urged last
night in the State Senate.
Sen. Stanley F. Rozycki (D-
Hamtramck), father of four, pro-
posed the tests to "wake up par-
ents to the fact that junior is not
doing too well in a great many
"It would be up to the educators
to find an answer, for parents to
take more interest," he said.
Rozycki, 51, a printing firm head
serving his fifth year in the Sen-
ate, submitted a bill that would,
call for exams by the state super-
intendent of public instruction.
The results would be made public.
"Evidently, they're not doing
too good a job in elementary
school because we find out that
what's basic in high school is far
beyond them.
"The high schools don't give
the kids geometry and algebra be-
cause they find the students can't

add and subtract. And when a boy
or girl can't read well, they're not
ready for much else," Rozycki
"So they're given dancing, foot-
ball, frill subj nnts.
"Sometimes people forget a
youngster has to know something
to get along in life nowadays.
Even for factory jobs, muscle
doesn't mean much anymore.
You've got to have knowledge to
operate a machine today."
R o z y c k i said fifth graders
should be examined on the "basic
skills of reading, spelling, arith-
metic, science and such addition-
al general subjects as the (state)
superintendent deems appropri-
"My idea is to get the child be-
fore it's too late. If he's not do-
ing well in the fifth grade that's
the time to make corrections.
"If a student gets out of eighth
grade without learning to read
and add, we're in for a picnicrthe
rest of the way," he said.

mander-in-chief are putting an
irridescent dollar sign in the sky
and are making that the point of
worship, instead of our security
and survival."
Democrats Critical
By advance planning both Sym-
ington and Senate Democratic
Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of
Texas had recorded their replies
to Dirksen before the GOP leader
got the floor to speak. The two
Democrats, both considered among
the leading runners for their par-
ty's presidential nomination, have
been critical of the defense pro-
gram for a long time.
Johnson arose as the Senate
met to say "There are serious
doubts among informed people
whether we are doing enough fast
enough" in efforts to close the
missile gap with Russia.
"If we step up our defenses and
they are not needed, all we lose
is money," Johnson said. "If we
don't step up our defenses and
they are needed, we could lose
our country itself."
Reiterates Charge
Symington put out a statement
reiterating his charge that the
Administration is misleading the
country about the relative mili-
tary strength of Russia and the
United States.
He called for publication now
of the estimated ratio of Soviet
missile strength to that of this
country as of midyear in 1960,
1961 and 1962. He said this year's
estimates indicate the Russian
lead is more than the 3-1 advan-
tage calculated 1 .t year.
In contrast to the sometimes
bitter debate that has flared in
the past over the defense issue,
Dirksen put on an amiable show.
He polished up Symington as a
military expert who had served in
World War I, had been Secretary
of the Air Force and chairman of
the National Security Resources
Then Dirksen proceeded to re-
mind Symington of several state-
ments Symington had made to the
effect that spending more money
for defense than the c o u n t r y
could afford, could "only end in
national bankruptcy."

Conn Cites
For Detroit
Chrysler Proposal
Sparks Controversy
Gov. G. Mennen Williams,
Chrysler Corp. President L. L. Col-
bert and Detroit Mayor Louis C.
Miriani will try to resolve the lat-
est friction in the state financial
picture this Friday,
Colbert will meet first with
Miriani and then Williams to dis-
cuss the situation touched off last
week when a Chrysler executive
said the corporation could not
guarantee continuance of its oper-
ations in the Detroit area unless
there were alterations in the
state's tax structure.
The property taxes on inven-
tories and equipment levied by De-
troit and other municipalities are
believed to be the big reason for
Chrysler's complaints.
Charges State Lax
Miriani complained, following
the Chrysler charges, that the
state has ignored municipal fi-
nancial problems.
TheConlinTax Study Commit-
tee last year proposed a remedy
whichsit claimed would remedy
the situation. The property taxes
and other state levies would be
replaced by a corporate income
tax, which would exact a lesser
burden on business in the state.
Conlin says this would have
"opened the way" for cities to
share in the income tax receipts.
But "as it stands, Detroit has
no place to go for more money
except the property tax and more
state aid," Conlin said yesterday
in Lansing.
Questions Mayor
Conlin said "It's a little late for
Miriani to kick about the situa-
tion now. Why didn't he put his
shoulder to the wheel when we
were trying to revise the tax sys-
tem last year and open the way
for cities to get revenue from
sources other than property
"He is as much to blame for the
situation as anybody. It's star-
gazing if he thinks he can sit
back and let someone else try to
solve a thing as complicated as
"I've asked Detroit officials for
years to get their house in order
and provide a program of addi-
tional city revenues, other than
the real estate tax," William Baird




Sit-Down Strikes_ Spread in South

Demonstrations by N e g r o e s
against segregated lunch-counters
and restaurants in Greensboro,
North Carolina have s p r e a d
throughout the South and are
gaining sympathy in the North.
Negro protests began on Feb. 1,
when four students from North
Carolina Agricultural and Tech-
nical College were refused service
at a lunch-counter in a local dime
store. The Negroes were permitted
to stand and be served, but in-
sisted upon sitting.
Since the first protests, similar
uprisings have occurred against
member department stores of na-
tional chains in other parts of the
country including New York,
Philadelphia, and Baltimore. Col-
lege students are instigating most
of the action in the North.
Picket in Philadelphia
Philadelphia college and high
school students picketed against a
west Philadelphia Woo1worth
store shortly after the Greensboro
incident. Announcement of the
strike was run in the University
of Pennsylvania "Daily Pennsyl-


vanian" with an invitation to at-
tend a planning session.
There was a lull in the South
this weekend.
In the South, Negro leaders in
Durham, N. C., agreed to con-
tinue their protests by sit-down
demonstrations, boycotting, and
picketing until they reach their
goal of desegregated lunch count-
Store managers involved in the
disputes are willing to let Negroes
stand at counters where they
weren't permitted before. Rev.
F. L. Shuttlesworth, a Negro of
Birmingham, Ala., commented,
"We don't want token freedom.
We want full freedom."
Increase Activity
In Charlotte, N. C., yesterday
Negroes aided by whites resumed
a sit-down strike at a counter of
the F. W. Woolworth Co. Negro
spectators cheered as police led
each of the demonstrators to pa-
trol cars for transportation to
headquarters and booking for
tresspassing. The Negro students

came from Winston-Salem Teach-
ers College and the whites from
Wake Forest College.
In Chattanooga, Tenn., the re-
verse happened yesterday. White
instigators started a violent brawl
with some Negro students who
were holding a sit-down strike.
The demonstrations were stopped
within 30 minutes and the aggres-
sive whites were charged with dis-
orderly conduct.
Arouse Attention
These demonstrations in Chat-
tanooga have aroused national at-
tention. Three Negro parents and
the president of the local NAACP,
James R. Mapp, have demanded
immediate integration in the
schools. They told the school su-
perintendent that Federal Court
proceedings will be started if in-
tegration is not ordered.
Parades, speeches, and court
action have arisen in the segre-
gated sttaes of the South. Negro
sympathy is increasing in the
North as seen by more moderate
demonstrations like s i t - d o w n
strikes by both Negro and white
st u d e n t s from Johns-Hopkins
University in Baltimore.

House Group
Modifies Bill
On Interest
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee yielded partially yesterday to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
demand for repeal of the interest
rate ceiling on long-term govern-
ment bonds.
Although its Democratic mem.,
bers split sharply, the committee
approved a compromise bill which
would give the treasury wide, but
not unlimited, latitude to market
new bonds carrying more attrac-
tive yields.
Climaxing a year-long stale-
mate over the interest rate issue,
the committee voted 18-7 to
send the compromise to the House
where a new battle is in prospect.
Its rate in the Senate also is un-
Seven of the committee Demo-
crats voted against the comprom-
ise, and eight for it. All 10 com-
mittee Republicans voted for the
Secretary of the Treasury Rob-
ert B. Anderson said he still pre-
ferred outright repeal of the in-
terest ceiling.


it Officials


Second Front Page
Wednesday, February 34, 1960 Page 3

Kennedy Cho
As Foreign P4
F. Kennedy (D-Mass.), announced
yesterday Rep. Chester Bowles (D-
Conn.) had agreed to serve as
foreign policy adviser in his pres-
idential campaign.
Kennedy told a news conference
in reply to questions this does not'
mean that he necessarily will pick
Bowles as Secretary of State if
he wins the Democratic nomina-
tion and is elected. Neither, he
said, is it a sure sign he will sup-
port Bowles for the presidential
nomination if he finds he can-
not win it for himself.
Bowles Mentioned
Bowles, former Connecticut gov-
ernor, ambassador to India and
head of the Office of Price Ad-
ministration, has received men-
tion as a dark horse Democratic
Bowles said at the news confer-
ence he is delighted to work in
the Kennedy campaign not only
because he and the Senator view

oses Bowles
olic Advisor
foreign policy questions alike but
because he believes Kennedy has
the best chance of beating Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon, the
apparently certain Republican
Kennedy said that in addition
to giving advice on foreign policy
questions, Bowles will fill some im
portant speaking engagements for
him in the campaign.
Letter Released
The Senator released a letter to
Bowles in which he said, "It has
become increasingly clear that the
search for a just and durable
peace is the basic issue of the 1960
"Whether we talk about the
missile gap, arms control, the un-
derdeveloped world, the high
taxes necessary to support our de-
fense establishments or using
farm surpluses more effectively
abroad, we are talking about


Available at

Sorority Rush Group Meetings



Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1960
Groups 1-11 . . . 7:00 P.M.
Groups 12-22 . . . 8:00 P.M.
at The League





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